I Hate You...


Championship Contender
Pretty easy, say who are the wrestlers that you most hate...

I hate 3 Superstars that I can't see the appeal of:
1) R-Truth
2) McGillicutty
3) Alex Riley
Really, the people you hate the most are R-Truth, McChicken, and Alex Riley? So, one guy that is at least trying something different, and two guys who haven't even been around long enough to hate? Hey, it's your opinion, but...

The Great Kahli. I can understand guys that go out there and put on a bad match. Some guys just aren't the greatest in-ring technicians, and even the best superstar can have a bad night. I can even understand a wrestling promotion using a giant the size of Kahli. But when you dress that giant up in big red pajamas, he has zero personality in ANY language, he sells punches like a brick wall, has 3 moves in his repertoire (all of which involve only his hands), and can't move more than 2 feet at a time...why? Why waste my time and your money!?!

Heath Slater has been good for one thing, and one thing only... Setting up John Cena for a Wendy's chant.

Hornswaggle. SOmebody will tell me he's not a wrestler, he's a special attraction for little kids... But let me remind you that he was the reveal for the Vince McMahon's child angle, AND the death of the Cruiswerweight title. FUck you Hornswaggle
Ken Anderson- I think he may be the most overrated guy in wrestling today. He's a flat out bad wrestler, and he's proven himself to be a shit mic man as well. There's absolutely no reason for him to be at the top of the TNA card.

Drew McIntyre- What a massively overrated guy he was. He got that Chosen One push and everyone thought he could be something, but he's boring in every aspect of wrestling except for his sweet accent, which is not nearly enough to save him.

Ted DiBiase- Admittedly he has gotten better since pairing up with Cody, but before that he was a complete and total failure, once again, sucked in ring, sucked on the mic, couldn't buy an interesting feud (which he kayfabe tried).
I hate Crimson and Gunner as much as I hate the people who like them. To be more specific, I hate them as much as the people who claim that they like personality in wrestling, yet say that these two are good. Boring dicks who are getting pushed ahead of far more deserving people.

Eric Young is so ridiculously unfunny I want to shoot him in the eyes.

Ezekiel Jackson, David Otunga, Michael McGillicutty, Abyss and Rob Terry for being boring in everything they do.
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3324488 said:
Really, the people you hate the most are R-Truth, McChicken, and Alex Riley? So, one guy that is at least trying something different, and two guys who haven't even been around long enough to hate? Hey, it's your opinion, but...

A little troll I see... I didn't see you spewing shit to other fellow members that expressed his hate for Otunga and Heath Slater.

The Great Kahli. I can understand guys that go out there and put on a bad match. Some guys just aren't the greatest in-ring technicians, and even the best superstar can have a bad night. I can even understand a wrestling promotion using a giant the size of Kahli. But when you dress that giant up in big red pajamas, he has zero personality in ANY language, he sells punches like a brick wall, has 3 moves in his repertoire (all of which involve only his hands), and can't move more than 2 feet at a time...why? Why waste my time and your money!?!

Heath Slater has been good for one thing, and one thing only... Setting up John Cena for a Wendy's chant.

Hornswaggle. SOmebody will tell me he's not a wrestler, he's a special attraction for little kids... But let me remind you that he was the reveal for the Vince McMahon's child angle, AND the death of the Cruiswerweight title. FUck you Hornswaggle

So, two guys that are at least something different, and one guy who hasn't even been around long enough to hate? Hey, it's your opinion, but...

Chose another one to troll, do you??
1. The Rock - I don't give a shit if you like him, what he's done in the past, and how much his movies make, he doesn't "bring it" for me. I don't find anything about him appealing.

2. Triple H - Give me the "The Cerebral Assassin" "The Game" "The King of Kings" "Half of DX" but fucking please get rid of the COO/CCO whatever the hell his current title is. I don't like Triple H as a face.

3. Every washed up ex WWE employee in TNA - the Hardy's, the Dudley's, Hogan, RVD.... Id continue but fuck there are way to many
Zack Ryder - I don't hate him, I just don't like him. I've seen enough of him to know that he's overrated by the marks which bow at his feet, licking his toes before allowing him to spew his "hair gel" atop their crowns. The guy is decent at everything, but excels on the microphone. That doesn't mean he instantaneously deserves television time. But hey, fair play to the Ryder fans, they bitched, whined, complained and got him on television - and they still bitch, whine and complain.

Crimson - Crimson is one of the most undeserved pushes ever. And I mean ever! He's in Big Daddy V territory. What TNA see him will never be revealed, he is intense but after that has nothing which is even remotely impressive. Not even his physique impresses me. At least Gunner is a former NWA Anarchy Champion, he has a couple credits to his name. Crimson is ginger, that is all.

Drew McIntyre - Bland. Bland. Bland. Even typing this brings forth the image of a white wall. Previously I've given McIntyre credit, which he deserves to a degree. Decent wrestler, good look - but what kills him is how mundane he is. McIntyre just radiates boredom. The McIntyre of Elimination Chamber showed a fucking passion to be something - but one event doesn't give him a transformation. And after that, I don't hate him - I hate him for the simple fact he was given what is one of the best themes in WWE history alongside an intro, which brings forth a positive reception from the crowd - and when he appears...*crickets**crickets* Why did they give the Scottish Randy Orton wannabe a great theme? WHY?

Kofi Kingston - Bland. Blander than McOrton. Good wrestler though, but his uber face persona incorporated with his lack of a personality immediately just makes me want to grab a pillow ever time he appears on-screen. When he was Jamacain Kofi was quite likable. But the Kingston I've seen week-in and out for the past year is the cure to insomnia.
I hate Crimson and Gunner as much as I hate the people who like them. To be more specific, I hate them as much as the people who claim that they like personality in wrestling, yet say that these two are good. Boring dicks who are getting pushed ahead of far more deserving people.

Just taken from the TNÅ section:

Its no secret TNA has to be best prospects in wrestling right now in Crimson and Gunner both of them have the ability to be the next big thing!!!! But which is better and which one will seize the moment and lead wrestling in the next decade??? The WWE has no one like these 2 guys right now these 2 guys if used properly can be the next big name in pro wrestling so who is better and who will be the one?

I personally like both men and can't decide the only way I will know who it is when both of them wrestler Angle then we will see what they are made of in the ring and who ever puts on the better show with a believable win will be the one. But I wanna hear what you think who is better and why?????

I watched "SD" on "black Friday" (release day), & wondered why Henry, Khali, & everyone in that 6-man tag wasn't included.
I agree with those that say DiBiase (JUNIOR!!!) & Slater. I am not a fan of Booker on commentary (watched "Invasion" DVD last night & longed for his old days), but Barrett would be no better.
A little troll I see... I didn't see you spewing shit to other fellow members that expressed his hate for Otunga and Heath Slater.
Chose another one to troll, do you??


Did you even read anything I wrote? I hate Slater. I said the only thing he's good for was setting up Cena for a chant... And Otunga wasn't even mentioned. But I'm not his biggest fan either. If you're going to negative rep me, which doesn't matter because you're rep power is 0 (probably because you've made so many other really stupid decisions), at least know what the hell you're talking about. I wasn't trolling you, I was stating my opinion, and saying that I think the guys you hate at least deserve a looking at...

Wait, why am I accurately defending myself? This is the Spam Zone. Go fuck yourself.

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