I Hate To Go Here.....


....But what are the possibilities of John Cena turning heel at TLC? I know, I know. We've seen these sorts of threads quite a bit over the past few years and I COMPLETELY understand if anyone rolls their eyes at yet another one. I'm doing it myself even as I type it out. But, there are a few little things that I've noticed over the past several weeks that has me wondering, what if....

Maybe it's just me, but there are a couple of signs hinting at what MIGHT amount to a turn for Cena. Again, maybe it's just me seeing something that isn't really there. When Cena returned from injury, there seemed to be more of the old Thuganomics aspect of Cena in some of his promos. Far less pandering to the audience, at times, than is usual.

There's also his entrance at the Survivor Series following Orton vs. Big Show. There just seemed to be.....I dunno...just something about the way he got in between Triple H & Stephanie. Is it just me or were they looking at Cena in a way that conveyed admiration? Also, at Survivor Series, what about that mysterious talk Cena was having with Trips backstage before his title match against Del Rio? Orton walked in on 'em and the talk stopped abruptly. If I'm not mistaken, didn't Orton address that that last week on Raw? Didn't he say something about them secretly wanting Cena to be "the face" of WWE?

There's also the confrontation on Raw last night. Did anyone notice how Cena was speaking so reverently and respectfully of Triple H last night? When Cena was running Orton down about being "lazy" and all that, he pointed out how Triple H had Hall of Fame mentors, or something to that effect, for Orton to help him live up to his potential. No smarky remarks towards The Authority, no cheeky little insults towards them even though they've been on Orton's side.

I might also be wrong, but hasn't Triple H mentioned something about a "change" taking place in WWE pertaining to do with Unifying the WWE & World Heavyweight Championships? With them "guaranteeing" one champion and with their growing tensions with Randy Orton over the past month or so, could they be planning to backstab Orton and help Cena win the title?

As I said, maybe this all just me seeing stuff that's not really there or doesn't mean what I'm thinking. Please don't point, laugh & ridicule me. Otherwise, let it all rip & tear into me like Big Show & Mark Henry would tear through all you can eat ribs night at Golden Corral. :blush:
I doubt it for the simple reason that a Cena heel turn at TLC would inevitably cause an Orton face turn which would be pointless and unnecessary.
I can't see it happening just yet. I understand that they have somewhat foreshadowed a Cena heel turn and I personally think it should/has to happen during his career. However, it is too soon for him to turn heel. There is no natural replacement for Cena. Punk/Bryan can partially do it but not completely fill the void. Moreover, it would be wasted at TLC. Surely they would wait for Wrestlemania.

It would be awesome and quite shocking if he did turn heel and side with The Authority. It would be dramatic and open up so many doors. Furthermore, it would give Cena a completely differnt challenge and I would love to see how John Cena confronts turning heel.

Perhaps this is only the start. Maybe they are targeting a Cena heel turn at a later date but, like I said, it is way to soon and not at the correct PPV. That being said, it would be an incredible way to spark interest on the Road to Wrestlemania.
It's not just you. The signs are there, but they could easily be a red herring.

There's something brewing there and the cool thing is it's wide open. There isn't a clear main event at Wrestlemania yet, but the idea of Cena turning heel and holding the WWE Title going in to face Undertaker who is standing up for the purity of WWE makes my mouth water.

That being said, I think it's a swerve. I just can't imagine them actually pulling the trigger after just a few weeks' of build up. Cena likely will turn heel someday, but I don't think it's here. There's a chance of it though and that's what makes it interesting. I don't know what's going to happen at TLC and beyond and that's why this could be the start of an awesome few months.
We've been here so many times now that I feel stupid just speculating on it.
In my mind, all the pieces are in place. Cena wins the title with assistance, Bryan wins the Rumble and then we get the resolution that has been oddly missing ever since Bryan was quietly removed from the title picture. Instinct tells me this is just another fakeout though, which is maybe what the WWE intends.
There is one reason why I don't think this will happen. It's the WWE. They don't turn the sole clear cut face of their company heel. They never did it with Hogan, WCW did. Stone Cold became the face as a heel, the fans turned him, not WWE. Once they turned him heel, he was no longer the sole face of the company, they had multiple people to take his role, namely the Rock and Undertaker. Since then, it's been Cena. WWE won't take the chance.
No, it's not just you. They're sending CLEAR signals right now that I just haven't want to voice for the exact same reasons you mention. I still think they're telegraphing a possible Cena turn a little too hard, but this isn't idle conjecture at this point; they're very clearly trying to set it up as a possibility.

I still think that this is leading to a surprise entrant, or even Triple H himself deciding "Screw these guys...I'm the fucking greatest champion this business has seen, and I'll prove it right....NOW".
I wouldn't worry too much about suggesting that a John Cena could be imminent as I for one think that it probably is, and definitely should be. However, I don't think it is happening at TLC; that's too soon and there hasn't been sufficient build for it. I think they well could be planting the seeds for it to happen down the road, and they are putting out feelers to see how it may be received. And they may be setting the groundwork for some rationale behind the Cena heel turn when they finally do decide to pull the trigger.

I see a Cena heel turn happening in the next six months, likely culminating at WM30. And I see this happening in one of two ways. He either ends the Undertaker's undefeated Wrestlemania streak (with or without involvement by the Authority). Or he turns on a returning hulk Hogan to spoil his return to WWE.

People around the forums talk frequently about the John Cena heel turn like it's near blasphemy to even suggest it. However, I think it's coming and I think it's coming soon. Just not in two weeks time.
I am not sure if he will go heel.If this were the Attitude Era maybe,because it was more adult.Cena brings in a lot of money from kids and is a great PR guy for the WWE for his Make a Wish visits.Maybe Vince is afraid of losing sponsors like he did during the Attitude Era.Personally,I think it would be great for wrestling.It would open up a ton new matches and maybe open the door for Sting to come in for maybe a 3 year run and have a match with Cena.
The signs are very clear, and even though there were lots of times where a Cena turn seemed plausible, this time they seem to be hinting at it a lot harder, and the climate now is better than ever:

-If Cena goes heel, Punk and Bryan are there to fill the top face spot and merchandise sales
-Cena and the Authority seem to be on the same page literally every time they appear together
-Orton is clearly losing favor as their go to guy, so who better than Cena to fill the gap?

The only problem here is that a Cena heel turn will be much more built up than to just pop up in a feud that has only lasted for about 3 weeks. Plus, it would happen at one of the Big 4 at least, like at the Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania itself. I personally see them heading for Cena v. Taker with a heel turn mid-match.
Well the possibility is certainly there i will give you that much. Cena was certainly respectful of the authority speaking to Triple H with all the respect in the world.. Running Orton into the ground with him being lazy,and basically wasted his potential while running with evolution even though the group name never came up..

Man We all want Cena to turn heel,but i just unfortunately dont see it happening! The signs are there,but i doubt he will ever turn heel just dont see it happening! But I could be wrong
I don't know what else to say about this...its not gonna happen. A heel turn for Cena won't bring in new viewers or do anything good for the WWE. There is nobody big enough to replace Cena as the face of the company. I know people will say db and punk but honestly they are not even close to his level. Also, right now we need more faces. The majority of the guys that get tv time are heels. So why create more heels? Do we really need a face Orton again? I just don't see why people think a heel turn is a good idea. Can someone please explain to me how this would benefit the WWE, besides one or two new storylines .
I do see that might be a possibility, they are throwing a bunch of clues that wil likely be red herrings. Funny thing is has anyone else noticed that the last 2 Raws have been to most positive Pro-Cena crowds in a while? Cena has dropped Hogans name a few times in the last week now so i see them being involved hectometer at Maina. Maybe partners, Hulk in Cena's corner, or 1 on 1 (please God, anything but that).
I don't know what else to say about this...its not gonna happen. A heel turn for Cena won't bring in new viewers or do anything good for the WWE. There is nobody big enough to replace Cena as the face of the company. I know people will say db and punk but honestly they are not even close to his level. Also, right now we need more faces. The majority of the guys that get tv time are heels. So why create more heels? Do we really need a face Orton again? I just don't see why people think a heel turn is a good idea. Can someone please explain to me how this would benefit the WWE, besides one or two new storylines .

A heel turn by John Cena would do wonders for WWE because it would do something which is sorely lacking from the professional wrestling product in general these days: inject a little unpredictability into the product. The biggest problem these days, for a whole host of reasons, is that the product is accused of being stale and predictable. Most developments on PPV have been discussed, dissected and analyzed ad nauseum. Nothing new or significant tends to happen on regular RAW or SD TV programming. People are tired of the same old same old, and John Cena is typical of this sentiment for many fans.

Cena turning heel would not have to bring in new viewers. But I think it could do wonders to alleviate the erosion of existing viewers who seem to be tuning out. Very little can be done these days to entice new viewers to the product, that's a sign of the times. But it could keep existing viewers who are disillusioned and frustrated from changing the channel. It doesn't have to be forever, in fact it doesn't even have to occur for a very long period of time before he can be changed back if necessary. In the meantime, the face role can be filled by a number of guys; there is no need to have one big super face to offset Cena.

I'm not saying he is definitely going to turn, but it is distinctly possible and could be epic if done properly. There are very few developments that can occur in professional wrestling that would really rock the foundation of the business, and this would be one such occurrence if done properly. I wouldnt be too quick to discount it as "not gonna happen".
Although as many mention, I would really be looking forward to a champion Cena vs Undertaker at wrestlemania.Lets be honest they are not doing that.

First of all, its too little build-up.If anything Cena will and if it will ever happen , have the most anticipated heel turn ever.So I think they would want a good clear and intense storyline that would eventually wind up with him turning heel.

TLC isnt a big enough PPV to do it and with how Vince wants more PPV buys, I would guess he would either do It at EC/Royal Rumble/Wrestlemania//Summerslam.

+ The only guy that could be face right now agaisnt him would be DB and they just feuded and DB is busy.And even so, only faces atm on Cena's heel level would be DB and CM Punk.In a year if they treat Roman Reigns right he could be a big face but we'll see.

I just think these hints are just a few minor character tweaks that they do to keep people guessing.I mean there was a time when people thought Cena would turn heel with the whole Nexus angle.Didnt happen.They thought it would happen vs The fkn Rock, didnt happen.
I say slim to none if there is a surprise I would say its more likely that neither mans walks out with titles and say Brock Lesnar comes in F5s them both and takes the belts
Hell they could even use this to set up Taker Brock with Taker coming back for the WWE honor
The signs are very clear, and even though there were lots of times where a Cena turn seemed plausible, this time they seem to be hinting at it a lot harder, and the climate now is better than ever:

-If Cena goes heel, Punk and Bryan are there to fill the top face spot and merchandise sales
-Cena and the Authority seem to be on the same page literally every time they appear together
-Orton is clearly losing favor as their go to guy, so who better than Cena to fill the gap?

The only problem here is that a Cena heel turn will be much more built up than to just pop up in a feud that has only lasted for about 3 weeks. Plus, it would happen at one of the Big 4 at least, like at the Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania itself. I personally see them heading for Cena v. Taker with a heel turn mid-match.

Punk and Bryan are NOT going to be the FACE of the wwe, filling in the void of cena.

If Bryan was projected to be the face of the comapny, wwe would have booked and positioned Bryan as one by now in that authority storyline. The mchamon screwed him over making him look like a chump. The things HHH said about him were shoots. We dont even know if Bryan will be positioned in the mainevent in the near future, let alone considering him filling the void of cena.

Punk has mentioned in the past of his intention to retire in his 40s. Didnt punk draw in 2.3 ratings once as champion? Cm Punk is a good face, a second tier face to the wwe though.
I'm agreeing with KB that it might be just a red herring. Even then it doesn't mean that WWE can't get the most out of simply teasing a heel turn. Even doing that is more than enough to peak interest. From a business standpoint, WWE isn't ready for this move. And won't be until a consistent face on Cena's level steps up. Hogan had Sting and Warrior, and Austin had Rock. Who does Cena have again? No one that can really compete with his ability to draw. And if I'm being brutally honest, I don't really see the appeal of a heel John Cena right now at all. As a face he's very unique in his ability to garner consistent interest, but as a heel I don't see him being able to put over others any better than as a face.
A heel turn by John Cena would do wonders for WWE because it would do something which is sorely lacking from the professional wrestling product in general these days: inject a little unpredictability into the product. The biggest problem these days, for a whole host of reasons, is that the product is accused of being stale and predictable. Most developments on PPV have been discussed, dissected and analyzed ad nauseum. Nothing new or significant tends to happen on regular RAW or SD TV programming. People are tired of the same old same old, and John Cena is typical of this sentiment for many fans.

Cena turning heel would not have to bring in new viewers. But I think it could do wonders to alleviate the erosion of existing viewers who seem to be tuning out. Very little can be done these days to entice new viewers to the product, that's a sign of the times. But it could keep existing viewers who are disillusioned and frustrated from changing the channel. It doesn't have to be forever, in fact it doesn't even have to occur for a very long period of time before he can be changed back if necessary. In the meantime, the face role can be filled by a number of guys; there is no need to have one big super face to offset Cena.

I'm not saying he is definitely going to turn, but it is distinctly possible and could be epic if done properly. There are very few developments that can occur in professional wrestling that would really rock the foundation of the business, and this would be one such occurrence if done properly. I wouldnt be too quick to discount it as "not gonna happen".
This is exactly why a heel turn doesn't make sense. The risk isn't worth the reward. You take your #1 guy, the only guy that has proven that he can carry the company, and turn him heel just to please current viewers? You possibly ruin all the positives that he brings to the company just to please current fans? WWE is much like the NFL or NBA at this point. No matter how bad it gets, it will keep a huge portion of fans because they have no other serious options. The WWE needs to bring in new fans. A Cena heel turn will more than likely cause them to lose fans. Yes it will be exciting a new but children and parents that like John Cena because he is a good role model will stop watching. You have to remember that kids still think this is real, so they won't sit around and wait for stories to play out. They will stop watching as soon as their hero turns his back on them.
Watching the end of Raw last night, I actually told myself I could see it happening. I figure if it does happen it will play out with Orton going over at TLC, and Cena slowly losing it over not being Triple H's "face of the company." It starts innocently enough, Cena being too rough on a guy like Ryder or Santino in a friendly match, then it progresses to Cena becoming overly aggressive and getting DQed against a mid card guy, eventually he full on breaks down and does everything he can to recapture gold, full on begging Trips for another shot.

If they go a more traditional route, I envision Cena joining sides with Trips after Trips screws Orton. Regardless of if he turns or not, I'm just enjoying Cena taking things more serious than usual. I hate when Cena goes out and makes jokes about his opponent.
I admit that Cena being so respectful of Triple H did get me thinking "Could they....." then I caught myself and went "Nah!" It would be a great angle as Cena really is the face of WWE and the corporate chosen one, Orton's role feels so hollow at this point that the switch would breathe life into things, but I just don't see them risking it.

To play devils advocate, if they do it then I don't see it happening at TLC as Cena winning clean proves he is the face of WWE and means that no face turn for Orton is required. If they did it I think it would be at the Rumble with Cena facing the man who beat him at Summerslam and deciding to throw his hat in with The Authority to ensure a win, with Cena citing that him being Champion for Mania 30 is what is best for business and what he deserves
WWW have teased this before, cocky Cena, surprisingly aggressive Cena, hints of thugonomics in promos... We were all thinking the same thing this time last year leading up to WM29 in the programme with the Rock.

But. And it's a big but, although a Cena turn might not bring in new viewers, it may stop current viewers from leaving, it will set up New feuds and give something the wrestling world's not yet seen in a full heel Cena. He's hench, and would be s legit monster heel. Imagine an AA to a face like D-Bry or a legend like Dusty through a table or onto a car. It could mean a new/altered moveset too.

As for the kids, let's see, not as if they don't love a badass (Batman, Wolverine, 'Taker) and as for the female fans, a badass Cena? Think they'd hate it too? Can't see their losses outweighing what they could possibly stand to gain.
Yes I also notices he sort of changed his voice and accent a little bit but he seems to have reverted back to his usual thing. I am a massive Cena fan either way but it would be SOOOO refreshing to see a heel turn and joining The Authority however, does this mean this will happen? not a chance in hell. It's all speculation at this point regardless of what we have been seeing as of late, I feel the whole added edge to his character was a way of getting some "the haters" to like him a bit more.

Plus the fact that unless the plan is for BOTH Cena and Orton to become a joint team as part of this whole authority stuff, I could not see any sense in it. They still don't have anyone to replace Cena as the top face of the company. CM Punk was a great Champion but obviously was never going to be "The Guy" because he is not a "Vince McMahon" guy. He is not your typical WWE guy and unfortunately the Bryan thing was abject failure.....:(
I dont think CENA will turn heel anytime soon. Him turning heel will be a big moment and it will only happen if RAW has got some competition with other WRESTLING promotions..
They are just teasing us I think. They've teased us about a Cena heel turn for years now. First, the Nexus angle when it seemed very likely that Cena would cost Orton the WWE title. Then his feud with Kane, where Kane told him to embrace the hate. There have been times where there were angles that seemed to be designed to turn him heel, but it just didn't happen. And this seems like another tease.

The Authority angle would be another angle where it would make sense for Cena to turn. He can talk about how this company is his life, so he has to side with Trips and Steph. But I doubt it's going to happen, as much as we'd all like it to. But Undertaker vs. Heel Cena at Wrestlemania? That alone would help break the 1 millions buys mark.

And can you imagine face Punk vs. heel Cena? As defensive as his serious face promos are, I'd imagine his heel promos would be quite offensive. Maybe bringing up some non-kayfabe issues. A Cena who doesn't have to watch what he says would have some amazing promos with Punk. A Punk has been saying for a few years now that he's going to retire at quite an early age, so I hope a Cena heel turn happens in time for him to feud with a face Punk.

But yeah, I don't think he's turning heel before Wrestlemania, though it would be the perfect time to do so as a Cena heel turn would be huge breath of fresh air on Raw, which is seriously struggling.

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