I hate that I can't fit this entire post in my sig


Mid-Card Championship Winner
What the hell was that tonight? "I don't mean to ignore your feud with CM Punk, but what is it like having your own bus?" WTF?!? Where the hell did that come from?

This was stupid on so many levels. First, I'm to believe that Orton doesn't fly around on airplanes like the rest of the company, that he has his own bus, and that he brings his wife with him everywhere that he goes.

Even if he did bring his wife to all the events, (which I seriously doubt he does. Was that even his wife? I have no idea what she looks like.) why is she so upset about tonight's attack, and not any other attack that he receives? If she were supposedly at Raw every single week with him, why wouldn't she be showing up every time Orton got hurt?

Next, why even involve a bus in the first place? The whole time Randy Orton was talking about his bus, all I could think was, "This does not fit his character." Him talking about his bus was about as obvious as someone bringing a cake to the ring. Honestly, I assumed CM Punk would ram it with a crane or steal it or something stupid like that. But to go through all that just to hit him with a wrench seemed anti-climactic.

And I don't want to beat a dead horse, because we all saw how horrible the acting was by Orton's "wife", but am I the only one who thought that she was going to make out with Punk or something, with the way she was looking at him when Punk was breathing on the window? No joke, she looked like she was *********ing. Maybe they are foreshadowing something for next week with that? Or maybe not.

This whole angle this week just seemed so random. I'm not normally one to come on here and bitch about Raw, but it doesn't look like this topic has been covered so someone had to do it.
An absolute work of art. I think I'm in love. Sorry, Wicked.
Fucking awesome post, time to give some rep away. The entire bus thing was cringeworthy the second they showed it in the background.

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