I hate Roman Reigns!

Jeff Deliverer of Mail

Money for nothin, chicks for free
Why does he have to be United States Champion? He's held it way too long. How come he's better looking than me? Why does he have to work out and show me up? God sakes. Rusev better beat this guy up so I don't have to be jealous anymore.
This thread is too late. Aren't we all just indifferent to Reigns now?

And I get the sarcasm, and I could be wrong, but isn't the reaction he gets based on what he represents and not how he looks, or even his ability?
This thread is too late. Aren't we all just indifferent to Reigns now?

And I get the sarcasm, and I could be wrong, but isn't the reaction he gets based on what he represents and not how he looks, or even his ability?

Pretty much, I think people just don't care for Reigns as a main eventer. Which is a shame because with the right talent and angle Reigns can have a spot as a top talent, not as the guy or the top guy but someone that can main event PPV's.

I think the first time I saw this was his feud with AJ Styles. Both Styles and Reigns played semi Tweener roles that brought the edge on both guys. I said it again Styles feud with Reigns brougth the best out of Reigns both in terms of in ring work and his character.
I hate Roman Reigns because he makes more money than me. I hate Roman Reigns because he's bigger than me. I hate Roman Reigns because his initials are RR and my are DB. I hate Roman Reigns because he's related to The Rock and I'm related to a pebble.
It's got to the point that I have to repeatedly redraft anything I write about Roman Reigns because the list of times they've absolutely bungled anything to do with him has become too long to fit into something concise and cogent and non... ranty. Any opportunity to make him likeable, or present him in a light that isn't plainly obnoxious, has been squandered. It's a pity that one of the most preternaturally gifted professional wrestlers of the last ten years has been fucked up so profoundly by incompetent writers. Mind you, I suppose you can't blame writers for getting caught breaking the wellness policy just as you seem to finally be turning a corner.
Actually Roman has proved way cooler as a face than both of his buddies. And as a face champ as well. It's just that people don't like clean cut faces any more, unless they're an underdog.
This thread is too late. Aren't we all just indifferent to Reigns now?

I was one of his biggest fans when he was with the Shield, actually I was a huge Shield mark. What I find amazing is that he could be booked so strongly as part of that group, but they totally missed the mark with him as a singles wrestler.

Since breaking out on his own, if you can even call it that same attire, music etc., I've seen just how much the other two carried him in the personality department. Reigns looks like a champion, but when he opens his mouth it all goes away. He's totally lacking in charisma, which is shocking when you consider most of his other relatives have it in spades. Good looks only get you so far, so when he finally finds that switch and turns it on there is no stopping him. But yea I've turned the corner on him and become indifferent. Whether he stays or goes makes no difference to me.

Same thing goes for Rollins as well. Great in the ring, this horrible face turn is ruining him as well. Ambrose is the only one out of the three that has kept up the momentum, and he's the one who got no help at all.
Actually Roman has proved way cooler as a face than both of his buddies. And as a face champ as well. It's just that people don't like clean cut faces any more, unless they're an underdog.
I don't know about other people but I would love a face Rusev/Kevin Owens. I even love Cesaro. And these three aren't underdogs.

I hate Roman Reigns because he makes more money than me. I hate Roman Reigns because he's bigger than me. I hate Roman Reigns because his initials are RR and my are DB. I hate Roman Reigns because he's related to The Rock and I'm related to a pebble.
Roman Reigns is taller than me.

Roman Reigns makes more money than me.

Be like Roman Reigns. :p

Is it a coincidence that DB are the initials of Daniel Bryan too? :rolleyes:

Back to OP, Roman Reigns isn't someone to hate. I think that he has gotten comfortable on mic while feuding with Rusev. He isn't in the main event scene but still gets a good exposure. He has got two consecutive Hell In A Cell matches at this gimmick PPV. He has come close to Universal Championship but not enough to win it. One word description would be :Improvement.
I've had the option to skip RAW and still enjoy the product, so I've stopped hating Roman and just stopped watching RAW entirely.

I hated him because he legit can't wrestle or pace a match, even vs people like AJ.

His workrate is around 20-25% (stopwatch his time standing vs laying or resting, most wrestlers will be 50/50, cruiserweigts will be in the 70's, and Roman matches are 20% laying down or rest holding). His "comeback out of nowhere" doesn't work for me. Samoan drop, Armbar powerbomb where his opponent has to life himself up to make it look real, 4 superman punches and a spear.

His promos had improved a lot, but he still felt like the most robotic guy on the show when it comes to reading his script.
Seriously though, Roman Reigns needs to change his special move to his Sit Out Razors Edge powerbomb. His execution of it is flawless and it looks really good.
This thread is too late. Aren't we all just indifferent to Reigns now?
Apparently few dumbasses on Twitter hated the fact that Reigns is feutered on promo poster for next Mania. So no, hate has just been continuing.

Got the hate first time because he wasnt nearly ready for RR win and Mania manevent. But now its just ridiculous to point that because he proved otherwise. Only thing they do wrong is that they refuse to turn him based on that fan reaction and then after a while turn him again and get huge face reaction they so desperatly want. But that is WWEs fault, not Reigns.
Why does he have to be United States Champion? He's held it way too long. How come he's better looking than me? Why does he have to work out and show me up? God sakes. Rusev better beat this guy up so I don't have to be jealous anymore.

I hate his feud with Rusev. It's not Reigns' fault though. Rusev taking his honeymoon for so long took the buzz away from the feud. I'm so glad this feud will be over after Sunday. Not sure who Reigns faces next though.
I hate his feud with Rusev. It's not Reigns' fault though. Rusev taking his honeymoon for so long took the buzz away from the feud. I'm so glad this feud will be over after Sunday. Not sure who Reigns faces next though.

You can't blame Rusev either, I feel anyway. This should never have been about their marriage and their families, it should have been about the title and have them focus on that. The way it's going the title is taking a back seat to it all. I'm not sure who he'll face either, like who's next in line for a US title shot? It doesn't seem to be anyone, that's why I'm afraid this feud might continue a little longer.
You can't blame Rusev either, I feel anyway. This should never have been about their marriage and their families, it should have been about the title and have them focus on that. The way it's going the title is taking a back seat to it all. I'm not sure who he'll face either, like who's next in line for a US title shot? It doesn't seem to be anyone, that's why I'm afraid this feud might continue a little longer.

I agree. I see WWE has been low key building up Strowman but I think they'll wait longer to pull the trigger on Strowman.

I wish HIAC meant the end of a feud, not just a gimmick match because it's the PPV theme.

The RAW midcard is so weak. It ought to be Zayn but it looks like he's going to put over Strowman. Well there's always Sheamus and Cesaro. I would just hope there's a serious feud between those guys.
The OP has only written this in response to a thread I started a couple of days ago, called "Where have all the threads saying "I hate Roman Reigns" gone?"

This guy is just trying to be an asshat, and make this thread to try to prove me wrong.
The OP has only written this in response to a thread I started a couple of days ago, called "Where have all the threads saying "I hate Roman Reigns" gone?"

This guy is just trying to be an asshat, and make this thread to try to prove me wrong.

But what if it's all a big coincidence and I started the thread before you but you just posted yours faster? Hmm? Hey, did you hear? Roman Reigns is going back in the main event picture soon.

Hate fact #276. Roman Reigns puts too much oil in his hair.
As has been suggested by anyone with common sense; I don't hate Roman Reigns, I hate that he was given the spotlight before he was ready.

I'm glad I could finally find a "I hate Roman Reigns" thread, I've been looking all over for one of those.

Roman has grown on me slightly. I have to force myself to look past his flaws (promos, match content) to notice his positive aspects (endurance, technical ability). I like that he's in the mid-card, I don't have a hard time dealing with him being put over by Rusev. It's a bit silly that he's suddenly lost his mojo before he ever really established himself as a mainstay world champion, but hopefully they'll get it right when they finally do put him back in the main event.

Hatred is a very strong word. I'd say that I'm less indifferent toward Roman Reigns than I was before HIAC, but my indifference will probably reset back to borderline between yesterday and today.
Him getting popped for a wellness violation is honestly the best thing that could have happened to Roman in hindsight. He was being ran hard as a performer, had been shoved down the throats of fans to the point of full rebellion, had the series of goofy promos and so forth... the short time away gave him a break from viewership and cast a light on other higher guys (Ambrose) who were exposed as not being everything everyone was hoping they would be... Compare how over Ambrose was before Roman got suspended and we started being treated to situations like the feud over the potted plant, people getting sprayed with mustard, him basically dressing like Luke Harper as he defended the top belt, sloppy in-ring work, a bad finisher and the dreaded Steve Austin interview. Ambrose had a bad top run as well.

When Roman returned he was put down a rung - and exactly where he needs to be. Still gaining experience on the upper-midcard. He was already thrown to the wolves and can perform at a main event level now - after having lived it for years at a time. His ring work has improved leaps and bounds - and albeit having a small move set I don't see the need for a guy of his style throwing out Falcon Arrows and Tiger Drivers. He has a really great punch which almost reminds me of Kane's but not as open handed... which is a compliment.

Watching him briefly on his Raw Talk segment following the pay-per-view - the guy is handsome and has an almost asshole-ish smirk or smile... I think it's just naturally how the guy smiles, the tone of his voice and the attitude he feels comfortable showing. He was clearly most comfortable talking about pushing the Raw brand, and making Smackdown step it up... almost hearkening back to his football days and comparing himself to a team leader for Raw. Booker T flat out told him he's had the loudest boos at some points he's ever heard - and Roman Said "keyword: loudest. I'm going to keep going. I've walked around my whole life and people have said 'look at that guy'" or something to that effect. The problem is Vince fed him that goofy Superman crap so long when he was far too green to make it work (or could anybody off the top of my head). He is slowly becoming almost a tweener. I would honestly compare him to like a Lex Luger vibe, a guy that comes off as sort of an asshole, is physically gifted and was given a lot in the business very quickly - even though I don't think he really is a shitty guy but he's never going to be a class-A promo either. I can see how he would need some scripting - as long as it wasn't terrible and was concise and short.
I feel like if there were ever going to be a situation where Paul Heyman were to be the advocate for someone other than Brock Lesnar, I think Roman Reigns should be the guy. Reigns I think could be a top monster heel. I think his run as a face has taken it's toll. I'd like to see him turn on Rollins. Have them appear to work together for a few weeks, maybe even both be part of Team Raw for Survivor Series. Then, have Reigns turn on Rollins. Gets Rollins out of the title picture for a little bit so Owens can have another feud, and it gives a Rollins/Reigns feud a new direction, with Reigns as heel and Rollins as face.
Nothing more than a glorified Zaku is he.

Oh wait. Wrong show. He is a decent wrestler who is missing that extra bit of edge. Has potential, needs to FOBY some things about in-ring psychology, etc. Screw it, I'll just build a Gunpla.
I think right now, the only reason a portion of the audience hates roman reigns is because it's the cool thing to do. In certains markets when their not as many smart fans, he's getting a pretty good reaction, his merchandise is selling pretty well.

Go ask anybody that boo the guy and 9 times out of 10, they either going to give you a lame reason or just don't know why they boo him. He's the current version of john cena for smart fans and at some point this faze will fade and the will accept reigns again like they did with cena.
I think right now, the only reason a portion of the audience hates roman reigns is because it's the cool thing to do. In certains markets when their not as many smart fans, he's getting a pretty good reaction, his merchandise is selling pretty well.

Go ask anybody that boo the guy and 9 times out of 10, they either going to give you a lame reason or just don't know why they boo him. He's the current version of john cena for smart fans and at some point this faze will fade and the will accept reigns again like they did with cena.

I tend to agree that it's the cool thing to do, but an interesting thing happened last Sunday at SS. He was boo'd out of the ACC, and the only time he got cheered was during that mini Shield reunion when they power bombed Styles through the table, then the boo's started up again.

Seems fans like him as part of the Shield, maybe because they can identify with that, on his own though not so much. I'm sure if you asked 100 people you'd get 100 different answers.
Reigns is booed by the idiot smarks in the crowd that wouldn't know what a good wrestler was if it hit them in a head.

In their delusional mind what makes a good wrestler is how many moves they do or how many flips they can do in a match when in reality that means jack. So any bigger wrestler like Roman gets shit on now.

In the last 40 years the biggest draws in US wrestling have been(in no order) Hogan, Flair, Warrior, Rhodes, Austin, The Rock, Goldberg and Cena. None of those guys offense was that diverse or contained a ton of moves. But it didn't matter because they knew how to work a crowd and draw money. THATS WHAT MAKES A PRO WRESTLER!!

Roman does those things that they did. He has great timing, he knows when to do a high spot and when not to. He knows how to work a crowd because he is a good wrestler, too bad the idiot smarks don't realize that. Every single match he has had people have been invested in, that's a good wrestler! Too bad he doesn't fit the mold of what the modern fan thinks is a good wrestler or else he wouldn't be getting booed.

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