I got a job at Amazon.


Championship Contender
I just started my fourth week here. It's a fulfillment center, which is essentially the warehouse where all the stuff you see on Amazon is stored. I've been flipping burgers for the last four years at various places so this is a complete 360 for me. I love the job. It's such a great job, but it's demanding. The pay and hours are great. 40/50 hours a week, $11.50 an hour. Great benefits. Dental, vision, health insurance, etc. Guaranteed 40 hours a week. Paid vacation time, paid time off. Just... a shit ton of stuff. I get 10% off, too. Shit is finally coming together, haha.
Well done. I did that seasonally back in the day and hated it. Granted a buddy of mine said I was the tenth person to work there and the tenth person to say it's horribly run. Hope yours is better operated than mine.
I've heard bad things about Amazon centres. Things about walking upwards of 15 miles a day.

I recently started a job which is a telephony advisor in a contact centre for RBS which probably makes me the most reviled guy walking the streets of Britain behind David Cameron, if he walks anywhere.

Hoping things are less controversial as far as Amazon is concerned.
There building one here in Florida. So they say as I haven't heard much buzz about it lately. Congrats bro, keep it up and enjoy the benefits. Maybe you'll be picking my order for delivery one day lol.
Yeah, I walk about 10-15 miles a day. The building is fucking massive. They said... example, your average Wal-Mart SuperCenter has over 300,000 pieces of merchandise in their storeroom, and that's a ton of shit.. the Amazon center I work at has over 17 million. Also I believe they said it's as big as 28 football fields.
Congrats, Fred! How's the grappling going?

I recently started a job which is a telephony advisor in a contact centre for RBS which probably makes me the most reviled guy walking the streets of Britain behind David Cameron, if he walks anywhere.
Is John Prescott still a thing?
I've put it on the backburner for now. Work has got most of my time now. I've done a few benefit shows this year. Unfortunately a friend of mine passed away, so we held a benefit show for him. It was pretty good. I'll post that match, I was proud of it. Then another for my friend's disabled son to raise money for traveling expenses for his surgery. Been mostly doing backyard stuff, mattresses/mats etc. The fed I wrestle in with the ring is kinda off and on so not a whole lot going on with them this year.

This was at a benefit show for my friend Justin who passed away. The match was thrown together like 20 minutes beforehand. I don't like the long hair and babyface. Not at all intimidating, lol.
It's not bad. Boring as hell. I'm in the stow department. I put all the items on the shelves for them to sit until ordered. It's not a hard job. Just tedious and boring. Same repetitive routine, y'know?
Here we are... 2 months in. It's peak season. Holiday season. 2,500 new employees hired just for the holidays. I worked 60 hours 2 weeks ago. 50 last week. 40 this week it's looking like. I'm so tired, haha.
If I PM you my address can you directly ship two iPads, The Sopranos complete Blu Ray collection, those new Bose headphones, a copy of GTAV for PS4, a 1200 watt Alpine amp as well the touchscreen HD res head unit that comes with it, and a few Ralph Lauren tees (needing some green and or heather grey added to my wardrobe). I placed these individual orders several weeks ago and... ermm.. have yet to receive any of them so, yeah, just go ahead and round up these items and send them my way.

If anyone questions you just tell them "No, it's cool, these are for Smizzy." They'll know.
I was talking to my girlfriend the other day and said "God, I can't wait until Christmas." "Why, so you can spend time with your family and stuff?" "No, because peak season is fucking over."

We're in full swing, everyone. I am in the midst of a 60 hour work week. Made 350 bucks in 2 days. It's a great thing. Debating on attending the Rumble next year.

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