I fucked my back at work


So we were all sitting outside behind the Pizza place I work at. It was dead, and we didn't know what to do. Someone noticed some shopping karts, so we took them up the hill behind us, and stood on the back while we rode em down the hill. T'was fun.

Fast forward about 5 hours. One of the guys that had since come in had a cell phone that made videos with sound. So when we mentioned racing grocery karts, he wanted to video tape it. So we went up the hill, and we decided instead of racing, I'd get in and ride it down. So I did, it was fun, and I wanted to do it again. So I got in, and someone pushed me. It was fun untill i realized I was headed right for a garbage dumpster. I yelled "Stop Me" to the guy pushing me, only to realized he'd let go at least 20 feet ago. Nowheres to go, I stuck my feet out, and took the blow. My legs bent way to far back, my back smashed against the back of the kart, and voala, my back is now fucked. I went inside and laid there for almpost a half hour before finishing my shift and going home.

At least he got a video.
Put it on youtube, I want to see.

As soon as my friend adds it to Facebook, I can just post it here. I just hope he does it soon. The video is blurry, but you you can here alot of me yelling, swearing, and a loud BANG, as well as the guy with the camera laughing his ass off.
As soon as my friend adds it to Facebook, I can just post it here. I just hope he does it soon. The video is blurry, but you you can here alot of me yelling, swearing, and a loud BANG, as well as the guy with the camera laughing his ass off.

Ever notice in all the videos where someone gets fucked up for doing some sort of Jackass like stunt the guy holding the camera is always laughing his ass off, LOL
Ever notice in all the videos where someone gets fucked up for doing some sort of Jackass like stunt the guy holding the camera is always laughing his ass off, LOL

True true. I personally liked the first video he made. He wans't laughing as hard, the sun was still out, and I had narrowly just missed a trash can. You could here me yelling "Shit! Shit! FUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK!
Ever notice in all the videos where someone gets fucked up for doing some sort of Jackass like stunt the guy holding the camera is always laughing his ass off, LOL

He wouldn't be filming it if he didn't think it would be absolutely hilarious! lol

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