I feel it's time for WWE to address the CM Punk situation.


Pre-Show Stalwart
With new's coming out that WWE has officially terminated CM Punk's contract last Friday I think it's time they addressed the situation much like they did when Steve Austin walked out.

They gotta be careful how they do this tho or else the crowd is just gonna crap on the product and chant his name non stop...so here's my idea.

Have Daniel Bryan come out and cut a promo much like The Rock did in 2002 talking about how CM Punk walked out of the company and his fan's and how Daniel is committed to his fans and committed to WWE.

If anyone else would address the situation it will just get shut out with chants but I don't think the fans wouldnt do it to Bryan because I think the YES! chants are much more catchy.
You mean something like this OP?

I would like Daniel Bryan to do that promo.

You mean something like this OP?

I would like Daniel Bryan to do that promo.


Yes that is the exact promo I'm talking about....If Bryan did that it would not only elevate him it would also defuse the CM Punk bs because deep down I know fans would rather get behind Bryan rather then be behind a guy who has a temper tantrum and ran home.
Where did you get your information? I ask because I can't find anything about WWE terminating CM Punks contract. There is nothing on WZ about it and a Google search doesn't reveal anything even close to what you are claiming.
Bryan would not do that. He and Punk are friends, so whether he agrees with Punk walking out, I don't see him badmouthing Punk in real life or storyline. If they address it in this manner, they will use either a heel to get the crowd to boo, or they will have Cena do it.

I haven't heard of a release yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did. I think it's unfortunate that it had to come to this, for both sides. I'm a Punk fan so I hate to see him go out like this. But in all honesty, I understand what he did. He was unhappy, probably both with the direction the company was going and with his own physical condition. So I can't really fault him for leaving, it could have been handled differently, but if you are unhappy with a situation, it's best to get as soon as possible. Something bad could have happened in the ring or outside of it, so good for him getting out before it got to that point.

At some point, he will be back. I don't know when, but I believe that CM Punk will stand in a WWE ring again.
The beauty of professional wrestling is nobody truly cares.. Next week the crowds will be buying somebody elses merchandise, cheering for the new 'underdog' and VKM sits back and cashes in.

CM Punk who?, by now everyone is on the Bryan bandwagon.. Once you've all bought a 'Yes' tshirt they'll bring out a Dean Ambrose line of apparel, if you don't like Ambrose I guess you'll want a Reigns hat... The WWE is a machine, wrestlers are a dime a dozen.
The problem is that someone in the WWE seems to think that CM Punk was athletic, and had charisma...which he certainly didn't. Obviously he is a grown man that throws tantrums with the body of a 16 year old. I assume Vince will want to preserve the hopes of some kind of working relationship with him in the future.
Where did you get your information? I ask because I can't find anything about WWE terminating CM Punks contract. There is nothing on WZ about it and a Google search doesn't reveal anything even close to what you are claiming.

I'm not gonna post link to other websites on this forum but it's being reported on other sites and will probably be picked up here eventually unless it turns out to be bs.
The beauty of professional wrestling is nobody truly cares.. Next week the crowds will be buying somebody elses merchandise, cheering for the new 'underdog' and VKM sits back and cashes in.

CM Punk who?, by now everyone is on the Bryan bandwagon.. Once you've all bought a 'Yes' tshirt they'll bring out a Dean Ambrose line of apparel, if you don't like Ambrose I guess you'll want a Reigns hat... The WWE is a machine, wrestlers are a dime a dozen.

This is very true. WWE will pump out the merchandise for whichever guy is catching fire at the moment. They are very good at that. But I don't think it will be a case of CM Punk who? The chants and demand for a Punk return may subside, but he will still be remembered.
Where did you hear about his contract being terminated?

PWInsider.com is reporting that WWE granted Punk an early release from his WWE contract last Friday.

However, it can't be confirmed as true or not. As of right now, CM Punk is still listed on the roster page at WWE.com. The site alleges that "people close to Punk" have informed them that he's "done." So take that for what it's worth.

As far as WWE addressing the CM Punk situation, why bother? If Punk comes back, then he comes back. If he doesn't, then he doesn't. Elimination Chamber is this Sunday, the WWE Network launches one week from tonight, the final decisions for the top matches at WrestleMania are probably going to be made within the next 7 to 10 days.

IF CM Punk has been granted early release and isn't talking to anyone connected with wrestling, which he hasn't done since this whole thing started, then that's the end of it. A lot of people have already made up their minds anyhow that Punk's either been screwed over by the big, evil corporation or that he's acting like a petulant child. I'm a huge fan of Punk, but I'm over it. If neither Punk or WWE is interested in telling their side of the story, then it's time to move on.
Bryan would not do that. He and Punk are friends, so whether he agrees with Punk walking out, I don't see him badmouthing Punk in real life or storyline. If they address it in this manner, they will use either a heel to get the crowd to boo, or they will have Cena do it.

I haven't heard of a release yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did. I think it's unfortunate that it had to come to this, for both sides. I'm a Punk fan so I hate to see him go out like this. But in all honesty, I understand what he did. He was unhappy, probably both with the direction the company was going and with his own physical condition. So I can't really fault him for leaving, it could have been handled differently, but if you are unhappy with a situation, it's best to get as soon as possible. Something bad could have happened in the ring or outside of it, so good for him getting out before it got to that point.

At some point, he will be back. I don't know when, but I believe that CM Punk will stand in a WWE ring again.

It doesent matter if they are friends....Rock and Austin are friends and he cut that promo when Austin walked out...there's friendship and there's buisness and CM Punk tried to hurt the buisness that puts food and Bryan's table.
1) Punk's contract has not been terminated. They're going to let it run out in July if the situation isn't resolved.

2) The chants will be strong in Chicago, but are dying out everywhere else pretty quickly. Nothing they say will change anything for the better, and might actually backfire by bringing it more attention with casual fans.

3) Why do they have to say something? The mystery of the situation could play into their favor later on if he decided to return. Burying him really serves no purpose, other to needlessly risk Daniel Bryan going heel in some fans eyes.
1) Punk's contract has not been terminated. They're going to let it run out in July if the situation isn't resolved.

2) The chants will be strong in Chicago, but are dying out everywhere else pretty quickly. Nothing they say will change anything for the better, and might actually backfire by bringing it more attention with casual fans.

3) Why do they have to say something? The mystery of the situation could play into their favor later on if he decided to return. Burying him really serves no purpose, other to needlessly risk Daniel Bryan going heel in some fans eyes.

WWE should say something just as they did when Austin walked out.

There's a lot of people who keep thinking he will be back and that this is part of a storyline...WWE should make it clear what he did and why they decided to terminate his contract...it's not all about wwe and what they want it's about the fans that he left hanging...all those people who bought tickets to events expecting him to be there...sure card is subject to change but let's be honest this guy isn't injured he walked out cause he's a baby.
If Punk has indeed gone then they are probably trying to contact him. He has a contract and they expect him to see it out. Moreover, he was a big part of their WM plans. If Punk is firm then they will have to address it eventually. It may just be an article on the website or indeed a superstar addressing it.

If this is all a work then I would love for Triple H to cut a promo; basically saying Punk is a prick only for him to return a few weeks later.

They are in a difficult position. If Punk genuinely walked out then I'm sure it would have been chaos. I personally think it will all work out in the end but, if not, then I'd like to see a superstar bury Punk in a promo. It might not do a lot but it could be a decent segment.
WWE is a publicly traded company... they would be legally obliged to announce on WWE.Com and the SECC the moment the contract was terminated or they would be in breach of the law... Punk is a "material asset" to the company, they have to announce wellness violations, sale of stock, all talent releases... no way anything is official until it's there... Sorry but either the sites are spewing garbage or it makes it sound like a work even more...

They may have agreed something in principle, but nothing will be official. Indeed they will be hoping to change his mind up until the last moment because public walkouts right at a time they are finalising TV deals and the network will damage the share price... if they withold info like that and the share price is affected, it's another criminal situation far worse than the roid scandal... so they will get this absolutely right and to the letter if he is gonna go...

It is FAR more likely that we won't see Punk until the very first TV of whatever new deal they sign to guarantee a monster rating... The photo of him and AJ (with the Walken cameo) made it look like he was certainly pretty relaxed. So it might be dealt with... or just all part of the plan to deliver a big rating for them in a few months tme.

At worst case it's good business to terminate early and save some pennies on Punk's deal... 4 months of his salary is still several hundred thousand dollars and will likely go a long way to offsetting fees for Warrior/Hogan or even Network expenses. Paying him to sit home for that time if he wants out for real is not sensible... He'd have a no compete for the 4 months plus the 90 days standard, so the earliest he can do anything would be around Summerslam time... and by then they might be ready to do business with each other again but they have the position of "we let you go, so now we have control" rather than Punk sitting out bleeding money from the company and forcing them to try and get value for it.
It doesent matter if they are friends....Rock and Austin are friends and he cut that promo when Austin walked out...there's friendship and there's buisness and CM Punk tried to hurt the buisness that puts food and Bryan's table.

Theres a huge difference between the two situations. First of the crowd. The crowd was a lot less smart back then with a lot more casual fans peppered in the crowd, hell the wwe has had the fans hijack the show for the past month because they are disgruntled over a lot of the things that punk is. Second off rock and Austin had a lot less history as friends(they were more acquaintances). And finally Daniel bryan doesn't need anymore money as he lives a simple life.

So if you think its going to be fixed the same way, then your nuts.
If anything Punk may just have saved it for Bryan... cos they HAVE to go with him now, even if it's for a year... in that year he'll make more money than he'll likely ever need (till the divorce anyway) and get himself into the same position as Punk in 5... then they can buy ROH together or sit and pontificate, drink Pepsi and eat Veggies in their living room... maybe they can do a TV show?

Bryan: "Hey Punk he hehe rememeber that AJ Chick, I two time a nighted her hehe..."

Punk: (slaps him) "no you didn't Daniel... you buttmunch, but I did..."

Oh wait... ;)
I don't see the need to reference it at this point. I thought the crowd would be MUCH more disruptive during the show, but the chants have been pretty weak. When he first left, I thought they would need to do something or else the chants would just build and build but that hasn't happened.

At this point, why bring attention to it? What is there to gain? Focus on the guys who ARE there, not someone who left.
If they have to address it, it will be March 3rd in Chicago. The chants will be deafening there. Everywhere else, they have and will continue to die down after 30 seconds.
You know what. Having Bryan come out and give that Rock promo on Austin could be a good way to start a feud with Punk and Bryan. Lets just guess this is still all a work, and they did this to start a Punk/Bryan feud. And since Punk is "out of WWE" have it play off with Punk making comments on twitter at Bryan and WWE. Then have Bryan follow that up, like a twitter feud, then have it go a step further next Raw with AJ getting in the middle of it some how defending Punk to Bryan, again let it carry on some more on twitter.

Let it keep on building up. Lets not forget part of the Rock/Cena storyline was done though facebook I think.

But... long story short. Build this up to Bryan begging for a match at WM30 against Punk, but the fact that Punk isn't on the roster they cant make the match, but instead end up booking the ol' unsanctioned match with No DQ, street fight all over the building kind of match stealing the show. The unsanctioned match thing has happened quite a few times in the past but only on rare occasions.

But the way it would come about, after the match is announced on Raw say 2 weeks before WM30, and the build up still happens from Punk on twitter and carried out by AJ and Bryan on tv, have that feeling of maybe Punk shows up and maybe he doesn't. Have him come out to no music, maybe in generic attire or what ever it might be.

I think that could be something great. Or who ever the WWE wanted could cut the promo on Punk, maybe Triple H, or Cena or who ever it might be and have Punk face one of them.
I would open RAW with Bad News Barrett and let him do it.. This is the ultimate bad news to CM Punk lovers so it would get him some real heat..
I would open RAW with Bad News Barrett and let him do it.. This is the ultimate bad news to CM Punk lovers so it would get him some real heat..

This would be good.

Unfortunately, last week they teased some kind of "issue" between Barrett and Lawler, and I guess they'll be more to that tonight. Probably Barrett trolling Lawler about his heart attack or something.

And if you're looking forward to a CM Punk "news" at all on the show I think you'll be disappointed.
WWE is a publicly traded company... they would be legally obliged to announce on WWE.Com and the SECC the moment the contract was terminated or they would be in breach of the law... Punk is a "material asset" to the company, they have to announce wellness violations, sale of stock, all talent releases... no way anything is official until it's there... Sorry but either the sites are spewing garbage or it makes it sound like a work even more...

They may have agreed something in principle, but nothing will be official. Indeed they will be hoping to change his mind up until the last moment because public walkouts right at a time they are finalising TV deals and the network will damage the share price... if they withold info like that and the share price is affected, it's another criminal situation far worse than the roid scandal... so they will get this absolutely right and to the letter if he is gonna go...

It is FAR more likely that we won't see Punk until the very first TV of whatever new deal they sign to guarantee a monster rating... The photo of him and AJ (with the Walken cameo) made it look like he was certainly pretty relaxed. So it might be dealt with... or just all part of the plan to deliver a big rating for them in a few months tme.

At worst case it's good business to terminate early and save some pennies on Punk's deal... 4 months of his salary is still several hundred thousand dollars and will likely go a long way to offsetting fees for Warrior/Hogan or even Network expenses. Paying him to sit home for that time if he wants out for real is not sensible... He'd have a no compete for the 4 months plus the 90 days standard, so the earliest he can do anything would be around Summerslam time... and by then they might be ready to do business with each other again but they have the position of "we let you go, so now we have control" rather than Punk sitting out bleeding money from the company and forcing them to try and get value for it.

1) Yeah, there's definitely no laws of any kind that require them to disclose anything of that nature. They don't "have" to announce anything. They do so by choice.

1a) Yes, you're most certainly right that the sites are spewing garbage again. If you read closely, all it really says is somebody close to Punk told somebody that he is definitely done with the WWE...I have no idea how that got turned into he was granted an early release.

2) Just to reiterate, the law has nothing to do with this. If NBC (or whoever signs them to their next TV deal) feels they were mislead or outright lied to during contract negotiations, they would certainly be afforded the right to void the contract, but there would be no scandal legally speaking. To be clear, there is absolutely nothing criminal about this in any way, shape, or form.

3) The fact that he looks very relaxed probably just means he's happy being done with the WWE. He never appeared to be a guy that loved what he did, like a John Cena. He was never going to be a lifer. He had a lot of problems with the WWE, he always has, and it was just a matter of time before he left. Him being relaxed now that he's out of that situation is not surprising.

4) Yeah, they're definitely not paying him while he's gone. Definitely, definitely, definitely not. Why would they give him a dime when he leaves the company on his own and refuses to work? Not happening under any circumstances. They may have to pay him if he they sent him home, depending on the language of the contract, but there's no contract in the world that sees an employer get paid when he refuses to work. Certainly not in this country, certainly not in the WWE.

4a) No compete clauses don't apply to expiring contracts, so there wouldn't be any 90 days on top of the 4 months that he'll be sitting out for this contract. No compete clauses only apply to contracts that are being terminated early.

5) It's certainly possible that he'll decide to come back someday, maybe this summer, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was done with wrestling for good. Like I said before, while it's something he's very very good at, he doesn't really have that personality to keep getting sucked back in. When he's done, he's done, he'll move on to whatever's next in his life and not look back. That's always been clear, even before he walked out. Is he done now? Obviously, nobody knows that yet. But I wouldn't be surprised.

Now that that's out of the way, in response to the topic, I really see no reason for the WWE to address it. The Rock/Austin situation is apples and oranges. When Austin walked out, they knew he'd be back. And Rock was his rival. Having Rock come out and rip Austin made sense, storyline wise, even if it was a real life situation as well.

And while I understand the point about Daniel Bryan addressing it, because the crowd will be more hostile towards anyone else, it makes no sense for him to address it. He's never had a beef with CM Punk, he shares the same fan base as Punk, and on some level he probably agrees with what Punk did. Or, at least, he understands it. With Bryan coming out and ripping 'the machine' every week, it'd make no sense for him to come out and rip somebody else for standing up to 'the machine' like Punk did. Especially given the fact that one of the reasons given for Punk's walkout is the WWE's treatment of Daniel Bryan! IF it's going to be addressed, it'd have to be John Cena. That would be your Rock/Austin promo. But, again, why address it at all? I really see no benefit to it. Let the crowds chant, they're going to do that even if Bryan or Cena does address it, it will all die down eventually.
No they shouldn't address the situation. It has nothing to do with what happens on television. If they were to address it, It should be on WWE.com or something like that.

They should go on with the product without him, they shouldn't go out of their way to not mention his name, but they don't need to address his walk out. It's between him and WWE, not the fans.
1) Yeah, there's definitely no laws of any kind that require them to disclose anything of that nature. They don't "have" to announce anything. They do so by choice.

1a) Yes, you're most certainly right that the sites are spewing garbage again. If you read closely, all it really says is somebody close to Punk told somebody that he is definitely done with the WWE...I have no idea how that got turned into he was granted an early release.

2) Just to reiterate, the law has nothing to do with this. If NBC (or whoever signs them to their next TV deal) feels they were mislead or outright lied to during contract negotiations, they would certainly be afforded the right to void the contract, but there would be no scandal legally speaking. To be clear, there is absolutely nothing criminal about this in any way, shape, or form.

3) The fact that he looks very relaxed probably just means he's happy being done with the WWE. He never appeared to be a guy that loved what he did, like a John Cena. He was never going to be a lifer. He had a lot of problems with the WWE, he always has, and it was just a matter of time before he left. Him being relaxed now that he's out of that situation is not surprising.

4) Yeah, they're definitely not paying him while he's gone. Definitely, definitely, definitely not. Why would they give him a dime when he leaves the company on his own and refuses to work? Not happening under any circumstances. They may have to pay him if he they sent him home, depending on the language of the contract, but there's no contract in the world that sees an employer get paid when he refuses to work. Certainly not in this country, certainly not in the WWE.

4a) No compete clauses don't apply to expiring contracts, so there wouldn't be any 90 days on top of the 4 months that he'll be sitting out for this contract. No compete clauses only apply to contracts that are being terminated early.

5) It's certainly possible that he'll decide to come back someday, maybe this summer, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was done with wrestling for good. Like I said before, while it's something he's very very good at, he doesn't really have that personality to keep getting sucked back in. When he's done, he's done, he'll move on to whatever's next in his life and not look back. That's always been clear, even before he walked out. Is he done now? Obviously, nobody knows that yet. But I wouldn't be surprised.

Now that that's out of the way, in response to the topic, I really see no reason for the WWE to address it. The Rock/Austin situation is apples and oranges. When Austin walked out, they knew he'd be back. And Rock was his rival. Having Rock come out and rip Austin made sense, storyline wise, even if it was a real life situation as well.

And while I understand the point about Daniel Bryan addressing it, because the crowd will be more hostile towards anyone else, it makes no sense for him to address it. He's never had a beef with CM Punk, he shares the same fan base as Punk, and on some level he probably agrees with what Punk did. Or, at least, he understands it. With Bryan coming out and ripping 'the machine' every week, it'd make no sense for him to come out and rip somebody else for standing up to 'the machine' like Punk did. Especially given the fact that one of the reasons given for Punk's walkout is the WWE's treatment of Daniel Bryan! IF it's going to be addressed, it'd have to be John Cena. That would be your Rock/Austin promo. But, again, why address it at all? I really see no benefit to it. Let the crowds chant, they're going to do that even if Bryan or Cena does address it, it will all die down eventually.

Ok for one the same sites that reported about his contract termination are now reporting that WWE says it's not true and he's still under contract so there's that.

Also when Rock cut that promo in 2002 him and Austin were not rivals they were both babyfaces and no WWE at the time were not expecting him back if you saw the promo Vince cut before Rock came out he even said that if he wanted to come back he wouldn't hire him....obviously things changed and Austin got to wrap up his in ring career in wwe less then a year later but I believe at the time those were very legit feelings and it really made wwe push new guys like Orton and Cena.

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