I Don't Understand People Anymore


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

In short, an adviser to presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty said that one of his opponents in the race, Michelle Bachmann, would be hard to beat because she had (among other good qualities) some sex appeal. Bachmann took it as a compliment, saying she's 55, has had kids and raised a bunch of foster kids so that sounds like good news to her. I agree.

However, Pawlenty issued an apology for the statement. Why does this need an apology? When did basically saying someone is attractive become a bad thing? I don't understand people anymore. Something tells me if someone said a male presidential candidate was handsome it wouldn't require an apology.
Because some spindoctor pointed out that spindoctors for the other side could make the comment out of context to make him look like a sexist.
Its hard to please your bases when on one side you have the "political correctness is killing our country crowd" and on the other side the religious right.

Plus you need to be extra careful when your resume says you governed a state that just shut down.
There's having a new identity and all but there's ones where you actually come off worse. You could have at least gone for Milenko or The Sign Guy.

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