I Don't Get Jinder Mahal


Mrs. Foley's Baby Boy
I know a lot has been said about Jinder Mahal, but I've never really seen him. I don't watch Superstars and I rarely see Smackdown, so what little bit of him I have seen, it's been on Raw where he jobs to Sheamus or Santino and it's been in small increments.

I just watched his Superstars match from this week against Tyson Kidd on Hulu, and I couldn't help but notice that the crowd is so quiet, especially considering that this is a heel who actually gets used on TV. I just couldn't help but wonder, "What appeal is there to this guy?"

Jinder Mahal has a good look, but so do a lot of people. I think a lot of getting your foot in the WWE door these days is all about having a good look, at least in your own right. In his own way, Punk looks cool in the ring.

If all the WWE wants is a foothold in India, why wouldn't they just stick with Khali? Don't get me wrong, I know Khali had his personal problems and that he's an awful performer to watch, but he's arguably the most famous Indian wrestler, ever. At least, I can't think of anyone else. There have been plenty of Arab wrestlers, but I can't think of many more Indian wrestlers. If all you want is an Indian name on your roster, why not stick with the guy who has been a world champion in your company and already has name value?

Jinder Mahal's matches, when he actually gets offense in, aren't bad at all. He's a generic heel, though he's not that bad at it. Still, I'll take one guy with a unique gimmick over one with a generic gimmick, any day. Jinder Mahal has money and therefore is in the upper-echelon of the Indian caste system, which is just a translated version of any other rich heel gimmick. Also, for the WWE to base a character on that one piece on Indian culture shows a lack of understanding of the Indian culture; the caste system is an outdated concept that most Indians don't really take seriously, anymore. I'm not trying to stand on a soap box about this, it's just that if you're going to make a character that's meant to appeal to a certain demographic, then make sure you demonstrate an understanding of that demographic before you do.

But, I guess that's my whole point: I can't see any reason for the WWE to put Mahal in the position he's in. So many young faces on the WWE roster are fighting like crazy for a spot on TV and Mahal basically just walks on and gets relatively mid-card air time? All just because he's Indian? That's not good booking. If you're trying to hook the Indian audience, why, "represent them," with a heel character that negatively stereotypes them and their culture? Wouldn't you want the Indian audience to cheer for John Cena in that situation, anyway?

So tell me: do you think there's any appeal to Jinder Mahal?

Do you ever see this guy getting cared about?

I think there might be potential there, despite how uncomfortable he seems on camera. I don't get why the WWE is using him in this context, though;I don't think he's doing anything now that Drew McIntyre couldn't have done better.

I did a search to see if this thread was already active, and I didn't see a similar one. I apologize if this has been discussed ad nauseam, though.

I highlight the words I've already put in bold because people on the Internet already skim and scan your comments enough, so the least I can do is basically just spare you the minor details, unless you would like otherwise, and tell you how I feel plainly. If it offends the eye, then give me feedback and I'll quit.
I think this is spot on. Mahal has bored me ever since I first saw him. I have absolutely nothing against the foreign heel gimmick. The problem though, is that it just doesn't work here. The US has no problems with India, so naturally in the US he won't get booed like Shiek or Hassan did. And you're right, he is just generic. Nothing about him pops. Him and Del Rio are the same character to me. Upper class arrogant foreign heel, and that character bores the hell out of me. And this is a stupid personal thing, but whatever is up with his eyes really bothers me.
I don't really like the Jinder Mahal character, but that is not what really irks me about about his whole situation. What really bothers me beyond his boring character is how he is being used by creative. Jinder Mahal is on tv almost every week, but he jobs to Sheamus. The only time the guy ever wins is on Superstars and honestly how many people really watch that show. Not that many.

My view, even though I dont like him, is that if creative is going to use Jinder Mahal, then at least use him correctly. Dont have him be this stupid joke of a character that repeatedly bites off more than he can chew and lose to Sheamus every other week. If I am going to have to see him every week, I would like for him to at least be a credible contender so all his matches wont be worthless and throw aways cause they all are right now.
I don't care about Mahal at all. He possesses nothing that isn't already there on the roster besides the single detail that he's from a popular country. I get it, the WWE clearly wants to appeal to India and their untapped market. But Mahal has nothing appealing about him. His look, his in-ring arsenal, attire; it's nothing new. Why should the WWE push him? Just because he’s from a populous country doesn’t mean he’ll draw shit. He’s boring and pales in comparison to The Great Khali. Khali at least had a very unique look even if his look was damn ugly. He possessed something no one else on the WWE roster had unlike Mr. Mahal.

I guess the blame cannot be put on Mahal entirely. Jinder Mahal is on television nearly every week but he doesn't even put up a fight with Sheamus. He’s being booked to fail and it’s seriously hurting his credibility. It's like the WWE isn't even trying with him so why the hell should I care? I don't. The audience is completely silent when Mahal enters the ring; he isn't over. Better yet, why should he be over? Until the WWE actually tries with him, I won’t have a care in the world.
He doesnt have any appeal, anything to make him stand out from other guys like Drew McIntyre who have the look but none of the charisma. The whole Indian character has no chance in WWE's current product. Maybe they should stop basing characters on race, imo that automatically limits them. We'll juts have to wait and see, hopefully he gets a breakthrough or someone comes along who can bring him to the next level. I know throwing a guy who has absolutely no heat at all in there against a top face is risky, but if done right it could actually make Jinder relevant. Maybe move him to RAW.
He's around because Khali's knees were crippled. I think he has been improving though. In his recent matches with Sheamus and Ted DiBiase, he's shown a lot of improvement ring psychology wise. He also seems to have put on some more muscle mass, which has helped him look more believable as a serious opponent.

Don't get me wrong, he has a long ways to go yet. I think his mic skills blow at the moment, and I think he needs to do something a little more colourful to grab people's attention. However, I do think however, that for the WWE the best option is to keep Jinder around. He doesn't need to be anything more than midcard, and as a midcarder, I think he is doing fine.
If all the WWE wants is a foothold in India, why wouldn't they just stick with Khali?

Khali and Jinder served completely different purposes; Khali was a novelty act while Jinder is depicted as a regular wrestler. When the two of them played off each other, it was interesting......but only for a short while. A family feud is only going to last a limited time. I would think management knew that Khali's era with WWE was ending, so they correctly used him to get Jinder Mahal over.......sort of over, anyway.

Aside from a world-class scowl, Jinder doesn't really bring much to the table to distinguish himself. I think he's built more like a basketball player than a wrestler, what with his "aerobically expanded" chest and skinny legs. In fact, watching Jinder move around the ring reminds me of Karl Malone trying to be a wrestler in WCW; he was stiff legged and stilted in his movements, as you would expect a non-wrestler to be. Well, I believe the same applies to Jinder Mahal.....except he doesn't have the excuse of not really being a wrestler!

Frankly, I'm surprised the company has given Jinder as much air time as they have. After guys like Sheamus are done beating him up, I don't think he'll have much more purpose in WWE.

Tiger Ali Singh, anyone?
I don't get Mahal at all. If he were to be future endeavored tomorrow, I doubt I would notice for months, if at all. He just doesn't stand out in any way for me. Very bland. I don't like him, I don't dislike him. They say that the worst thing a wrestler can do is not get boos from the crowd, but to draw no reaction whatsoever. That is exactly where I am at when it comes to Jindar Mahal. I simply don't care about him either way.
Tiger Ali Singh, anyone?

I'll take Tiger over Jinder. Lol. At least we still remember Tiger after all of these years...for better or worse.

I never really thought about Mahal being that kind of athlete, but it does make sense. He's not bad in the ring by any means, but he isn't very fluid. Still, I think his in-ring work is okay. I don't expect every performer to be Benoit or Eddie, so I won't hold it against him.

I would, however (and I can't believe I'm saying this,), prefer a beaten up old Great Khali than what Jinder is doing. Khali had a presence to him. Sure, his matches were abysmal and he could barely speak English, but he at least had a run that you can look back on, again for better or worse.

I just think that Khali will be remembered, whereas Jinder won't, and I think that's the trademark of poor booking. Jinder, to me, is really just an Indian Alberto Del Rio and yes, Khali was just an attempt at an Indian Andre, but tell me:

Would you rather have Alberto Del Rio or Andre the Giant?

I wouldn't be shocked to see some people say ADR, but ADR is nothing unique, either. If Jinder is the Indian ADR, then ADR is the Mexican Ted DiBiase, and the Million Dollar Man was better than both of those guys, combined.

I suppose that's where I've been trying to go with this, though. DiBiase was a character. He had trademarks and gimmicks that helped him stand out in a crowded WWF, full of heels who wanted that top spot, who wanted those matches with Hogan and Savage.

ADR doesn't really have any trademarks: he's using Ted DiBiase's character, he got the cars from JBL, and he wrestles like his father, though that's to be expected. Still, his promos are redundant and stale, and he's pretty much already blown through feuds with the top babyfaces. I don't know where he has to go, when he comes back.

Jinder Mahal is in an even worse situation. He's like ADR, but without the talent. The only thing that makes me angry is that he's just Drew McIntyre, except with even less of a gimmick and somehow more air time.

Drew is a veteran that has established himself, despite the WWE. Guys like Tyson Kidd are better wrestlers who never really got a full push, when they did get pushed. But just because WWE wants a foothold in India, they pull an Indian heel, which I still don't see how is supposed to draw in an Indian audience, out of their ass, and then put him on TV.

Sorry to rant the second time around, but I suppose that's been my agenda in this thread. I'm just mad that Jinder, who is on par with Michael McGillicutty in talent, gets used on TV more than moderate performers who are at least better wrestlers.

The blatant marketing in sacrifice of better TV always frustrates me.
Mahal should be out there insulting Americans as lazy and greedy. He should be talking about India as the only future world super power because the people are hard, educated workers that are not just out for an easy buck and cheap thrills. He should win matches quickly and efficiently. They could even throw him out there to beat 3 American jobbers in a handicapped match. Let him go pummel Hacksaw Jim Duggan. He should say things like, "You mock us for our corporate customer service jobs, from you infinitely long American unemployment lines!"

I think this could get him some more heat but I don't know where that takes him when he starts to feud with top stars like Sheamus. Maybe give him some lackeys. I don't know, he may just suck and be a lost cause.
i see LOADS of POTENTIAL in jinder mahal.

he's got all the mic work, the ok ring work, the look, the 'IT' factor----if WWE booked him correctly, he could be the next MOHAMMED HASSAN.

in my opinion, he's FAR better on the mic right now than daniel bryan.
The only person holding back Jinder Mahal is most likely Jinder Mahal. Yes creative & higher uppers can have a HUGE hand in your destiny, but he has also got to show the talent he has or can learn aswell as being able to connect with the crowd.

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