I Don't Believe That: Roman Reigns

Con T.

Yaz ain't enough, I need Fluttershy
Is it just me, or does Roman Reigns come off as phony to anyone else? Because I feel like Roman Reigns is especially fake, and that he doesn't deserve the push he's going to get.

He just comes off so disinterested, and it makes whoever he works with look bad. He may say he loves wrestling, but it always seems like he doesn't want to be there, and that he's hating life. He looks so detached from everything. Let's not forget, he's a failed football player, so this probably isn't his first career choice. In fact, it isn't; he tried to play in the CFL, for Yahweh's sake. He doesn't look like The Rock, who was born and bred to be in this business.

I just don't believe in the guy in the ring, either. He's sloppy, and it looks like he doesn't care if he's hurting the people he works with. He has this habit of making his opponents look bad. We just don't notice it, because.

A. He has Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins to take the bumps for them.
B. He's gotten to work with some of the best workers in the fed, such as Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, and John Cena.

Everything the guy looks fake to me. He looks like he would rather be anywhere else, at any time. Any one agree with me?
To me it sounds like you are trying to find reasons to hate him. He might not have the greatest mic abilities but he is one hell of an athlete and has a great look and presence. Probably the most improved superstar over 2013.
The Rock wasn't born and bred to be in the business. He too chose football over pro-wrestling, and there is nothing wrong with that. Only after his football career didn't work ut, did he decide to come into pro-wrestling. Also, there are a dozen top names in the history of pro-wrestling who only came into the business because something else didn't work out fr them.
I agree with you with the whole "disinterested" thing... but Rollins and Ambrose look disinterested too, I'm pretty sure that's the look they're supposed to have and Reigns just does a better job portraying it. The only time we've seen The Shield with any real emotion is when either Ambrose or Rollins gets really... REALLY fired up on the mic, and even then they still try their best to look as expressionless as possible.

Now as far as in-ring goes, that could be said about almost every single new-big guy there ever was. Big E was like that when he played a heel and still is like that to an extent, Rusev is like that now. Going back a bit, Lesnar was pretty much like that when he first debuted as was Batista when he debuted as Leviathan. Now I know I just mentioned all heels, keep in mind Reigns was a heel up until about 2 weeks ago.

So yes, I get what you're saying.. I definitely see it, but I think it's more of a matter of that's what he's supposed to do, not that he purposely doesn't care.
To me it sounds like you are trying to find reasons to hate him. He might not have the greatest mic abilities but he is one hell of an athlete and has a great look and presence. Probably the most improved superstar over 2013.

Lulz. You can be a great athlete, and still not care to keep your opponent safe. The sad truth is, The Shield never elevates anyone. Look at how badly they ruined Ryback's career. And the way Roman Reigns just seems so fake and disingenuous always rubs me the wrong way, especially when the WWE should be pushintg talent like Ziggler and Bad News Barrett.

Actually, The Rock's first choice was also football.

Dude actually looks like he cared to be in a wrestling ring, though. When you saw him talk about wrestling, he always had a passion; Roman Reigns doesn't. He just stares at the audience with those dead fish eyes, and waits to hit his spear.
Not sure about that. I believe he's assigned to play a brooding loner, the guy who's part of a group and obliged to go with the company line (kayfabe), but is only loosely connected with the faction in spirit. In the Shield, he spent most of his early days as the last one to speak.....sometimes the only one of the three not to speak. Yes, this type of roleplay could come off as disinterest, but I think he's simply doing things the way Creative wrote his character.

He's destined to become a single, and while more of his personality should emerge, I don't ever think he's going to come off as overly demonstrative, save for that "roar" (it looks like a roar, anyway) after he delivers a finishing blow.

All this quiet prove to be an advantage, however. In the overblown world of pro wrestling, with all the blowhards and over-the-top characters, it might prove very effective to be presented with someone whose actions speak louder than words.
I agree with you with the whole "disinterested" thing... but Rollins and Ambrose look disinterested too, I'm pretty sure that's the look they're supposed to have and Reigns just does a better job portraying it. The only time we've seen The Shield with any real emotion is when either Ambrose or Rollins gets really... REALLY fired up on the mic, and even then they still try their best to look as expressionless as possible.

Now as far as in-ring goes, that could be said about almost every single new-big guy there ever was. Big E was like that when he played a heel and still is like that to an extent, Rusev is like that now. Going back a bit, Lesnar was pretty much like that when he first debuted as was Batista when he debuted as Leviathan. Now I know I just mentioned all heels, keep in mind Reigns was a heel up until about 2 weeks ago.

So yes, I get what you're saying.. I definitely see it, but I think it's more of a matter of that's what he's supposed to do, not that he purposely doesn't care.

Well, it's more than that, though; dude doesn't want to do all of the extra little things, to show he's grateful for his spot, and cares.

John Cena goes out to Make a Wish kids on his off time. He goes, and shows a passion for helping children who really need it.

When would you ever see Roman Reigns do that?

Never, because dude just is fake.
Dirty Dutch Oven the wrestlers themselves don't go out and do make a wish. the KIDS of MAW have to REQUEST who they want to meet. and more often then not they want to meet Fruity Pebbles and NO ONE ELSE.
I'm pretty sure that once Roman is on his own and working a face character he will start getting requests from MAW....hell even Miz gets MAW requests
Well, it's more than that, though; dude doesn't want to do all of the extra little things, to show he's grateful for his spot, and cares.

John Cena goes out to Make a Wish kids on his off time. He goes, and shows a passion for helping children who really need it.

When would you ever see Roman Reigns do that?

Never, because dude just is fake.

You're acting as if John Cena debuted the same man he is now. John Cena only started going to those Make A Wish events, when he was given the spotlight as the poster boy of the WWE.

You seem to be extremely judgmental of a talent who is only just starting to develop and is still a rookie. Odds are when Roman Reigns becomes a top talent in the WWE he will start doing the same things John Cena does. You can't judge someone with no concrete evidence.

Also your point on The Shield not elevating anyone, once again they are still rookies and don't have the prestige to elevate talent all that well because they are just starting to elevate themselves. However, they did make The Wyatt Family look extraordinary heading into their bout with John Cena at WM XXX, so there is that. As for Ryback, Ryback lacks a lot of the credentials needed to be a top WWE wrestler. If anything killed Ryback's push it was Ryback, it really says something when you can't get over with Paul Heyman managing you.

Once Roman Reigns becomes a top talent, maybe then you can see if he is passionate or not. It is way too soon to make that call but from where I'm standing he has this business in his blood and I'm sure he is aware of that.
Dirty Dutch Oven the wrestlers themselves don't go out and do make a wish. the KIDS of MAW have to REQUEST who they want to meet. and more often then not they want to meet Fruity Pebbles and NO ONE ELSE.
I'm pretty sure that once Roman is on his own and working a face character he will start getting requests from MAW....hell even Miz gets MAW requests

I don't get the contradicting points within the post. First, you state how heels don't get MAW requests, and point to Miz?

Also, you say they ask for no one but Cena, but that's not true. Heels would do it all the time. I'm just waiting for the day one hilarious MAW kids asks for Bad News Barrett


I don't feel you're trying; that's more trolling than anything.

Perhaps you could try explaining how Roman Reigns looks like he's trying :shrug:
Not every character is supposed to look hyped out of his mind when he comes out there, Reigns is playing it as a cool, stoic type that says very little and lets his actions speak volumes. As far as him being sloppy goes, I haven't read anything about him hurting anyone and nothing in his move-set is overly complicated or risky.

My biggest concern with Roman Reigns is that some in WWE seem to want him to be on top tomorrow, when in truth I think he needs a lot of singles seasoning while still protected within the bosom of The Shield gimmick.
I get it, lets all take turns starting threads where we pick apart every young guy the WWE is positioning to be a top performer.

You got the muscle-marks who call the "YES Movement" a "fad". One that has lasted 2 years so far, by the way.

You got someone creating a thread about Bray Wyatt being BORING. Absurd.

Now, it's "Roman Reigns is fake" and doesn't look like he's trying.

I'm not feeding into the OP's nonsense by "sticking up" for Reigns. I don't even think he believes what he is saying. This is attention-seeking nonsense. When you resort to "he doesn't do Make-a-Wish appearances" as a case-proving point, you lose all credibility.
Outside of his main-event look, I'm not all that impressed with Roman Reigns. He isn't impressive on the mic, he's not that tall for a guy being pushed in a big guy gimmick. He's the same height as Sheamus (6'4") and others like Kane, Big Show, Khali, and Undertaker are (or near) 7ft+ and fit the "big guy" gimmick better and more convincingly because of it. And lastly, he's not all that impressive in the ring...yet.

I see promise in Anoa'i (Reigns) if he can manage to craft an entertaining extension of his badass character. But until then, I think that most people are like me in that we're solely interested because he looks like a possible star.
I get it, lets all take turns starting threads where we pick apart every young guy the WWE is positioning to be a top performer.

Hey, why not? This is a wrestling discussion forum. If you aren't here to talk wrestling, what are you here to talk about?

You got the muscle-marks who call the "YES Movement" a "fad". One that has lasted 2 years so far, by the way.

Nice to see you have an open way of thinking about things, calling people muscle marks. You must really be open to new ideas.

You got someone creating a thread about Bray Wyatt being BORING. Absurd.

He is. :shrug:

Now, it's "Roman Reigns is fake" and doesn't look like he's trying.

He does look fake. And he looks uninterested.

I'm not feeding into the OP's nonsense by "sticking up" for Reigns. I don't even think he believes what he is saying. This is attention-seeking nonsense. When you resort to "he doesn't do Make-a-Wish appearances" as a case-proving point, you lose all credibility.

So you've decided to share that you won't express your opinion, by expressing your opinion.

Looks like you're the one seeking attention, jack (or joe)
Wonderful exposition OP. Just brilliant. But here's the thing you have completely overlooked about Mumbly Joe - he only has the spot that he has because Vince gave it to him. I don't remember any of the fans saying this guy should be feuding with bona fide veterans like Bryan, Kane, Cena, Sheamus, and Orton when this guy was first on the scene. Maybe some muscle obsessed kids and menopausal moms when they saw him but not any real wrestling fans.

But thats what happens with ass kissers like Mumbly Joe and in turn they never seem to care in front of or behind the curtain because they've earned nothing. The guy won't even cut a promo for more than 8 seconds. I don't hate much, but when a guy like Reigns uses his family connections it is disgusting.

Plus lets face facts, his idea of ring psychology is wait for the crowd to die about 30 seconds after you get tagged in and then quickly tag out to Rollins so that he can get the crowd interested again. Not to mention that I haven't seen much from him that would indicate he is any more than a power spot monkey.
Reigns seems quite detached, but I like to think that it's just his character. Based on how he's been booked maybe his gimmick is that it's all just too easy for him. Reigns knows he's going to win and if he doesn't, it's the fault of Ambrose or Rollins. Which fits in perfectly with any losses that The Shield have incurred.
Reigns seems quite detached, but I like to think that it's just his character. Based on how he's been booked maybe his gimmick is that it's all just too easy for him. Reigns knows he's going to win and if he doesn't, it's the fault of Ambrose or Rollins. Which fits in perfectly with any losses that The Shield have incurred.

So when Cena jokes and and has a grand old time, we bury him?

But when Roman Reigns looks disinterested, we call it him playing a character?

Nope, it doesn't work that way. It's the IWC; don't you get that by now?
I'm not going to get nasty about it, but I always think it's unfair when fans accuse a wrestler of phoning it in. I've been guilty of it, too. I think wrestlers [meaning ALL of them] are under waaay too much scrutiny to slack off in or out of the ring. There's way too much talent that would gladly step up and take their spot.

I think Reigns' unsuccessful attempts at pro ball will actually play into his wheelhouse. He can focus on being the best wrestler he can be instead of worrying about missed opportunities; looking at you, Lesnar.

Don't give up on him, he's got some of the best showing him the ropes and he's only going to get better.
Well, it's more than that, though; dude doesn't want to do all of the extra little things, to show he's grateful for his spot, and cares.

John Cena goes out to Make a Wish kids on his off time. He goes, and shows a passion for helping children who really need it.

When would you ever see Roman Reigns do that?

Never, because dude just is fake.

Heels rarely make Make-a-Wish appearances, because well... they're heels and kids don't like them. And on the rare occasion that a heel does fulfill a wish, it's not as publicized by the WWE than when a face does it.

I've seen Reigns do interviews, tons of them. It seems almost as if every week I go on WrestleZone and there's an article that starts with "Roman Reigns talks about..." He does media for the company.
Dirty Dutch Oven the wrestlers themselves don't go out and do make a wish. the KIDS of MAW have to REQUEST who they want to meet. and more often then not they want to meet Fruity Pebbles and NO ONE ELSE.
I'm pretty sure that once Roman is on his own and working a face character he will start getting requests from MAW....hell even Miz gets MAW requests


Also, you say they ask for no one but Cena, but that's not true. Heels would do it all the time. I'm just waiting for the day one hilarious MAW kids asks for Bad News Barrett

Huh? Your proof that it's not true they only ask for Cena is that heels WOULD do it? What does a heel's willingness have to do with how many kids ask for them? That makes no sense. And what makes you think Roman Reigns is any more or less willing to do it than Bad News Barrett? Do you know any MAW kids who have asked to meet Reigns and he said no? By the way, the vast majority of MAW stories aren't publicized and we have no idea who does or doesn't get requests and who does or doesn't do them. They only talk about Cena because he's done hundreds of them.

I get it, lets all take turns starting threads where we pick apart every young guy the WWE is positioning to be a top performer.

You got the muscle-marks who call the "YES Movement" a "fad". One that has lasted 2 years so far, by the way.

You got someone creating a thread about Bray Wyatt being BORING. Absurd.

Now, it's "Roman Reigns is fake" and doesn't look like he's trying.

I'm not feeding into the OP's nonsense by "sticking up" for Reigns. I don't even think he believes what he is saying. This is attention-seeking nonsense. When you resort to "he doesn't do Make-a-Wish appearances" as a case-proving point, you lose all credibility.

Oh, it's not just the young guys. Far from it. How many threads do we see complaining about Cena and Triple H? The Rock? Even Orton and Lesnar? The young guys get off pretty easy when it comes to being picked apart compared to most of the established guys.

I was extremely disappointed when I clicked on this thread. A lot of people have been anointing Reigns the next big star and the next face of the WWE, people saying he should've ended the streak or he should be the guy to beat Lesnar...look, I think there are a lot of legitimate questions about Reigns. Does he really have staying power? When he gets the inevitable big singles push, will he hold up to the extra scrutiny? He's got a great look, sure, but his mic skills and wrestling ability have been greatly protected by Ambrose and Rollins so far. All three of them have protected each other, sure, but I think most would agree thst Reigns has benefitted the most from learning from the other two. So what will happen when he's on his own? Will he continue to shine, and shine even brighter? Or will his weaknesses be exposed and overcome him?

That's what I was hoping this thread was. A legitimate discussion about Reigns's future. Instead I get that he looks uninterested and doesn't do MAW requests. What?
I wouldn't say phony but given how The Shield just comes in and beats the hell out of people, I don't see why people are saying he is the breakout star - how can you be when you don't do anything? He very well could be the next big thing for them but until they started to talk about big things for him, all 3 guys seemed to be equal to me. If you want to talk phony, Wyatt is the one you need to look at. I have never seen fans embrace such a half-assed gimmick like that.
I don't get why people are even debating over Make-a-Wish. Make-a-Wish is a publicized program by the WWE, nobody knows how it's decided as to whom to go. And even if you're not willing to go, it doesn't mean that you're disinterested. It means that you have other things to do at whatever stage of your life you're in at that time, it doesn't mean that you don't give donations (anonymously), it doesn't mean that you don't help our in your community or even your own home! The poster of opening post made one assumption after another, and people are actually taking him seriously. For god sakes, give me a break on Make-a-Wish already.

My concern with Roman Reign is NOT whether he is nonchalant. My concern is if he get pushed too fast too soon. Right now, he works well with the Shield, and they had pretty much very good matches with everybody else. That, is called elevating your opponents btw. As far as singles match goes, he hasn't had a lousy match yet, they were all pretty good actually. That means he has the potential. But, his singles matches are far and few, I would prefer that he gained more singles experience before breaking out of the group.
Can people PLEASE take a stance on a person and stick with it???

When the Wyatt's debuted last summer, everyone was all on fire about how weird and cool they were, and how they were the Next Undertaker or something. Now he's boring. :banghead:

When the whole Daniel Bryan rise to glory began, everyone was just eating it up. Now the steroid junkies are crawling out of the woodwork saying he's a "vanilla midget" or some bullshit. Yeah he's small, but he has PASSION. He wants to be here. He looks natural, not like he's been pumping roids since age 12. He's also the best damn technical wrestler I've seen in forever. I don't recall everyone getting all mad over Rey Mysterio or Eddie Guerrro winning the belts and making main events, why are we mad over Daniel Bryan?

Roman Reigns is meant to be a loner/ wolf type guy. He is not like that all the time, you've seen him do his scream during matches! Frankly, he's the future, accept that.

I wonder why you people think he's boring...after all he's not a "vanilla midget".
I never had an impression that Regins should be pushed up the heights! He is just an overrated player! He never shows skills! He doesn't have variety of moves as well!
When you compare him with Seth Rollins who has been called as the Architect of the Shield, Roman regins wouldn't stand a chance! Rollins got a variety of moves and he got good skills at the Mic too!!
Regins never held the Mic and he wouldn't suffer without having a Manager! He'll have short reign of Success like Bobby Lashley or Dave Batista! and yes I said Batista! Batista wouldn't have been a potential player without Ric Flair and Evolution with his side!
Regins never can feud with Mic talents and never will be able to get the baby face turn!
He's gonna be a wasted talent for sure!
Can people PLEASE take a stance on a person and stick with it???
They can't. People have to be different any way possible. These same type of "fans" were around in the 80's making fun of Hogan and also around in the Attitude Era to make fun of Austin and Rock. I guess being different is a lot easier than being yourself.

As far as Reigns goes, I have never noticed him being disinterested. I have never known any of the Shield to act that way. They act like cocky heels who don't care because they are told to act like cocky heels who don't care.

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