I didn't know that getting banned from Wrestlezone would turn you psychotic...

Ok, let me be more specific. If I were banned for something that was actually against the rules, I would not mind just leaving and never coming back. I sure as fuck wouldn't go to prison.
Scared Game Rage and Shake would take your manhood?

Game got bant and Shake deserves to be in there all alone.

What exactly is the point of staying in prison? It just doesn't seem like a place for anyone that actually has any tiny bit of self respect. Thats why I wouldn't go. Plenty of other forums out there.
I was permanently bant once, but KB donned the CM Punk gimmick and saved me seconds after. Still have yet to pledge myself into the straight-edge lifestyle or shave my head.
He said something about wishing Kanye West was a Jew during the Holocaust. FTS took offense.
Back then, I was like Shake or Areoplex rolled into Jane's old gimmick. Oh God... it's all coming back to me... I can't believe you coined the phrase FalKasm, Doc.
Back then, I was like Shake or Areoplex rolled into Jane's old gimmick. Oh God... it's all coming back to me... I can't believe you coined the phrase FalKasm, Doc.

say that word again.

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