I didn't know that getting banned from Wrestlezone would turn you psychotic...

If this is another thread about Sid, do us a favor, and just close it now man. We're all sick and tired of that nonsense.
There is another, the guy who made the NorCal Twitter. He still updates it with stuff about NorCal's life.
And there are others that enjoy threatening people by giving out their home address for people to come challenge them to a fight. Interesting...
There's just something about this place.

If I was ever banned, I'd probably be highly annoyed, but I'd try to get over it and find a new wrestling forum.
Yeah I know this is the best wrestling forum. Hence why I'd be upset at first.
Yeah I'd be saddened about it as well, but it's really not a big deal, cause yes in the end there's other forums, or you might as well just quit posting on any forum.
Honestly, if I got kicked off this forum then I'd probably sit back, think for a second, close the window, and then go about my wonderful, normal life.
Well he was mentioned. But really, if someone is banned from here they can't even see this thread to see people talking shit on them. I don't see the point of talking shit about someone behind their back.
I do... especially when they do it to you, first. Payback's a bitch.

What I'm trying to say is that if you're banned from a forum, such as this one, and you can't seem to move on, you shouldn't publicly berate members of the forum that got rid of you. Is it really worth it? Don't we have lives outside of here?
I've already done that. I figured I'd try something different here. Besides, I had to find out about the public berating from someone else, since I was blocked from their page. So, this seems like the same thing to me. If they want to find out that I'm talking shit, they could just find out from a mutual friend, too.
You are correct, but I kind of made this on a whim because someone said it might be a good idea to create this in the cage, where just about everything is legal. But, like I said to X, if you don't like it, then don't read it or come into the thread.
Honestly, if I got kicked off this forum then I'd probably sit back, think for a second, close the window, and then go about my wonderful, normal life.

Most likely the same, perhaps go through what the fuck went wrong right there if it's not already obvious (a spam or duplicate post for example)
My reaction to getting banned would probably depend on why I was banned. I wouldn't go ballistic like certain people, and threaten lives and act like I'm a badass street fighter or whatever...

No, I'm not referring to anyone.
Facebook's meant to be about empty flirting with random girls, not shit like this.

Exactly; save the emo shit for MySpace. No one on Facebook cares how much of an injustice it is that you got kicked out of an online forum. The Internet has the freedom to decide it doesn't want to put up with your shit anymore.

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