I Booked WWE in 2008 (My main storyline idea and more)

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Occasional Pre-Show
Highlights of RAW Jan. 7 2008

-Show opens with a new intro and JR welcomes us to another edition of Monday Night RAW. However, quickly “No Chance” hits and out comes the boss, Mr. McMahon. McMahon makes his way down to the ring in a very arrogant way. He gets in the ring as Lilian Garcia hands him a mic right away.-

Mr. McMahon: Welcome to MONDAY NIGHT RAW This past year has probably been the worst year I’ve ever had. Yes, I have made more money than ever...but this past year has been terrible. I’ve went through hell and back this past year. I’ll be damned if I’m going to have a repeat Earlier this week, I was thinking, what can I do to make sure that I’ll have a better year? Wrestle more matches? (Crowd boos) Hire more lackeys? (Crowd boos) Maybe take myself off television completely? (Crowd cheers)....Then I thought I’m crazy thinking all that. You see, I’m going to do something better than all three of those options. I’m gonna SHAKE things up around here I’m gonna make sure that each and everyone of you people respect me again I’m gonna make sure that the name VINCENT KENNEDY MCMAHON will be feared and respected by all the “boys in the back” I have devised a full on plan that will have to do with all the WWE superstars, from all three brands. This is going to be my year I’m gonna shake the company I built, down to the core once again

-All of a sudden, Motorhead hits and Triple H comes out. He gets in the ring and takes a mic out of his pocket.-

Triple H: Hey Vince, what the hell are you talking about man? You’re gonna shake the company up? What are you gonna do unleash another group of 40 year olds on us again?

Mr. McMahon: Yanno, I’ve just about had enough of you You listen here Triple H, I’m tired of you coming out here and making me look like a damn joke You, especially you, are gonna get the most out of this new shake up. I’m gonna make sure of it

Triple H: Well first of all, don’t get all mad just yet. I was going to come out here and just berate the hell out of you, but I’m not anymore. I’m interested in this little plan you got, Vince. So what’s the plan old man?

Mr..McMahon: You’d like for me to tell you now wouldn’t you Well you’re going to have to wait till the last few minutes of this broadcast, just like the rest of the world. At the end of this show I’m going to ask for every WWE superstar to come down to the ring and listen to my MAJOR announcement. The announcement that will change the lives of all WWE superstars and all its fans Triple H, I’m going to ask for you to be in the ring with me when I make this announcement. I wanna see the damn look on your face, when I drop this bomb shell. Triple H, I have a feeling after this announcment you’re never going to want to mess with me again In fact thats a gaurantee

-Triple H doesn’t look to impressed. Mr. McMahon gets out of the ring and is seen with a sinister smile on his face. The scene fades out.-

::Fast forward::

-We come back from our last commercial break. As we see all the superstars surround the ring. Finally Triple H comes out and gets in the ring with Mr. McMahon-

Mr. McMahon: Well, it is about that time for me to make this major announcement. Triple H, I’m glad you’re down here. As I’m also glad that each and every WWE superstar is out here as well. I called each of you down to the ring because I want you all to witness live a history making announcement that has to do with each and everyone of your business lives. You see the announcement that I’m going to make will shake the foundation of this company. Triple H, it’s time we put aside our differences and tell these people the truth. It’s like you’ve said in the past, these fans are smart enough to realize what the hell is going on. Quite frankly, we’ve done our best to keep the image alive, but now its time for us to come clean. Ladies and Gentlemen, Triple H is my son in law, but that’s not the announcement. My announcement right now, is that I am giving Triple H part ownership of the WWE

-Crowd cheers at the sound of this. Triple H is seen hugging Mr.McMahon. The wrestlers around the ring are a little confused and don’t look happy.-

Triple H: Thanks dad Hahaha These past few years have been crazy. I mean who’d believe that me and my father-in-law would trick each and every one of you into believing that we actually hate each other It’s like Mr. McMahon always says, “It’s all about the money ”. Why do you think we “re-united” D-Generation X? Not because of a hatred for Mr.McMahon, it was for the good of the company and to make sure that the McMahon-Helmesly estate sky-rocketed.

-Shawn Michaels gets in the ring. And grabs a mic from Triple H-

Shawn Michaels: Whoa whoa whoa You’re tellin me that this whole, thing has been a fake. Our whole friendship has been faked?

Triple H: Shawn, it was for the good of the company

Shawn Michaels: You’re telling me that D-X was re-united just to make money? You’re telling me that you actually like Vince? You’re telling me that you lied to me and the fans? You’ve crossed the line Hunter. I should have known better, we all should have.

-All of a sudden, Randy Orton comes in and RKO’s HBK out of nowhere This brings in CM Punk, Batista, Undertaker, MVP, Mr. Kennedy, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, and Edge. All the other talent around the ring goes to the back feeling betrayed, or happy at the new leadership role. In the mean time these 14 superstars battle it out the group of HBK, Batista Undertaker, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, and CM Punk stay in the ring as the others HHH, Edge, Randy Orton, Umaga, MVP, and Mr. Kennedy start walking up the ramp. The show ends with the face off between the 14 superstars and the crowd going nuts.-

Quick Results
Beth Phoniex def. Maria to retain the Women’s Championship
Ric Flair def. Santino Marella via Figure Four Leg Lock
Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly def. London and Kendrick to retain the World Tag Team Championship
Randy Orton and Mr. Kennedy def. Shawn Micheals and Jeff Hardy via RKO on Hardy

ECW on Sci Fi Highlights for Jan. 8th 2008

-The show opens with the two Smackdown Champions, the World Heavyweight Champion Edge along with MVP, the WWE United States Champion. The two enter the ring as Edge grabs a mic-

Edge: Last night something huge happened. A shift in the WWE. A new power has emerged and it hasn’t come too sooner! I’ve been sick to my stomach with the amount of respect that every single superstar in the back has not shown for our chairman, Vince McMahon. It’s about time that he made a decision to shift some power to his son-in-law and finally get the fear back into every superstar. What Mr. McMahon has done, is quite simple. He’s devised a plan so concrete, that every move he makes will look just as he envisioned. This is his WWE and now with the strength in numbers on his side, he’ll make sure it all goes as planned.

MVP: Edge, if you don’t mind me butting in. I’ll just like to say right now, Mr. McMahon, Triple H, you both have the support of both Smackdown! Champions!

-Edge and MVP shake hands just as we hear the rock song of John Morrision. Here comes the WWE Tag Team Champions now, Morrison and The Miz. They enter the ring with a mic in hand-

Morrison: First of all, I just want to say it’s an honor sharing a ring with two of the best singles wrestlers on Smackdown!. I want you two to realize that you’re standing in the ring with two of the best wrestlers on ECW as well! Secondly, I also want to say to Mr. McMahon and Triple H that you have the support of ALL the Smackdown Champs! Haha!

-Edge, MVP, Miz, and Morrison all shake hands and raise each other’s arms. All champions are getting along, but suddenly...CM Punk’s music hits and he comes out on the stage. Mic in hand.-

CM Punk: Well isn’t this a beautiful sight. The four biggest kiss asses in the WWE today sharing a ring! Since all of us champions are choosing our sides right now, I just want to make it crystal clear that. THE ECW CHAMPION, CM PUNK, does not support McMahon and Triple H’s new alliance of tyranny! (Crowd cheers) Actually I even know a few guys that can agree with me on this one!

-All of a sudden, out comes Matt Hardy, Batista, and The Undertaker. They back up the ECW Champion as all 4 start making there way down to the ring. Before they get into the ring, Armando Estrada comes out.-

Estrada: Aspettara, Aspettara, Aspettara. We will not be seeing any 4 on 4 action tonight (crowd boos). NO, instead I have already booked a match between ECW Champion CM Punk and World Heavyweight Champion Edge! (Crowd cheers) Unfortunately, due to the talent exchange guidlines Edge will not be able to defend his title. However, CM Punk will have to defend his! (Crowd boos at the sound of this) I suggest you both go back to the locker room and prepare for your match.

-The scene ends with the good guys staring over to the cocky guys in the ring-

Quick Results
Tommy Dreamer def. Kenny Dykstra
Elijah Burke and Shelton Benjamin def. Balls Mahoney and Nunzio
CM Punk def. Edge via DQ. Edge uses a chair on Punk to get dq’ed. Matt Hardy, Batista, and Undertaker came out to aid Punk but were outnumbered when Triple H along with Randy Orton, Mr. Kennedy, Umaga, MVP, Miz and Morrison completely annihilated the four rebels. The end saw all the “Corporation” raising arms over a wounded band of warriors.

Preview for Smackdown!
After the HUGE announcement made by Vince McMahon on RAW. The WWE has been split in two. A Corporate team and a Rebel team. Find out who chooses whose side. With superstars feeling lied to and betrayed by who they thought was a locker room leader to them, other superstars look to it as a dawning of a new era and new career opportunities. One thing is for sure there will be another HUGE announcement by the new part owner of WWE, Triple H! TUNE IN TO SMACKDOWN!
i wonder wat triple h will do like make hbk a champ and more bad threatning things to the wwe
Now, this thread could be fun! Just carry it through and keep it logical...unlike "creative" in WWE or TNA.

Good luck!
Maybe color code when someone is talking that would make it easier to read because it's just a big wall of text with no type of organization at all.
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