I believe Nick Paglino is wrong.


Pre-Show Stalwart
This is from a house show event so I wasnt quite sure where to put it. I've also looked for other posts but couldnt find any.

Thanks to Jeremy Wilkins for sending in another eye witness account of the CM Punk/fan altercation which took place at the WWE Raw house show event last night in Shreveport, Louisiana:

"As C.M. Punk was exiting (following his match against Mark Henry), he was shouting at numerous fans at ringside. He approached a family with two small children and began to do the same.

After some lengthy jawing back and forth, he screamed at one of the kids (age 10 or so) to slap him. The child did so. Punk laughed it off and shouted, "Oh yea! Slap me again." At this point, he grabbed the kid by the shirt, thus sending the kid into tears and stretching out his shirt.

This is when it got real serious. Punk and the child's parents had to be separated. As Punk walked off, I could hear him yelling, "He scratched my eye," which was evident by a little bit of swelling.

Security then escorted the family away for questioning. They also questioned a few of us at ringside and requested contact numbers.

It will be interesting to see if Punk shows any effects from this. I thought this was instigated by Punk, but with that being said, fans should never place their hands on a Superstar."

The last part of that really irks me. From how the author Nick Paglino paints the picture a man in his 30's weighing a lot more than a 10 year old child who is viewed as a villain and is shouting and being physically as well as mentally intimidating goes out of his way to go over to said child and provokes him. No explanation or idea as to why he did.

Had I been that age I would have done the same thing as him. Punk then went on to physically jerk the kid around. If this is a work thats fine and all however, I believe that if a wrestler goes out of his way to go to someone and do that you need to expect it from a child and NOT fight back. You need a professionalism. Thats something CM Punk clearly didnt have. I believe the child was in the right. Had it been anyone over the age of 13 I would say no. But it doesnt help matters when you ask for it again.

I firmly believe Nick Paglino is on the wrong side of the fence on this one. Please share your thoughts.
Doesn't surprise me. When I was at the UK tapings last year he got right in some kids face (probably about 17-18) and knocked the kids cellphone on the floor.
Nick Paglino is wrong!? Stop the presses!

Nice account of things though.
Because CM Punk has never gone out of his way to antagonise a fan...


AH the that video it brings joy to my life, but seriously Punk is on top of his game in WWE at the moment and i doubt WWE will severely punish him at all considering where he is at currently in his place on RAW.
Punk should get some form of punishment for this. Preferably a fine. You can't antagonise a FUCKING CHILD and then grab him by the shirt and frighten the piss out of him because they slapped you when you were litterally asking for it.
I don't think you can go off one fan report. I'll be interested to see how this develops.
Paglino is wrong because he's painting a ten yearold as the villain when Punk told him to slap him before grabbing him by the shirt and shouting at him. Pretty sure that Punk's the guy in the wrong there.
Im all for Punk getting a fine, which ist he least he should get, but demoting him from his current position on the roster is something WWE wont do to him.
Yeah, I don't think Paglino was giving his opinion, that was the fan's opinion, and I think it was off base. I know if I brought my kids to a wrestling show that was supposedly PG rated and a 220 pound man grabbed hold of my kid, I'd flip the fuck out. The WWE should get on their knees and pray to at least 12 different gods that this family doesn't file a law suit against them.

I would actually be in favor of Punk being punished for this, but he's way to woven into WWE TV right now to be taken off for any amount of time. I say fine him, and tell him that if he pulls that shit again it'll be a lot worse.
Neither side has a leg to stand on. The kid struck first but is below the age of criminal responsibility (in the UK at least. No idea what it is wherever this took place) and was provoked.
Punk should get some form of punishment for this. Preferably a fine. You can't antagonise a FUCKING CHILD and then grab him by the shirt and frighten the piss out of him because they slapped you when you were litterally asking for it.

It is his job to antagonize the audience. I was listening to Colt Cabana's podcast with Austin Aries, who was talking about his own run-ins with fans, and he said that his Aries' dad took Austin to a show when he was 5 and told him "You can yell whatever you want at them, but if you touch them, they can do whatever they want to you." Punk was doing his job and the kid crossed the barrier, so to speak, and laid hands on Punk. I don't think he was wrong here.
If he did that to my kid, I don't care how much I like his work, I would've stabbed him in the fucking eye with my car key. Yelling at a kid to get a response is ok, and he should expect to get slapped. I would be honored to have him yell at my son and take a slap from him, but you don't ever put your hands on a kid, especially a grown ass man that started the whole thing.

I remember Great American Bash tour 1994, Sid vs Sting, I was 11 years old and I punched Sid in the ass, all he did was turn around and growl at me. It is the best memory I have at a wrestling event. If he would've grabbed me by the shirt, I would've shit myself.
It is his job to antagonize the audience. I was listening to Colt Cabana's podcast with Austin Aries, who was talking about his own run-ins with fans, and he said that his Aries' dad took Austin to a show when he was 5 and told him "You can yell whatever you want at them, but if you touch them, they can do whatever they want to you." Punk was doing his job and the kid crossed the barrier, so to speak, and laid hands on Punk. I don't think he was wrong here.

There's a thin line between beeing a good heel and being an unprofessional jackass. I'm fine with him antagonising the kid, it's his job to piss off the audience after all. But there were a few dozen better ways to handle the situation better. For example he could have berated the parents for not controlling their brat or just sucked it up. By grabbing the kid and shouting at him Punk didn't just cross that line he took a piss on it. If anybody else who works with kids tried that shit they'd be screwed. Take it out on the parents or vent to the doctor but you don't get physical with a fucking ten year old.
There's a thin line between beeing a good heel and being an unprofessional jackass. I'm fine with him antagonising the kid, it's his job to piss off the audience after all. But there were a few dozen better ways to handle the situation better. For example he could have berated the parents for not controlling their brat or just sucked it up. By grabbing the kid and shouting at him Punk didn't just cross that line he took a piss on it. If anybody else who works with kids tried that shit they'd be screwed. Take it out on the parents or vent to the doctor but you don't get physical with a fucking ten year old.

Completely agreed, if an NFL player grabbed a kid, his ass would be sued, fined, suspended, and whatever else they could throw at him. Hell, a lot of people could see someone do that to their own kid and call the cops for child abuse. You NEVER put your hands on someone elses kid.
I know if I brought my kids to a wrestling show that was supposedly PG rated and a 220 pound man grabbed hold of my kid, I'd flip the fuck out.

Exactly. How fucking stupid do you have to be to taunt someone to hit you ( a kid at that) and then get pissed when they hit you. Not only that, but grabbing a kid by the shirt? What a fucking twat.

He's lucky the parents didn't knock him the fuck out. You have to know where to draw the line.
If that is what happened, and it wasn't a work, Punk went too far. He should know better but this isn't that big of a deal. I am sure WWE did more than enough to appease those involved after the incident and maybe Punk gets a stern lecture.
It seems that my original interpretation of the events isn't correct. It seems that Punk was in control until the dad got involved, which is when Punk picked up the eye injury. If that IS what happened, most of the blame should be given to the Father. If he'd waited for security the situation would have ended nicely. Punk probably shouldn't have grabbed the kid though, even if he did it calmly instead of because he was having a temper tantrum because of a scratched eye.
All I know is this.

Show or not, if a grown man puts his hands on my child, scaring him to death, I'd beat the hell out of the motherfucker. There is a line you just don't cross, and scaring a kid by putting your hands on him and roughing him up is that line. It's all fun for show, and if you want to take a slap from the kid, fine. Just don't put your hands on him.

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