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I am I the only person excited


Championship Contender
I love wrestlemania season. I see everyone on here bashing WM30 already but I see the potential for a pretty good WM. Bray vs Cena will be good, probably Cena's best WM match in years. It has a chance to steal the show imo. DB vs HHH will be amazing, these too will put on a classic. Brock vs Taker will be...well it will be a streak match, easily a 4 to 5 star match imo. If we can also get a triple threat match for The Shield for the us title, this will be another 4-5 star match. I dont understand why people are mad. This is the first year in a long time that there was this many possibilities for a show stealing match. Im really excited for this Mania and I though that the confrontation between Brock and Taker was great. IDK maybe im just optimistic but I think that this will be one of the greatest Mania's we've seen in years. Even Orton vs Batista could be ok maybe even good. Give them a NO DQ stip and have it only go for about 15 minutes and I think it would be better than alot of people think.
No the projected card doesn't look too bad however I would have mixed some of the puzzle pieces If I was booking it. I trust in Wyatt a lot more since his RR match so I think his bout with Cena will be good. Assuming we do get HHH V Bryan there should be a feel good moment if he's triumphant. Brock & Taker should be a physical affair and I've enjoyed all the recent streak matches. I doubt the title match will get much love and agree that a stip might help the aura of the match but it will more than likely get trashed.
Honestly, I wish I never read the dirt sheets so I could be more surprised about the match up between Brock/Taker, Wyatt/Cena, Batista/Orton, HHH/Bryan, it should be a good show. I'm interested to see how the undercard will be like will the Real Americans/Shield finally split, who the US/IC/Tag Team/Divas champs are going to face.
This is the first year in a long time that there was this many possibilities for a show stealing match.

I think you're right. If one reads the threads on this forum and watches the crowd in the arenas during TV broadcasts, I'd say one of the problems is that this is shaping up to be the "Wrestlemania of Daniel Bryan." To many, WWE doesn't seem to be about anything but him.

Show stealing matches? I think the folks who want to do the "Yes!" chant want to see Daniel destroy Triple H...... somehow interfere in the Undertaker-Brock match and leave 'em both lying......insert himself into Cena-Bray, knocking out the other two swamp rats and enabling the poor, helpless Cena to pin Bray.......then coming down the aisle (knocking out all three Shield guys along the way) and somehow taking over the Orton-Batista match and winning the World Championship for himself.

We've been reading about how WWE should give the fans what they want.....and essentially, if Daniel doesn't come out of this PPV the champion, they're going to be unhappy.....or riot......or whatever.

Personally, I'm excited about the card too, but maybe they should cater to the Daniel crowd and give him all the accolades he and his mucho successful program have earned......so we can also take time to appreciate the other good stuff that will be going on at WM30.
Im not sure if your the only 1 but I am not excited at all this card. The top 4 matches all don't provide any interest.

Bootista vs Orton - Orton is stale and Bootista should have never returned. I don't enjoy the Evolution based story and I don't think Bootista is even in the top 100 for wrestling talent so no aspect of the match intrigues me. Add to that the fact that there is no babyface in the match and my interest is lowered even further.

Undertaker vs Lesnar - Undertaker should have wrestled a Shield member as revenge for there attack but it seems like WWE's lack of continuity is coming back to haunt us again. Add to that the fact that Lesnar has barely won since returning and almost never appears and I have no interest in it. The match may be good but its one of the stiffest workers ever versus the most fragile guy in the company, I am not sure I want to watch a match where I know someone is going to get injured and its just a question of how bad

HHH vs Bryan - I am not Bryan's biggest fan but the hottest superstar in wrestling history who has had a huge crowd reaction for 9 months should be in the championship match. I think HHH needs to retire as he has had his time and should let younger guys have their shot. Add to that the fact that he rarely puts someone over clean and I am doubtful Bryan will even get the win he deserves so I am just not that interested

Wyatt vs Cena - I am a Cena hater because I don't think he does anything to enhance an opponent and even if it seems like he does they don't stay enhanced for long, prime example is Sandow, everyone said Cena made him a Main Event player, well you were right just the wrong main event(hes on the Show not in the ME Scene). I enjoy everything Wyatt does and I am hoping Cena was actually injured so we can see a rematch of the match against the Shield at Mania. I have doubts that Wyatt can carry someone as bad as Cena and I have massive doubts as to whether Cena will actually let him win so I have no interest

Ambrose v Rollins v Reigns - I think that they are going to split during their match on Raw(not saying what match so I don't do a spoiler) and then build for 4 weeks to Mania with a good story and great wrestling so I think the 5th biggest match on the card is the only 1 in the top 5 I'm interested in. Therefore I have no excitement for Mania
While there are plenty of justified grievances in regards the booking towards and beyond Wrestlemania 30, in terms of match quality I think it's going to be a blast. I can't see any one of Cena/Wyatt, Bryan/HHH and Lesnar/Undertaker being short of spectacular, and then beyond the four 'main events' you've got a midcard and tag team division which is just about as interesting as it's been in a long time, with the likes of The Shield, Sheamus and Cesaro all highly likely to take a spot on the card. If those guys are matched up with the right opponents it's very possible that the title match ends up being the only downer on the card.

It hasn't lined up how I would have booked it from the start of the year, but it's looking great regardless, in my opinion.
the WWE title match is shit, I can understand completely why people are pissed that Boretista is in the main event of the biggest card of the year.
HHH weaseling his way into a top tier match with arguably the hottest guy in recent company history,. will he be smart enough to put Bryan over clean?? Doubtful
Wyatt is still a work in progress, and Cena isnt capable of carrying anybody to a classic, it will be up to Wyatt to get the best out of Cena.
Lesnar having to work soft so as to not hurt the old Undertaker, god this match is going to suck.
SHIELD break up is inevitable, and Reigns is suppsoed to be the breakout star.
Multi man tag team title match, Usos' are the only team who should be holding the titles on the current level of tag teams that are left,
dIVAS match, beauty, cannot remember the last one at Mania that wasnt a piss break.
The card had so much potential, but I am going to order and watch as I do every year, but Im hoping to be pleasently surprised, but not holding out any hope
Im not sure if your the only 1 but I am not excited at all this card. The top 4 matches all don't provide any interest.

Bootista vs Orton - Orton is stale and Bootista should have never returned. I don't enjoy the Evolution based story and I don't think Bootista is even in the top 100 for wrestling talent so no aspect of the match intrigues me. Add to that the fact that there is no babyface in the match and my interest is lowered even further.

Undertaker vs Lesnar - Undertaker should have wrestled a Shield member as revenge for there attack but it seems like WWE's lack of continuity is coming back to haunt us again. Add to that the fact that Lesnar has barely won since returning and almost never appears and I have no interest in it. The match may be good but its one of the stiffest workers ever versus the most fragile guy in the company, I am not sure I want to watch a match where I know someone is going to get injured and its just a question of how bad

HHH vs Bryan - I am not Bryan's biggest fan but the hottest superstar in wrestling history who has had a huge crowd reaction for 9 months should be in the championship match. I think HHH needs to retire as he has had his time and should let younger guys have their shot. Add to that the fact that he rarely puts someone over clean and I am doubtful Bryan will even get the win he deserves so I am just not that interested

Wyatt vs Cena - I am a Cena hater because I don't think he does anything to enhance an opponent and even if it seems like he does they don't stay enhanced for long, prime example is Sandow, everyone said Cena made him a Main Event player, well you were right just the wrong main event(hes on the Show not in the ME Scene). I enjoy everything Wyatt does and I am hoping Cena was actually injured so we can see a rematch of the match against the Shield at Mania. I have doubts that Wyatt can carry someone as bad as Cena and I have massive doubts as to whether Cena will actually let him win so I have no interest

Ambrose v Rollins v Reigns - I think that they are going to split during their match on Raw(not saying what match so I don't do a spoiler) and then build for 4 weeks to Mania with a good story and great wrestling so I think the 5th biggest match on the card is the only 1 in the top 5 I'm interested in. Therefore I have no excitement for Mania

I'm with you. This will be my 9th Wrestlemania in a row, going live, and after the fiasco of 29, I'm completely underwhelmed. I'm only excited for Hulk Hogan
Lots of people are excited for the card, or what seems to be the card, with the exception of the title match. In all honesty, I'd be completely bowled over if the forums weren't packed with various complaints regarding WrestleMania. Every year, without fail as long as I've been posting, there've been numerous complaint threads about the event. Most of the time, it's the usual smarks playing armchair booker or the usual booking as though pro wrestling should work like some fantasy football league. Some have already made up their minds to hate WrestleMania and wouldn't change their opinion if every match on the card was a 5 star epic.

However, I do agree with the notion of the title match being lousy because, let's face it, it's something that damn near nobody seems to want to see. It's not just something that a, comparatively speaking, handful of internet fans are griping about but, rather, it's closer to genuine universal disdain than anything I can recall in pro wrestling. The notion of Orton vs. Batista is abysmally dull and uninspiring, in my opinion, and will be the most lackluster championship match in WrestleMania history. As I've said in other posts, however, I honestly can't believe that WWE management can't recognize that at this point. A majority of fans want Daniel Bryan in that match and to walk out with the title. I honestly believe it will happen, otherwise the match will be hijacked by the crowd and they'll crap all over it. Also, if Bryan isn't in that match and the title match itself doesn't close the show, the live crowd will probably crap all over every other match left on the card.
I'm looking forward to every match EXCEPT the Title match, but if they add the stipulation where if Bryan wins against hhh then he gets in the title match, it'll be amazing. Bret Hart is the only other guy in history to wrestle two matches and win the title on one wrestlemania. If they do the gauntlet thing, then it'll send the fans home happy, put bryan in an elite class and go down in history as one of those great wrestle mania moments. I like the card overall but I absolutely hate the shit out of Batista and Orton.
Everything bar the title match looks good to fantastic.

The Bray/Cena match will be excellent. Bray has proven in his matches with Bryan that he can deliver brilliant matches if given somebody who can still guide him in the ring, and Cena has proven time and time again he can always deliver the goods in a big match like this is. The only issue I see is what happens to Bray if he fails to win. As soon as Bray loses, a lot of mystique surrounding his character, and his family is lost - and I'm struggling to see what direction they would be taken in should he fail to beat Cena.

Brock/Undertaker will be match of the night. Their two styles should contrast incredibly well, and because Undertaker has been off for such a long period of time, his body should be rested to the point where he can withstand the force that Lesnar uses in the ring.

Bryan/HHH is so puzzling to me. I'm honestly confused why some people are so desperate not to see this match. Normally, HHH has a very good track record when it comes to putting people over at Wrestlemania (Cena, Batista, Benoit) - so for people to say that Bryan is being wasted on this match, I genuinely have no idea what they want from the event. Bryan's ability should be enough to carry this to a good match at the very least, and a victory over HHH should propel Bryan to another title reign.

Batista/Orton will be hated purely because it's Batista/Orton. Hopefully this goes on last, so the crowd are dead on their feet because of all the good stuff beforehand. It deserves to be crapped all over, and it probably will be.

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