I Am Done.

Super Crazy

Done reading The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown that is. I bought it when it came out, but just really started reading it like two weeks ago. Reading bit by bit, day after day, I finally finished it. It's not so much of a hard read, I'm just not a big reader. Books just aren't my thing. But it was a really good book. Definitely intrigues me to look up some of the vocabulary used in the book. I suggest if you haven't read this book, that you pick it up.
I loved it. I preordered it, waited with baited breath, and was not disappointed. Perhaps you should add a review to the Cigar Lounge Book Club.

Prepare to be bashed for reading to be entertained.
I read that book when it came out. Not as good as some of his other works, but still a good read. If you like the Da Vinci Code series be sure to check out Deception Point, lesser known work by him that I like better than the Da Vinci series.
I have but one question. How do you pronounce Ma'lakh or however it was spelled. I could never quite get it and everytime I read the name to myself, I would pronounce it differently.
I told you this was coming.

But, X, you can admit, he's a good storyteller, just not a good writer.

Now, if Dan Brown could write a draft of a book and have Cormac McCarthy write the final copy, well, let's just say that's a Road I might travel.
X can shit on whatever he wants. I'm going to stand by the fact that I enjoyed the book and that it was an excellent read for me.
The only problem I have with Brown is the amount of swerves he has in his books. Russo can't hold a candle to his swerve ability.
I told you this was coming.

But, X, you can admit, he's a good storyteller, just not a good writer.

Not really. He writes action movies as books and sells them with religious symbolism. Terrible writer. Angels & Demons was minorly enjoyable though.

Now, if Dan Brown could write a draft of a book and have Cormac McCarthy write the final copy, well, let's just say that's a Road I might travel.

Cormac McCarthy is fantastic. If you haven't read The Road, do so immediately. Much better than anything Brown has ever written.
Not really. He writes action movies as books and sells them with religious symbolism. Terrible writer. Angels & Demons was minorly enjoyable though.

Cormac McCarthy is fantastic. If you haven't read The Road, do so immediately. Much better than anything Brown has ever written.

You have no idea how many times The Road has been in my hand or in my cart on Amazon, only to be placed back down so I can go grab another historical fiction book. They may be formulaic, but the formula works for me.
Cormac McCarthy is fantastic. If you haven't read The Road, do so immediately. Much better than anything Brown has ever written.

Ugh, I hated The Road. I finished it in a day and it had no point. Unless there was some hidden meaning that went over my head that book had nothing.
Yeah sorry I don't believe for a second you actually read the entire novel in one day. Especially if it was so "boring".

Also, if you didn't get the point of the book...well than you really don't put much effort into your reading.
I usually skim the first read and if I like the general concept I read it thoroughly. After skimming The Road I didn't want to read it again. I might reread it after this though.
I'm getting ready to read Bill Simmons The Book of Basketball.

I would have his babies based on 2500 word ESPN Posts, so I am excited for this.
You skimmed through 250+ pages in one day?

No wonder you didn't get it. What'd you read one word per page?
No, 30 seconds per page. 30x250= 7500/60= 125. So a little over 2 hours. I'll read The Road again when I'm done with The Gunslinger

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