I Am Disappoint In Myself...

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
So, the first time I heard this song, I denounced it as utter trash:


But, after hearing it on the radio 50 billion times, I can't get it out of my head, and I bought it off of iTunes.

I bought a fucking Train song...:disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:.
Didn't hate it that much until seeing the music video. Utter, utter trash.

Need to start listening to some real music, brother. Would be much better off with some Katy Perry.
Didn't hate it that much until seeing the music video. Utter, utter trash.

Need to start listening to some real music, brother. Would be much better off with some Katy Perry.

Katy Perry's music is too smart for me, man...she's like Radiohead, The Talking Heads, and Leonard Cohen combined.
I can't really say that it's an awful choice Tdigle, I haven't liked a lot of Train songs, but I've actually liked this one, and the "Drops of Jupiter" one.
I like it. Granted I listen to XM most of the time, so I can avoid the same kinds of music.

Regular radio sucks.

Will be sad when my free three months are up.
Its catchy shit, that's what its supposed to do, that and every Britney spears/ miley cyrus/ ke$ha song, fix its roots into your head so you end up humming or singing that shit, and the only way to eliminate is to listen to the song.

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