I Am A Fan Of Del Rio Because I'm A Fan Of Ricardo


Getting Noticed By Management
I enjoyed Alberto Del Rio's vignettes. I think he can be good in the ring and sometimes he can talk ok. But really he just seems like another wrestler to me. I've noticed that the reason I marked so hard when Del Rio won the Rumble was because of Ricardo. I wanted Del Rio to win at Wrestlemania so bad because of Ricardo. Sure I was hoping Del Rio would beat Mysterio and when he faces Cena I am cheering for Del Rio because the only person on the roster whom I dislike more than Cena is Orton.

But really, Tony Chimel and Howard Finkel are the two best announcers in history in my opinion. Roberts is ok. Couldn't stand Lillian. At the end of the day though, when Del Rio won the title it was like "MEH" everything has been "MEH" with Del Rio. But I turn my attention to watch him because that's how entertaining Ricardo Rodriguez is. I wish Ricardo announced Del Rio's title win instead of Justin Roberts.

I don't hate Del Rio or dislike him. But take away Ricardo Rodriguez and I go from a fan to just "whatever"

Who else feels this way?
really he just seems like another wrestler to me.
Good, thats his job after all.

Who else feels this way?
Not me. I know Ricardo just adds to the persona but to say that hes the reason I was happy when he won is a bit too much. Ricardo is just an accessory and Del Rio is the main product. I like Del Rio for what he is, a great mic guy, a great wrestler, and a guy who can play his character almost flawlessly.
I like Del Rio because he has the full package. The look, the talent, the charisma, the gimmick, and decent enough mic skills. He even has an awesome entrance. And you're right about Ricardo. He's definitely entertaining. But he doesn't MAKE Alberto Del Rio. I mean sure he's a big part of Del Rio's gimmick but I've noticed that even with Ricardo's recent "injury" and absence I still liked Alberto Del Rio.

But you know Del Rio is gonna have to get rid of Ricardo Rodriguez eventually. And when that happens maybe Ricardo will finally get to wrestle.. Who knows?
Yeah it's his job but it's also his job to grab the fans' attention. I can't speak for others but I don't really see how he has grabbed my attention. Ricardo HAS grabbed my attention and is able to be entertaining. Del Rio himself has entertained me before but recently it feels before the title win he has lost steam and Ricardo basically is what is keeping me liking Del Rio.

I mean Del Rio has a nice look. He can cut a promo but so can Barrett but Barrett hasn't really brought my attention either. His entrance is cool I will admit that. I know Ricardo will eventually leave and maybe it's just me but take away Ricardo from Del Rio and I'm not that big of a Del Rio fan.
Yeah it's his job but it's also his job to grab the fans' attention. I can't speak for others but I don't really see how he has grabbed my attention. Ricardo HAS grabbed my attention and is able to be entertaining. Del Rio himself has entertained me before but recently it feels before the title win he has lost steam and Ricardo basically is what is keeping me liking Del Rio.

I mean Del Rio has a nice look. He can cut a promo but so can Barrett but Barrett hasn't really brought my attention either. His entrance is cool I will admit that. I know Ricardo will eventually leave and maybe it's just me but take away Ricardo from Del Rio and I'm not that big of a Del Rio fan.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that as long as Ricardo is willing, he'll introduce Del Rio. Theres no reason for him not to. As far as grabbing the fans attention, he cut an amazing promo this past RAW. Like I said in another post, there are guys who get the title while the have some steam and there are others that have to build up from there. It doesnt mean they'll have a bad title reign. During the beginning of the whole Punk thing I couldnt get a word in without everyone telling me to wait it out because I didnt know what was gonna happen. Well this is the same thing I'm going to tell you right now. Wait it out, if he hasnt caught your attention yet chances are WWE has bigger things planned for him.
i do enjoy Alberto Del Rios in-ring ability, his attitude, ofcourse his cars, his charisma and yes i am a huge fan of Ricardo i wanted Alberto Del Rio to win at the Royal Rumble and i wanted him to win at Wrestlemania because of Ricardo as you acknowledged but i also think that he is an excellent entertainer.

i'm with you and i will be cheering for Alberto if he faces John Cena in the near future.
i like him too, he's pretty funny and he adds a lot to del rio's character... if WWE is bringing back managers at any point or even companions or whatever, ricardo is a good addition to have, he can even announce other guys should they go that route. You know, one thing I'm surprised is his name hasn't been mentioned yet as the guy who txtd big sexy... I highly doubt it was him, but I think it's at least worth considering since his boy ADR gains the most by the champ being stuck by Nash, and ADR had nothing to do w/ it, nothing to say ricky ricardo over there didn't, just throwing that out there for fun, i really don't think it was him though.
I'm a Ricardo fan as well but he only exists on tv because of Del Rio. I think Ricardo adds that much more to his character. I love that Del Rio uses an arm bar. He's a great wrestler does great promos (I loved his stuff vs Edge right before his retirement). I think Ricardo really pushes his character as far as cockiness and refinement in a way. So I like Ricardo but I like ADR too.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that as long as Ricardo is willing, he'll introduce Del Rio. Theres no reason for him not to. As far as grabbing the fans attention, he cut an amazing promo this past RAW. Like I said in another post, there are guys who get the title while the have some steam and there are others that have to build up from there. It doesnt mean they'll have a bad title reign. During the beginning of the whole Punk thing I couldnt get a word in without everyone telling me to wait it out because I didnt know what was gonna happen. Well this is the same thing I'm going to tell you right now. Wait it out, if he hasnt caught your attention yet chances are WWE has bigger things planned for him.

Here's the thing though: It was a good promo but I've seen better from Del Rio. The thing is though: Del Rio HAD steam. Keyword is had. I mean it wasn't Swagger bad where it came out of nowhere but let's think about this. I posted this in another thread too.

As soon as I saw Del Rio cleanly beat Rey in his debut that I knew that he would be something because you don't just beat a top five name in the company in your debut and do nothing.

He took out Christian, Hardy and Mysterio. He captained Team Bragging Rights.

He was involved in the Match of the Night at TLC in a four way for the WHC.

Now, with a title match and meaningful feud under his belt, he then eliminates the (then?) #2 name in the company. Sure he eliminated Santino to officially win but he still threw out Orton.

He kept on building wins. Then he and Edge get into a feud to hype Wrestlemania. Edge wins but then the belt is vacant. Like he said, destiny delayed.

Still though, he and Christian main event Smackdown in a feud for Extreme Rules. Christian wins then Del Rio was drafted to RAW.

Now I'm a huge Christian fan and I am glad they didn't put the belt on Del Rio because of this; but this window of opportunity was the PERFECT time to put it on him. The "heatless" Del Rio was on FIRE. Del Rio FELT like a main eventer.

But then he gets drafted to RAW and it felt like his was a midcarder and all momentum was lost and thus it felt anticlimatic when he won.

I mean I hope it works out and all and so far so good but then there's the whole heat issue. I mean I think it would've been pure pwnage if Ricardo went nuts after Del Rio won on Sunday Night but at least he was there last night. And it's not just Alberto when he is great. I LOVE it when he announced for Brodus Clay and even for himself/Conor O'Brian he was good too. Ricardo is what makes Del Rio stand out for me. He is what makes me anticipate Del Rio on TV.
Whatever flops your mop. There's nothing to like or dislike about Ricardo Rodriguez as far as I'm concerned. He doesn't entertain me or make me wanna change the channel. He's just there. He's an accessory to Del Rio's character just like the fancy suits and the extremely expensive cars. He could be gone next week on Raw and never been seen again and I wouldn't give the guy a second thought.

To me, Del Rio has been a star since he showed up on SmackDown!. He's got the look, the in-ring ability, the charisma, the personality and the ability to cut a great heel promo. Ricardo Rodriguez's presence is a non-factor in my view. Del Rio doesn't need him, nor has he ever in any way needed him to be successful.
Idk Del Rio is good in the ring and thats really about all. As for what he accomplished sure i give it to him and yeah he's taking out people and and big stars but he's still dryer then a dried up pussy. He isn't anything the WWE is trying to make him something but its the Fans at the shows that are not into him.

His intro is awesome??? Some weeks there are fire works some there is not. All his car horns sound exactly the same and he drives them about 20 feet and thats awesome??? NO not its boring in genreal and he is boring. The fans wont take to him and the wait will be a waste of time.

I rather and hope that Ricardo gets a chance to wrestle because he seems so much better then ADR and seems like he could out wrestle, talk, and out do ADR in general. As I said before Vince's choosen's one FAIL and so wont ADR. He is not over and he wont ever be soon he'll be forgotten and eventually gone from the E.

Just my opinion and yes Ricardo makes ADR a tiny tiny tiny bit torable becuase I like him more then the bore fest and the winking idiot of ADR.
Nah, I mean yeah. Ricardo Rodriguez is very entertaining and i love hearing his Spanish Ring-Announcer Intros for Alberto Del Rio. (He's also a Wrestler. Wonder when they'll let him lace up some boots other than that one time on NXT.)

But i like Del Rio because, yes we have seen the Rich Guy gimmick so many times before. But i don't know, he just seems to pull it off for me. When he screams the words "My name is Alberto Del Rio, but you already know that." It immediately grabs my attention. And i don't know, that wink that makes people wanna slap him. There's just something about him that always entertains me. And his in-ring skills are a bit above average in my opinion as well. Love the inzugiri kicks that he does.
I would love to see Riccardo introduce himself every time he came out to wrestle.

I always liked Riccardo, he was a good addition to Del Rio's character. It was when he drop kicked Alex Riley that I consciously thought, "Hey this guy is a wrestler" and I looked up some of his matches. He seems to be a solid wrestler, I would like to see him start wrestling on his own. Perhaps as a mid card heel.
Well isn't this a funny thread lol.
Did you feel the same way with Umaga and Estrada?

Del Rio is great with OR without Riccardo - fantastic wrestler and a great natual heel (love the wink!)
I'm sure Vince wouldn't have so much faith in Alberto by making him top dog on raw just because of his announcer :)
I agree that riccardo is highly enjoyable to watch and does fit Del Rios character at this time. Almost like a modern day Million Doller Man with Virgil?

I've seen some of his FCW matches and was pretty impressed but would not want to see him break out as a singles wrestler as he doing great with Del Rio and his character IMO.
I enjoyed Alberto Del Rio's vignettes. I think he can be good in the ring and sometimes he can talk ok. But really he just seems like another wrestler to me. I've noticed that the reason I marked so hard when Del Rio won the Rumble was because of Ricardo. I wanted Del Rio to win at Wrestlemania so bad because of Ricardo. Sure I was hoping Del Rio would beat Mysterio and when he faces Cena I am cheering for Del Rio because the only person on the roster whom I dislike more than Cena is Orton.

But really, Tony Chimel and Howard Finkel are the two best announcers in history in my opinion. Roberts is ok. Couldn't stand Lillian. At the end of the day though, when Del Rio won the title it was like "MEH" everything has been "MEH" with Del Rio. But I turn my attention to watch him because that's how entertaining Ricardo Rodriguez is. I wish Ricardo announced Del Rio's title win instead of Justin Roberts.

I don't hate Del Rio or dislike him. But take away Ricardo Rodriguez and I go from a fan to just "whatever"

Who else feels this way?

Your right, Fink and Chimel hands down are the best, Lillian Garcia and Justin Roberts are below average the just don't have the spunk or voice Chimel and Fink obviously have. But I bet you wasn't going to make this thread until Ricardo who looks more like a Jose ANNOUNCED Del Fruity's at summerslam and when he announced him on Raw last night. It was incredible on Raw last night. Ricardo is really growing on me as well. To bad Del Fruity isn't. Ricardo could do Roberts job much better.
I think the reason ADR has so much heat it is because of Ricardo he just makes you think ADR is a spoiled brat and he can grab your attention when he talks and without Ricardo ADR would be another mid-card heel with a rich guy gimmick
Well isn't this a funny thread lol.
Did you feel the same way with Umaga and Estrada?

Del Rio is great with OR without Riccardo - fantastic wrestler and a great natual heel (love the wink!)
I'm sure Vince wouldn't have so much faith in Alberto by making him top dog on raw just because of his announcer :)
I agree that riccardo is highly enjoyable to watch and does fit Del Rios character at this time. Almost like a modern day Million Doller Man with Virgil?

I've seen some of his FCW matches and was pretty impressed but would not want to see him break out as a singles wrestler as he doing great with Del Rio and his character IMO.

Estrada was good but he has nothing on Ricardo. And i wouldn't go that far and say Del Fruity is "great". He's decent, not nothing to get very excited over. He's stiff aka GTS on Raw last week. And i guess your saying since Vince has so much faith in Del Rio, he allowed him to beat CM Punk for the title the hottest guy in wrestling right now. So he has more faith in him than CM PUNK?
I'm with you 100%. I do like ADR for sure, but I think Ricardo is GREAT! He makes ADR feel special, he's a "character" in the truest sense, and a great throwback to guys like Brother Love, Paul Bearer, and the other larger than life manager/characters of the '80s and 90s. He's entertaining, he's funny, he really is a surprisingly good announcer, and he's a great accomplice for Del Rio to cheat. Add on to that, I got to meet Ricardo at a recent FCW event and he was a super nice guy, and it just won me over that much more. I respect ADR's in-ring talents, and think he's very funny on the mic, but no doubt when I hear that music every week the first thing I say is "Ricardo!"

I am a Ricardo mark first and foremost, I really hope he gets his chance to shine, as his own man one day, without going to typical route where ADR squashes him and then we never see him again. He really has a lot to offer. Also a little tidbit for anyone who doesn't know this but Ricardo speaks perfect English, so he definitely could cut a promo if given the chance.
I wouldn't say so much that he makes me like Del Rio more..... I would say perhaps that he is the best character accessory that Del Rio has by a way. The music, wink, gold pyro, even the cars didn't and don't do much for Del Rio's heat. When Rodriguez returned it got him back onto that platform which made him title worthy.

And it's all because he plays his character so perfectly. His smarmy peering round at the crowd and schoolboyish reaction when Del Rio wins something really irritates some people I'd imagine. Not to mention his haircut, people probably have a pre-conception already because of that haircut. In fact Charismatic enabler probably has it dead on, he's all but an old school manager in title. He's a cowardly, unlikable pimple employed to get the chosen superstar more heat, that IS a manager in all truth.

This all gives me two concerns. If it's proven that guys like Vickie Guerrero and Ricardo Rodriguez help give superstars who aren't great mic worker (and even if they are) more heat, the old question arises which is 'why not try using managers a little bit more?'. The second concern is the picture of Del Rio without Rodriguez. Eventually he will have to branch out of his service and I do wonder how Del Rio will fare without him.
People on here rag on Del Rio's in ring, which doesn't make any fucking sense because he's solid at worst, really good at best. He has a legit amateur background and MMA background which you guys think = technical skills for some strange reason. His finish and falsies get pops. His big spots like his enziguiri gets pops. He tells a story everytime. So yea, the in ring bitching doesn't make sense.

The other thing people on here have been ragging him about are his promos being "the same thing". Well, isn't that more of a writer's problem? Del Rio delivers the lines about as well as you can. With an accent that I'm sure pisses off hicks, with smugness, with signature facial expressions. So yea, not really much of a reason to bitch about ADR's delivery of his promos.

As for Rodriguez, he's fuckin awesome. It's a running joke with me and my gf when we watch, we always come up with the most absurd ways Del Rio uses Ricardo in his everyday life. When Del Rio finishes when he's with a woman, Ricardo is there doing his thing, when Del Rio beats his kids on Mario Kart (or whatever they play these days), Ricardo is there, when Del Rio wins 5 bucks on a scratch off, Ricardo is there.

I love Ricardo. He adds a lot and a ton of entertainment and makes the character unique.

However, Ricardo isn't why Del Rio is over and without him I'd still like Del Rio. Del Rio is the complete package. He delivers on his promos regardless of the material, is and extremely well fleshed out character, and he's good in the ring. What's not to like? O yea, he's getting a push and is over, which means, due to the contrarian nature of smarks, he suddenly sucks.
I'm definitely with you. When Ricardo was out with his injury I became way less interested in Del Rio. I want to love Del Rio, because I love his character, I love his music, his entrance, he's great in the ring, and he has great charisma, but while he isn't bad on the mic, he just constantly says the same thing. There's only so long you can be entertained by hearing about how its his destiny to be champion.

Ricardo completes the package for me, definitely. EEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNN EEEELLLLL MEXICOOOOOOOOOOOOO......
Hell of a ring announcer that Igor look-a-like is. Love how he calls out Del Rio's name. But it really doesn't do anything but add a fake Lucha Libre atmosphere to his entrance. It would be the same if he did it to Sin Cara or Rey Mysterio.
noo i totally disagree with you ricardo yes is cool but he's an accessory (mind the speling) del rio is the total package with 3 things he lacks 1 thing is that his mic skill are ecent at best no good 2 all he rambels about on te mic is about his stupid bitch ass destiny and 3 he doesnt draw heat when he speaks , i really dont care what he says on the mic but in the ring he pays up for it
Why not like Del Rio because he's an excellent heel, he's doing his job. Ricardo Rodriquez is an excellent addition to add to the cockiness of Del Rio. I must admit Ricardo is one of my favorite parts of Raw every monday, but Del Rio should be given credit for IMO really working this cocky heel angle to a damn T, they need to give him more mic time, I'm sure they will during the Mexico tour. BTW the two greatest announcers are Howard Finkel and Michael Buffer "LLLLLLLets' get ready to Rumble" yeah, he coined it.
I picked Del Rio to replace Shawn Micheals as my favorite wrestler when Shawn Retired because I saw a lot of Shawn in Alberto. Once Shawn made his Face turn he was arrogant as possible, the same as Del Rio.
For those who think Del Rio and JBL are the same, I ask you why because of a towel? Money?...JBL was a oil tycoon that had no personal announcer and was a fake rich man. 1 Limo that is all you got, I can rent a Limo for 1hr at a rate of 100 bucks. JBL has a clothesline and a gut.
Alberto Del Rio is a Mexican Rich Kid, how do you get rich in Mexico? Be a drug lord. I see Del Rio as a son of a drug lord who decided to launder money through wrestling. He has many expensive cars, never repeating he has actual wrestling movie and Ricardo. Ricardo is a poor kid from the streets of Tijuana whose mom was a street hooker making 25 dollars a hit. Del Rio found this young kid to work as a servant and realized Ricardo was his number 1 fan.
Yes wrestling is fake but if you got a deeper look into character you might understand them more.

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