Hytpothetical:- How will a Trump Presidency affect WWE?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Here's a question. If Donald Trump becomes the 45th U.S. President in November, what affect will this have on WWE?

Vince for years has had to fight the U.S. government. But if WWE HoF and friend of the McMahons, Donald J. Trump, becomes President, could it mean that WWE is treated differently? Will it mean that whatever problems Vince had with the government are now gone? Will it affect content?

Also, could this open the door for Linda McMahon again? She has twice failed to win a Senate seat? But having President Trump could give her bid more clout? Hey, Trump was looking for a running mate. What is to stop him picking Linda McMahon, and fulfilling her political ambitions?
I don't follow politics deeply, so I won't even pretend to assume what the potential political ramifications could be. I'll look at it from the basest level.

A Trump victory means Vince can (and likely will) say "Hey, pals! Remember how the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES once hosted a couple of Wrestlemanias and was even featured in a match against me?! Donald even bought Raw once – the COMMANDER AND CHIEF owned Raw for, like, a whole week!" Vince may then dance the hokie pokie because, apparently, that's what it's all about.

As for Linda running for Senate again...sure, why not. Running for office is seemingly all she does now anyway, so she'd be smart to take advantage of the stat boost granted by the Republican field spell card that's now in play. That could mean extra PG TV content again to make sure Linda looks strong.

Oh, and I suppose tours of Mexico will be trickier to do thanks to a giant wall WWE talent has to cross or something.
If anything, it'll give Shane an inside track to becoming Ambassador to China. He has long had business dealings with the Chinese. He would be someone that Trump would trust not to screw things up. Linda is NOT going to drop another $50-60 million for another suicide mission for a seat that she cannot win. She should have aimed smaller. She could have won her home Congressional district, and then run for the Senate. Given her a much better chance. But, in a Trump Administration, the only offer I can see is Shane.
Other than WWE using it for publicity and the media using it as a slam against him, I don't see Trump as Commander in Chief having any effect on the WWE. McMahon pretty much stays out of the cross hairs these days until there's a string of steroid or drug induced deaths like there was in the early to mid 2000s. Between the wellness policies and the "don't try this at home" warnings I really don't see what the government can complain about. I'm sure WWE will use the Trump footage to their advantage, unless he made a deal with them not to, which he very well may have. Time will tell, but I don't suspect that we'll see anything more than WWE running the old footage.
I doubt there'll be any particular ramifications for the WWE if Trump is elected. Sure, it means that Vince might be able to call in a few personal favors since he & Trump have known each other for decades. Vince can brag that he's friends with the most powerful man on Earth, but that'll be about it.

I will NOT be voting for Donald Trump in November but if he is elected, he's not going be able to do all the things he's promised to do, not even close. He's not going to build a wall along the entire United States/Mexican border, nor will he be able to make Mexico pay for such a wall. He's not going to be able to ban Muslims from entering the United States because, frankly, he doesn't have the authority. He's not going to be able to end birthright citizenship for children of foreign parents who're born on American soil because, again, he doesn't have the authority to do that as it's part of the Constitution and Trump can't just go through the Constitution with a bottle of White Out and erase the parts he doesn't like. Being President isn't like being a king during the days of old where a king could literally do whatever he wanted without any consequences or anyone to block him. The Democrats in congress will oppose Trump on so many things and it's also not like Trump is particularly popular with his own political party when you consider that prominent Republicans like Mitt Romney, John McCain, Rand Paul and a number of others just flat out don't like the man and that there's a huge rift within the GOP, has been for quite a long time, and said rift has only grown during Trump's campaign.

Like most politicians, Trump has made some impossibly huge promises that he's almost certainly not going to be able to follow through on because voters vote for the person who tells them the sort of things they want to hear and SEEMS to share their ideology.
Yea I doubt it will affect anything. Trump has to play by the rules and like JH said he can't just ignore the ones he doesn't like. Vince might get an invitation to dinner at the White House, but that will be it. Trump will have his own set of problems to deal with inside his own party, Vince will be a footnote.
About as much as Obama, George Bush or Bill Clintons presidency affected it.

Some random laws might slightly modify WWE events, and you'll get some random references here or there. That's about it.

Without going too deep into the political discussion, The president doesn't have as much power as most people believe. The World won't end if a racist biggot becomes president, because there's other branches of government to oppose them.
Most likely not at all. WWE would get to say they had him on their shows before he became President in their "Did you know..." blurbs but that's about it. Other than that it really ain't gonna matter much whether Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, or the corpse of Buddy Holly becomes President.
Just go to Trump's website and you can see for yourself. Here are some highlights:

- John Cena will be named his Secretary of Twitter
- Memorial Day will be replaced with Umaga Day
- He will bestow Eddie Guererro with I Assume Some of Them are Good People Medal
- He will visit the WWE Hall of Fame to name it a national monument

Otherwise, it won't mean anything and doesn't matter since he is not going to become president.
I doubt there'll be any particular ramifications for the WWE if Trump is elected. Sure, it means that Vince might be able to call in a few personal favors since he & Trump have known each other for decades. Vince can brag that he's friends with the most powerful man on Earth, but that'll be about it.

I will NOT be voting for Donald Trump in November but if he is elected, he's not going be able to do all the things he's promised to do, not even close. He's not going to build a wall along the entire United States/Mexican border, nor will he be able to make Mexico pay for such a wall. He's not going to be able to ban Muslims from entering the United States because, frankly, he doesn't have the authority. He's not going to be able to end birthright citizenship for children of foreign parents who're born on American soil because, again, he doesn't have the authority to do that as it's part of the Constitution and Trump can't just go through the Constitution with a bottle of White Out and erase the parts he doesn't like. Being President isn't like being a king during the days of old where a king could literally do whatever he wanted without any consequences or anyone to block him. The Democrats in congress will oppose Trump on so many things and it's also not like Trump is particularly popular with his own political party when you consider that prominent Republicans like Mitt Romney, John McCain, Rand Paul and a number of others just flat out don't like the man and that there's a huge rift within the GOP, has been for quite a long time, and said rift has only grown during Trump's campaign.

Like most politicians, Trump has made some impossibly huge promises that he's almost certainly not going to be able to follow through on because voters vote for the person who tells them the sort of things they want to hear and SEEMS to share their ideology.

Well that is pretty much how you win an election, tell a better story than the other guy.
Not at all.

If anything Vince could brag about a president being on WWE programming. No one would actually care though.

I doubt Linda will ever run again, and there's zero chance she's Trump's VP.

Note - Just to make this thread interesting, I am voting for Trump. Please don't start a riot.
Not at all.

If anything Vince could brag about a president being on WWE programming. No one would actually care though.

I doubt Linda will ever run again, and there's zero chance she's Trump's VP.

Note - Just to make this thread interesting, I am voting for Trump. Please don't start a riot.

It makes me really angry when people say they are going to vote for Trump when their fake user age says they're only 16.

On topic. Trump just announced that he will make Captain Lou Albano his top naval advisor.

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