Hunico Getting Credit For Mistico's Accomplishments


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So I've accepted the fact that Hunico will be Sin Cara from now on. But is anyone else insulted by the WWE using Mistico's accomplishments to put Hunico over?

They hired Mistico the wrestler not his accomplishments. Make no mistake Mistico coming out in his mask only to remove it and reveal Sin Cara gave credibility to the character with fans worldwide.
So I've accepted the fact that Hunico will be Sin Cara from now on. But is anyone else insulted by the WWE using Mistico's accomplishments to put Hunico over?

They hired Mistico the wrestler not his accomplishments. Make no mistake Mistico coming out in his mask only to remove it and reveal Sin Cara gave credibility to the character with fans worldwide.

I agree that it was in poor taste of the WWE to mention the Mistico comic book while Hunico was in the Sin Cara mask. But this might be good news for Mistico. If they made note that Sin Cara = Mistico then the WWE might be planning for Mistico to come back under the Sin Cara mask after some time. I'm hoping this is the case because Mistico deserves his spot as Sin Cara and deserves a second chance.
I think it work out for mysticos advantage. Cause this will ultimately lead to a match and one of the big PPV. On who the true sin cara is. And when mysticos is show as the winner it builds the character or allows the bringing in of mystico being him self in the WWE.
I'm still holding out hope that Hunico is only a temporary solution. I know "reports" say that WWE plans to go w/o Mistico for the Sin Cara character, but until I hear that he has been released...I'm hoping.

**Still hoping for a fake Sin Cara vs. Real Sin Cara feud**
While people can say that Mistico is more exciting and faster, there is no way that Mistico is a better worker , at least in north american style wrestling, than Hunico. Although it's slower, i really like Hunico's move set, even more than Mistico's one.

He is much more familiarized with WWE style of wrestling at this point than Mistico, and that shows in his matches, that rarely has any mistakes.

I'm not saying that Mistico doesn't belong in WWE. I'm just saying that they should let Hunico continue with Sin Cara's gimmick, and in the meanwhile, send Mistico to FCW so he can learn and improve his matches, and only then return to the main roster again.
I was surprised by this as well. I think it confirms that they have plans of keeping Mistico around and doing the Sin Cara vs Sin Cara feud. If not don't be surprised if you see someone else trying to sue wwe lol
Hunico, while a bit slower, looked pretty damn good in his match tonight. Those springboard moonsaults were flipping amazing! So really have no problem with Hunico. I mean they could go the whole Sin Cara vs Sin Cara match, making it seem like the REAL Sin Cara is angry at the fake for impersonating the best.
I think Smackdown will be tell all this Tuesday.

I for one do not want a WWE style Sin Cara, why bother just call him Mr Wrestling then. Sin Cara was brought in to perform his lucha moves with some WWE style sprinkled in.
On one hand, I do think it seems like bad taste on the part of WWE. After all, Hunico isn't the one that's the huge mega star in Mexico.

At the same time though, I really don't think most people give a shit to be perfectly honest. Sin Cara got a great response from the crowd in Tulsa so they either couldn't tell it was a different guy or they just didn't care.

I keep hearing lots of people complain about Sin Cara, AKA Mistico, having trouble adapting to the "WWE Style" and I find myself wonder exactly what that means. After all, the vast majority of Cara/Mistico's move set is definitely within the luchadore style. However, he consistently botches more times than he doesn't. Hunico might be a little slower than Sin Cara but he seems to have, based on what I've seen so far, overall better control.
I think Smackdown will be tell all this Tuesday.

I for one do not want a WWE style Sin Cara, why bother just call him Mr Wrestling then. Sin Cara was brought in to perform his lucha moves with some WWE style sprinkled in.

and when he botches using his lucha moves and injures somebody using a WWE style not knowing his lucha style how's that look? He was brought in to do two things one sell to people from mexico, and two sell masks like ray. And if you wear a mask you can put anyone under the mask. Look at the scorpion aka rickety if this leads to a will the real sin cara pleas stand up match I'm all for it like I said above. And I like the new sin cara a little bit better mistico should just be mistico, hey WWE that will sell even more masks so more money for you...
while i could have easily missed it i just gotta say...when did they give him mistisco's accomplishments? i dont rember it ever happening but like i said i could have easily missed it
During the match tonight they mentioned his history in Mexico and around the world.

As for Mistico botching moves, you have to remember that the WWE guys do not have down days to practices moves. Mistico's moves are all about timing and if guys are not willing to put the time in to learn the timing sequences of his moves then hell yeah your gonna get a botchfest.

The facts are Mistico is a better performer when he has athletes who can wrestle at a faster speed. That's the reason why Averno was being brought in.

The way I see it Hunico = The Hukster, Fake Diesel, or Fake Razor. Sure He can do the gestures and the moves but he's not the original.

Part of me wants Hunico to go to Mexico as Sin Cara, because the boos from crowd will be hard to explain on tv.
I was originally very excited about Mistico coming to the WWE, until I watched him wrestle in a WWE ring. Now you can't blame it all on the poor timing of his opponents, as it wasn't his opponents that was botching his entrance in the majority of his matches when he first debuted. Alex Riley didn't move himself across the ring when Mistico and Cena fought A-Ri/Miz in a tag match and Mistico only hit Riley with his wrist. Riley however did a great job of trying to make it look believable and picking up the slack from Mistico. Mistico/Evan Bourne, both quick guys and Matt Sydal is one of those guys who can really move and keep pace in anything in a match, but Mistico managed to botch his own finisher and nearly killed the kid.

On these notes, Hunico makes a better choice right now. For the first time since the Sin Cara character debuted I really enjoyed a Sin Cara match tonight. Now I haven't watch Smackdown since just after Extreme Rules but I have watched PPVs and I have seen clips of some of Mistico's matches on SD, even with a taped broadcast he was still botching moves. All those other guys, the ones who can't be "bothered" to work with Mistico to time his moves, they have to carry their own weight in the ring, as should Mistico. He needs to be in development, and I hope to GOD we don't get a ridiculous Sin Cara Vs Sin Cara match down the line. I've seen people complain that the WWE reuses too many old storylines and gimmicks and now another one is wanted? If they are gonna do it, then let Mistico come back in as himself IF and/or WHEN he is ready.
Um, no? In Mexico they do this stuff all the time man,don't worry about it. Mistico's brother used to work as Mistico so Mistico could "perform at two places in one night." Albeit his brother worked the less important events. Average fans don't worry about botches, my 19 year old brother never noticed nor complained about the botches and he finds Sin Cara entertaining which is the main goal of WWE. Sin Cara doesn't need WWE, WWE needs Sin Cara, he's a BIG draw, he's over with fans, albeit cocky and green to the american style but I find it weird why they rushed him, "You can't rush perfection". I'd keep Sin Cara until the mexican tour is over send him to FCW, get him get rid of his green-ness and learn english, el problemo solvo
You know, this has been something I've been trying to wrap my mind around for a while now. In my mind I personally don't care but is there someone to truly blame for the botching of Cara moves? Is it Cara? Is it the WWE for the method of booking? I don't know, but I hope that he can seriously improve.
High risk = high reward.

The high flying guys will always botch more than others with different styles. The nature of the moves make it nearly impossible to perfectly control. In exchange for that, however, you get much more visually impressive moves. I think people who complain about the botches need to stand back and look at the big picture. This guy is very entertaining in the ring because the moves look cool. Does that sound smart? Nope. Is it smart? Not at all. But I'm not watching to do play by play analysis, I watch because I am entertained. If the guy entertains, he is doing his job, in my opinion.

I hope he is just being sent home to get a message across. I really feel that if they just wanted to release him, they would release him. As for the original topic, yes, I do think it is classless to talk about Mysticos accomplishments in his career and direct them at a man who is not Mystico. I get it, he's a masked wrestler, you can call whoevers under the mask Sin Cara. But those accomplishments werent made by a mask, they were made by a person.
I do not see it as them giving Hunico credit for what Mistico did. I see it as the announcers putting over the backstory of Sin Cara the character. Remember, this is a kayfabe'd show. Sin Cara the onscreen character could very well have been a huge Mexican star before coming to WWE. It is not an issue unless they say that he was a huge star there but cite someone else's ring name that he did not ever use. THAT is when it would become a huge ethical issue because it would be completely untrue. I do not recall them specifically saying "Sin Cara wrestled as Mistico in Mexico and was a huge star there before he joined us!". As long as they don't say anything like that then it's fine and just building on a character's backstory.
All Hunico vs Sin Cara, Pure Lucha vs Americanized Lucha, spots vs selling, botches vs other guys fault, etc aside, here's what I think.

I think it could be part of a story. Michael Cole basically put over the idea that he still thinks it's Mystico under the mask. To me that says that they are kayfabing that it's the same guy until they're all surprised when it's not.

Either that or it was a really shitty way of trying to cover it.
High risk = high reward.

The high flying guys will always botch more than others with different styles. The nature of the moves make it nearly impossible to perfectly control. In exchange for that, however, you get much more visually impressive moves. I think people who complain about the botches need to stand back and look at the big picture. This guy is very entertaining in the ring because the moves look cool. Does that sound smart? Nope. Is it smart? Not at all. But I'm not watching to do play by play analysis, I watch because I am entertained. If the guy entertains, he is doing his job, in my opinion.

I hope he is just being sent home to get a message across. I really feel that if they just wanted to release him, they would release him. As for the original topic, yes, I do think it is classless to talk about Mysticos accomplishments in his career and direct them at a man who is not Mystico. I get it, he's a masked wrestler, you can call whoevers under the mask Sin Cara. But those accomplishments werent made by a mask, they were made by a person.
At the same time though, you ned to look at the big picture too. Did Rock, Austin, Hogan, Hart, HBK, Cena, Batista, Orton, Lesnar, or really anyone else hugely over get over on highspots? No, it was a character and storytelling. There is a phrase in basketball that goes "play within yourself" it means don't try to do anything you can't do and fuck shit up for everyone else. The same applies to wrestling. If you can't do a spot 999,999 times out of 1,000,000, then don't do it. It's not worth the injury, or at the least, taking the crowd out of it and making everyone involved look bad.
At the same time though, you ned to look at the big picture too. Did Rock, Austin, Hogan, Hart, HBK, Cena, Batista, Orton, Lesnar, or really anyone else hugely over get over on highspots? No, it was a character and storytelling. There is a phrase in basketball that goes "play within yourself" it means don't try to do anything you can't do and fuck shit up for everyone else. The same applies to wrestling. If you can't do a spot 999,999 times out of 1,000,000, then don't do it. It's not worth the injury, or at the least, taking the crowd out of it and making everyone involved look bad.

The problem I have with comments like these is that most of the people who make them never saw Mistico wrestles. I watch months and months of CMLL when it was on The fight Network here in Canada and I never saw him botched a move. I don't want to blame his opponnents but still.

The guy was telling story in the ring, his entrance was awesome with his chain mail and Undertaker gong song and La Mistica was the best submission move I ever saw, but in WWE it seems like it just don't work for an unknown reason.

On the topic like I said in another thread I hate that they give Mistico legacy to Sin Cara now that he is not under the mask. But tonight Hunico's heel turn makes me believe that we may see Mistico coming back to clear his name and get his legacy back.

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