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Humorous Segments


Pre-Show Stalwart
There are certain segments in wrestling that make us laugh, cuss, and cheer. Im curious as to what segments have made you laugh.

I have two.

First is JBL vs. Godzilla. The first time I saw that, my roommate and I were near tears we were laughing so hard. That is what JBL stands for: Just Beat a Lizard. They eat pizza.

The other is Triple H in the bounce house with Eugene. Something about the most vile heel at the time, the leader of Evolution (wrestling's past, present, and future), the sledgehammer wielding cerebral assassin, resorting to playing in a bounce house to make a deal with Eugene.

I know there will be a ton of Rock and Stone Cold segments mentioned but I hope some people can come up with some that do not directly involve these two.
WWE Dating game: Loved everything in this segment; Regal, Maria, Hacksaw, Ron, Santino.

Maria: I love a men with manners, how do I know you'll be a good gentleman?
Hacksaw: Well one thing is for sure, I won't call you a hooooooooooooooooo!!!
Regal:...and somehow he remains single.

Maria: If you were lucky enough to bring me breakfast to bed, what would you make me?
Ron: SPAM!

Maria: If you could go back in time, which war would you stop?
Ron: VietNAM!

Santino: Are you mindly ******ed!?
Hacksaw: STAND UP! when you're talking to me!
Santino: I'm standing right in front of you!
Hacksaw: I couldn't tell!
Regal: SHUT UP!

Santino: Maria, you can't go out with this man. He's a creep!
my favourite has to be the rock saying anything, ide rather him open his mouth then candice michelle, and i'm not gay.

the guy siad some of the most funniest shit not just in wrestling but in history of T.V to me
my favorite moment does involve the rock, but he was not the one delivering the laughs. the backstage segment with rocky hogan and yes my friends, kane. rock: are you ready for the match? kane: oh im ready are you? it doesn't matter if your'e ready! the whole skit was hilarious. what you gonna do when the rock, hulk hogan and the big red machine run wild on you!!!
There was a very brief fued between the Rock and the Hurricane over who was a better superhero and I remember backstage the Rock said something like "I'm the Scorpion King" and the Hurricane said "and the Scorpion King has a small Ding-A-Ling" and then the Rock started bouncin around and was like "Woah easy fella" while looking down. I thought that was pretty funny.
Is that "Dating Game" skit on YouTube does anyone know?

Mine would have to be....

Vince/Austin/Angle when Austin went heel, those scenes with Austin and the gutair, and Austin buying him, and vince cowboy hats, and then giving angle the the mini-cowboy hat that shit was priceless!

The Rock/Hurricane segments were freakin awesome as well! When Hurricane was hiding in his locker, funny ass shit!

Santino/Austin...."There will be no opening of the cans of whip ass"....lmao!

Ok since i broken the thread rule and picked all skits with austin/rock...sorry those 2 are the world heavyweight champions of wrestling comedy!

Ill pick one without them....

HHH/HBK imitating Vince (HHH), and Shane (HBK).....Just HHH doing the Vince "Walk", and HBK doin Shane-O-Macs intro "Dance" are worth watchin that skit, Funny as Hayl!!!

I have several

Edge & Christian critique the Hardyz home movies

Kurt Angle imitating John Cena/Shawn Michaels

Christian's "Peep-a-rooni"

Pretty much anything involving The Rock

John Cena's rap on Brock Lesner and his battle raps with Big Show and Christian

Stone Cold beats the shit out of Michael Cole (not a comedy segment, but I was laughing my ass off)

Booker T & Goldust at 711

DX buying tickets from Cryme Tyme

Jericho sings "Shelton's a little bitch"

Edge & Christian celebrating Edge's birthday with Angle and Stephanie in HHH's lockeroom.

Vince's meeting with team WWF going into Invasion and Stone Cold acting like an idiot.

HBK/HHH European title match

Rated-RKO imitating DX

Booker T as the Scorpion King

Jericho hiding in a cage from Shamrock

That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure i'll think of others
Anything with Goldust would make me laugh mg @$$ off. My favorite was when Goldust imitated The Rock, and The Rock would eventually show up with Booker and make fun of Goldust :)
The Billy and Chuck Marriage when Bischoff was in disguise as the priest and 3 minute warning came and got them, and then Stephanie retaliating by sending Rikishi to RAW for some HLA.
I've mentioned this in other threads before, but i will again:-

Hardyz/Candice/Ron where she came and poured water all over herself while twirling, and both Hardy's stand there is awe, then a couple of minutes later, Ron walks on screen, looks at the Hardys with a look that says 'What're you looking at?', turns his head, eyes bulge open and he gives a very excited 'Damn!'


I'd also go with Raw's Santino segment this week. "My sister, she loves-a the Red Bull!'
I think my ultimate favourite has to be this classic by The Rock, the Thomas Jefferson segment. Although strangely youtube seems to be sparced of it except in this best put down video


This one I love with Edge & Angle

I am going to have to go with the awesome "Let me tell ya something, brother!" mock interview with Larry King that Shawn Michaels did with his fued with Hulk Hogan before Summerslam.

"AHH! CRAMP! CRAMP!" had me in stitches. I was so glad I taped that RAW, I must have rewound and watched that fifteen times.

It was a nice change of pace from how stale Shawn was kind of getting to that point.

It really cemented how he can steal the show for his matches.

i thought any segments with edge, christian & either angle or foley were great but i think their funniest set of segments is when christian is trying to drop a couple of pounds to make the weight limit for a light-heavyweight championship match and foley convinces him that the best way to lose weight is by using kurts rubber chicken suit
The Rock and Austin duet during the invasion angle- had me in stiches

DX dressed as Vince and Shane with the 'standback' video- Priceless

Stone Cold and Kurt Angle's arguments when they were both heels trying to impress Vince. Paticually when Austin bought Kurt that little straw hat!
The Kane segment where he impersonated Hogan and Rock was funny imo and also when Booker T was talking to Kane (around the time of the Katie Vick debacle) and he said, "I mean, who has sex with a dead body?" and Goldust is in the background and raises his hand! Then when Kane and Booker look at him he goes "What? I was young! and stupid!"...now that was hilarious imo...
I'm sorry, but I need to say "Bang 3:16".
"Mcmahon 3:16, says I just pissed my pants..."
There are more, but I'm tired :blush:
Booker T and Austin in the supermarket is another 1 I remember. "price check on a jackass". That was really funny as was there battle in the church with Booker in the confession box!
Hacksaw Jim Duggan and his Massive Piece of Wood makes me crack up every time.


The double entendres are hilarious, and Ron Simmons at the end kills me.
In 2003, The Rock and Hurricane had a 3 week rivalry based on superb promos they had with each other in the weeks leading up to Wrestlemania XIX.
Hurricane was in his entertaining superhero gimmick and The Rock... well, he's The Rock. with every year he got older, his mic skills got better and better. The result was some of the most under-rated series of comedy segments in history.



Probably the most humorous segment I've seen was the Empty Arena Match between The Rock vs Mankind. I was cracking up the entire time with The Rock and Foley cracking jokes while beating the crap out of each other. Also, Vince was really good and funny announcing it.



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