Hulk Hogan's Alleged TNA Salary: Does He Deserve It?

Is He Worth It?

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I was just skimming over an article on The article says that, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Hulk Hogan earns $35,000 per televised TNA appearance. Now Hogan doesn't appear on every episode of Impact Wrestling each week but, if he did, then that would come to a salary of $1,820,000. That's also not factoring in how much he gets for merchendise sales or if he makes any additional income for ppv appearances.

Now, I repeat, this is allegedly what he makes. It's hard to ultimately know certain aspects of TNA, especially finances as their financial records aren't open to the public. So this source that spoke to the WON might well be full of crap. At the same time though, it's not out of the realm of possibility because we all know that Hogan is known for negotiating sweetheart deals for himself. If this is true, then it'd still make Hogan one of the highest paid personalities in all of wrestling.

Assuming it's legit rather than just more backstage gossip, is Hogan worth it? Bringing what he brings to the table and has brought to the table for the better part of 2 years, is Hogan simply worth nearly $2 million a year to TNA?
Hulk Hogan deserves it. He is the top guy in the promotion. He is the only person on that show that deserves that kind of money. He doesn't wind up in jail, rehab or anything else like that. He shows up to work when he's supposed to and he puts over the younger guys. Hulk Hogan is the biggest name in pro wrestling and whether you smarks like it or not he carried the WWF through the 80's and early 90's and then took WCW to a place it had never been by just turning heel. For all the Hulk Hogan haters out there --get real. If it weren't for Hulk Hogan there would be no Rock and Wrestling, Wrestlemania or any of that. Professional wrestling wouldn't have reached the heights it has. Hulk Hogan is a big piece of Americana and the biggest draw in wrestling history.
The biggest name in the industry makes a shit load of money? What an atrocity!

He's one of the key figures who put wrestling on the map. He's Hulk Hogan damn it! But here's the dilemma. Is he getting payed so much for who he WAS or what he's doing for the company currently?

See, I don't think Hogan's doing work worth 2 million dollars. That opinion is I'm sure shared throughout the IWC. But here's a counter argument - we don't really know what Hogan does and what he does not in the first place. All we can draw a conclusion about are the weekly ratings. I'm not talking quality because that's subjective and it varies with each and every person.

When you look at the ratings Hogan isn't worth a box of stale Oreos. They're just like him. They can't move.

However, TNA's beeing paying this dude for two years and they show absolutely zero signs of operating in the red. Maybe Hogan's bringing paper in in some other way. Is he? Don't know. Is he not? Don't know. I don't like to talk out of my ass about things I'm not fully informed about.

So the question you posed really can't be answered coherently by any of us. You'll get some mark rage, you'll get fanboyism, you'll get the constant verbal battle between WWE and TNA and how stale WWE is and how TNA is WCW circa 2000, but the one thing you won't get is a good discussion. Why? We don't have all the info. When you don't have all the info the discussion turns into a whirl pool of speculation, bias and nerd rage which makes this thread pointless. Pointless unless you wanted a shit storm of horseshit and two dollar opinions. If that's your goal then congratulations. But it's not, is it?

In the end, even if this is true we don't know what Hogan does, how he does it, when he does it and how effective it is. And if we don't know that how the hell can we evaluate if he deserves it? Do you want us to make stuff up? What is this? A fan fiction fo-oh wait it is a fan fiction forum. At least that's what we turned it into.

Hail Meltzer!
There's a key factor not being discussed here, and that's how much TNA is making despite Hogan, as well as what other talents are pulling in.

You can't simply look at one figure–Hogan's rumored salary—and judge one way or another as to whether or not he's "worth" it. It has nothing to juxtapose against, which means that the figure is meaningless as it's not being compared to anything else, or worse – being compared to figures from other eras or other companies.

Sorry, but this just can't be discussed objectively at all. This thread is going to end up littered with numerous angry posts from jaded internet fans who are tired of seeing and reading of Hogan through the reports of dirt sheet writers with biased agendas because the only thing that could actually allow for this to actually be discussed objectively is missing, and that's TNA's actual financial quarterly or yearly earnings.
If the basis for paying Hogan all that money is because of what he's done in the past; then yes, he's worth it.

However, as I believe we were given to understand by Hogan himself, he was brought to TNA for the purpose of helping them overtake WWE in the ratings and making them the top sports entertainment company. I remember him predicting that TV ratings for that first show on Monday night (1/4/10) would exceed 3.0. Surely, TNA would never have attempted to usurp WWE's flagship program time slot if Hogan hadn't been hired.

Since then, TNA's ratings have never exceeded 1.5, and in fact, have hovered in the same ratings area in the lower 1's since then. Whether Hogan has sent merchandise sales soaring to outer space, we have no way of knowing, but his mission to make TNA the #1 wrestling company has been a failure. To that end, he's not worth that kind of money......for a (comparatively) small time operation like TNA, I doubt that anyone would have been worth the money.
Of course Hulk Hogan is worth every penny of it. He's immortal, he revolutionized the world of professional wrestling, and he paved the way for so many guys who came after him. I think it is perfectly appropriate to overpay the man obscene amounts of money because of his relevance to the business a decade or more ago.

On a similar note, I heard that the Chicago Bulls just resigned Michael Jordan to a new lucrative contract with the team. They plan on making him the highest player on the team and one of the highest paid players in the league. Of course, he will contribute little to the calibre of the team this season, but boy, will he bring name power, and I imagine he'll move a ton of merchandise. He'll be worth every penny too.

Come on now, let's be serious. I have no knowledge of TNA's bottom line financially, nor do I particularly care. But paying a 60 year old decrepit man nearly $2 million a year for what he brings to the table in 2011, that's absurd. And speaking speculatively only, his results would appear to back up my claims of absurdity.
35k an appearance for a LEGEND.
I don't think that much is unjustified, what I think may be a big deal is how often they use him, and dilute his legendary status.
Having Hogan's name on TNA's product increases it's stock immensely across casual fans, although he hasn't been proven to draw so far with TNA, then again I see that trend from dirtsheets, not TNA's actual finance report, so I could be absolutely off on it.

I guess in my self opinion, ignoring pure numbers, Yes. I think he's worth that much for TNA's image.
Guys use logic, TNA is owned by panda enegry, panda energy is just that an energy company not an entertainment company, they have need or reason to keep TNA if it were to be the financial disaster you all say it is other than the fact that they are profitable, it may not be a large profit but something tells me they turn a profit. Think of it in terms of this years Mania, the card was mainly good wreslters in shitty matches but the ppv it self turned a profit... why? STAR POWER! Host The Rock, Special Ref Stone Cold, ... I can't believe I'm saying this... Snooki... The bottom line is Hogan's name alone is money, it doesn't matter if he comes out and "Brother Brother Dude Immortal Maniacs Duuuude" at the end of the day he sells, Hell even Stone Cold is buying BFG just to see Sting-Hogan 346583458476, to me that sounds like name power doing it's job.
On a similar note, I heard that the Chicago Bulls just resigned Michael Jordan to a new lucrative contract with the team. They plan on making him the highest player on the team and one of the highest paid players in the league. Of course, he will contribute little to the calibre of the team this season, but boy, will he bring name power, and I imagine he'll move a ton of merchandise. He'll be worth every penny too.


Apples and oranges, friend. Apples and oranges.

You are comparing two very different things and thinking it's OK to presume they have the same business model, which they don't.

Worse yet, isn't there going to be a salary cap in the NBA in this coming season? That'd make your awful comparison even farther off-base.

Come on now, let's be serious. I have no knowledge of TNA's bottom line financially, nor do I particularly care. But paying a 60 year old decrepit man nearly $2 million a year for what he brings to the table in 2011, that's absurd. And speaking speculatively only, his results would appear to back up my claims of absurdity.

No, it's not, because you don't know TNA's bottom line financially. This, like the large majority of your arguments' against all things TNA is total conjecture.
His presence has not given them a boost in ratings, or PPV buys...maybe he sells some merch, and maybe he gives them some exposure, but there are no signs that point to the company profiting or even benefiting in any way from that. He can't wrestle anymore, and can't even deliver a chairshot...he cost them a lot with his push to go head-to-head with Raw, and make some other changes (e.g. bringing in his cronies the Nasty Boyz, Orlando Jordan, Val Venis, Bubba the Love Sponge, none of who panned out) that have resulted in expenses, but no tangible increase in income. So I don't really see how he's worth it.

Yes, it's tough for me as a longtime fan to separate personal opinion...for instance, could they not be spending that money on guys like Jay Lethal, Scott D'Amore & Dutch Mantel...I think for a fraction of that money, they could have had all 3, and have about the same ratings/PPV buys). And Hogan in a role where he is just acting is painful. He is a HORRIBLE actor...I mean, the worst in the company by a LOT. He overacts everything, and has no focus when he has no match to build towards. He just spouts phrases like "hide the ball" again and again for no reason, and makes an announcement that will change the industry forever every week. He brings name recognition, but even that is fading...he's generally a punchline these days, not a headline draw. Maybe if he came in a few times a year, he might be of some use, but his time as a weekly draw passed long ago.
Apples and oranges, friend. Apples and oranges.

Of course it's apples and oranges, I'm not trying to suggest they're the same thing at all. I'm just questioning the concept of paying someone obscene amounts of money when they are embarrassingly past their prime.

You are comparing two very different things and thinking it's OK to presume they have the same business model, which they don't.

The whole premise of the OP was that we don't know the financial situation of TNA. I am not claiming to know anything about that, nor do I care. I don't care about business models. All I am saying is that it seems excessive to me to pay one guy such an inflated salary when by all accounts, one can surmise that there has been little bang for the buck. Again, an assumption, I admittedly don't know this to be true. But it would appear to be a logical and fair assumption.

Worse yet, isn't there going to be a salary cap in the NBA in this coming season? That'd make your awful comparison even farther off-base.

Come on, now, IDR, I know about the likely work stoppage in the NBA. I'm not claiming my analogy is fact based. Just making a hypothetical point and you know it. It just seems to me that for a company with so many shortcomings, it seems illogical to me to put all of your eggs in one basket.

Then again, you are a Rangers fan, so I can understand why running things illogically seems OK to you ;). Maybe Sather should bring Grezky back.

No, it's not, because you don't know TNA's bottom line financially. This, like the large majority of your arguments' against all things TNA is total conjecture.

I never claimed to know TNA's bottom line financially. However, I cannot imagine what could be going on behind the scenes whereby one guy getting paid $2M with little tangible results can possibly make financial sense.

By the way, most arguments on here about pretty much anything are largely based on conjecture. And my arguments are not "against all things TNA". They are only against the negative aspects of TNA. Not my fault that's a long list.
and he puts over the younger guys.

name one, just one, younger guy on the roster that Hogan has "put over" in TNA? Every TNA champion since RVD won the title last year, with the exception of Sting, has played the roll of Hogan's lacky. How is playing the role of a groveling lacky being "put over"?

If this amount is true than, TNA deserves to go out of business tomorrow. Hogan WAS the biggest name in wrestling. Hogan WAS a major draw. Hogan DID deserve that kind of money AT ONE POINT... but not NOW.

If Hogan was such a great catch for TNA than where are the results? two years ago TNA were holding nearly all of their shows in a studio as an amusement park attraction, with an audience of people who didn't even pay to get in, and maybe one or two shows being taped elsewhere... today?

They hired Hogan thinking that they were getting Vince McMahon. Dixie Carter even said it herself, he was hired to "do everything" from assess talent, to how the show was shot... that's like hiring Marlon Brando and expecting to get James Cameron's results. Hogan was great at his job during his time, but he was never the one leading the show, nor should he be now.
Of course it's apples and oranges, I'm not trying to suggest they're the same thing at all. I'm just questioning the concept of paying someone obscene amounts of money when they are embarrassingly past their prime.

The whole premise of the OP was that we don't know the financial situation of TNA. I am not claiming to know anything about that, nor do I care. I don't care about business models. All I am saying is that it seems excessive to me to pay one guy such an inflated salary when by all accounts, one can surmise that there has been little bang for the buck. Again, an assumption, I admittedly don't know this to be true. But it would appear to be a logical and fair assumption.

Come on, now, IDR, I know about the likely work stoppage in the NBA. I'm not claiming my analogy is fact based. Just making a hypothetical point and you know it. It just seems to me that for a company with so many shortcomings, it seems illogical to me to put all of your eggs in one basket.

Hang on… you don't care about the financial situation of TNA, yet you care enough to comment on an aspect of it that's not only entirely unproven, but utterly irrelevant without the actual financial sum that the company makes per year? I can tell logic wasn't your major in college…

You know I enjoy these back-and-forths with you, most of the time, but your'e way off base this time around. Way off.

You're comparing two radically different business models as a means to take another jab at TNA (shocking), then back-tracking and telling me that you don't actually care about TNA's financial gain, only to shun it for paying someone "too much money" and calling the reported salary he's earning "absurd"? The only thing absurd here is that argument, holmes.

Then again, you are a Rangers fan, so I can understand why running things illogically seems OK to you ;). Maybe Sather should bring Grezky back.

More rhetoric… and outdated rhetoric at that. You wanna talk hockey? By all means — I'll gladly send you crawling back to the ghetto streets of Southie in the hockey thread. ;)

Let's leave this thread for TNA and wrestling.

I never claimed to know TNA's bottom line financially. However, I cannot imagine what could be going on behind the scenes whereby one guy getting paid $2M with little tangible results can possibly make financial sense.

By the way, most arguments on here about pretty much anything are largely based on conjecture. And my arguments are not "against all things TNA". They are only against the negative aspects of TNA. Not my fault that's a long list.

See above.
i know its hogan, and if he does make that much then he definitely has himself a great job specially since he is no longer an active performer. i would understand if it was someone active who was getting to a point where their own bodily health was on the line despite performing every night, though i would still think they were milking it, but seriously, having hogan cant be that big if he is no longer wrestling. another thing imagine how much he will make for actually wrestling a match!!! o_O hogan cant be that big of a draw, and to make it worse we have guys who deserve some time, who deserve to cut promos and wrestle matches who are getting shoved to the back and not being used so that someone can get paid huge bucks to come out and talk on the mic for 5 - 10 minutes when we could have 2 really good young talents coming out and wrestling a great match. but if TNA wants to throw big bucks at hogan its their loss. oh and if thats what hogan gets paid, imagine how much flair and eric bischoff get paid. its kind of sickening. id love to get paid huge amounts of cash to do virtually sh1t all and get paid for it!! hopefully you guys get what im saying here.
Hulk Hogan Is Worth It? Deep Down, He Knows He Isn't Worth It. But He's A Hustler And He Still Needs To Make Money. With That Said, We Know The Ratings Are Toilet Fodder And Hulk Hogan Has Got In The Way Of The Younger Talent Growing. If You Don't Believe Me, Why Is A. J. Styles, Rob Rhoode, & James Storm Still "Mid-Carding?"

Why Is Kurt Angle A champion?

If Hulk Hogan Can Sell Ice In Antartica or Sell Sand In The Sahara Desert, Then Good For Him. If TNA Thinks He's Worth The Money Along With Low Ratings, Then Good For Them. When Spike TV Decides To Take Them Off The Air Because Of Those Low Ratings...They Will Have No One To Blame But Themselves And Even That's Something You Can't Put On Hulk Hogan.

;) <--- It's My Destiny!!!
you don't know TNA's bottom line financially. This, like the large majority of your arguments' against all things TNA is total conjecture.

Yet you're first guy to claim TNA is "operating in the black" anytime the success of the company is questioned.

To answer the OP's question. No, of course not. Hulk Hogan is no longer "the biggest name in the industry" like some would like others to believe. He is an old man, who hasn't been to WrestleMania in almost 20 years. He is recognized best in 2011 for his epic failure of a family than a pro wrestler. But Dixie Carter is a mark, who doesn't know any better.
Guys use logic, TNA is owned by panda enegry, panda energy is just that an energy company not an entertainment company, they have need or reason to keep TNA if it were to be the financial disaster you all say it is other than the fact that they are profitable, it may not be a large profit but something tells me they turn a profit. Think of it in terms of this years Mania, the card was mainly good wreslters in shitty matches but the ppv it self turned a profit... why? STAR POWER! Host The Rock, Special Ref Stone Cold, ... I can't believe I'm saying this... Snooki... The bottom line is Hogan's name alone is money, it doesn't matter if he comes out and "Brother Brother Dude Immortal Maniacs Duuuude" at the end of the day he sells, Hell even Stone Cold is buying BFG just to see Sting-Hogan 346583458476, to me that sounds like name power doing it's job.

I am going to have to agree with this post, Hogan is a brand.. and he is the face of TNA.. he is on all the billboards, posters, etc.. he is the only guy in TNA that can get an interview with anyone in mainstream.. he can do things outside the ring to help the company make money.. more than anyone on the current roster can. The quote above states it in pretty good perspecive... look at last years Wrestlemania.. most of the matches sucked and the main event sucked... but star power made it successfull.

Its funny... all the SMARKS call out WCW for only focusing on TV ratings.. and not PPV buys or anything else.. now.. the SMARKS mainly focus on only the TV ratings and nothing more when judging TNA.. NONE of us know what the PPV buys are or any numbers for that matter since it is a private company. I just think its a double standard to think that ratings = Doom... obviously they are safe by Spike TV standards.. and anyone with half a brain can see that TNA is taking steps in the right direction since Hogans arrival.

1. no more gimmick 6 sided ring
2. on the road more often
3. Promoting road trips
4. Change TNA Impact to Impact Wrestling
5. Enhance the production values.. (From 2006-2009 TNA looked shitty production wise, hell even the ramp to the ring was laughable... the ring looked small.. the crowd look small... now the production values seem to use camera tricks to make it look more full... credit to bischoff)
6. Enhance Entrance themes...
7. Rid yourself of Vince Russo (baby steps .. JUST took place, I am sure Dixie was the road block all this time that is saving Russo from being fired..)

Sure there has been mistakes too.. like booking issues.. which should see a change now that Russo has a lesser role.

next on the agenda?

Get Impact on the road more often (Each time they are on the road it looks like a different show completely), Get a new TV deal on another network, that has more promotional ability than Spike... get more stability in booking... everything else will fall into place...

TNA was UNABLE to do these things without Hogan, no matter how much people want to say they could... the truth is, they tried and failed... they had no plan.. it appears as if Bischoff/Hogan have a plan in place, it's just not public knowledge. If there is a plan to use Hogan in a mainstream role to help get the company more recognized and use him as a promotional tool.. then YES he is worth every penny... he can do things to get the attention in the media main stream that NO ONE on the roster can.. not STING, not Flair, Not Hardy, Not AJ, Not RVD, Not ANgle (unless he is drinking and driving) no one.... we don't know the profit TNA turns.. but if this is the way they use him.. then YES he is worth it. Bound For Glory will have heavy promotion from Hogan.. if it fails it will tell the tale..

To answer the OP's question. No, of course not. Hulk Hogan is no longer "the biggest name in the industry" like some would like others to believe.

You're right... he's the biggest name in the industry of ALL TIME... there is only a hand full of wrestlers that can get main stream attention...

Stone Cold

thats mainly it.. (some others could back in the day like Roddy Piper, heck even Jericho.. but no where near the level of Hulk Hogan, Rock, or even Austin)

Should the ROCK or Austin get paid millions for this past Wrestlemania? or should the wrestlers that wrestled get paid more? Should have Snookie gotten paid what she did and got more than Melina who wasn't even there? They were brought in to promote and got paid more than many on the roster... WHy is it so wrong for Hogan to do the same if he is being used the same way??? This logic makes no sense...

NO ONE at any job gets paid the same across the board.. should Tyler Rekks get paid the same as John Cena?? or Undertaker??? heck no... sometimes you have to pay your dews.. at any corperation you have to .. NOT JUST WRESTLING.. if you are brought on to be the boss you will get paid for it.. you won't get paid chump change like a factory worker..... people just like to hate on hogan for the sake of hating...

In WWE John Larinatus makes 2 mill+ he isn't a wrestler.. should he be making less... than the roster too? this is why SMARKS don't run a company..
I'm so asking for negative rep by saying this here, but Hogan's name value is all he has left, and even then, it's clearly smaller than say, The Rock's name value.

When Hogan arrived in TNA, it was a moment in Impact history. When the Rock returned to the WWE, the wrestling world stopped. Now, I'm aware of the fact that Hogan hadn't been gone nearly as long, but that helps to prove my point: Hogan is as washed up as he can get. He has been hurt too badly, his gimmick died years ago, and his name doesn't mean a lot, anymore. Should you pay someone on your roster this much money when it's actually dangerous to his health to wrestle? I'm not saying don't keep Hogan, but don't pay him this much.
Yet you're first guy to claim TNA is "operating in the black" anytime the success of the company is questioned.

To answer the OP's question. No, of course not. Hulk Hogan is no longer "the biggest name in the industry" like some would like others to believe. He is an old man, who hasn't been to WrestleMania in almost 20 years. He is recognized best in 2011 for his epic failure of a family than a pro wrestler. But Dixie Carter is a mark, who doesn't know any better.

Reportedly operating in the black, and there's reason for that — it was reported on by two sources who actually work for TNA. Which source who works for TNA has directly given credence to any number of these wild reports of TNA losing $n of dollars per PPV event or per year, etc?
I don't think he makes enough money. He's beyond a shadow of a doubt the biggest name in TNA. Hulk Hogan has one of the most recognizable names in the world. 99 people out of 100 know who he is.

The argument about him being old and out of shape is stupid. He's Hulk Hogan. When was the last time Eric Clapton or Rod Stewart put out a number one song? I guess there overrated pieces of shit that no one in music respects anymore.

Hulk Hogan is TNA's only lifeline to mainstream media. Good or bad, Hogan makes the news. Do you really think TNA could call up Fox News or CNN and get A J Styles on their morning show to talk about a PPV? When was the last time ANYONE NOT NAMED HOGAN was on Jimmy Kimmel or Jimmy Fallon? It's a fucking joke when people say Hogan doesn't deserve his money. To run a commercial for TNA on prime time TV would cost six figures. Hogan can plug on talk shows for free. Think that saves TNA some money?

Lets compare Hogan to some other TV stars. The two top characters on Law and Order SVU make 400,000 dollars an episode. They have an average viewership of about 7 million people. Thats about 5 times the amount of people that watch Impact. Lets look at the comparison: Impact has a fifth of the viewers and Hogan makes a tenth of the money that their stars make.

Hogan is invaluable to TNA. He deserves everything he gets and more. I'll change my opinion as soon as I see Robert Roode on Jay Leno.
Wow there is some extremely stupid opinions in this thread. Tuffy, Chrome and It's Damn Real have the right idea. First of all people that only look at the US ratings to measure the success of a company are completely moronic and out of touch with reality. TNA as well as WWE's ratings aren't going to change dramatically anytime soon as there is a ton of people that will record it or watch it online so tv ratings are not an accurate way to assess the company at all. Also people always forget how successful TNA does overseas as they have a higher fanbase than WWE in places like the UK and have sold out arenas.

All the people saying he's not worth it and what does he do blah blah blah do you really think TNA would pay him that much for shits and giggles? He is obviously a huuuuuge marketing tool as he is one of the biggest names ever in wrestling. If TNA want to sign major sponsorship deals do you think bringing in AJ Styles is going to clinch the deal and bring in the megabucks and attract business? No sorry it's going to be Hogan. He can attract mainstream media attention which is invaluable and you can bet your ass that he has drawn for TNA if you don't just look at the US ratings like a dumbass. People really need to think before posting ignorant comments like "Omgzzz he so old and is past his prime" and think about what he does off screen and the star power he has that is unmatched by anyone else TNA has.
I was just skimming over an article on The article says that, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Hulk Hogan earns $35,000 per televised TNA appearance. Now Hogan doesn't appear on every episode of Impact Wrestling each week but, if he did, then that would come to a salary of $1,820,000. That's also not factoring in how much he gets for merchendise sales or if he makes any additional income for ppv appearances.

Now, I repeat, this is allegedly what he makes. It's hard to ultimately know certain aspects of TNA, especially finances as their financial records aren't open to the public. So this source that spoke to the WON might well be full of crap. At the same time though, it's not out of the realm of possibility because we all know that Hogan is known for negotiating sweetheart deals for himself. If this is true, then it'd still make Hogan one of the highest paid personalities in all of wrestling.

Assuming it's legit rather than just more backstage gossip, is Hogan worth it? Bringing what he brings to the table and has brought to the table for the better part of 2 years, is Hogan simply worth nearly $2 million a year to TNA?

Well considering that's what Shawn Micheals was making back in 1995, I'd say yeah. HBK making that much was why Hall left for WCW. Hogan certainly deserves it more even now than HBK did in '95.
everyone respects and appreciates what he's done for pro wrestling. if it wasnt for him, we wouldnt be here. and for that, he deserves the respect and the Salary
Tuffy, Chrome It's Damn Real, and Alittude, are all right.. Hogan deserves this and more.. he is the only one in TNA worth this..

John Laranitus is no hulk hogan and makes the same amount of money.. he can't get media attention like hogan can to help TNA...

Not flair, not sting or anyone else can command the type of attention that hogan can..

Hell Hogan Knows Best was a hit TV series... hell Hogan even brought ratings to MIDGET wrestling for fucks sake..sure they are low on ratings now.. but the highest rated for any midget wrestling before.. people tuned in for Hogan.. Hell I remember not to long ago there was a Documentary on TV about Hulk Hogan stating he wasn't a millionare anymore... that THAT documentary garnered over a million+ viewers.. and that was about Hogan ALONE... he pulled those numbers ALONE.. shows at his age he STILL has star power... He went on American Idol and people went ape shit.. if anyone else from TNA went there everyone would have been like "Who the hell is that??"

THe man is an ICON and can get media coverage from ANYWHERE.. 9 out 10 poeple know who he is world wide.

People think he needs to wrestle to have an IMPACT are fooling themselves.... Hogan is invaluable to TNA right now.

The only one that is more of a star than Hogan right now would be The Rock and you know he isnt leaving WWE.

I am amazed by such ignorant comments on this topic..

Chrome is right about ratings.. .. they don't mean anything.. Spike is happy with TNA... we don't know the figures or buy rates of PPV's, merchindise, etc etc etc... yet we all boast how every year TNA will be out of business because of ratings.... yet we all bash WCW for ONLY focusing on ratings... What exactly is the IWC focusing on in all this?? Ratings..... this is a total double standard. Also forgetting the fact that over seas they are successfull. (FORGET WWE ratings.. it means nothing to this arguement) the fact is they are Successfull over seas on free TV... but guess what.. they are on Free TV here in the U.S. too... Part of this is due to Hogan.. lots of Production has been changed to Impact.. Hogan/Bischoff deserve credit for that...

Now booking has been the issue with TNA for a long time.. with Russo being demoted this should change..

TNA needs hogan.... they don't need Hogan wrestling... however that said... Hogan NOT wrestling is more of an asset than ANYONE in TNA that is currently wrestling..

Cena, Orton, Bigshow, HHH, etc do not even command the main stream attention that Hogan or Rock get. If you are TNA why the hell do you NOT sign this guy?

SMARKS only judge on Ratings... NOTHING more because nothing more has been released..But its a stupid way to judge a company..

Hell here is an example.. when WCW was beating RATINGS... WWF product SUCKED but yet they were doing better business than WCW on the road at house shows and merchindise.. this was stuff that wasn't public knowledge at the time... much like how much of TNA's finances are NOT public knowledge now... all we know is they are in the black.. which is GOOD... and we see the TV ratings which Spike seems okay with.. yet every year... the smarks come out and say TNA will be dead in a year....

Please... FUCK OFF already.

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