Hulk Hogan IS Wrestlemania


The Cerebral Assassin
Many factors made Wrestlemania into the megashow that it is but I would argue that none of those factors come close to the contributions that were made by Hulk Hogan's involvement with it, and there's really no doubt about that. My question is, do you think Wrestlemania would have even become the megashow that it is without Hulk Hogan, because I sure don't. Let's look at the facts by analyzing Hogan's participation and contributions to the early years of Wrestlemania:

Wrestlemania I (1985)
This show was pretty much built around a feud that Hogan was the mega attraction of, as we got to see Mr. T step into the ring with Hogan to take on Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff. Not only was Hogan the main event of the main event of the first ever Wrestlemania, but he was also the first big-name wrestler that tried to connect pro wrestling to pop culture, as this feud paved the way for numerous WM money feuds that intertwined pro wrestling and celebrities (WM23's Battle of the Billionaires and WM24's Mayweather/Big Show match both come to mind). Hogan helped set so many precedents at WMI after helping his team pick up the win over the heels.

Wrestlemania II (1986)
In response to the mega success that was WMI, WMII was quickly announced and based around... guess who... none other than Hulk Hogan, as we got to see him take on a giant in King Kong Bundy, an ultimate heel that was backed by the legendary Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. To up the ante, we got to see Hogan compete this time around in a menacing cage. After blood was spilled, Hogan came out victorious to retain his WWE Championship, which was on the line.

Wrestlemania III (1987)
Hulk Hogan was most likely involved in his most important WM match ever (and maybe of all time) at WMIII against the undefeated gargantuan Andre the Giant. This match, which is often hailed as the ultimate WM match of all time, contained one of early WM's most defining moments- Hogan bodyslamming Andre and later pinning him to retain his WWE Championship. Hogan again featured in the main event (and going over)... seeing a pattern here?

Wrestlemania IV (1988)
Going into this WM, the Hogan/Andre feud (which was picked back up due to its immense success at last year's Mania) was headlining the spectacle. In their long-awaited WM rematch (one of the many WWE Championship tournament matches on the card), the two superstars fought to a double-disqualification. Savage would end up besting Ted DiBiase in the finals to win the title later on. This was the first Mania in which Hogan was not directly involved in the main event... it also one of the most heavily criticized WM's as well... could Hogan have made the main event (and the show overall) better? Most likely.

Wrestlemania V (1989)
The WWE wanted to come back strong after last year's disappointing WM so they attempted to do just that by putting Hogan back in the main event for Randy Savage's WWE Championship. Their match, which culminated a heated feud, ended up being another great WM main event, with Hogan (yet again) coming out on top. WM was back on track with Hogan again at the helm.

Wrestlemania VI (1990)
Capitalizing with Hogan yet again, the WWE created a super main event for this WM installment, as Hogan (the WWE Champion) was to go against the Ultimate Warrior (the IC Champion) in a winner takes all match. In a rare WM occurence, Hogan tried to do the right thing by letting Warrior go over him in an attempt to build up the young star (unfortunately Warrior would not prove to be much though). Nevertheless, Hogan did the job yet augmented his "Immortality" further by producing yet another WM moment at WMVI.

Wrestlemania VII (1991)
The WWE took a risk the year before by allowing Hogan to get beat so in this year's installment they went with the more cautious approach by allowing Hogan to defeat Sgt. Slaughter and capture the WWE Championship in the WMVII main event to culminate a feud that involved the defense of American pride. Pretty basic here, just another Mania centered around Hogan doing the right thing and winning out in the end.

Wrestlemania VIII (1992)
This WM's main event saw Hogan go over Sid Justice in a classic match. What makes this year's Mania interesting is that they didn't even need to make Hogan's match for the WWE Championship- in fact, the WWE Championship match (which featured Flair and Savage) was on the undercard, as the Hogan/Sid match was pushed over it. Wow, that really shows how much the WWE was relying on Hogan to deliver big at WM and, yet again, he did.

Wrestlemania IX (1993)
One of WMIX's biggest selling points was that it was to feature the epic return of Hulk Hogan. Despite the fact that Hogan and Brutus Beefcake (his partner) were disqualified against Ted DiBiase and I.R.S., Hogan's return made for an epic WM moment nonetheless. However, Hogan's involvement in this WM was far from done. After the WWE Championship match (a match in which Yokozuna cheated to defeat Bret Hart), Hogan stormed to the ring and, for some reason, a WWE Championship match started between Hogan and Yokozuna. And, believe it or not, Hogan went over and won the title. Was this necessary? No, but it showed how much WM is really centered around the "Immortal One".

I would continue, but WMIX was Hogan's last WM appearance for quite some time. He would eventually return to the WWE years later to furthur contribute to WM and its plethora of historic moments. But, in conclusion, its quite evident that WM was totally based around Hogan and his drawing ability in the early years of WM. Do you honestly think that WM would have become the Superbowl of the WWE (and pro wrestling in general) without Hogan's help? It definitely wouldnt have gotten anywhere close. He practically built WM in its early years. Without Hogan, WM just wouldnt be WM. Hogan is WM and WM is Hogan. They built each other up. Hulk Hogan himself is definitely the biggest factor that led to WM's success. Without him the show wouldn't have taken off, nor would it be as big as it is today. Without Hogan there would be no WM, as the biggest show ever needed to start out with pro wrestling's biggest star ever, and thank God that it did.
I never did buy the Hogan character. Never was a fan. Only really marked out for one of his matches (Goldberg vs. Hogan and that was because I wanted anyone to take the title off of him). Flat out, could never stand him.

But you are absolutely right. Being a major part of Vince's gamble, Hogan was the center of WrestleMania. After the third, WrestleMania probably would have been fine. But the fact that he was there for almost the first decade, cemented its place. It's not national. It's global.

This effect wasn't just felt in the WWE. Does anyone really think the nWo would have taken off like it did if it wasn't built around the star of the first few WrestleManias? Or more importantly, the orignal star of the WWF?

There are certain people that you may not be a fan of, but if you are honest with yourself, you'll acknowledge their contributions and the significance of their contributions.
Like bulldog I was never a fan of Hogan. But I agree he did contribute a lot and Wrestlemania is huge because of him. But I feel that if he weren't there, there probably would have been someone else to take that place. There is no way of knowing if it would turn out the same, but they would have found someone else to attempt to build it around, and then Hogan wouldn't be the daddy of all wrestling...someone else would be.
I was always a Hogan fan and even more now especially since Ric Flair said Steve Austin was a bigger star than Hogan was. I will say that Hogan might not have stole the show at Wrestlemania like a Shawn Michaels or be undefeated like Taker, but still he was the main draw for many Wrestlemania's. I've seen every WM and WrestleMania X-8 had to be his best match and best crowd reaction as far as a WWF/E fan base is concerned.

Some say he wasn't that great of a wrestler, but if you're in the main event at Wrestlemania in front of 60-70,000 ppl, who would you rather be staring across the ring at? Hogan? Flair? Austin? That's a no-brainer to me
Hogan IS wrestlemania!
dont forget his wm 18 match with the rock...which was easily the biggest match on the card!
and his wm 19 match against vince!

hogan is the biggest star in wrestlemania history, and wrestling history!
he made wrestlemania as big as it is!
unfortunately, ever wrestlemania without hogan has never been as big as the wrestlemanias with hogan!
hbk said it best, along with flair, hhh, vince, bruce pritchard, matt hardy etc in a promo about hogan found on the extras dvd of wrestlemania 19.
hogan and wrestlemania are like hand and cant have one without the other!
wrestlemania without hogan just isnt the same!
he is the man!
Great write up man. I completely agree. I'm a Hulkamaniac and I'm not afraid to admit it. Without Hogan who knows if Mania would be what it has turned into. Hogan guided the early years of Mania and turned it into the biggest show on Earth. And to this day it is still go, mainly thanks to Hogan. How awesome would it be for Hogan to make a special appearance at 25. Maybe come out and celebrate with the legends or something after the Jericho match. I don't know. It would just be awesome to see Hogan at the show. But I definitely agree that without Hogan, Mania wouldn't be what it is today.
Great post thread. I'm also a Hulk Hogan fan. Sure Hogan is not a real wrestler like Brett Hart. Micheal, Henning and so on but his matches were still very good mostly at wrestlemania. Is there any wrestler from the past or presents that's been in more main events in wrestlemania then Hogan? Hogan been in 8 i repeat 8 wrestlemania main events. And yes i count it the Yokazuna one cause Hogan did beat Yokazuna at wrestlemania 9 in a very short one ever lol but it's still counted. Also Hogan been in 6 title matches at wrestlemania. I know many will say ( Hogan wouldn't be nothing with out Vince) <<<<<<I hate that people say that cause that's far from the truth. If that's the case then Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker, HHH, HBK, Brett Hart wouldn't be what they are today if it wasn't for Vince. Hogan got what he is cause he build his charater greatly and for that the fans got into the charator and that's when Hulkamania was build.
I totally agree with this thread I'm a hulkamaniaz until I die. He is Wrestlemania. I love Austin but he was a jobber in WCW Hogan ruled two companies at there highest peak. There's a reason Austin wouldn't do that match he seen what happned to the Rock in Toronto and that would hurt his pride I enjoy Hogans matches. wrestling is fake its about the good guy beating the bad guy and thats what Hogan did best.
I can see where you're comin' from. Terry Bollea was a major part of Manias history. One disagreement I have with the original post (though well written), is that Hogan-Vicious was not the Main Event of VIII. That honor goes to Savage-Flair for the WWF title. For once in how long, Hogan was in the undercard, working a secondary feud.
Hogan IS wrestlemania!
dont forget his wm 18 match with the rock...which was easily the biggest match on the card!
and his wm 19 match against vince!

hogan is the biggest star in wrestlemania history, and wrestling history!
he made wrestlemania as big as it is!
unfortunately, ever wrestlemania without hogan has never been as big as the wrestlemanias with hogan!
hbk said it best, along with flair, hhh, vince, bruce pritchard, matt hardy etc in a promo about hogan found on the extras dvd of wrestlemania 19.
hogan and wrestlemania are like hand and cant have one without the other!
wrestlemania without hogan just isnt the same!
he is the man!

what about wrestlemania 17? best mania ever! no hogan.
hogan is wrestlemania without a dout not to mention he is the GREATEST OF ALL TIME without hogan there would be no wrestlemania hell they might not even be a wwe period so yes hogan was that great the only reason rock and austin had the success they had is because hogan was not there he went wcw think about it all wwe had after hogan left was wcw rejects austn was a jobber that was fired,triple h was fired thats right triple h or should i say JEAN PAUL LEVESQUE you the guy who couldnt beat alex wright and big show was let go (who hogan discovered and brought in by the way the son of andre) i could go on and on vader,mic foley and on and on
Now see thats bullshit. I'm a huge Hogan mark, but he didn't carry WCW when they were hot. Bischoff carried WCW. He brought in every damn name he could find. He decided to turn Hogan heel and create the nWo. Remember, Hogan already tried to turn tweener heel with his all black shit followng his fued with the Dungeon of Doom. Nobody bought it. Hell, Nash and Hall were just as over as Hogan was. Then you add in the Sting storyline, some Luger Nash Giant, and you got yourself some serious genius storylines.

Yes nWo worked to perfection due to Hogan being in it, but this wasn't like the 80's when Hogan could have fought Koko B Ware and drew 90,000 people.

But to say Hogan is Mr Wrestlemania is 100% true. He carried it, made it along with Vince. Wthout Hogan there is no Wrestlemania. Piper, Savage, Andre, Warrior, Rock are all classics, all great matches. Hogan didn't do much at WM4 and not too many people liked that one. I personally think WM4 should have been Hogan vs MDM, and Savage vs Andre. Hogan was ultimate good, MDM was ultimate bad. How they never faced off at a WM is a HUGE ? that Vince needs to answer.
I can see where you're comin' from. Terry Bollea was a major part of Manias history. One disagreement I have with the original post (though well written), is that Hogan-Vicious was not the Main Event of VIII. That honor goes to Savage-Flair for the WWF title. For once in how long, Hogan was in the undercard, working a secondary feud.

No Hogan vs Sid was the last match on the card making it the Main Event. Flair vs Savage happned three matches before it.
Not exactly the Undertaker is wrestlemania whenever you think of Wrestlemania you always think of the streak and who will step up every year to see who will try and take the streak away but dont get me wrong i tottally agree with you hulk hogan has give Wrestlemania the popularity without hulk hogans work and charisma back in the early wrestlemania we really wouldnt see the amount of hype WWE give for mania
I am going to go in a completely different direction. VINCE MCMAHON IS WRESTLEMANIA. Vince had the vision of taking a regional promotion and turning it national. Vince brought in celebrities. Vince ushered in the era of rock and wrestling.Vince McMahon took two wrestlers with no in ring talent in Andre and Hogan put them together for a match and made a moment in history that will never be recreated. Yes Hogan was a huge part of Wrestlemania, however the Hulk Hogan we know was a creation of Vince McMahon. Without Vince, Hogan would have been an average wrestler in Minnesota who would retire and teach high school gym.

You say Hulk Hogan made Wrestlemania, I say Wrestlemania made Hulk Hogan.
I am going to go in a completely different direction. VINCE MCMAHON IS WRESTLEMANIA. Vince had the vision of taking a regional promotion and turning it national. Vince brought in celebrities. Vince ushered in the era of rock and wrestling.Vince McMahon took two wrestlers with no in ring talent in Andre and Hogan put them together for a match and made a moment in history that will never be recreated. Yes Hogan was a huge part of Wrestlemania, however the Hulk Hogan we know was a creation of Vince McMahon. Without Vince, Hogan would have been an average wrestler in Minnesota who would retire and teach high school gym.

You say Hulk Hogan made Wrestlemania, I say Wrestlemania made Hulk Hogan.


If you think Hogan was the greatest ever, well....:schild13:

Hogan simply had a marketable look and mic skills. Did Hulk Hogan have talent, absolutely but as a "wrestler" Hogan sucked. Every match the same, Hogan would start off with punches, the heel would get the upper hand, Hogan would kick out of a near fall pin then Hulk up. Three punches, point at the heel, big boot, legdrop, 1-2-3, then pose for the crowd.

Look at Flair, someone that knows how to tell a story in the ring. Someone that could have a 5 star match with a broom. Flair's match kept you on the edge of your seat.

To go back to the topic, it took a visionary like Vince McMahon to mold Hogan into the superstar you see today. Without Vince, Hulk Hogan would have simply been Terry Bollea.
I posted a smiley depicting laughter because I found it funny that NaturallyPricele$$ had the creative imagination to think of Ric Flair having an actual match with a broom, an object that isn't human and therefore cannot fight wrestle; cannot fight back or even move for that matter. When I pictured this in my mind, I laughed. This is why I posted the laughing smiley.

I hope whoever has reported the post now understands why I did that.


You have a typo, smilie is actually smiley.


Ric Flair having an actual match vs something that can't wrestle, can't fight back, or even move for that matter. Hmmmmmmm

Ric Flair vs. El Gigante WCW 1991

Ric Flair vs. Great Khali Smackdown

To be honest, I find the ending of a Ric Flair promo where he takes his jacket off and drops and elbow on it to be more entertaining than Hogan vs. the Giant from Halloween Havoc.
I am going to go in a completely different direction. VINCE MCMAHON IS WRESTLEMANIA. Vince had the vision of taking a regional promotion and turning it national. Vince brought in celebrities. Vince ushered in the era of rock and wrestling.Vince McMahon took two wrestlers with no in ring talent in Andre and Hogan put them together for a match and made a moment in history that will never be recreated. Yes Hogan was a huge part of Wrestlemania, however the Hulk Hogan we know was a creation of Vince McMahon. Without Vince, Hogan would have been an average wrestler in Minnesota who would retire and teach high school gym.

You say Hulk Hogan made Wrestlemania, I say Wrestlemania made Hulk Hogan.

yes Vince had a great vision and rolled the dice without a doubt, and not taking away from that, but your wrong about Hogan being an average wrestler in Minnisota, Hogan when he was in Minnisota was the hottest babyface in wrestling, Hulkamania was alive, not just in the theory of now hot he was, he was wearing shirts that said Hulkamania, the crowds were balistic for him, there was a reason Vince went to Hogan and did all he could to bring him in. Hulk Hogan we know wasn't a creation of Vince, that character was around for a couple years and Vince offered Hogan what Gagne wouldn't, Gagne kept letting Hogan win the title and they would reverse it, and Gagne was taking all Hogans t-shirts sales when Hogan was getting the shirts screened and marketing himself, and Hogan had enough of it and took a huge risk in going to the WWF again, especially were Vince could of made the company bankrupt in a year and were would Hogan go then? So Vince wasn't the only one who took a huge risk.
The way I see things is like this (why do I sound like I&#8217;m about to cut a promo), the debate between who is WrestleMania and who is THE ICON of wrestling and all that, in my opinion, is a tie between McMahon and Hogan and WrestleMania itself. Vince can be looked at as the Father, with Hogan being the Son and Mania being the Holy Spirit. These three components are THE Holy Trinity of Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment. Without one of these three, the other two would not be what they are today, regardless of who or what the catalyst is. Vince was the producer - director / head coach / Mastermind / whatever you want to call it. Hulk was the Star / Starter / Field Commander / whatever you want to call that. WrestleMania was the Movie / the Game / the weapon. Without any one of these three, we would be talking about Boxing and MMA right at this very moment. "Hogan is WrestleMania" is only 1/6 of the total equation. Think about it.

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