Huge Camera Production Mistake; Botch During Kane's RAW Spot


Occasional Pre-Show
Many of you may have seen this article from WrestleZone

So, what do you think of that rookie mistake?
Did they really have to have this backstage segment live? After Eve originally left, they could've played us a pre-taped segment and we wouldn't have noticed...
Unless that was a pre-taped segment... either way, this was very shoddy work: firstly, the camera queue was too quick; then, the person behind poked Kane with a script (that was clearly in view) instead of waving him on from behind the camera.
This happened on monday and it's reported on thursday. It's not a big deal because I don't think many people caught this live (I for one did not). On Monday after raw finished I went on youtube to catch some of the parts I missed and I came across this incident through reading youtube comments saying to jump to a pacific spot in the video. Im pretty positive this wasn't pre-taped because it was pretty obvious the whole Kane getting poked by a piece of paper, it was pretty easy to catch and if it was pre-taped I believed the segment would have been re-done. Simply put it was a mistake and mistake happens. Next time im sure they'll just tape the segments to avoid these type of incidents in the future.
I thought Kane driving off in an empty ambulance was kinda odd. He surely would have noticed Eve jumped out, yet he still sped off. Maybe because Cena showed up?
Most people didn't even catch it because if they did it would be plastered everywhere literally an hour afterward. Like someone said it's now Thursday, actually technically Friday here now. Mistakes happen. Shit happens.
To be honest, my mind was blown with the 'days of our lives' style BS which followed with Cena and Eve. I'm not getting into this storyline. So, if they want to throw some intrigue in there with some ridiculous mistakes for us to spot a few days later, I'll take it.

If Kane or Cena are as polite about stepping into the back of an ambulance as Eve is, we are sure to have a short match at EC.
To be honest, this thread and this news article are both stupid. If I wanted to watch and talk about small, unoticable botches, I'd go watch Botchamania. The both was so unnoticeable it's riddiculous that it even gets its own news story and even a thread?
Most didn't notice, that's what I'm guessing. I thought they were obviously really late loading her into the truck, but I wasn't positive. Both seemed to be in character at the beginning of the segment, so I don't think it was a huge deal. Actually, I know it wasn't a huge deal. Shit happens.
Wait. You mean wrestling is scripted? it's not 100% real? NUH UH. Dammit, seeing a production guy handing Kane a piece of paper just totally ruined pro wrestling for me. FUCK YOU for bursting my bubble.

***end sarcasm***
I noticed something was off with the segment (mainly I was wondering why Eve was running into an ambulance while Kane was standing next to it), but I didn't really give a rat's ass. Like Davi said, it's not exactly mind-blowing to find out wrestling isn't real. It's not like the WWE hasn't come out and said it themselves on several occasions.
Yeah I saw it but I didn't really put it together. I just remember thinking, "Uh, why is Eve just climbing in the back of the Ambulance?"
Well to be fair, Eve has been made into a total idiot since this storyline began.

As for the mistake, I didn't notice it until it was in slow motion with an arrow pointing at it. Even watching it a second time at normal speed, I didn't notice it enough to think anything of it. Cena arrived a few seconds later so most fans probably put it out of their minds a few seconds later anyway.
here's the easy way to explain it.

Kane told Eve to get in the ambulance. Eve did, because if she didn't, she'd fear Kane physically assaulting her.

The guy gesturing to Kane was a backstage worker, saying what the hell are you doing, and when Kane goes to drive off, he calls for help.

And Kane didn't notice the ambulance emptying, because he was too busy driving off. He wouldn't see the back doors open, unless he was looking in his side view mirror and the door was opened more then half way. By the time he noticed (likely when he would turn the vehicle), he drove back, and arrived about 2 minutes later.
I didn't notice that part at first nor did I find it odd that Eve was climbing into an ambulance? I mean, why wouldn't she do what a 7 foot monster tells her to (assuming he told her to get inside)?

I did however notice later on probably the same backstage worker to the side with the paper in his hands.
I caught the first mistake with Eve getting into the ambulance and in place before beginning to scream, I was too busy laughing to notice the Kane mistake. As someone who is interested in film and production I'm more hypercritical of the things I'm watch, but like many others have stated, I'm sure a majority of the people didn't catch what was going on.
I noticed it. Ibwas confused as fuck when Eve just walked in. I actually went back and watched it to see if I missed something, I didn't. Didn't see the script though.

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