How WWE can save Daniel Bryan's career at least until next year's Wrestlemania!!!!

When do you think Daniel Bryan will wrestle his last match???

  • WrestleMania 32

  • 2 years

  • 5 years

  • 10 years

  • 25 years

  • 50 years, if he BOLIEVES!!!!!!!!

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Wrestlezones Top Heel
I'M BACK!!!!, OK now that is out of the way.

Daniel Bryan is scheduled to have his injuries examined upon returning to America, reports the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. The extent of his injury isn’t known, but he was being protected throughout the WWE European tour due to the nature of the injuries.

It isn’t clear if Bryan will be able to work Extreme Rules on April 26. He had been due to defend the Intercontinental Title against Bad News Barrett, but the injury examination could end up ruling him out.

The plan for London Raw had been to have Bryan face John Cena, which was then substituted with Barrett vs Cena. Bryan worked Smackdown but only in a tag match with Cena against Kidd and Cesaro. He didn’t get any action other than the hot tag and submission victory over Kidd.

Bryan missed most of 2014 with a neck injury and the concern would be that he has aggravated that injury. It almost required career ending surgery and that could still prove necessary if the pain has returned.

The physical problems with Bryan are a big part of the reason why WWE couldn’t use him in a main event role at WrestleMania 31. The company doesn’t want to invest in performers who are liable to be fit one month and out injured the next. Unfortunately, Bryan falls into that category of liability. Years of intense ring work have caught up with his body, ruining what should’ve been the peak years of career. Even after returning in January, he has continued to work a dangerous style.

It really is a massive shame. His career peaked with the championship victory at WrestleMania 30 and has been on freeze.

In My Opinion- Bryan should just retire next year after WrestleMania. Only thing left to do in his already legendary career is win the Royal Rumble.

Here is how I would save his career. I would add Neville to the IC title match at Extreme Rules, and have him be the man to pin Bryan and take the title. That would do wonders for him. Neville would feud with BNB and then a heel Dolph Ziggler,Rusev and Sheamus at WrestleMania 32. I would have BNB brutally beat Bryan following the match and blame him for letting a rookie get his "bloody title." I would have Bryan out for the year and return in the 2016 RR match, win it and go on to face Bray Wyatt or Seth Rollins for the title at WrestleMania. At WrestleMania, WWE has to choices. Choice one, have Bryan win and retire with it the next night. Or, choice two have Bryan lose to that superstar at Mania and retire the next night.

Either way, I think they can save it to next year. However, I do think he needs to retire to save his own life, and so he doesn't have to retire by force.

P.S. i'm not really the dumbass, you all thought I was. I took some mistakes I made and used it for heel heat
Just based on what we know, or rather what we believe we know right now based on reports lately and from other reports over the course of the past year concerning his neck issues, Bryan working a reduced schedule would almost certainly extend his shelf life in the company. The downside to that, however, is Bryan's so popular and so over with fans that it'd be nigh impossible to use him to anything close to his full potential working a reduced schedule and many fans would almost certainly complain about it as well regardless of the circumstances. Plus, Bryan is someone who strikes me as an all or nothing sort of person when it comes to wrestling because he's so genuinely passionate about it.

Another alternative, one that's probably more viable as it'd allow him to be used to said full potential, is to alter some of his stuff inside the ring. On SmackDown! last night, Bryan did alter his in-ring stuff slightly in; one of his signature offenses when coming in off a hot tag is to run to the opposing team's corner and dropkick said person off the apron while another one that usually happens seconds later is for him to dodge an attack from the legal man and leap through the top & middle ropes at full speed with a plancha to the guy he just knocked off the apron 10 seconds or so earlier. An idea would be for him not to use those in every match, or even every other match; he could also modify the missile dropkick to a more traditional form in which he lands on his chest/stomach with his arms cushioning his fall and I'd avoid the diving headbutt altogether. He also has a plethora cool looking submissions and joint locks he can use as we haven't even really scratched the surface of what he can do on the mat in WWE yet.

When it comes to nerve problems, especially concerning the neck region, it can be scary because even under the best of circumstances, it's a crap shoot a lot of the time. It's probably not a question of if it'll ultimately cause him to hang up the boots, but when. He turns 34 in a few weeks and while he's a young man, he's in a very physically demanding profession and he wrestles a pretty physical style. If Bryan modifies his style enough and is careful enough, I'm thinking he might be able to last another 2 to 4 years, but there's still a possibility of doing further damage during that time period.
His career peaked with the championship victory at WrestleMania 30 and has been on freeze.

Problem is, his ability to move his limbs might wind up on freeze if he continues to perform.

If I were him, I'd have the major surgery and take the one or two years to recover. Those procedures are supposed to make the neck stronger than ever. If it works, he can come back.....if it doesn't, he should retire.

Yes, it would be a shame for Daniel, WWE and the fans to see the momentum he's built dissipate, yet if he winds up paralyzed or seriously diminished physically in the future, while we fans will forget Daniel quickly enough, think what it would be like for him.....and for his wife. Don't do it for us; do it for yourself.

Never mind this "limited schedule" crap. He shouldn't take chances with his health and well-being.
If he was pulled from the tour and sent home for evaluation then that tells me the situation is far from perfect. If the WWE even considers putting him back in the ring right now, then it's a mistake. We heard rumours of Bryan needing second surgery months ago, but for some reason or another it didn't happen, and maybe it should have. I'm not a doctor, but just watching this unfold tells me he came back before he was ready too. Or the problem wasn't fully corrected.

If he does need additional surgery then do it, take the time off and fully recover. I really don't think the fans will mind all that much, and those that do can piss off. If you are really a fan of Daniel Bryan, then you want to see him in the best of health, not one move away from being crippled. Bryan takes all sorts of chances when he wrestlers like JH pointed out, and if you have a bad neck then maybe it's time to change his style even if he does have the surgery.

I wouldn't have him win the Rumble, he doesn't need it. He still has basis for a title rematch, based on the fact he was stripped. Now it looks like they will have to strip him of this title and he will have a choice of two rematches. The Rumble winner should be an up and comer, someone who deserves the title shot, not someone who has already won. That's why fans turned on Batista. The guy is out for 4 years and comes back to a title shot at Mania, really, piss off Batista. They didn't want Reigns either, he's not ready in their eyes, and need to have more of a singles career than one or two matches.

Bryan shouldn't be in the ring at all right now. He should be under a doctor's care and getting the help he needs. We can wait for him to do that, and in the meantime the WWE can start to work around him not being there. Maybe others like Ambrose and Ziggler can start getting a push that will last more than a couple of months.
If the situation is truly worse than it seems than I suppose that Daniel Bryan should retire after WM 32. However if it is very bad, he should retire tomorrow.

However, I think Daniel Bryan should take this whole year off and get the surgery he needs. He shouldn't return until is is fully healed and is 100% ready to be in the ring.

I think that having him take time off two years in a row by straight up announcing it is kind of lame so I think a major angle should take place where Daniel Bryan is taken out. The way I would do this is simple -- debut Kevin Owens.

Owens has only been in NXT for a limited amount of time but it's clear he is already ready for the main roster and the main event. What better way to debut than as a monster heel who took out one of his old friends who got the call up before he did. Basically play the same story you did with Sami Zayn.

After about one year or so when Bryan is ready to return he can do so and get his "revenge" on Kevin Owens. The return should be built up to how HHH had quite some time ago with video packages of him training, him after surgery and so on so that he is not out of the peoples minds for too long.
I dont know if anything the WWE can do to extend DB's Health.

The Neck is nothing to mess around with.. Damn this feels like we have talked about this not too long ago.. We all know whatever procedure he had to hurry back probably wouldn't take and it looks like it hasnt. For such a short time he has been in the WWE he has made a huge impact im not sure if anyone in such a short time has been so popular outside of SCSA and the Rock..

Daniel is going to be 34 soon enough.. A young man yes but in his profession and his health concerns,he is at a major fork in the road IMO.. He needs that type of neck surgery that hopefully will make him stronger upon his return.. He and the WWE now know,his popularity won't waiver at all if anything he will be even more popular upon his return..

IMO he needs that evasive neck surgery and take your time to recover.. I believe maybe the WWE could bring back the Raw GM role and have DB be the GM of MNR while he recovers a way to at least keep him on TV.. Its almost a guarantee Barrett regains the IC title in a week at ER!!

DB in no way should be in the ring at all..
According to the latest reports Daniel Bryan has been diagnosed with a concussion. Although this an injury that should and will be treated seriously at least it's not Bryan's neck as first reported.
According to the latest reports Daniel Bryan has been diagnosed with a concussion. Although this an injury that should and will be treated seriously at least it's not Bryan's neck as first reported.

I read that about the same time you made your post last night. Everything else I've seen on it seems to suggest hat he has a concussion rather than it having anything to do with his neck. One report I read says that it may have happened during his match with Sheamus on SD! a few weeks back. According to what I saw, Bryan was headbutting Sheamus just before he was knocked off the apron; he was busted open, presumably, due to the headbutts, and that may have been what caused the concussion. The report also says that Bryan had only begun showing symptoms during the current tour in Europe, which is possible as its not uncommon for symptoms of concussions to be delayed for significant periods of time. Bryan's had one concussion that happened after he turned on The Wyatt Family in mid January of last year on Raw following a loss to The Usos while teaming with Wyatt.

At any rate, I think it'd probably be wise for Bryan to alter some of his in-ring stuff like doing some moves only every so often, like maybe the dive through the ropes, and stop doing the flying headbutt, or headbutts period, altogether.
IMO he needs that evasive neck surgery and take your time to recover.. I believe maybe the WWE could bring back the Raw GM role and have DB be the GM of MNR while he recovers a way to at least keep him on TV.. Its almost a guarantee Barrett regains the IC title in a week at ER!!

DB in no way should be in the ring at all..

Although I agree with you. Barrett is taking time off in May to film his new movie in London so giving it to Barrett who will take a month off..possibly 2 depending how big his role is and not having an IC title for a month or two or having Bryan retain then facing a possibility of having to vacate who knows what is going to happen..
It would all depend how Daniel Bryan feels himself is when he should retire or even dependant on his doctors, People do recover from surgeries and injury.
I woudn't rely on the IWC they would have retired most of the roster if it was up to them,
Trouble with Daniel Bryan is his match is like for me usually match of the night and his style I imagine takes more of a toll on your body compared to a John Cena or Randy Orton style.
This is ridiculous.

No one knows anything besides DB was sent home from the European tour. That's not to say that his neck won't be healed up this time next year. It's all entirely speculation, coming from people that have no idea what the real situation is.

I give Bryan another 10 years, why the hell not. Kurt Angle was told to retire god knows how many years ago due to neck injuries, and he's still going today. There's no way any of you have any real clue how long Bryan's got left.
I'M BACK!!!!, OK now that is out of the way.

Daniel Bryan is scheduled to have his injuries examined upon returning to America, reports the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. The extent of his injury isn’t known, but he was being protected throughout the WWE European tour due to the nature of the injuries.

It isn’t clear if Bryan will be able to work Extreme Rules on April 26. He had been due to defend the Intercontinental Title against Bad News Barrett, but the injury examination could end up ruling him out.

The plan for London Raw had been to have Bryan face John Cena, which was then substituted with Barrett vs Cena. Bryan worked Smackdown but only in a tag match with Cena against Kidd and Cesaro. He didn’t get any action other than the hot tag and submission victory over Kidd.

Bryan missed most of 2014 with a neck injury and the concern would be that he has aggravated that injury. It almost required career ending surgery and that could still prove necessary if the pain has returned.

The physical problems with Bryan are a big part of the reason why WWE couldn’t use him in a main event role at WrestleMania 31. The company doesn’t want to invest in performers who are liable to be fit one month and out injured the next. Unfortunately, Bryan falls into that category of liability. Years of intense ring work have caught up with his body, ruining what should’ve been the peak years of career. Even after returning in January, he has continued to work a dangerous style.

It really is a massive shame. His career peaked with the championship victory at WrestleMania 30 and has been on freeze.

In My Opinion- Bryan should just retire next year after WrestleMania. Only thing left to do in his already legendary career is win the Royal Rumble.

Here is how I would save his career. I would add Neville to the IC title match at Extreme Rules, and have him be the man to pin Bryan and take the title. That would do wonders for him. Neville would feud with BNB and then a heel Dolph Ziggler,Rusev and Sheamus at WrestleMania 32. I would have BNB brutally beat Bryan following the match and blame him for letting a rookie get his "bloody title." I would have Bryan out for the year and return in the 2016 RR match, win it and go on to face Bray Wyatt or Seth Rollins for the title at WrestleMania. At WrestleMania, WWE has to choices. Choice one, have Bryan win and retire with it the next night. Or, choice two have Bryan lose to that superstar at Mania and retire the next night.

Either way, I think they can save it to next year. However, I do think he needs to retire to save his own life, and so he doesn't have to retire by force.

I don't see how Neville fits in the IC title mix. He hasn't did anything to prove himself. Ziggler, Ambrose, even Sheamus and Harper could make a case. But yeah having Bryan lose the title and write him off TV until he is healthy would be smart. A RR win would be good but it would suck to have him win the RR, win the title at WM just to lose it right away.
Give him a long rehab like Edge or Austin. Sure it would suck to see him gone and his popualrity might cool down. But if he's part of the WWE machine and if the WWE just gives a d*** they can hype him up pretty well.
Wait and see is all I plan to do. I love Bryan, he's my favorite wrestler and the main reason I watch WWE. I want him to wrestle as long as possible but if his career has to be cut short for his health, I understand. I hope it doesn't come to that.
I don't see how Neville fits in the IC title mix. He hasn't did anything to prove himself. Ziggler, Ambrose, even Sheamus and Harper could make a case. But yeah having Bryan lose the title and write him off TV until he is healthy would be smart. A RR win would be good but it would suck to have him win the RR, win the title at WM just to lose it right away.

Let's see he has a win over Sheamus (who beat Bryan weeks ago,) He doesn't have a match or story at the moment. If BNB get's it again, it would hurt his status. Ziggler and Sheamus or in the middle of a feud at the moment. It could save his career before he becomes the 2015 version of 2014 RVD, the road it appears he is going.

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