how would you review The Game


arrogant bastard
So it has been exactly 12 years since Triple H became the Game, which he did on Sunday Night Heat during an interview with good ol JR (haha only reason i even noticed this is because it happened same day as my bday) and now he has gone on to take over for Vince (on camera and probably in person starting with Raw this monday, new regime, new champion). HHH has had the most meteoric rise in pro wrestling that I can think of, at least career wise, so how would you rate him character wise? What do you think of "the Game" and his career over the past 12 years from feuding with Vince, to the McMahon-Helmsley kayfabe era, to numerous DX runs, to an epic Mania match with Taker and all points in between. What were some of your favorite moments? Did u ever get sick of him (i know I damn sure did)? Do you think he was a major draw throughout those years? and any other things about the run of the game you want to mention.
Personally i have been sick of him for years now but he is still one of the greats in the business today. In my opinion he has always been better as a heel. His ability to get the crowd rowdy and make them hate him was second to non in the business at the time. His mind for the business is amazing and i truly believe WWE is going to change and for the better in many ways now that he is more in charge.

His return in 2002 is one of the most epic returns in WWE history. Although his return was amazing i did disagree with the WWE when they decided to bring back DX on what 2 or three occasions? The first time i will admit, i marked out a bit. It was amazing. Seeing HHH and HBK reunite for the first time in years. Who wouldn't.

He has had some of the greatest feuds in history along with some of the greatest matches in history. The guy has held virtually every belt in the WWE. He has won street fights, hell in a cell's, elimination chambers, cage matches, royal rumbles, ladder matches...hes done it all. No one can take that away from him. Has he slowed down and taken a break from in ring action. Yes but who wouldn't after all that he has done. And to imagine this is the same guy who got squashed at Wrestle Mania in a few seconds against the Ultimate Warrior. He is the Game and he deserves to be one of the best in WWE history.
HHH developed a formula that many wrestlers began to imitate. When a wrestler can be loved by the crowd no matter if they are a heel or a face. I agree with Mizfit that HHH is a much better heel than anything else but no matter what role he plays he is a fan favorite. Similar to individuals like The Rock, Stone Cold, HBK, Undertaker.... etc.
It's a level of status. When you can be loved no matter what side of the coin you're on it says something about your appeal.
HBD buddy! But on to subject, The Game is the real f'n deal!!! They call him the cerebral assassin and the be all end all of the WWE! They do that for a reason. When you look at his HIAC and Street Fight with Cactus Jack back in 2000, his bloody bouts with HBK back in 2003, and so on, you'll see why. Multi-time world champ (not just because he's the owner's son-in-law). Not to mention, he's been a part of some of the most historical factions in WWE history, (The Clique, The Corporation, The Corporate Ministry, D-Generation X, and of course Evolution). I remember back in '08, I met him when they came down here to SC for a SD! house show. He was the first wrestler I ever met. You know when you're sitting up by the stage, and they walk by and you can tap their hand? Well i was sitting far from there. But after the main event, everyone started running down there to see him up close. Luckily, I got down there very quick. He was walking by and I was like "Damn is this really happening, I'm about to meet HHH!" We slapped hands and I patted him on the back. Then, after that, he came back down the aisle and did the DX hand slap to some people, (I was one of them). Sorry about my long story, it's just one of my many reasons why I love "The Game"!!!
HHH is one of the all time greats!! He has done it all won every title there was to win at the time!! Retired Cactus Jack beat up JR beat up Earl Hebner for like the 100,000 time Won Cage matches RR Hell in a cell.. HHH is the god of wrestling not ric flair not JBL but HHH!! Trips knows when to call it a career his body is breaking down on him from years of abuse in the ring!! He will be a tremeandous help to the younger talent will run the day to day operations!! I feel positive for the WWE future
Triple H has earned his spot among the best all time. He certainly paid his dues being squashed by the Godwins and jobbing to WWE universe in the mid 90's, somehow overcoming all that. I like to look at the criticisms anti HHH ppl have...

Too much like Ric Flair: No doubt Trips based a lot of his character on Flair, his idol, but so did HBK and to a lesser extent Chris Jericho, and they've all admitted as much. Fact is Flair is the most enduring popular figure in wrestling history. Others have based parts of their gimmicks on those before them with success too, heck The Rockers were practically carbon copies of the more popular Rock & Roll Express but that didn't stop HBK from becoming a huge star. Trips has done enough to make "The Game" character his own, a more dangerous, cunning version of "The Dirtiest Player In The Game", that they are not carbon copies. Plus much of Flair's gimmick was based on Buddy Rogers and Joe Namath.

Wouldnt Put Over Talent: This was heard a lot in 02-05, though I don't understand why. Yes, Trips dominated the title scene then but that had more to do with the company seeing him as the best long term fit as champ at that time, remember this was before Cena took off, Rock & Austin were gone, HBK was part time, Flair was part time and getting old, Goldberg didnt catch on like they wanted, Lesnar left. Trips did during those years put over Goldberg, HBK, Flair, and Batista, and Benoit, all in big prime time or PPV matches. Compare that with Hogan or even pre-comeback HBK and Trips has a pretty good rack record for not only making his opponents look good in matches but letting them win sometimes.

Doesn't Elevate Young Talent: Never got this one either, fact is being associated with Trips (and Flair) in Evolution made Randy Orton and Batista stars, even before Trips put them over in the ring. He gave RVD one of his best series of matches in his WWE career and really made ppl think (incorrectly) that he was a main event caliber talent.

Too Much Backtage Stroke: No doubt Trips has a lot, but unlike the horror stories of wreslers past like Hogan re-writing entire storylines and changing match endings on a moments notice to placate his character or HBK's many title forfeits because he was unwilling to lose cleanly in the ring, Trips more than once has taken the beating in stories and lost some big matches when it seemed appropriate for him to lose (HBK's return match in 02, Flair in Hell In A Cell in 05, his WM losses to 'Taker, Batista, and Benoit, etc). A lot of other guys with less sroke have used it a lot more to their own benefit at the expense of the show as a whole than Trips.
He has accomplished a lot since then, multiple World title reigns and WWE championships. I always liked him better as a heel though. I hope he does a good job as the kayfabe chairman of WWE
Triple H is the only person I can think of other than legends like Hogan, HBK, Rock, etc that has been able to keep himself as a major draw after so many years in the business. Not only that but hes been able to keep himself current. His character hasnt gone stale because he keeps changing something or adding something else into the mix. Hes had a great career and I cant wait to see what its like having him as chairman.

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