How would you restructure the WWE?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I'd keep it as it is for the rest of the fiscal year. Then I'd start making major changes around this time next year. After WrestleMania 26, I'd wrap up all the feuds and restructure the entire company which would commence after the Night of Champions PPV. Here's what I'd do:

Unify the major titles and bring back some old ones. The titles would now be the WWE World Championship (using a new version of the WWE Title), the WWE United States Championship, the WWE Tag Team Championship, the WWE Cruiserweight Championship, the WWE Extreme Championship (new ECW Championship), and the WWE Diva's Championship.

Restructure the brands by unifying the roster again. Raw would remain the flagship show that the major players wrestle on. Raw is a show for big names and you shouldn't be on there if you're not one. The WWE World Championship and WWE Tag Team Championships would mainly be defended here when they are defended. SmackDown is the "B Show." It's for all the wrestlers who are working to make their name big and for advancing major feuds without including them in matches. The WWE United States Championship and WWE Diva's Championship would mainly be defended here. Finally, ECW would become a developmental brand. It would include all the new wrestlers and it would also house the Cruiserweight and Extreme divisions. As such, the WWE Cruiserweight Championship and WWE Extreme Championship would mainly be defended here. This would make it different from the other shows and add something fresh.

Return to 12 PPVs a year with some new and old PPVs. Royal Rumble, No Way Out, WrestleMania, Backlash, Judgment Day, Night of Champions, The Great American Bash, SummerSlam, Unforgiven, Halloween Havoc, Survivor Series, and Armageddon.

That's what I would do.
If they were to unify, the Intercontinental Title would remain over the United States title (namewise) because of the history and its origin in WWE.

I'm all for unifying the two women's title because there simply aren't enough divas, and the storylines get stale (if they exist at all).

A lot of people are going to complain about the 12 PPVs, but I don't think that's the problem as much as they keep having the same main events every PPV. To fix that, they should have more #1 Contendership tournament type deals. Not this ridiculous 4-man tournament they're having on Raw (Miz vs Cena, HHH vs MVP...HHH vs Cena...that's not a tournament). If they are going to do that, then have MVP beat HHH, or Miz beat Cena. Add excitement, instead of just doing what will sell (and from a business perspective, it's obvious why they're just going with what will sell)

The Cruiserweight division has always been an exciting staple in wrestling, and WWE just threw it out the window, leaving a chunk of their roster with absolutely nothing to do, not to mention the guys who lost their jobs:
Jimmy Wang Yang
Chavo Guerrero
Gregory Helms
Evan Bourne
Brian Kendrick
Kofi Kingston (I'm personally unimpressed with him as US champ)
Shelton Benjamin
both Colons
Miz (infinite losses to Cena isn't going to help him)
Zack Ryder
Curt Hawkins
Kung Fu Naki
Jamie Noble (not sure if he's still around)
Charlie Hass
DJ Gabriel

Having another title (and another hour) for ECW would give a lot of guys something to do to actually earn their pay checks. It would also be a great stepping stone for guys like Kofi, who can build credentials before winning a major title out of nowhere.

So for those who only read the conclusions, I think the best thing WWE can do is try to get another hour for ECW, and bring back the Cruiserweight title (I do like the name change though for the ECW title, separating it from "ECW")
I didn’t want to start a thread on this, but since it’s here, here’s how I would do it.

12 PPVs a year, featuring all Title Matches. Basically every PPV is Night Of Champions plus a featured match like the Royal Rumble, or Survivor Series match using Non – Champions.

January – Royal Rumble
February – Superbrawl
March – WrestleMania
April – King of the Ring (Yes!! Bring it back in PPV format!!)
May – Vengeance (Personal favorite of mine)
June – Bash at the Beach
July – The Great American Bash
August – Summerslam
September – Survivor Series
October – Halloween Havoc
November – November to Remember
December – Starrcade

As you can see, I used all of the Flagship PPV names from WWE (4), WCW (5) and ECW (1) as well as my personal favorites.

Now for the Titles.

WWE Champion, represented by the WWE, World and ECW Titles
Intercontinental Champion, represented by the Intercontinental and United States Titles
Women’s Champion, represented by the Women’s and Divas Titles
WWE World Tag Team Champions, represented the way it is now, the World and WWE Tag Titles
I’d reinstate the European, Hardcore, and Light Heavyweight Titles, represented by one Title each and create the WWE Hall of Fame Championship, old school block lettering and all.

As far as the Brand Split, I’d keep it intact by making Non – Champions Brand specific. I’m not sure how I would like to see the Champions. They can either be allowed to go to any show, or:

Raw : WWE, Women’s, HOF
Smackdown : IC, Tag Team
ECW : Euro, Hard, and LH.

Either way is fine with me.

As for the GMs, I’ve said this before, but I think Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff and Paul Heyman would make great GMs for Red, Blue and Black, respectively.

Also, an extra hour for ECW would be great.

Aside from these, I wouldn’t change anything else…unless of course…
Here's how I would restructure. Keep in mind, this isn't the financially best options, just the best option to improve the product.

1. Drop ECW. Waste of time.

2. Keep Superstars as the development show, but make it a kid friendly show that they can watch on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Make it a show that will feature mostly lower card talent, with the occasional appearance of someone like Cena or Mysterio.

3. Drop the tag team titles. No more tag teams are necessary. Tag teams in the WWE are a joke, they're unnecessary, they don't draw, and they don't mean a thing. Get rid of them.

4. Remove the brand split, and quit pretending there is an actual split. HOWEVER, tell the fans that the wrestlers MUST belong to either Raw or Smackdown shows, and if they want to work both, they can. But, no free agency is allowed. Of course, when someone gets upset with their spot on Raw, they can declare free know how that goes. But, get rid of the illusion of the split, but make wrestlers commit to at LEAST one or the other. Basically, the same as they have now, but it gives the writers a lot more room to work with.

5. 11 PPVs a year. Everyone thinks 12 is the magic number, but I disagree completely. In fact, I think 6 is the best number, but we have to be realistic. Every month gets a PPV, except for March. March is the build to Wrestlemania. I would also rename some of the PPVs. So, it would look like this:

January - Royal Rumble
February - Superbrawl
March - None
April - Wrestlemania
May - Backlash
June - Night of Champions
July - The Great American Bash
August - SummerSlam
September - Unforgiven
October - No Way Out
November - Survivor Series
December - Starrcade

6. Slow PPV matches down. Every match on PPV goes the same speed, and it ruins the faster pacing. The lower card guys work very simple matches, with slower pacing, and the main-event guys who CAN work a quicker pace are allowed to, and the ones who can't, just work like they do now. But, in any case, bring realism back to the shows.

7. More taped promos. Everything HAS to be live these days, and it's dumb. Whatever happened to the old days when a guy could get behind a mic in a taped segment and just put himself over? It's easy, cost-efficient, but builds well for matches.

8. Get rid of GMs that make matches. This is so dumb. The wrestlers should have to enter into contracts for matches. Winners should get a bigger piece of the purse money for winning the match. Put some realism back into the product, by giving it legitimate sport appearance.

9. With number 8, you have to have managers. Managers aren't just mouthpieces, they're sports agents. They sign the match contracts for their guys, get them title shots, posture for better places on the card, and such. Sure, they can cut promos, but they also handle the business end for wrestlers.

10. I'll think of something to put here later.

I'd keep it as it is for the rest of the fiscal year.
The fiscal year for the WWE is now Jan 1-Dec 31. There really is no fiscal year anymore, they just go by regular years now. That started in 2005, I believe.
How to restructure the WWE, and make it better:

1-More promos to help establish characters. At the present time, some wrestlers DO NOT get any mic time to establish their characters.

2-Keep the major titles: WWE, World, & ECW. This gives more wrestlers the spotlight.

3-Possibly bring back the cruiser weight division!...The talent is available!!!

4-Limit the McMahon family segments!!!!

5-PLEASE, PLEASE most of all.........quit giving us the SAME world title match-ups. I'm tired of seeing Orton, HHH, Batista, Cena, & Edge ALWAYS FIGHTING FOR THE BELT!!!!
Good Thread.

Lol... I'm gonna have fun.

First some titles will be davoured and some renewed.

Wwe World Championship With a new design maybe kinda like the winged belt

Intercontinental Championship In simple words.. the mid-card nd hopefully getting it's prestige back

World Tag Team Championship Get rid of this unfyed garbage and make a brand new title

Women's Championship Scratch the Divas championship and keep this one

And end the brand split and get rid of ECW. Bring back Velocity on Sat. and Heat on Sun. and have superstars on Fri. and put SD! back on Thur. Make Superstarts 2 hours or scratch it. Keep Heat & Velocity at 1 hr.

Now for PPVS

January- Royal Rumble
Feburary- None
March- WrestleMania
April - Retribution
May- Night of Champions
June- King of the Ring
July- None
August- SummerSlam
September- Unforgiven
October- Halloween Havoc
November- Survivour Series
December- Starrcade

10 PPVS in 12 months BIg builds for WM and SummerSlam.
First off, get rid of Superstars. Then unify the SD and Raw rosters, but keep the titles brand specific:


WWE Title (Updated version of the Undisputed)
IC Title
Women's Title (merged with Diva's Title)

US Title
Cruiserweight Title

Floating Titles:

Unified Tag Titles (now with it's own belt design)
Hardcore Title (still under 24/7 rules)

That being said, superstars and divas can compete on both brands, but their titles will only be defended on one show or on PPV. For example: WWE Champ Randy orton can wrestle on SD, but his title will only be defended on Raw or on PPV.

This means that the brands still have some individuality, and it gives you a reason to watch both shows (which is good for overall ratings). King and JR would do commentary for both shows, Grisham would return to backstage interviews, and Cole would just go away.

As for ECW, they would be completely independent from Raw and SD as a developmental brand. They would have their own Tag Titles, and the ECW Title. Only developmental talent would appear on this brand. ECW will be expanded to 2 hours, and the roster increased in size. This way, talent can actually egt decent screen time, and they have enough people to cover 2 hours.

PPV's would alternate between SD/Raw only, ECW only and every 3rd PPV would be tri-branded. This would work out to having the "Big 4" in March (WM) June (SS) September (Survivor Series) and December (RR).

The Royal Rumble would include a mini-Royal Rumble (needs a better name, I know) with the ECW Superstars competing for a spot on either the main Raw/SD roster. MITB at WM would have 6 superstars from Raw/SD and 3 from ECW. Current MITB rules still apply -- any title, any time.

There would be a new structure to the WWE Draft, where instead of a "random" lottery after a match, the winning brands GM would choose a superstar or diva from the losing brand (It would still be scripted, but it makes it seem like they have a choice).

ECW will be included as well. Once the SD/Raw drafting is done (say, 6 matches and subsequent drafts), the matches will continue, where the winning brand gets to select from ECW.

ECW will get new talent by having a series of battle royals throughout the night, where the winner joins the ECW roster. These batle royals would have 4 competitors, and all 4 would be from WWE's developmental territories (FCW, and OVW -- yeah, I'd hook up with them again).

Management would be as follows:

Raw GM: Vince McMahon
SD GM: Eric Bischoff
ECW GM: Paul Heyman

Now that the brands have been rebuilt, it's time to move on to other things. Switch back to a PG-13 (14A in Canada) rating, at least for the second hour of the shows. Make the first hour family friendly, so the kiddies get to see their favoruite stars, have a commercial break to put the kids to bed during, and come back to what is essentially the Attitude Era.

That would give the company a chance to win back some of the older, more mature fans that they lost with the PG stuff. PPV's would be the same way, with the first few matches made for the family, and then the rest made for adults.

I think this offers the best solutions for both the fans and the company.
This is how I would do it:

Keep the brands split, but do some renovations

RAW would continue to be the flagship and be on a major cable channel like USA.

Smackdown would continue to cater to a more general audience and continue to be on a cable channel, maybe even moving to USA to create more of a overall brand.

ECW would have one of two fates:
a) Keep the name ECW and go back to a more hardcore type of wrestling so that it can live up to the name and the SyFy channel. If so, move it to Friday nights and move Smackdown to Thursday.
b) Change the name to WCW and use it like it's being used today - as a minor league system to help groom younger and less-experienced talent. Keep it on Tuesday if this is the case and move it to WGN or another family-oriented channel.

Each show would be two hours in length.

I'd eliminate WWE Superstars altogether.

RAW - WHC, IC, WTTC, Women's Championship
Smackdown - WWE Champ, US Champ, WWE TT Champ, Diva's Champ
ECW - ECW Champ, Cruiserweight Champ, ECW TT Champs, HC Champ

I'd continue to have one PPV per month with all the brands represented with 1-2 matches each on the card and have occasional megashows, but I'd work to keep the brands separate to create a kind of competition between the three. Too much mingling of the brands muddies the split concept, IMO.
I'd actually use an old concept, taking RAW, SD, ECW and Superstars off the air for a week (WCW was going to do this before they sold to WWF) have the best of.. showing in there time slots for that week.. but for the first RAW "back" I'd have a 8 man touranment to crown the King of the Ring who'll lead into the next "big 4" PPV for the title, in amongst this I would also have a draft take place, rather then current way it's done, I have 3 GM's and they get to pick who they want.. I'd have this RAW a 3 hour event as well.

for ECW I'd have a scramble match to crown a 1# Contender for the ECW title at the next PPV,

Smackdown I would center around the IC Title/Tag titles, and the World titles I'd have merged up at the following PPV, so the following event afterward would be a big 4 event with the KOTR winner.

Also, I'd have Triple H turn on Cena thus turning heel and feuding with Cena, and Orton I'd have possibly feud with MVP

I'd keep the same shows but liked the thread starters idea regarding WCW, but I'd have more Saturday Night Main Events and I'd trim the PPV's to 7 or one every 6-7 weeks.
The WWE is actually structured pretty well right now. Most of the problems lie in who gets pushed as main eventers.

As far as restructuring goes I'd just make these few minor tweeks:

1) Create more tag teams. I've never buyed the idea that tag wrestling doesn't sell. Anything that doesn't get pushed well isn't going to be received positively by the fans. If the WWE cares about tag teams then fans will care. So create teams and have them stick together for longer than one year.

2) No women on ECW. There's no point. Katie Lea Burchill is a great talent but she has nothing to do. I'm not a fan of the Bellas but at least they should be somewhere that has a title.

3) Treat the brands like you did early on in 2002. That means when a RAW guy shows up on SD the announcers should be livid. Security should be all over the intruder. How dare they show up on the other brand just to make a name for themself!

4) Keep the current titles. I don't care which show has the WWE or World title, Divas or Women's title, U.S. or IC title. As long as each brand has three titles (one from each category) then we're good to go.

5) If ANY title needs to be reinstated (you'll have a hard time convincing me on any of them) it's the Cruiserweight title. That belt should go to ECW as long as the roster gets bigger and the show expands to 90 minutes if not a full two hours. I understand people wanting their old titles back but let's be honest. Hardcore matches were sinfully boring unless just the right guys were involved. The LHW title has always been worthless. The European title is the redheaded stepchild of the title picture. Out of all the recently defunct titles the Cruiserweight title is the only one that ever has a sustained period in which it wasn't treated like a complete joke. I'm so sick and tired of people wanting the Attitude Era and all of its fixings.

6) Make Superstars mean something. In recent weeks the show has had four matches with one brand getting a bonus one. How about have each brand get one match and then the fourth is interpromotional? All of the brands involved should hype it. Whomever wins should brag about brand dominance afterwards. This may sound hypocritical based on my last point but maybe bring back the Television title and have it defended EVERY WEEK on Superstars. If a SD guy has the title then he defends against a RAW guy. If he retains then next week he has to defend against an ECW guy. The TV title will be the bragging rights for whichever brand currently has it.

7) Cut two PPVs. One a month is plenty. My random schedule that doesn't just steal as many WCW PPV names as possible:

January - Royal Rumble
February - No Way Out (Elimination Chamber main events)
March - WrestleMania
April - Backlash
May - Judgment Day (Extreme Rules)
June - King of the Ring
July - The Great American Bash (Night of Champions)
August - Summerslam
September - Unforgiven (Scrambles Matches main events)
October - No Mercy (Hell in a Cell main events)
November - Survivor Series
December - Armageddon

The parenthesis represent the gimmicks of the night.
Not sure how good of an idea this is, but it's something that appeals to me.

First, if I were Vince for example, I'd sit down with Shane McMahon and a very small handfull of loyal people that could keep their mouths shut. What'd I'd do is tell them that I want to reform WCW by using Smackdown as the base for it. I'd work out an angle where Shane, via some corporate espionage and some inside help at the corporate office, manages to gain ownership of the WCW name, brand, library, the whole nine yards. As to how this could be accomplished, I figure something simple. Shane is probably in and out of Vince's office all the time, having Vince sign this or signing that and he has Vince sign some papers by telling him they're something completely routine and all that. Shane picks a particularly busy day to do it, a day when Vince is just swamped, tells him what it is and Vince, trusting his own son, signs the papers without reading them. Effectively, signing these papers gives Shane legal control of Smackdown, all the titles on Smackdown and the WCW name. I just don't really mean to have Shane run it in name only, I mean he should run Smackdown completely seperate from Vince. Make the big decisions, do things the way he wants them to be done, etc.

I thought that Vince and Shane, for instance, could set up a few public situations, maybe at a resteraunt or something along those lings, in which they cause a disturbance. No WWE cameras or anything around, Vince screaming how Shane is a Judas, how he stabbed him in the back and stole from him. Shoving match ensues, gets broken up and everyone leaves. There'll no doubt be someone with a camera phone running around in the place, they'll snap some shots, talk to a newspaper maybe. Basically, I'd try to come up with something to make some believe that Shane really did "swindle" Vince, although not really since Vince did sign all the documents, etc.

Shane would reinstate the WCW brand, rename Smackdown WCW Smackdown and rename all the titles currently on Smackdown to reflect the new WCW ownership. I'd take the WHC and simply merge it with the WCW strap, reinstate the WCW Tag Titles, rename the IC title the WCW IC title as just another means of seemingly sticking it to Vince, name the Women's strap the WCW Women's strap, make the U.S. title the WCW U.S. title, etc. Shane would make a number of speeches about how he's seen what his father's been doing with the WWE for the last several years, grinding it into dust just because he's too arrogant to listen to good sense. Which would also mean that he's grinding the McMahon legacy into dust, a legacy that he is going to save by making pro wrestling mean something again. Literally run Raw and Smackdown like they're owned by two seperate companies.

Do away with all the "sports entertainment" jargon is something else, maybe even just get rid of the Superstars show altogether.

Now, depending on how everything went with the whole thing, maybe the same thing could be done with ECW at a later time. Maybe have Stephanie swindle the old man, who'd still be reeling from being betrayed to such a degree by his only son. If that came down, I'd do what I could to make ECW as close to the original as I could, even if that meant sort of shopping around to other networks that were willing to give that a shot, maybe even a network like Showtime or something. Like I said, the whole thing with ECW would sort of depend on how the whole reformation of WCW might go.

I'd probably also restructure the PPV thing a little differently, maybe bring back some of the WCW PPVs and have the WWE and WCW both run maybe 10 PPVs a year rather than 12. It'd probably take time, of course, to get all this done, but it's just an idea I had. Something that, if done properly, I think really could work. Anyhow, it's just an idea I had.
This is how Invasion should have been done. I don’t know if they could do this angle today, but this sure would have worked out better than what happened around July 2001.
Alright... If I could change somethings around here's what I'd do....

First off you have the shows. Get rid of ECW, since it really isn't the same thing it use to be. Then build up SuperStars. Allow a lot of the mid card to show off there, with your main event being mainly Main Eventers. Have SuperStars be the old school show. Keep Raw, and Smackdown. Focusing mainly on the upper mid card and ME feuds, as well as women's division.

2. Merge the titles.
WWE,WHC,ECW = WWE Undisputed World Championship: World Title.
This is the title that all the ME guys are going for. This title only shows up on Raw and Smackdown. Only defended at a ppv.

IC, and US = Undisputed Intercontinental Championship: Upper Mid Card
This is a title that both the ME's and MC's can go for. Sort of like a proving ground, but a title that still means something. This title is on all three brand. Unlike the World Title, this belt will be defended on Raw, Smackdown, and ppv.

European Championship: Mid Card
Strictly for the Mid Card. Mainly Defended on Superstars.

Divas, Women's = Women's Championship
Women's division, Raw and Smackdown

Tag Titles
Tag teams, can be defended on all three brands as well as ppv's.

Okay after that we move to the rosters. Keep the rosters the way that they are, but allow the champions to float between the shows. Like they did back in 2002... This allows both shows to have champions. Also this allows us to see more of the personal feuds that we don't see as much now. Like Cena vs Miz, and Jericho vs Michaels. Triple H vs Shawn Michaels.

Pay per view line up.

January: Royal Rumble
February: SuperBrawl
None in march Build for Mania
April: Wrestlemania
May: Backlash: Finish everything from Mania.
June: Night of Champions: All titles on the line.
July: King of the Ring: Winner getting a match at SS
August SummerSlam
September: Unforgiven
October: No Way out: Elimination Chamber title Matches.
November: Survivor Series: Classic Team matches the whole night
December: StarrCade: Takes place the last Sunday of the year. Big matches mainly focused on the Main Event, and Upper Mid card.

As far as GM's Don't have them I'm tired of GM idea. Let Stephanie or Shane be in charge. Making wrestler's sign Contracts, and having tournaments to determine #1 Contender. Other than that. You see them very little, they are behind the scenes making the matches....
since we are all pitching in, i might as well do too.

Primo Colon
Jim Duggan
Alica Fox
Cody Rhoads
Charlie Hass
Curt Hawkins
Mike Knox
Great Khali
Rangin Singh (off tv, back to HQ)
Ricky Ortiz
Tommy Dreamer


Alex Shelly (to Aggression)
Robert Roode (to RAW)
Jay Lethal (to Aggression)
Sting (to Smackdown)
Matt Morgan (to Aggression)
ODB (to Aggression)
Consiquences Creed (to Aggression)
AJ Styles (to RAW)
Nigel McGuiness (to Smackdown)
Bryan Danielson (to RAW)


Next order of business.. merge Superstars and ECW into another two hour tv show on Wednesday Nights; call it Aggression or something.
announce team would be: Striker and Matthews
ring announcer: a newbiee (not Chimel)
GM: Stephanie McMahon (perhaps branding it her new vision for WWE?)

The show would feature all current ECW talent, aside from those previously released and assuming I got hold of all the talent previously metioned I wanted to hire, plus a few from other brands, this would be Aggressions roster:

(h) - heel (f) - face

Bella Twins(f)
Hurricane Helms(f)
William Regal(h)
Paul Burchill(h)
DJ Gabriel (re-named just Gabriel)(h)
Katie Lea Burchill(h)
These four would form a British stable, Regal the mouthpiece/leader, Burchill (the main push goes too), Gabriel (the muscle Batista like) and Katie the candy.
Ezeikeal Jackson (Tony Atlas takes him as a client)(h)
Zach Ryder(h)
Shelton Benjamin(f)
Alex Shelly(f)
ODB (f)
Jay Lethal (f)
Matt Morgan (h)
Brian Kendrick (h)
Big Show(f)
The Miz (h)
Jamie Noble(f)
Jillian Hall (h)
Shemus (h)
Yoshi Tatsu(f)
Abraham Washington (h)
Tyler Reks (f)
Vladamir Kozlov (h)


As for RAW and Smackdown they would keep the remainder of their rosters and what was added with the new talent hired.

Division Championships

The WWE and World title would be one championship
The WWE Heavyweight Championship
defended across every brand
The WWE Champ would not be exclusive to any brand when still champion

WWE Women's Championship, the champion can defend across brands and is not exclusive the same as the male heavyweight title.

Crusierweight Championship, same rules, the holder of this belt is champion of a division and therefore does not belong to an exlusive brand.

Tag Titles. the same as they are now. Only two belts instead of 4 though, and defended across brands with Champs being un-exclusive.

with at least one title match every 3 weeks whether PPV or not for all DIVISION Championships.

RAW's exclusive title would be;
United States Championship

Smackdown's exlusive title would be;
Intercontinental Championship

Aggression's exclusive title would be;
Television Championship


Pay Per Views

Jan - The Royal Rumble (kept traditional, RR match, winner has main event match at Mania)
Feb - No Way Out (Elimination Chamber)
March - Wrestlemania
April - Backlash (No 1 on 1 matches)
May - Judgement Day
June - Extreme Rules (Every match Extreme Rules)
July - Vengence
August - Summerslam
Sept - Breaking Point (Submission matches)
Oct - Annihilation
Nov - Survior Series (Elimination Matches)
Dec - Armageddon


Rules and Changes!

1. WWE Divas ARE strong, sexy and powerful, SO LET THEM WRESTLE PROPERLY! In other words, take a page out of TNA's book and let the freaking gal's wrestle properly, not in the WWE Diva style.

2. Triple H must take a back seat, only having maximum 5 title matches a year. That is an actual rule now. (hey it's my idea why not).

3. Abolish the PG rating. If kids love WWE enough they will convince their parents to let them watch it or just move on to whatever the next craze is with the kiddies today.

4. HIRE some MTV, Soap opera writers for the creative team, be open to fresh ideas, if they go tits up so what?

5. Hulk Hogan must be reached, and Vince has to make peace with him. Damn Hogan is a mess, but the fans love his personna, we need some Hogan cameo's now and then. Peace should be made with Bret Hart too.

6. Legend's to appear semi-regualrly, ala Steamboat, Flair, Hogan, Austin, Mae Young, Lawler, Piper, Sheik, Slaughter. Their returns and/or cameo's or matches are not to take the spotlight away from the younger stars. They should be used as managers as well for young talent now and then.

7. Owen Hart and Chris Benoit to the hall of fame. Owen, obviously. Benoit depsite his drastic end, was a hard worker and deserves recognition for that, even if he isn't mentioned on tv after that again.

8. No more McMahon's wrestling. Less focus on their family issues too.

#1- Unify WWE and WHC titles. Keep and make the ECW title an extreme championship like it should be. Unify womens championships. Keep IC Tag and US titles. Allow champions (besides ECW) to appear on both Raw and Smackdown.

#2 Keep Raw, Smackdown seperate from ECW and make ECW extreme and have Heyman and Styles run it. Keep Superstars the way it is.

#3 Cut back on the live in ring promos and have the old style way of doing it with them being taped. That way if they aren't good promo cutters they aren't live and won't come off so bad.

#4 Cut back on the pay-per-views

January- Royal Rumble- Winner Gets World Title Match at WrestleMania
February- No Way Out with Elimination Chamber match to determine #1 contender to the ECW title at WrestleMania
March- None- Use it to build up WrestleMania
April- WrestleMania
May- Backlash
June- King Of The Ring
July- None use it to build up SummerSlam
August- SummerSlam
September- Unforgiven
October- Halloween Havoc with Spin The Wheel Make The Deal
November- Survivor Series- Traditional elimination style matches with the main event being War Games
December- December To Dismember (All extreme style matches)

#5 Scroll the internet wrestling boards every once in a while to see what the fans want to see and try to make the ideas work.
As much as I like the idea of turning RAW into a WWE show and SD into a WCW show is the best course of action really having Shane run WCW? Do we really want to remind everyone of the InVasion angle that much? Why not sign Flair as the "owner" of the new WCW or even bring back Bischoff? The last thing the WWE needs is more excuses to put the McMahons on TV every week.
The way I would change the WWE:

1. I would start by making paperviews for every other month so they have longer to build storylines. Have both brands (Yes only have 2 brands) at Royal Rumble, WM, Summer Slam, and Survivor Series. Have no paperview in Febuary (everyones concintrating on WM anyway) have RAW have 3 and Smackdown 3 then have taboo tuesday where fans pick all matches. Having less paperviews would make for less repeated matches.

2. Bring back cruiserweight title. Wrestlers like Bourne, Kofi, and Chavo have no belt to go after and I also believe that Rey would be able to be the face of the title. It would give to more interesting matches with all the high flying moves and more storylines.

3. Break up the tag titles and give one to each brand. Makwe more main evnt tag teams like Brothers of Destruction, DX, and even team E+C.

4. Take HHH and Orton off the title picture when they fued together. If there feud is based on personal feud then no title is needed I think in the fatal 4 way big show or cena should have won it and if cena won it have miz win the battle royal.
5.Unify Women title because not many can wrestle anyway so less the better and save money (jk)
6. Have King of the Ring paperview and a paperview with all elimination matches for titles. (even tag)
7. Change the WWE titles look spinner is out.
1. Merge ECW with Superstars for a 90 minute block. Keep this show as the on-screen developmental show like ECW is currently. The new talent initiative only works via ECW, not RAW or SmackDown. 90% of newly acquired talent should be trialled here when ready.

2. End the brand extension between RAW & SmackDown!, yet keep the extension between these two shows & ECW/Superstars combined show. Send the superstars that probably wont & currently dont get the required TV time along with some known midcarders or even ME guys to ECW for exposure (aka Big Show). Otherwise, release or drop the wrestlers that wont be used any time soon.

3. Championship changes:

* WWE Heavyweight Championship - (WHC & WWE unified, ME title, champion[ship] must not appear on ECW)

* WWE Intercontinental Championship - (IC & US unified, original IC title status, champion allowed on ECW but no defending title)

* WWE Diva's Championship - (Diva & Womens unified, Women title design, allowed to defend on ECW on special persmissions)

* WWE Tag Team Championship - (current unified title, allowed to defend on ECW, women are allowed to compete for this championship. REMEMBER, ITS A TITLE FOR A TEAM OF 2 WRESTLERS, SHOULDN'T HAVE GENDER RESTRICTIONS!!!)

* ECW/Superstars Championship - (new design, renamed to new name of brand that I dont no what to call, not allowed to defend on RAW or SmackDown!)

4. THE PPV's:

Jan: Royal Rumble [current PPV]
Mar: WrestleMania [current PPV]
April: Backlash [reprecussions PPV for WM]
May: Judgment Day [event utilising gimmick matches like LMS]
June: King Of The Ring [old PPV]
Aug: SummerSlam [KOTR winner vs champ]
Sep: Annihilation [reprecussions PPV for SSlam]
Oct: No Way Out [utilise Cage type matches here]
Nov: Survivor Series [tag & scramble matches]
Dec: Armageddon [The PPV to end the year's fueds]

- February & July are used to build the 2 biggest PPV's. If needed, Saturday Night's Main Event can be used here.
- Every PPV has every title being defended.
- All PPV's, except SNME, are at least 3 hours.
- Gives more time for PPV build up.

5. Apart from RAW, SD!, ECW & the PPV's... the only other TV shows should include the WWE News [a weekly review show presented like a news show fused with an current affairs type program where superstars can be interviewed, debate, etc. Can be done for on & off screen affairs] & the WWE Vintage Collection [old footage of the WWE]

6. Tape all shows for the week in the one area. Ensure that RAW & SmackDown are booked at large arenas whilst ECW can work for smaller venues. Offer ticket bundles where people can buy tickets where the packages include: RAW & ECW, SmackDown & ECW, All three brands.

7. JR & Jerry Lawler [the HOF team for RAW & SD!], Striker & Grisham [team of the year for ECW]. Put Matthews as the full-time interviewer for ECW & Cole as the full-time interviewer for RAW & SD!

8. The commissioner of RAW & SD! is Ric Flair. The landlord of ECW is Tiffany until Dreamer retires.

This is my start that would happen after WM26 just to continue on with the "WWE fiscal year"
I thought I'd add a few more titles to and take one away from my OP and explain more about the them.

WWE World Championship
Main title in the WWE. Shares lineage with the WWE Championship. The person holding this title is the face of the company and should be regarded as the best wrestler in the world by the WWE. Rarely defended on the shows. Maybe once a year, if that.

WWE United States Championship
I like having a national title under a world title. That's why I'd get rid of the IC Championship. This is a title held by upper midcard wrestlers who are almost ready for the main event scene. Defended on the shows now and then.

WWE Television Championship
This is a title for lower midcard wrestlers. It establishes some credibility to them and gives them some character. Defended on the shows a lot.

WWE Legend's Championship
This is a title that can only be held by veterans of the business. You need to be at least 40 years old and been wrestling for at least 15 years. This is a title for the older guys who have made it and want to let other guys shine while still having something to fight for. The title would rarely be defended but defended enough for it to actually mean something.

WWE Tag Team Championship
No explanation necessary.

WWE Extreme Championship
Shares lineage with the ECW Title and has the same rules as the WWE Hardcore Championship. Most of the cruiserweights would go for this title, the TV Title, or the US Title. Occasionally a cruiserweight will transcend the rest, like Rey or Jeff, and get the WWE World Title.

WWE Diva's Championship
The WWE calls their women wrestlers Divas and that's what the title should be called. It's a title for just the bitches.
wow, i would say to firstly move smackdown to a big time network like USA or ABC. secondly, cut the bullshit off of raw. then i would say give ECW a name change and make them two hours. i'd also like to see superstars changed to DIVA'S. only divas..hey a dude can dream

roster wise,
smackdown: i think smackdown kicks ASS. i think swagger should've went to smackdon first and fueded with the likes of edge, jericho, hardy maybe, morrison..endless possibilities for good matches. i think cena heel would be absolutely awesome. imagine a show where the heels are jericho, edge, swagger, cena, cm punk, and hopefully kane. as for the faces, you have morrison, taker(i wish the badass version), jeff hardy for a little while, and that would be the roster

raw: raw needs help..
ok, the heels would be orton, HHH, and whoever else(i dont like raw)

ECW: has young talent but needs a big name like big show

1. January - Royal Rumble
February - No Way Out (Elimination Chamber) Smackdown
March -
2. April - WrestleMania
May - Extreme Rules- ECW
June -
3. July - Summerslam
August - Battle of the Brands (titles vs titles) all brands
September -
4.October - Night of Champions
November - Breaking Point (Submissions)- RAW
December -

personally, i dont like the all brands on all ppv's. i think they all should have atleast one ppv where they have all there fueds displayed. not just like two from each. Battle of the brands could feature all brands with
WHC vs WWE vs ECW champ.
IC vs US.
Womens vs Divas

then if the champion wanted his title back (obviouslly) they could wait for night of champions.

now my transition wouldn't just happen over a few months. i think i would make smackdown equal with raw and give each show a GM. I would let each draft whoever they wanted, and make trades.

i think that would make the WWE better as a whole

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