How would you restructure the WWE?


Getting Noticed By Management
I'm sorry but I've got a lot on my mind today. Where to begin, I think the basic structure with WWE is how the product is structured and instead of just bitchin' about it, I've got a few simple ideas. Creative doesn't even need to get involved in this.

  • Go back to quarterly PPVs. PPVs are supposed to be where fueds are really culminated and have their most important matches, which is why fueds get so stale so fast, imo. The reason fueds didn't get stale so fast back in the day is because the important moment didn't happen every month and there was months of build up. Also, it works financially, they won't have to shell out so much money every month for a big grand spectacle and the audience won't have to dig in their pockets every month for 30 or 40 bucks that they don't have in this economy.

  • Keep shows seperate. Even on special occasion episodes of Raw, the reason is because it's Raw, not Smackdown or ECW. Give them their own special episodes so that they can show case their products. Also, I've said it before, give each show it's own look and feel. Make Raw the character based show, Smackdown the match based show, and ECW like the old ECW so that every fan has a home. With the complete seperation of the shows and giving them their own style and feel so that you can create something the WWE hasn't had for a while, dream matches. Now that you have dream matches you can have a yearly event where you can bring guys together once a year. That was the big thing during the Monday Night Wars, you wished you could've seen the NWO vs DX or Hart Foundation or Bret Hart vs Sting. This would also spark real debates on which show is better, not like the debates we have now where Smackdown is better just because they have better in-ring workers.

  • Make matches make sense. The steel cage match at Extreme Rules between Batista and Orton made sense because Batista would have beaten Orton's skull in a while ago if it wasn't for the numbers game and look what happened when he got Orton in the cage one on one, he beat him. Don't just make matches just because you think the fans want would like to see them, like the Samoan Strap Match between CM Punk and Umaga. I understand Umaga's samoan but why the hell was there a need for that type of match between them? There was nothing that wouldv'e led to that in my opinion. As a matter of fact, lets bring creative into this. Don't they understand there are a lot of ways to get people over or keep them over. Example The Miz and Cena at The Bash, you know The Miz is not going to beat Cena or, at least, it's very unlikely. But if they have it where Cena barely beats The Miz, he can lose and look very strong in the process. Like when Stone Cold lost to Bret Hart in Bret's first match back after losing the title to HBK at WM12. Bret beat him but he had to pull out all the stops and the only reason he beat hims is because Austin didn't release the Million Dollar Dream before the 3 count. Another example is Tommy Dreamer in the real ECW, he never beat Raven but he always kicked Raven's ass so he stayed over.

I have some other ideas but they escape me at the moment but what do you think and how would you restructure the WWE?
There's SO MUCH that needs to be done to restructure the wwe its not even funny!

Vince has TOO MUCH talent and not enough airtime for them all.. so first you seriously SERIOUSLY need to purge the roster.

Theres just too many names to rattle off and say whether they stay ro go, so what I would propose is this..

ELIMINATE THE DIVAS TITLE- it's redundant (and its an ugly belt to begin with) and truth be told, there arent enough TALENTED woomen on the roster to challenge for two separate womens championships

ELIMINATE THE U.S. TITLE- again, see the evaluation for ht ediva's title. the u.s. belt is a redundant title and its lost its prestige a LONG LOOOONG time ago.. plus again theres not enough people to contend for it

ELIMINATE THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE- again, redundant title, ugly belt

CREATE ONE NEW TAG TITLE BELT- vince seems to hate tag team wrestling so why have two separate belts? keep it as the WWE WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE and thats it!

BRING BACK THE CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE- with rey misterio (tho i hate him), kendrick, dos caras jr, chavo, helms, tyson kidd.. theres enough cruiserweight wrestlers to keep this division active

ELIMINATE ECW- now that vinnie mac is force-feeding us SUPERSTARS... we can lose ecw for good. i mean really.. HOW many wrestlers are on that roster anyway? 10 at the most? please! the ecw matches can easily be run on superstars on SATURDAY MORNINGS AT TEN A.M.

KEEP TRIPLE H, CENA, ORTON, HBK OFF OF TV- oversaturation is never a good thing.. ESPECIALLY with this talentless lot (with the exception of.. and i hate to say it... hbk)

I am sure theres more i can point out, but i cant come up with them right now

Dear Timmy,
Are you mentally ******ed??I understand thats your Opinion but what the hell? Get rid of the WHC get rid of the US Title dont put all your Main Eventers on TV...ARE YOU CRAZY???Have you ever watchedd WWE really.The WHC is a Smackdown Main Belt you dont get rid of that,the US title no. And keeping your M.E off T.V is stupid...Idiot.

Anyway back to the accuall question.

1.Make ECW the old way, Bring back original ECW guys and thats it.

2.Turn John Cena Heel...I love Cena one of my favorite wrestlers but really...The whole Superman act is old....Turn heel make WWE TV-16 again there you go.

3.Brand Seperation.Dont keep havin these inter-Promotinal shows and theses PPV were Raw has 3 matches Smackdown has 2 and ECW has 1 make so that you have a PPV for each show.

4.Get rid of WWE Superstars.Its dumb.Its pointless.Get rid of it.

5.And last but not least Spread you Main Eventers out evenly.I meen come on.ECW has what? 1-2 M.E if that, SD has like 3-4-5 maybe while Raw has like 6-8 like wtf.
I don't Understand what the WWE is doing anymore. The story lines are not consistent they make no sense and they don't last long enough to yield results. The old pros are holding the new guys back by rotating the world titles between the same 5 or 6 people and never give any other rookies a chance at it . It reminds me a lot of the old WCW and everybody knows what happened to them right ?! I'm appalled that they can even call themselves entertaining any more. This whole Trump thing had potential but you yanked before it could gain steam does the WWE even care what there doing to their creditability? I mean RAW used to be top brand now it’s the bottom Smack down who was the bottom brand is now 2nd and ECW of all the brands seems to be number 1 WTF?! Having Rick Flair come in as the New GM sounds cool but you've done that before and it didn't work the way you wanted it to . My Idea was to bring Ted Dibiase Sr back as the GM of RAW and have him push his son Ted Dibiase Jr until he got a world title. While you are building on thaty bring back the million dollar belt just for old times sake .Have Ted Jr walk around with it full of himself. Put him in some great matches to build up to a title shot. Also haveTed Dibiase Sr 's other son Brett Dibiase tag with Cody Rhodes as a better legacy .Get rid of Orton Ted Jr and Orton can feud around Legacy kind of like Triple H & Shawn feuded around DX back in the day with Chyna , Xpac , Billy & Road Dogg .
Heres what i'd do. First and formost,

i would take a couple of pairs of big singles competion wrestlers such as (and im just pulling this out of my ass)Cena and HBK and maybe idunno HHH and Batista and make tagteams out of them. If the WWE doesnt start to build a tag scene TNA will get some more stars and WWE will be in trouble. Dont you guys rember the hart foundation or the megapowers? They were singles wrestlers with big names. This is what ithink alot of fans want in a wrestling show.

Next id either say fuck ECW, or keep it around and say fuck the PG rating. Id prefer the ladder, no pun intended. Ya, ECW in its old majesty was the shit. I want no rules every match. Dont call it the land of extreme if there are DQs!!! I want it this way or I dont want it.

No more divas title, we want to see em shake their ass not wrestle..

Eliminate the bs titles alltogether..u.s. divas, maybe ecw, one tag title.

Fewer PPVs , keep the Rumble Summerslam Survivor Series The great Bash and Wrestlemania.

For Christs sake WWE, WE WANT BLOOD!!!!!! when is the last time we saw somebody "Busted wide open" or "sporting the crimson mask" on WWE TV?


1. Keep the brands separate but allow the occasional trade.

2. Two main belts on each show.

RAW - WWE Champion and IC
Smackdown - Heavyweight and US
ECW - ECW and Cruiserweight

Tag belts, Womens (fuck the diva belt) go across the 3 shows.

3. An end to these 6 month feuds. They piss me off. I miss the mid 90's when it was a different challenger each month. Not because of storyline but because someone looks dominant and deserves their shot. Most people on here would like MVP to get a shot at Orton, even if he doesn't win. Instead we get fucking HHH yet again. That brings me to...

4. The return of the No1 contender match. I love these matches because they have so much potential to give someone new a chance.

5. Rebalance the roster. Have the established main event guys on RAW, have the mid-carders and future stars on Smackdown. Have the young guys on ECW.

6. Enough with the bloody cheap finishes. I don't care whether it's a face or heel, I want clean finishes at PPVs. Orton has looked like crap because he's not been allowed to win legitimately. Heel heat is fine but not when it costs the credibility of the champion.

7. The 4 main belts must appear on every PPV.

8. No more squash matches, ever. It's lazy, it helps no-one and it annoys me more than anything else. I loved it when Ziggler was kicking Batista's arse not long ago, the Cena/Swagger match is rightfully considered one of the best matches this year. This is how it should be, not feeding Cody to Triple SHHHovel.
There's SO MUCH that needs to be done to restructure the wwe its not even funny!

okay... let's see what you have in mind.

Vince has TOO MUCH talent and not enough airtime for them all.. so first you seriously SERIOUSLY need to purge the roster.

Doubt that will happen. They don't need to anyone. Everyone is getting time, maybe move some people around so that they can better fit, but not purge the roster.

ELIMINATE THE DIVAS TITLE- it's redundant (and its an ugly belt to begin with) and truth be told, there arent enough TALENTED women on the roster to challenge for two separate womens championships

I agree, the only reason for this title is so that both shows have a women's title. They need to merge the two titles and then make the women compete on all shows, and make some of divas mangers.

ELIMINATE THE U.S. TITLE- again, see the evaluation for ht ediva's title. the u.s. belt is a redundant title and its lost its prestige a LONG LOOOONG time ago.. plus again theres not enough people to contend for it

What? You can't be serious. What in the world would the raw mid card do? They already don't have that much as it is. You say that you want to get of the main eventers... Then what the hell do want to with the mid carders? Move them up? Wow. great thought there.

ELIMINATE THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE- again, redundant title, ugly belt

Really? Once again, you can't be serious. So what do the ME guys on Smackdown? Just a bad idea.

CREATE ONE NEW TAG TITLE BELT- vince seems to hate tag team wrestling so why have two separate belts? keep it as the WWE WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE and thats it!

Actually he's starting to go back to it, look the last couple of weeks we have seen some decent match, and as soon as legacy gets the belts more stock is going to be put in them.

BRING BACK THE CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE- with rey misterio (tho i hate him), kendrick, dos caras jr, chavo, helms, tyson kidd.. theres enough cruiserweight wrestlers to keep this division active

Yeah, this would be a good move, but they already have to many belts.

ELIMINATE ECW- now that vinnie mac is force-feeding us SUPERSTARS... we can lose ecw for good. i mean really.. HOW many wrestlers are on that roster anyway? 10 at the most? please! the ecw matches can easily be run on superstars on SATURDAY MORNINGS AT TEN A.M.

Really, Ecw has been really good as of late, yes they might not have that many guys but wrestling wise it's been really good.


:lmao: You have got to be kidding me... There is no way you can be serious. Let's take raws whole main event off tv... really brilliant idea.

oversaturation is never a good thing.. ESPECIALLY with this talentless lot (with the exception of.. and i hate to say it... hbk)

Talentless lot? Triple H is 13 time champion, one of the moving forces in the attitude era. Try again.

Cena is one of the best entertainers/wrestlers to come around in a long time whether you like it or not.

Orton is really good, it's not his fault that he's booked horribly.

HBK, are you nuts? HBK is one of the most talented wrestlers to ever step foot in a ring. He's put on some of the greatest matches of all time with Jericho, Angle, Taker, or Triple H. Go look up any of those matches and then tell me that he's not talented.

So basically what you want to do is to take either raw or smackdown off the air. Merge those to locker rooms together. Great thought. So you want to purge the roster, because they don't get everyone on. Yet take away half the titles and then raw's entire main event, and eliminate WHC... that would work wonders... not.

The things that would be smart for them to do, is to take some of the mid card talent move them in to tag teams make a legit tag team division. Also then weed out the women's division. The Divas title is the only one that I would get rid of. They can make it work with their roster. They just need to move some people around and form some new tag teams. Not remove half the ME roster and eliminate half the belts.
Here's my opinion:

1) Make ECW the way it was before the Alliance bought it out, you know, make it Extreme.

2) Get rid of the Divas Title, it's ugly and WWE doesn't have that many divas to begin with and you don't have that many talented ones.

3) Keep brands seperate and give them seperate ppvs.

4) Get rid of the PG rating. I know you're trying to appeal to kids but it's crappy and it's hard on the rest of us WHO ARE NOT KIDS!!!!

5) Make the IC title the workhorse title again. People who hold it now make it look ******ed. Also, make the IC title the number one contender's belt.

6) Bring back the Cruiserweight title. It'd give the guys not big enough to hold the WHC or WWE titles something to hold on to. Really, Rey Mysterio beating Mark Henry or anyone else that size is truly unbelievable.

7) Have only one tagteam title. Improve the tagteam division.

8) If you don't follow number1, then do this, fuck ECW. Get rid of it, spread the stars that are worth keeping to SD! or Raw, fire the rest, and make the ECW title the Hardcore title.

9) Purge the roster. I'm sick of seeing guys compete week after week who are not worth a shit. Admit that they suck and then give em the boot.

10) Lastly, make Triple H, HBK, Kane, Taker, Orton, and Edge all heels, put em under the leadership of Ted Dibiase SR. and make them one large super power. Or if you don't like that, then bring back DX, the Corporation, and the Ministry of Darkness, put about 5 stars per group, and then set em against eachother. That would be badass!!! And of course make 2 groups for the divas, The Angels(Faces), and the Bad Girls. Put each diva to the appropriate group and set em against eachother. Have a bunch of Bra and Panties matches and be done with it.

There, I've given you my two cents.:twocents:
What WWE needs to do is close their doors for a couple months so that the little kids like yourselves that think wwe sucks so bad and needs to change realize that sucky or not wwe is the best there is out there and the most entertaining product currently. Maybe we would stop seeing this kind of threads on forums 3 times a day saying how the teenagers would run a million dollar company.
I dont think i can add anything new to your lists.

Like the others I think they should remove the Divas Belt and let everyone from every brand fight for it like the Tag belts

Add more Tag teams who can work together rather then two normally singles wrestlers together

Not have pointless matches like HHH/Orton not even a week before the PPV because you know that nothing will happen.

Get much better writers (should wrestling be fake that is).

Maybe actually surprise us by making someone else champion like Big Show.

I think bringing some of the old favorite wrestlers back, even for a limited time, like Psycho Sid.
Easily the biggest thing that needs to be changed is ECW. Although let me point out that this is WWEs lowest rated show, and it is getting rating similar to TNA Impact. I don't think they have to worry about TNA for a very long while. You can do three things with ECW.
1) Repackage it as WCW. Face it ECW is no longer Extreme, and it's pointless for them to ecven refer to it as such.
2) Repackage it as heat or even velocity. Use it as a show to maybe get over some of the younger guys, with a few veterans appearing every now and then.
3) Repackage it as an all Divas show. TNA was going to do something similar to this last year, but nothing ever came of it. Now you might think that this is a terrible idea, but there are some terrific femal wrestlers lwho get no air time. This would draw ratings based on the simple fact that it is divas.This would also get rid of the divas title.

There is simply know way that they can go back to the stable wars of the 90's. However you can build up legacy, maybe have them bully all three shows, give Dibiase the IC title nd Rhodes the US title. If they have those along with Ortons HW title, they could be a good heel stable. Now you could either have a face stable, or turn the hart dynasty face, maybe throw in teddy hart, and use legacy to establish the harts as well as legacy, plus orton still young.

Bringing back the cruiserweight title wouldnt work. To be blunt, there are not many good cruiserweghts left in the business. Maybe bring in a new title similar to he X division title. You could have smaller guys like mysterio, against bigger athletic guys like a jericho.

Give the younger guys a push. HBK, HHH, Cena, Undertaker should still be in the main event picture, but its time that they should start putting over guys like MVP, and maybe even Kofi Kingston and Christian.

Turn Punk and Cena heel and have them ruin the tag team division. IDK why, but i would love to see this.

Let the big guys be monsters. No more Khali Kiss cam, or Kane Jobbing. Have Kane, Undertaker, Khali, Mark Hanry all run over their competition. No more mysterio beating kane and henry, unrealistic.

Finally, fire the entire writing staff. Most of the ideas i have read on here are bgetter than anything they could write. I''m sorry, but Miz vs Cena and Cena vs big show just dont appeal to me anymore.
What WWE needs to do is close their doors for a couple months so that the little kids like yourselves that think wwe sucks so bad and needs to change realize that sucky or not wwe is the best there is out there and the most entertaining product currently. Maybe we would stop seeing this kind of threads on forums 3 times a day saying how the teenagers would run a million dollar company.

Sure, lets not have threads like these that allow us "little kids" to ammuse ourselves by imagining how we would run a multi-billion dollar company. Yeah, brilliant idea party crasher. Some of us "little kids" actually realize that WWE is the best there is but still enjoy dreaming of what it would be like to run it. Next time, THINK BEFORE YOU POST, party crasher.:smashfreakB:
If it was me.. I'd simply have a draft at summerslam. this draft would be belts. each show gets two belts. for example like raw could draft the wwe and ic. smackdown could get whc and womens. ecw could get their own and tag. EACH show would have a world title and their own secondary title to give everyone a type of look for each brand. NOW the trick with that would be that whoever the champ is.. would stay on that show as long as their champion. whoever is not a champion would kinda be like a floater. they'd just go to whatever show and challenge for whatever title. The idea needs a few touches but man it'd be revolutionary.
Getting rid of everything is the easy way out.

I'd work my way up, it was only a couple of months ago where I would go on wrestlezone dot com, and see Smackdown score a 2.7 to a 2.9 rating. Now Smackdown is devasted. When I was a kid(10 years old), Smackdown was the most popular show for children on the WWF because it was on broadcast TV(WWF did a good job attracting audiences)

I'd cut some slight talent off the Smackdown brand, and keep them in places like ECW and Superstars.

As much as I love guys like Curt Hawkins, Ricky Ortiz, Jimmy Yang, & Charlie Haas, these guys will have very little air time and I think it's great for them to build their character on WWE TV(not in developmental wrestling) in front of the loyal 1 million fans that watch the "C" and "D" brands. These are the true fans that will tell you if the character has good enough value to go to the next step.

Cut off a lot of divas from the wrestling division. This isn't the attitude era anymore, if people want to see ****es and ****s; go watch porn. Nobody wants to watch divas that can't wrestle. Just keep those divas for bikini contests, backstage characters, etc etc; not in an actual wrestling division. The female division wasn't all that bad when it was just Lita and Trish in the main spotlight.

The Tag Team division, needs to consist of mid-carders, not developing talent that we'll see on WWE TV, for like, what? One year? (Deuce and Dominio comes to mind here). This is what I meant by cutting some superstars off of Smackdown. The WWE already unified the tag belts already though. But be careful with the guys you put it on. Honestly, is Fetus going to be pushed into a main event status? No. Put it on guys like Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, MVP, etc.

Actually I have no idea where I'm going with this. The WWE is surprisingly in the right direction.

I checked their rosters with the superstars. There's enough talent for a competitive mid-card and main eventers. With 4 seperate brands, there's enough time for all wrestlers to shine. Great move by the WWE. Superstars should just feature developing talent and established mid-carders.

NOW, the only thing the WWE needs to do to go in the right direction:

- Develop a comfortable, meaningful character for all of its mid-carders.

- Choose carefully who you will push, and make sure they are well ready. Push them slowly, as the veterans retire slowly.

The WWE just needs new superstars. To tell you right now; MVP, Morrison, Kingston, Benjamin, & Ziggler look like great superstars, but they are not all-that ready to carry the WWE by themselves.

Instead of having guys like Jericho feud with HBK or Mysterio, make him feud with guys like Morrison or Benjamin. Same goes for Rey and HBK.

Taker and HBK will retire so that's not too much of a problem.

Batista is older than the Rock for crying out loud, he'll retire soon too.

Trips should retire 4-5 years.

Looks like John Cena will be around for a damn while though.

The WWE is headed into the right step I believe. I don't think we will ever see the end to the Brand Extension, there are too many superstars to JUST cut off or neglect their air time.

All the company needs to do, is to push their talent. The only question is: whom & when.

Good luck.
What WWE needs to do is close their doors for a couple months so that the little kids like yourselves that think wwe sucks so bad and needs to change realize that sucky or not wwe is the best there is out there and the most entertaining product currently. Maybe we would stop seeing this kind of threads on forums 3 times a day saying how the teenagers would run a million dollar company.

Okay buddy listen up. You can say how WWE may be the best thing out there, and it may be (I wouldn't know, I'm just getting back in to TNA as of Sunday) but regardless, wether or not WWE is the best, it still sucks. And you cannot sit there with a straight face and tell me that the storylines these teenagers (and half of them are porbably adults buddy) are putting up on here are better then what the writers on the million dollar show are writing themselves. I mean you cannot tell me that a cruiserweight division or tag division or less T&A taking valuable time that could be giving to up and coming main eventers is better than seeing Orton/HHH for the 8th-9th time since Wrestlemania 24 and when they're not wrestling they're taking up the ME spot with segments and promos, which has happened about 50 times most likely. And if you don't like our opinions, then simply don't post here. it isn't hard to figure out. If you wanna contribute good ideas and not put our opinions down, go right ahead. But if you are gonna waste time posting worthless crap about how we complain too much, then just get off, because you are a waste of precious space.

Now that the rant is over, about what WWE could do.

First off, more tag team action. You have Goldust and Festus (The New oddities, only better), Cryme Tyme, Legacy, The Colons, and The Hart Dynasty. Take HHH and Cena out of the main event, I could see a Megapowers-esque team here. Two over guys, the most popular in the company perhaps, put them together, and lets see what they could do in a different division.

Get rid off the Diva's Title, allow the girls to wrestle on all three brands, and turn some that can't wrestle into valets. One diva match per show, and good solid action. Not T&A 6 woman tag action.

Some fresh fueds and new talent. Give Orton the title, have him drop it in a fued with MVP, take Orton off TV for awhile and have him tweak the gimmick and find a new storyline for him, and let's see Miz/MVP, Miz/Kofi, HBK/Miz, HBK/MVP, because HBK can still wrestle and put over younger talent. Also bring in a couple new but familiar guys. What about raven? He won't be with TNA long, bring him in. Raven/Jeff Hardy or Raven/C.M. Punk or Raven?Undertaker for the World Title.

Make Kane a monster again, put him in a mid-card fued, let him face off with Matt Hardy or Kofi Kingston for the U.S. Title, let him dominate their for a while, and then eventually give him a final WWE Title run.

IC Title picture is fine, throw Morrison/Benjamin/Christain in there a little.

Throw Ziggler and Goldust into the ECW Title picture. Goldust is a great worker and deserves a title and it would be a great stepping stone for Ziggler.

And occasional extreme rules match on Extreme Championship Wrestling wouldn't hurt.
Keeping that the main objective is to stay in PG, here are my ideas.

1 - Like many have said, repackage ECW to WCW. Lets face it, some people don't tune in because of the dislike of using the ECW name and not having anything Extreme in it. WCW's midcard was built around young guys like Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio, and thats what ECW is, building up young guys who you can get over on television enough to be able to make a believable feud or match with a top star.

2 - Create storylines and feuds throughout the entire roster. That's what made the attitude era so great. It just wasn't the tits, foul language, and all that went with that, but it was the great stories throughout the show that weren't based around the title. As bad as the Katie Vick story was, it was a story that was based away from the title, and wasn't started around the title like Cena-Big Show was.

3 - Along with creating storylines and feuds would be creating characters throughout the roster. Personalities only go so far because they start growing stale, and you can't change your personality, but you can change up your character. Characters that fans can love or hate. What does every tv show have? CHARACTERS. So why does WWE insist on having personalities that, it seems, are closely related.

4 - Evolve a program (Superstars?) that could be used for midcard guys for ending or continuing feuds in a "bigger match". We all know that the brand extension won't end because there would be too many Main Eventers, and we all know that they aren't going back to split PPVs because the buyrates aren't that good when you don't have the entire roster. So, we're stuck with the same PPVs, but need something that allow midcard guys to have a blow off match. They could evolve it through Raw/SD/E-WCW shows, and then show up on network television to have their match without hurting their PPV buys.

5 - Don't allow a persons drawing power to force creatives hand. Meaning, don't be afraid to turn John Cena to heel, Batista heel, or along those lines because they sell a lot of merchandise. Lets face it, both Batista and Cena are stale and have been stale for a while.
1. Quarterly pay-per-views
2. ONE commercial per RAW from each sponsor
3. Face turn for Beth Phoenix...with new outfit
4. Stone Cold or Roddy Piper as GM
5. MORE McMahon involvement...they may be the owners but they are indeed great promo cutters.
6. More mic opportunities for Mickie James...she has the talent for it and can get back to the top of the womens division.
7. Undertaker to RAW, wearing the exact same outfit from his grey-glove days, with Paul Bearer.
8. Kane needs to be a serious contender again, not some high-end jobber.
9. Bring back the Edge/Christian fued, now that Christian is the face this time.
10. Ted Dibiase...face turn...managed by the Million Dollar Man...who will also be a face for the first time ever (under the money gimmick).
11. Handling of the Legends...NO more wrestling, BUT their presence greatly helps! Have them manage, ref, GM, and guest commentate.
OMG... another "Change the WWE" thread. Oh well, its in the form of a fantasy question & i cant resist a good fantasy question.


- PPV comment is correct. Keep it just to the Big 4 PPV's & rid of the rest of the PPV's. Instead, utilise Saturday's Night Main Event every so often as an off PPV that goes for three hours not one.

- Break the separation between the RAW & SmackDown! brands. Merge the WHC & WWE titles, merge the Divas & Womens titles & merge the IC & US titles. Merge ECW with Superstars (meaning there is two hours instead of one), place the superstars who dont get any TV time, or who wont due to the break of RAW & SD, on this show (aka Sim Snuka & Curt Hawkins) & rename the brand to something more credible. AND TAPE ALL SHOWS DURING THE WEEK AT THE SAME ARENA/AREA. This will create:

* More breathing space for Creative to form better matches, fueds, storylines, etc.
* Better title bouts (especially room for tag team formations)
* Development of Superstars on the ECW brand as they are only appear on ECW show. Gives creative & superstars time to test the waters with their characters & possible fueds.

There are endless possibilities for what could happen (like making all ECW title bouts Extreme Rules) but unfortunately most of us dont know what is actually going on in the business to know if our ideas work. We can only dream friends, we can only dream...

What WWE needs to do is close their doors for a couple months so that the little kids like yourselves that think wwe sucks so bad and needs to change realize that sucky or not wwe is the best there is out there and the most entertaining product currently. Maybe we would stop seeing this kind of threads on forums 3 times a day saying how the teenagers would run a million dollar company.

Temper, temper... Hey, will i got 2 words for you buddy...


...oops, sorry everyone... I mean:


... got to keep it PG...
If I were to restructure the WWE, I would fire Vince McMahon. His decisions to fire wrestlers that the WWE needs and this new PG era along with the same 4 wrestlers in the title picture for the past 3 or so years (Batista, Randy Orton, HHH, and Edge) has driven the WWE down quite a lot.
I would change up the entire title picture. I would vacate every title and have the wrestlers fight for them in a king of the ring style match set. Then I would build storylines from there. Granted, that might lead to confusion and may make no sense, but at least it will put new faces in the title pictures.
One Stipulation for the matches is that wrestlers with excessive (5+wwe/whc) title reigns would have no part in these matches at all, meaning that they would have to build themselves back up again from the bottom.
I would also have to put like 75% of the divas back in wrestling school. There are just no original divas left. they have all moved on to their own lives or TNA in Victoria's case. These newer divas have yet to prove that they are good enough to hold a title.
The TNA Knockouts are incredible in the Ring. Imagine the WWE divas VS TNA's Awesome Kong. None of them would stand a chance. They need better training.
Here's what i would do with each show.


Get a GM. I'm not sure who though. I'd say Ric Flair, but you'd be putting him on the sane show with all of the Ex-Evolution members, which would keep all of them in the title picture in my opinion. Maybe William Regal, or HBK, to keep him around in a non-wrestling role for a while.

Merge the Tag Titles and create some new tag teams, Some ideas i had were Goldust and Festus, and Brian Kendrick and someone else, though looking at the Raw roster, i have no idea who.

3. And i know this one is getting old, turn Cena Heel! He could really pull of the Rock's cocky heel gimmick well, and would still be a major draw for the WWe, and would still sell merchandise well. Plus, having him lose realistically once in a while wouldn't hurt.

Get rid of the Diva title, and have the woman's title go over the brands. Same with the Tag titles.

Superstars- Scrap the idea, and make WCW a 4th brand to relieve overcrowding on the other brands, bring in old WCW wrestlers like Finlay, Regal, Big Show, Mysterio, Jericho, and alot of the cruiserweights like Chavo, Kendrick, Noble, Yang etc.

Give WCW the Cruiserweight title, and their own world title, and Make Flair the GM. Put the eye-candy on this show as the nitro girls or something, their already just eye-candy, so don't have them competing with Diva's who can actually wrestle, The bellas, and Maria, as much as i love her, can't wrestle. This would give real diva's like Gail Kim, Beth Pheonix etc. a chance to shine.


Get rid of Tiffany as GM, and give it to someone more acomplished, i was thinking either Dreamer after his title reign, or Tony Atlas. Nothing against Tiffany, but she doesn't come across as "GM Matierial".

Have some Extreme in ECW. I'm not saying make it like CZW or anything, but have some hardcore matches. Especially since ECW has more of an adult audience because of it's timeslot, it wouldn't hurt at all, and would raise viewership. Not all hardcore matches need to be Death Matches, just have some good spots, some tables maybe, Falls Count anywhere.

With that said, i'd bring back the Hardcore Title, without that ridiculous 24/7 rule, which completly destroyed the credibility of the title, giving it to Crash Holly, and other jobbers made it pointless that wrestlers like Kane, Taker, RVD, Raven, and other good wrestlers held it. Bring it up to the same level as the U.S. and Intercontinental, not a gimmick title.


I'm actually pretty content with smackdown as of late, because it's hands down better right now. They are already doing what Raw should be doing, turning CM Punk Heel, Having new competitors as World Champion, better storylines, and a Good GM. Though i was irritated that R-Truth is being pushed against people like Shelton Benjamen, MVP, and Mike Knox. R-Truth is a sloppy performer in my opinion.


Eliminate interbranded PPVs accept the Big 4, The Rumble, Wrestlemania, Survivor Series, and instead of Summerslam, Night of Champions.

Make the other PPv's smaller, cheaper, and brand specific. Giving each brand 2 PPV's per year, and having a few interpromotional matches maybe.

Raw- Breaking Point, Cyber Sunday (The gimmick PPVs)
ECW-One Nite Stand, No Way Out (make all matches cage/chamber variations)
WCW- Great American Bash, and Probably Starcade
SD- Judgment Day, Summerslam

Get rid of No mercy, Backlash, Armageddon.

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