How Would You Play Out Legacy?


Pre-Show Stalwart
There has been alot of specualtion among the boards about who will join Legacy, will they become credible, and of course how long until HHH burys them for good.

With Swagger not being a second generation star I don't see him joining Legacy but he could become an ally that respects what they do

The problem is that Legacy will never become credible until they get their fourth member so here it is...Carlito

When they tossed around the idea of Legacy a few years ago he was rumored to be the mouthpiece and leader of the group. With his recent heel turn on his brother it sets it up perfectly.

At NOC Priceless will win the tag titles after Carlito runs in costing Jericho and Edge the titles. The only downfall to this is if Edge is out already it would make Legacy look weaker if it takes a third member to beat one guy but hey this is WWE booking so its not far fetched.

In the main event I would have Orton go over HHH clean finally ending their feud but sadly setting up Orton vs Cena again

HHH could then move on to bury The Big Show

Carlito could have a good feud with Kofi winning the title off of him giving Legacy all the gold make them look credible. I would then put Carlito in a feud with MVP over the title giving both men a good rub and forshadowing what could be an amazing Mainevent feud in years to come (ala HHH vs Rock from their IC title days)

Kofi could try to get even with Legacy but joining up with his new tagteam partner Evan Bourne to go after the tag titles. Again a feud with four future superstars putting on amazing matches

Damn I should be a writer, this is where it gets good. Around December have Carlito get sick of being Orton's lackey and hit Orton with the backstabber. They could have a heel vs heel title match at the rumble(no one credible ever gets a shot at the rumble anyways) Carlito comes up short after Legacy interferes but solidifys himself as a upper midcard/maineventer.

The rumble is usually won by a face so 2010 goes to...MVP

MVP vs Orton at Wrestlemania 26 with MVP finally going over winning his first title.

Money in the Bank 2010 Better if won by a heel so it goes to ....Carlito

and there you have it you have two new maineventers in MVP and Carlito and i just raised the stock in Dibiase, Rhodes, Kofi, and Bourne all in one feud.

What do you think? and how would you book them until Wrestlemania?
What about, instead of Carlito getting a shot at the Rumble, have Ted Jr. turn face and keep Carlito in the group?? I also think Chavo needs something to do.
Two good posts. I agree with either having Carlito or Chavo in the group. Carlito has the youth and Chavo has the experience so the question is would Legacy go with youth (which is what they're doing now) or experience? If this is decision, I think they go youth because you can't tell me that Orton and Chavo won't butt heads because Chavo's been around longer and he's a Guerrero. I like Carlito in the group better but I'm not sure about having 4 in the group. Maybe Carlito can join them as an "ally" then officially join the group after Ted leaves. Also, don't you think Legacy needs a muscular enforcer to help this group become meaner and more dominate? The question is who?
What about having all 5 of them for the few months and really dominating Raw?? The more, the merrier and the more “Qualified” (as far as being a Next Gen Star), the better. I think I would like to see them dominate and it would give Carlito and Chavo a pretty nice spot on the roster for the time being.

If anything, what about Orton replacing “Priceless” with Carlito and Chavo under the “Priceless was born Good, but Carlito and Chavo were Born Better” statement. Orton could use both experience and youth in this case and a Face turn for both Ted and Cody might be the direction to go for now. Think Brood, think Orton playing the role of Gangrel.
what about at Night Of Champions carlito joining jerhico as his partner for edge's injury. we have carlito screw over jerhico and then that night have him join legacy
What about, instead of Carlito getting a shot at the Rumble, have Ted Jr. turn face and keep Carlito in the group?? I also think Chavo needs something to do.

I thought of a good way for this too After the way Ted Dibiase screwed with Legacy last night have Orton call him out. They argue for a minute and boom hits him with an RKO he sets him up for the punt but before he can pull it off Dibiase Jr hits him with dream street. You would then have Jr a face setting up the release of The Marine 2 with his father as his manager giving him a good rub until he's more comfortable on the mic.

Carlito could still join as the one going for the midcard title and chavo teaming with Rhodes for the tag titles.

I just think that after Vickie left Chavo is on his way out. He has been jobbing to Santino the biggest comedy jobber in the WWE.

On a side note with the new batch of the talent initiative coming out now maybe they can finally get their enforcer in Hennig
what about at Night Of Champions carlito joining jerhico as his partner for edge's injury. we have carlito screw over jerhico and then that night have him join legacy
Despite the bad grammar, I think this the best idea. Definitely a good swerve. I have no problem with Carlito joining Legacy. I think he would make a great addition. I would be content with him winning the US Title, giving Legacy all the gold for a very short period. I see Ted Jr. going face soon though. I'd be happy with him or Carlito moving up the ladder.
Why would you break them up? or if you were in Legacy want to be broken up at this point in time? If I was Ted or Cody I would latch on to Orton and not let go for at least another year.

Why you ask? Its simple, at least being Ortons lackys they actually have a spot on the card, if they were to break way from Legacy, it would just be a matter of time before one of them was off air for a few weeks, then a few months, then moved to a different show or worse, fired.

We all know the WWE likes to rush into things and half ass them, and that would be exactly what would happen. They would break Ted or Cody away without having a real program or dirrection for them to go on the roster, they would float in the upper mid card for a while, only to sink down into the mid then lower mid card, then poof, where Ted and Cody?

I would sit tight, and wait for a long slow face turn agaisnt Orton over the next 6-8 months. I wouldnt want to be rushed out of Legacy where I had a spot on the card, only to get buried by Triple H, and shuffed around in the Mid Card for the next 2-3 years. Look how long it took Orton after his first title win and lose to get back to the main event, was it 2 years? I think it was closer to 3 years, but still at that point its taken the last 3 years to really solidify himself as one of the TOP talents the WWE has to offer.

Evolution ran for over a year, and Legacy hasnt even hit that year mark yet, I doubt anyone will be breaking away or leaving anytime soon, well at least I hope they dont jump the gun and screw up the faction
I don't think they will make any changes to the group, I for a while thought they would add another member and turn DiBiase face, but I now don't see that happening for a long while. This whole thing with Orton/DiBiase will only make them tighter and make the group tighter, instead of just being lackleys, they'll have them all as friends. I believe we will see Legacy as is for a while, with perhaps Swagger helping them out occasionally.
There is only one thing for sure about this whole deal and that is cody rhodes needs to stay in legacy because as a singles superstar he will get buried and will be out of the wwe within a year if he doesent get longer in's how I see it playing out. I c carlito having a one on one match with primo and have primo go over showing that he can hang with some credible guys but then before he can leave legacy and orton hit the ring and destroy primo then introducing carlito as a new member to legacy...then over the next few weeks ted starts to get looked over and he finnaly gets sick of it and screws orton out of the title at summerslam by tripping orton or something like that then tells orton off...he would then go on 2 fued with legacy along with cena...because at this point triple h is fueding with jack swagger...if it plays out like this I believe that it will solidify ted as a solid star on raw and would give carlito the push he has always needed...I also hope hhh gives up on orton and starts to fued with a youn guy like swagger so they can continue to buil up younger talent..
ok this is how i think this should go, i will go off on a bit of a different direction but bear with me. firstly ted dibiase snr restarts the million dollar corporation. he leases raw off of vince using the angle that vince still owns raw and will recoup some of the money he lost to turner. ted jr then screws orton and joins his father who makes him the million dollar champion, brings the belt back and everything. next week the introsude their body gaurd, former million dollar champion stone cold steve austin!! meanwhile cena and another fan fave, HHH team up and do a bit of tag team, then visave lex tatanka cena accuses hhh of joining the corporation but it turns out to be cena! corporation major heels at the mo. HHH then joins legacy major swing turns legacy face. this makes way for hhh cena matches hh ted jr orton cena orton ted jr ted jr vs cody cody vs cena plus some 2vs 2 matches and 3 on 3 another member will have to join corporation /be bought jack swagger which leaves more matches open. other heels can bo bought by the corporation with faces siding not joining legacy. this could lead to some major rumbles/run ins. with all this in mind remember ted snr would own raw and be able to make stipulations and play the mic with all the style and skill he has. the titles can bounce back and forward between legacy etc what ya think?

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