How would YOU layout WWE's PPVs?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Hey guys, here's a little subject that always has me thinking, the WWE PPVs. Some of them are great ones that got taken down over the years whilst others are just pants with a generic name. So this is where YOU come in, how would you layout the WWE PPVs. Keep in mind this is total fantasy, no reason to be realistic or think critically, just have fun. Here's mine:

January - Royal Rumble
February - No Way Out

March - NONE

April - WrestleMania
May - Backlash

June - NONE

July - SummerSlam
August - One Night Stand

September - NONE

October - Survivor Series
November - King of the Ring

December - NONE

1. Every championship must be defended at each PPV (granted the IC and US titles get unified)
2. 8 matches a PPV
3. One Night Stand acts as a unification of Extreme Rules, TLC and Hell in a Cell. In which, every match is a gimmick match of sorts and the main event is always a Hell in a Cell match
4. There's a battle royal at Survivor Series to determine the 8 people qualifying for the King of the Ring for the coming weeks
5. King of the Ring will have the final be in the main event
6. Money in the Bank is back at WrestleMania
7. The winner of King of the Ring, challenges the champion at Royal Rumble for the title (because who else to headline the ROYAL Rumble than the king himself?)

So type it just like that, have the month and what PPV you want on that month, plus make a list of points at the end for any little rules and stuff you wanna add. Feel free to criticise me, as long as it's not "They would never do that!"
I was never an advocate of 12 PPV's a year but now they have the WWE Network, a PPV every single month is essential for their subscribers. There is no reason to change this, yes creatively it would allow for better quality storylines but the casual fan loves the concept of a PPV every month. WWE make money from PPV's....also, why bring back 'Backlash' and 'No Way Out'? What makes them so special? Gimmick PPV's give each event some prestige and are needed.

January - Royal Rumble
Have a 10 Woman Divas Royal Rumble on the card. Winner gets a shot at Mania.

February - Night Of Champions
Every title on the card must be defended before Wrestlemania PPV. This solidifies our champions before the big event.

March - Wrestlemania
Stays the same. Should always be the 3rd PPV of the year.

April - Extreme Rules
I have no issues with this following Mania.

May - Breaking Point
Headline event is a Last Man Standing or Submission type match.

June - King Of The Ring
Makes a return. Have the semi finals on the card and final as the headline.

July - Money In The Bank
This is a really solid 'B PPV'. Wrestlemania DOES NOT need it on the card. It is worthy of it's own PPV.

August - Summerslam
No problem, good solid PPV on name alone that doesnt need gimmicks.

September - Hell In A Cell
Headline match is a HIAC. I like this gimmick PPV.

October - Halloween Havoc
A Halloween themed PPV is fun. They can go gimmicky type Haloween matches. Some wrestlers can dress in fancy dress.

November - Survivor Series
I would love to see classic 5 on 5 matches make an appearance with only the WWE Champion and challenger exempt.

December - Elimination Chamber
A great way to end the year and build a Champion for the next year. Can be sold as 'Armageddon'.
Ok, before I begin this, I want to preface by saying that I detest gimmick Special Events. I think that gimmick matches make sense depending on the feud, but a gimmick Special Event makes no sense. "Oh, I hate you, Mr. Bad Guy, so we better have fights every month until we get to the payoff Special Event!"

My preference? Go back to an In Your House: [Title] format, with the [Title] being representative of what feuds/gimmicks/locations of the Special Event are.

I would also go back to giving my midcarders actual storylines instead of just "Him bad guy, me good guy, better run in!"

Ok, on to my rotation:

January - Royal Rumble
Winner of the Royal Rumble gets the Title Shot at WM, just like always, nothing new.

February - In Your House: [Title]
Title defenses, and story line progression. Midcard Special Event mostly.

March - Wrestlemania
Enough said.

April - Payback
Payback and rematches from Wrestlemania, but, use this Special Event to start kicking off new storylines and feuds as well.

May - In Your House [Title]
Title defenses, and story line progression. Midcard Special Event mostly.

June - King of the Ring
Titles are defended, but champions can also compete in KotR. EVERYONE is in the King of the Ring in the buildup to to Special Event. Use the matches to set up future feuds/alliances/turns/etc. King of the Ring is only a title, no belt awarded for winning.

July - Money in the Bank
Money in the Bank match determines the number one contender for the WWEWHC.

August - Summerslam
Wrestlemania, Jr. Enough said.

September - In Your House [Title]
Title defenses, and story line progression. Midcard Special Event mostly.

October - In Your House [Title]
Title defenses, and story line progression. Upper card stories mostly.

November - Survivor Series
Obviously, go back to the elimination style teams. No title defenses, only team matches.

December - In Your House [Title]
Title defenses, and story line progression. Midcard Special Event mostly.

Points - Gimmick matches are open for ANY PPV. Are there 6 guys in competition for the title, and the feuds are getting nasty? Throw an Elimination Chamber match on the next Special Event. Do we have 3 or 4 guys that are having a specially brutal feud? Give them a TLC match at the next Special Event. It never made sense to me in Kayfabe why we needed to wait for a special PPV to have that Hell in a Cell payoff match.
Jan. Royal Rumble.
It's worked fine in that spot for years.

Feb. King of the Ring.
I'd use the tournament to build high profile wrestlemania feuds.

March. Wrestlemania
It's Wrestlemania

April. Extreme Rules.
I don't really care about this spot. So I'll keep Extreme Rules.

May. Bragging Rights.
Bring in some team warfare to help hype my next idea.

June. Wrestle War.
Hey why not? Let's do War Games here as well.

July. The Great American Bash.
Never should have left.

August. Summer Slam
Biggest event of the summer.

September. Ground Zero.
Another randomly selected ppv.

October. Halloween Havoc.
Featuring the Elimination Chamber

November. Survivor Series
Let's make this about teams again now that buy rates don't matter.

December. Starrcade.
It would be nice to see this flagship ppv return. It could be a blow off for the biggest feuds of the year and begin the feuds for wrestlemania season.
Jan: Royal Rumble

Feb: No Way Out
Still Elimination Chamber. I don't have a problem with the gimmick PPV concept, just the PPV's being named after the gimmick matches.

Mar/Apr: Wrestlemania

May: Payback
The Wrestlemania revenge show.

Jun: Anarchy Rulz
Still Extreme Rules. ER just sounds too generic, so use ECW's old PPV name.

July: Money In The Bank
I still hate the PPV being named after the match but I got nothing else for the name.

Aug: Summerslam

Sep: Clash Of The Champions
Still NoC just with a better name.

Oct: Halloween Havoc
WWE can still keep the Hell in a Cell match as it's main event for the show

Nov: Survivor Series

Dec: Starrcade
What the guy above said.
Jan: Royal Rumble
March/April: Mania
April: Backlash
June: Extreme Rules
August: SummerSlam
Novemeber: Survivor Series

Only 6 PPV's a year. The company stands to lose $10 Million in the next three months. No need to spend money on 12 PPV's a year unless there is demand for them that will turn into cash over time.

The only way 12 PPV's makes sense is if a Brand Extension is re-established and done so highlighting the differences between the brands instead of deciding the idea doesn't work and phasing it out over time. WWE has a bad history of revealing new ventures only to see the ventures lose their identities beause they aren't allowed to form one in the first place (WBF, XFL). 6 PPV's per brand.
So, 6 PPV's per brand? So only one of them gets each of the big 4? Or 6 per brand, not counting the big 4? Which is it? Anyway, here's how I would do it:

January - Royal Rumble (No-brainer, really. Why mess with a classic that everyone looks forward to every year?)

February - Elimination Chamber (Only, don't keep it confined to just the World title. Have an IC Chamber match as well.)

March - Nothing. Keep this month open and give as much time to build Wrestlemania as possible. Only please stop waiting until the last 2 weeks before 'Mania to start trying to make matches.

April - WrestleMania. ('Nuff said.)

May - WrestleMania Revenge/Payback (They have a "Wrestlemania Revenge" tour every year, why not turn it into a PPV? Although I wouldn't put every single match from WrestleMania on this card, just the main matches)

June - King of the Ring (Bring this back, and give the winner a title shot of his choice. That way, if they still don't feel he's ready for the World title, give him a shot at the IC title at the next PPV)

July - Money in the Bank (This PPV is a good concept, but add at least one more ladder match for up-and-comers to maybe get a shot at a mid-card title instead of just the World title)

August - Summerslam (Another no-brainer. I'm keeping all of the big 4, just so you guys know.)

September - A Night in Hell (Kind of like Hell in a Cell. Just a name change, really. Maybe have all the matches inside Hell in a Cell, kinda like TNA Lockdown.)

October - Cyber Sunday (Am I the only one who misses voting for what I want to see? I know that the last year or two this was around voting was only available in 'Murica, but allow the rest of the world to vote as well. I know that the odd time they let fans vote for matches on Raw, but bring back the PPV based on that concept.)

November - Survivor Series (Have more classic elimination tag matches, please. Maybe sole survivors on winning teams get title shots? Free favours from the Authority? Hey that'd be awesome. The Authority vs. The Yes-men. If the Authority's team wins they give favours to their team. If Bryan's team wins, if he's champion, he gives title shots to his teammates.)

December - Armageddon (The final feuds get played out before the year ends. After this, all slates are wiped clean and everyone starts fresh. This is where all rivalries that have played out during the year must end.)
I would put a mixture in here of wcw pay per views and wwe pay per views such as:

January - The Royal Rumble
(No brainer tbh and I'd have about 4 to 5 matches on the undercard them have the rumble match at the end and also separate the world titles so there are two instead of one).

February - No Way Out
(I'd have two elimination chamber matches for both the world title or maybe one for a world title and the other as a number 1 contenders match.

March - Nothing
(Build this month up for mania)

April - Wrestlemania
(I'd have this at the beginning of April because if like to have another ppv at the end of April and make this the show case of immortals).

Late April - Spring Stampede
(Bring back a wcw classic)

May - Anarchy Rules
(I like this ppv so I would make this an all gimmick ppv from top to bottom)

June - King of The Ring
(No brainer again tbh being back this classic it was a great concept the winner gets a shot a SummerSlam it will help elevate wrestlers and make legends).

July - Night of Champions
(Every title is up for grabs help bring back prestige to these titles that seem to be lost).

August - Summer Slam
(The winner of the king of the ring gets his shot at the title here and it can be a classic ppv).

September - Fall Brawl
( I loves fall brawl with the war games concept bring this back you have the wrestlers for it I say it would help a lot).

October - Halloween Havoc
(This would be a great ppv have the stage setting like they did in wcw and make it a gimmick ppv).

November - Survivor Series
(The thanks giving day tradition I think they called it, have every single match be contested under elimination rules I miss those days of an all elimination ppv).

December - Starrcade
(Finally Starrcade it was a great ppv tbh it was
One of their biggest ppvs tbh 97 and 98's main event could of been better but I hope the format for ppvs look like this one day ).
January: The Royal Rumble: Pretty much everyone's choice, 30 man rumble winner gets a WWE WHC match at WrestleMania. And I liked a previous posters idea of a 10 Diva Rumble with the winner getting a Diva's championship match at WM.

February: King of the Ring: Here I would invest in making the mid card titles more. Have a WHC match as the main event. Put upper mid carders in the tournament. Quarterfinals on Raw & Smackdown. Semi's open the PPV, finals right before the main event. The winner gets any title shot (other than WHC) at Mania. He can choose a US Title match, IC title match, or get a partner and get a tag title shot.

April: WrestleMania: I dig this being the Sunday of Final 4 weekend.

May: Extreme Rules: Since we're always going to get alot of Mania rematches no need to not have this here to allow them to be gimmick matches.

June:Money in the Bank

July:The Great American Bash: I would have this early in the month, as close to the actual 4th as possible. Would allow to have it at some place that makes sense. Boston, Philly, Baltimore, NYC.

August:SummerSlam:I would do this late in August. Perhaps the last weekend. Make it a real end of summer blowout. Coupled with GAB being early in July you have a nice long build for the years 2nd biggest PPV.

September:Saturday Night's Main Event:This is the one non PPV I'd do. Great history.

October:Halloween Havoc: This could have HIAC, Elimination Chamber or War Games as the main event each year along with other halloween themed matches.

November:The Survivor Series: No need to mess with tradition here.

December:Starrcade:The op said pure fantasy. Would be awesome to end the year with a possible legit B+ PPV.
The current PPV format is one I have mostly no issues with so I would only deviate from it a little.

January - Royal Rumble
It's a tradition and one of the big 4, still one of the most exciting shows of the year and I anticipate its namesake match without fail every year.

February - Elimination Chamber
I like how this has become the last obstacle before Wrestlemania. While not as big of a deal as either of the shows it is in between considering they are the #1 and #3 shows of the year, it features a cool gimmick and has become a big part of the Road to Wrestlemania.

March & April - Wrestlemania
This is obvious.

May - Payback
Extreme Rules goes away. There is nothing extreme about it. Payback can feature the 3 Stages of Hell match each year and the various Wrestlemania rematches that we get in this PPV slot annually. It fits with the name.

June - Over the Limit
This one needs to come back. It generally had good cards and it can feature various match types such as Last Man Standing, Submission, I Quit, and perhaps Iron Man matches if the right wrestlers are available. It's better than some of the generic garbage PPV brands they have tried, this one should not have been retired.

July - Money In the Bank
The best of the newer PPV brands featuring a very popular match type. I see no reason in removing it or even moving it. This show keeps summer interesting.

August - Summerslam
The 2nd biggest show of the year and home to a ton of historic moments. There is no reason to change this.

September - Night Of Champions
I love this brand. Even though there are fewer titles it needs to remain the only time that every single title gets defended. The Intercontinental, US, tag team, and divas belts can rotate between PPV's for which ones are defended or not while here it's all titles up for grabs. If any wrestler holds a Money In the Bank briefcase going into this PPV, I would have them defend it here. The NXT Champion gets to be showcased in the pre-show match.

October - Hell In a Cell
This can work if they aren't lazy about the booking and if WWE doesn't try to cram more than one PPV event into October. I like the match type so it should stay.

November - Survivor Series
This brand has a lot of history to it as well as one of the big 4. The least popular of the four and it has the least effort put into it these days, but it is still a show worth keeping. We need more traditional Survivor Series tag team matches though, with more effort put into them. It can be done, this show can be a huge deal again.

December - TLC
4 gimmick matches in the same show. Tables match, Ladder match, Chairs match, TLC match. That's more than enough for me. Here I would finish up the storylines for the year in matches full of insane spots with the show's namesake objects being allowed as weapons before we start the year over again with Royal Rumble afterwards.
I feel like the way WWE has booked it's PPVs devalues some of the gimmick matches that were once used as grudge matches in heated feuds. The gimmick matches that come to mind are: Extreme Rules (aka Street Fight or whatever they call it), TLC, and HIAC. In the past, these matches were used to be the conclusion to a heated feud. Why put them as annual matches leading the viewer to know what's coming? If I were in charge of WWE's creative booking of their PPV schedule, here's how I would book next year's schedule and why I would change some of them.

January - Royal Rumble (One of the big four)

February - Elimination Chamber (I would keep it because the contenders for the match have to compete for their spots to even get a shot in it. Also, it draws the possibility of the WWE WHC changing hands before Wrestlemania.)

March/April - Wrestlemania (The Super Bowl of the WWE and one of the big four.)

May - Payback (The reason I think it should go after WM is because it should be the backlash or revenge PPV for WM. It could set up grudge matches like Extreme Rules, Last Man Standing, I Quit, or Cage.)

June - Money in the Bank (I think this PPV can be used to elevate the US Title so the annual MITB match should be for it. The match itself already consist of a ladder match so maybe the WWE WHC can consist of a TLC match or the MITB itself match can turn into a TLC match as well).

July - King of the Ring (Looking at Cesaro's attire made me think how much they should bring it back. The tournament should be for who the next contender to the IC title is or for the IC title itself.)

August - Summerslam (One of the big four)

September - Night of Champions (I like the original concept of it where every title is defended on this night and that's what it should be!)

October - Halloween Havoc (This should be rehashed as WWE Halloween Havoc) This PPV could be used to set up gimmick matches like Inferno, HIAC, Tables (Flaming), and I would say First Blood (well I guess it's to PG now for it but it would be cool).

November - Survivor Series (One of the big four)

December - Battleground (I actually like the name. The PPV itself should consist of some multi-man matches like Triple-Threat, Fatal-4-Way, 2 vs. 2 vs. 2, or any other multi-man combinations. Also, a great addition would be to bring War Games as the main draw. In addition, this PPV should be the backlash to the Survivor Series traditional multi-man match.)

So what do you guys think? How would you set up WWE's PPV schedule if you were in charge of creative booking?
I like it, particularly getting rid of Extreme Rules to pair Payback with WM.

I loved Survivor Series but it doesn't serve the purpose it once did. Maybe rejigger it & combine SS w/ Elimination Chamber, where 2 teams fight each other in the EC with alternating pod openings.

This would be a great year to hold King of the Ring. There are a ton of guys who could win and it would just make sense for them. People have been clamoring for KotR to return specifically for Cesaro to win but there are a lot of potentially entertaining choices.
-King Barrett presides over his Royal Court, and he's afraid he's got some BAD NEWS.
- King Jericho returns for 1 last heel run decrying his underappreciation, wins each match with a different move
-Seth Rollins vs. Ambrose in the final of KotR, Ambrose could cheat to win & become the Royal Bastard (J.R. circa TV14 would've blessed him as something like that)
- The Rí King Sheamus w/ the Celtic cross & Gaelic king robes
- RUSEV, ÇZAR OF THE RING propaganda blitz
This is one topic that always gets closed, even if it passes the 2-months-check guideline! hahahaha so inb4 that :D

January- Royal Rumble.
Reason: anything else doesn't seem right.
February- No Way Out (featuring the Elimination Chamber).
Reason: The "the road to Wrestlemania goes through the Elimination Chamber" description sounds badass (I overuse this word, but yeah).
March final week-Wrestlemania.
Reason: Why wait till April and then rush the next few special events? Push the February show a bit early if you need booking time.
April- Backlash
Reason: Super Cena cannot lose at Mania... so have him lose at the night of revenge.
May- Night Of Champions.
Reason: It is often the worst PPV of the year; so put it a place where people are used to seeing crappy PPVs. Cannot get rid of it because its the only night when all the titles get defended in non-dark matches.
June- Some PPV (maybe Judgement Day) with Money in the Bank ladder match being a part of it.
Reason: I'm against the idea of naming a PPV over one match.
July- Summer Slam
Reason: Its Summer time!
August- Payback
Reason- Where else to put a DUD pay-per-view?
September- Extreme Rules
Reason: This is the time of the year when PPVs suck. Extreme Rules matches should be exciting, for a change.
October- Battleground.
Reason: Where else to put another DUD pay-per-view?
November- Survivor Series.
December- TLC.
No reason for these two; just feel thats how it should be.
I do like what Steve-O-Matt posted about KOTR winner getting a title shot at Royal Rumble. It makes sense! Anyway, if they plan on unifying the IC & US titles (it looks like it'll be Barrett and Sheamus) this year my PPV layout would change. Also, I do agree that PPVs named after the draw match are lame as hell. I agree with Smark Madden on this one and would rename Elimination Chamber to No Way Out. What would be a good name to replace MITB though?
longtime lurker, first time poster, happy to be here, seems like a well mannered forum with few egos looking forward to chatting with you guys.

I'd shoot for 8 ppvs a year, trying to schedule the Royal Rumble around the Pro Bowl (which needs to be canceled anyway). but let's take 2015. I would also rotate MITB/KOTR/NOC every three years. I'd do the same for the structures HITC/ELC/TLC.

January 25th - Royal Rumble
The Classic, nothing needs to be said here. No better way to start the year.

March 22nd - Wrestlemania 31

8 week build, biggest PPV of the year.


WWE hasn't shown they can book a briefcase winner consistently. They've also shown they can't crown a KOTR without doing a King Gimmick. I love both PPVs but not every year. I'd also like to see a gimmick done with Night of Champions to look forward to it every three years.

June 14th - The Great American Bash
The Great American Bash just seems like a logical precursor to Summer Slam. It just sounds right to me.

August 9th - Summer Slam
8 week build. Second biggest PPV there is. Big big deal.

September 20th - Fall Brawl

Like TGAB it just sounds right paired with Survivor Series. A great PPV to have with Survivor Series in mind. Especially if they brought back War Games.

November 1st - Survivor Series

Follow-up to the divisions/alliances/dissension a PPV like Fall Brawl can create. The All-Star game of the WWE. Would like to see Rumble spots on the line in one or two of these matches. For example I'd have a "2 or 29" singles match for a rivalry that deserves it.

December 13th - HITC/TLC/ELC

Another trio of gimmick PPVs I don't need to see every year. But a good place to wrap up some feuds that may have started post Summer Slam, through Fall-Brawl and Survivor Series. ( Note: Could easily swap places in the calendar with MITB/KOTR/NOC )
I would mix it up here with wwe, wcw and a little bit of ecw tbh to make it look better and change pay previews around.

January: The Royal Rumble: No need to change this tbh it's a great build up to Mania.

February: Superbrawl: I liked this pay preview tbh so we can slot it in here.

Late March/Early April: Wrestlemania build it up with good story telling.

Late April: Fall Brawl: I loved this pay preview with the two rigs so we should bring this back for gang warfare.

May: Living Dangerously: get some ecw PPV's in here.

June: King of The Ring: bring back a classic and build up wrestlers and elevate them to stardome.

July: Night of Champions: put it here instead.

August: Summerslam: Stays the same.

September: Anarchy Rules: Put another ecw one in here.

October: Halloween Havoc: make this an all gimmick ppv here you spin the wheel to make the deal, give it that halloween feeling like wcw did.

November: Survivor Series: keep this the same I loved this survival concept have all the matches become about survival sometimes with different concepts and have the wwe title defended constantly.

Decemer: Starrcade: put this here to finish the year out with a classic ppv.

This would be so much better IMO
Mine here is from a while back so it's good to see that so many here agree with my sentiments towards the PPV's without me being influenced by them.

January - Royal Rumble
Fits well here, the build for the Road to WrestleMania starting here has always worked well and is great for elevating new talent, or bringing back old talent back into the main event frame.

February - King of the Ring
I think this would be good here, especially for those years that a returning superstar (Cena, Batista, etc) has won the Rumble as it's another chance to push someone new. Doesn't guarantee a World title shot but could easily elevate them towards it if they wanted to.

March - None
Allows for more build to WrestleMania and a chance for the winners of the Rumble/KOTR to prove themselves.

April - WrestleMania
I don't think this needs an explanation.

May - Payback
Perfect for post-WrestleMania blow-off matches. Also wouldn't be against Breaking Point/Extreme Rules here.

June - Money in the Bank
Deserving of it's own PPV and yet another way to build new talent. Having it shortly after WrestleMania gives the talent plenty of time to build up to their cash-in and makes things interesting if they still haven't done during the Road to WrestleMania.

July - SummerSlam
One of the big four. Has to the in the summer.

August - Night of Champions
I'm with those that believe all championships should be defended on every PPV. But having so much focus on them helps their prestige, especially if built correctly to show that each pursuit of each title means a lot.

September - Cyber Sunday
I was always a big fan of this and it would be good to see fans given the chance to vote for what they want to see. A good 'B' PPV.

October - Survivor Series
Bring back the teams leading into the next PPV.

November - War Games
Why not? Sure, it'll never happen because it's a WCW PPV and WWE doesn't like to use them but it would be nice to see.

December - Elimination Chamber
A great way to end the year. Always liked it when it was on the 1st Jan and it's one of the gimmick PPV's, like MitB, that works well with the qualifying spots leading up to it.
Ok a lot of repetition in answers so kind pointless giving the same ones for the big 4. Their places are cemented in the conciousness of fans now so moving then would seem wrong.

I would however bring King Of The Ring back in June in place of Money in the Bank. The match can't sustain it's own PPV any longer, it showed this year... King of the ring takes the same 8 guys and features them over the whole night rather than a risky spot fest. Indeed if you REALLY want to push the tourney, you make it a 16 man bracket on the night... but one qualifier first would work with just 8.

Elimination Chamber can stay for Feb as that match is now pretty well set.

Mania is usually march and Backlash is fine, no reason to move that as it's theme fits well for the post Mania season.

July would see my first new PPV concept. Payback sucks royally... I would make this a PPV an all day event that takes place in two venues in two countries/cities over 8-9 hours. For example LA and Mexico City or London.

Logistically harder to do but now they are moving away from the PPV model the spoiler thing is less important as they have your dollars from the subs. And the "iron man" of the day has to wrestle both continents. For example PPV starts in London and Cena wrestles opening match... gets on jet, flies to New York, wrestles last match of that side of the PPV. Have a fictional prize of a Million Dollars or a million real ones for the charity.

Name wise I'd call it WWE vs The World, you could even throw in bits of the old 24/7 rule with skits etc of people trying to "stop Cena" from making it etc.

September is fine for Night of Champions, it's a nice concept overall and October sees the one WCW concept I bring back... Halloween Havoc complete with the "spin the wheel" concept.

Survivor Series stays where it is but is put back to strict 5 on 5 teams with a "wildcard" for each team captain/random partner they draw. It also sees the return the battle of survival. The winners of the battle of survival are guaranteed a title shot at the Royal Rumble... so the team needs to work together, but ideally they want to be the sole survivor as if two of you survive it's a triple threat...would be a nice edge to the show.

December I'd be leaving "clear" of PPVs but would be heavily negotionating with network TV for a Saturday Night Main Event in the run up to Christmas. The talent then gets 3 weeks without a "big show" - controversial in some ways but this is the much needed "downtime" for the talent... doing this also makes the Rumble a bigger deal because you'll have "missed" the major show in December.

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