How would you improve a Lord of the Rings Battle Scene?

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
I've heard the complaints about the best threads so I had a new idea. The concept is how would you improve something that is already so awesome. I think this thread has the possibility to be interesting so but who knows?

The way I would improve a Lord of the Rings battle scene is pretty simple. I would feature more Gimli. The truth of the matter is that Gimli is generally left out of the majority of battle scenes however he always seemd to be a good and interesting fighter. His one moment in The Two Towers is quite interesting in that he slides under the Urakhai and hits him in the jewels with his axe. I think adding more Gimli would be a good thing. Also, I would have put some emphasis on random soldiers. I think the Battle of Minas Tirith would be a great place to have a Gondor soldier featured in that he actually kills an Ork. I think they put way too much focus into Aragorn and at times Legolas that they failed to capture the entire overall battle.
Firstoff I really like your idea for this thread, and while I like your idea on Gimli I have to disagree. I do love Gimli and i've thought about that myself but the fact of the matter is that he is mainly a commedic charecter who get a few moments of badassness, as much as it sucks I think that was the best way to do it. I will agree with your focusing on more random soldiers, I think that's a great idea and while they do a bit of that some more could improve it :)

I personally would have to say...MORE SMEAGOL! I personally love Smeagol more than any charecter, he is hilarious, he's badass and he never stops coming for the precious. I love that Peter Jackson managed to have Smeagol be a total goof without making the movie look stupid. Any scene with Smeagol debating with Gollum or Smeagol arguing with Sam is gold and I wouldve been even happier with the movies if we had more of him. I think it would be hilarious to have him participate in a battle, maybe jump on an orc's back and bash his head in with a rock. Also more Boromir, but that doesnt work so that's not really worth bringing up but I love Sean Bean and loved his charecter. He was so amazing in his final scene in The Fellowship Of The Ring I just would have liked to see more of him in battle.

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