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How Would You Have Changed/Adjusted Certain Characters?


Occasional Pre-Show
Ok so im been curious about a few characters over time. Like i look back and said there characters couldve been expanded a bit more for more success. Like this may sound stupid but why not have had doink feud with a superstar who had a fear of clowns or something to that effect? There were several other superstars whos character couldve done much more. Perhaps the repo man couldve asked for a ic title shot and say well thats ok if u dont, but i will just have to repossess that car u failed to pay. Also in wcw, i have seen many people say the kiss demon shouldve been pushed harder with his gimmick. One of the many problems with a company like wcw was they were so obsessed with the nwo and the top stars that they didnt push the undercard. When wrath debuted i didn't really see much of a backstory with him. Like in tna, they mention gunner was in the marines and bill him as a tough guy who was once a marine. Jesse neal is a inked up guy who was with the navy. In the wwf u saw the rock had a backstory of being a football player in the miami hurricanes team and his father and grandfather were tag team champs. So i ask u wat are some of the guys they couldve done more with character wise? The one guy i think in wwe was mordecai/kevin fertig. Oh that guy wouldve been so awesome feuding with taker and so many other guys. His gimmick was pretty damn awesome.
Snitsky & Mike Knox. I liked both guys. Both really didn't do anything in their WWE career, well Mike Knox did Melina, but thats not what I meant ;)
I always thought these two would make an awesome powerhouse tag team. I would have liked to see each reach individual success but as a tag I think they could be something cool. Maybe as a tribute to all the awesome tag teams from the past, LOD, Demolition etc..
I 100% agree with your point about Kevin Fertig, Mordecai and Taker would have been great television to watch. Vinnie Mac definitely dropped the ball with never going with that one.

in my opinion Henry would have been champion a long long time ago if the sexual chocolate era had never existed the guy was pushed as an olympian in 96 and then when he joined the nation he was the powerhouse of the group. soon as creative run out of ideas for him they screwed him up with sexual chocolate and the whole Mae Young program. when he was with Teddy Long he was a machine attacking Goldberg and lifting cars all the way to his return after nagging injuries becoming the ECW champ now to his Monster Push. I think this would have happened years ago if they hadn't have slapped the sexual chocolate gimmick on him
Papa Shango -
I think this could be going against the grain of opinions but I really liked the Papa Shango character despite how cheesy, cartoony it may be (much more than The Godfather and Kama). Never hid the fact I am all for over the top gimmicks in the WWE (with a good inclusion of "wrestlers" on the roster too of course). I would have liked the WWE to have bought him back like they had plans too in the mid 90's. I guess they tried to bring the gimmick back in a way with the Boogeyman but it wasn't as good as Papa Shango for me, just annoying. I think I would have had Papa Shango be a mute, he was mysterious and I would have been even more spooky if he never spoke and was given a manager just like Kamala. Would have been nice for him to have held the IC Title as Shango if they did bring him back. A feud with Goldust would have interested me. The WWE was getting more edgy after the mid 90's so I'm sure an even more extreme, evil side could have been realised with Brood like blood baths and strange happenings. I don't think the character had the longevity potential of The Undertaker or even Kane but I would have liked a little more from it.

If you are into technical wrestling..all of what I just wrote probably made sick come up, heh.
I thought Kenny Dykstra had the chance to be special. I know Ric Flair would never ever go for this, but I thought KD should have gone over Ric Flair and taken the moniker of the Nature Boy during their. If nothing else, call him the Golden Boy or The Natural. He could have even stolen the figure four. I thought he had that air of cockiness that could have carried him into the main event after a few years. I really thought he'd be the one in Dolph Ziggler's place right now. I've always wondered why he never made it anywhere else.
I know i could get bashed heavily for this but here it goes. When the undertaker was coming onto the scenes he had a feud with yokozono, he had a casket match with him bc yoko was afraid of caskets. Im wondering if they could've done something with doink the clown. Such as have a specialty match for him, like against opponents who were deathly afraid of clowns. If u kinda had his clown gimmick based on the it clown, only way more extreme. Say he could be kinda like undertaker, appear in mirrors maybe for a feud against someone like rick martel or someone who feared clowns. Maybe appear in the mirror while his opponents was getting ready for the match. It might have failed or could have been success.
The Big Show.

They should have never let him become just another common wrestling. They should have had him as a wrestler who rarely wrestled.. and if he did rarely lost... maybe like once a year. Make his losses count.

The guys is an attraction, and they made him just another guy.
John Morrison
He definitely got the mat skills but does not have the look to be a more credible wrestler. Change his outfit, cut his hair and change his persona. Think of how WWE transformed his former partner, The Miz into a credible WWE Champion.

Mason Ryan
I would make him look more credible as a monster rather than let him come out looking goofy with his long hair and good guy persona. Make him a monster heel and let him destroy every opponent. This guy needs a manager to help market himself as a full-time monster heel. I suggest they bring in Shane McMahon/Michael Cole/ Paul Heyman as his manager.

Jack Swagger
I'm really against the "All-American" gimmick as he looks like a poor man's Kurt Angle. I really don't see him becoming successful with that gimmick. I would like to see this guy come out with a different outfit to make him look more credible as a wrestler. He definitely has the skills both in mic and in-ring.

Wade Barrett
I really love how they portrayed his character during the initial run of Nexus and would like to see him continue his run as a leader of a faction. I really thought this guy would be a big time performer especially after winning the first edition of NXT. He's got the looks both in size and charisma. I actually view him as a credible heel, the heir to the throne of Triple H. I really don't know what happened to his push but I can see this guy as an integral part of the future of WWE. He is in my book the next Triple H.
Alberto Del Rio
I love ADR but he is in a weird spot right now, he needs to evolve as a character but stay true to the roots of the original persona (wealthy Mexican aristocrat / landowner). It might be a bit risque for PG-TV, but ADR should treat opponents like slaves (without using the language). It would mesh well with his established character and it would give him an evil edge that no other wrestler has right now. Cody Rhodes is the closest wrestler to having an evil edge, but its rooted in vanity. Having ADR as a "slaveowner" who's intent on punishing his in-ring "slaves," that will get him *major* heat.

Regardless, ADR needs to do something to his character to get himself more heat.
The Miz
Fast Forward to the 7:00 mark.
See this promo? In particular the second half with The Miz? This was the best promo I've ever seen from him, bar none. The reason being, is that it reminds me of the segment "You're not your f**king khaki's" from Fight Club. Only because of The Miz getting his face in the camera and it shaking a little bit. But it turned me on to this idea that The Miz could channel Tyler Durden and become really and truly awesome, like better than nearly anyone.

Picture this:

The Miz to ADR with Miz holding on to the front of the camera: "You're not your rental car. You're not your fancy little scarf. You're not your WWE title belt. You are a stepping stone, because I'm The Miz! And I'm! AWESOME!



How "awesome" would it be to see The Miz & R-Truth do something similar with Lauriniatis?

Picture this:

A dark boiler room scene. You can hear some scuffling, and someone says "Hit the switch" and on come the lights.

R-Truth & The Miz, Christian, Ziggler, Swagger, Vickie, & Cody have Lauriniatis bound and gagged in a chair (camera angles in the movie wouldn't be reasonable on WWE TV) The Miz takes a sack off Lauriniatis' head and says:

The Miz: Look, the people you are holding back are the people you depend on to give you a good show week in week out. We entertain the sheeple on the mic, in the ring, and in any other lame way you want us to. We ARE the conspiracy, and we like you, as long as you continue to do what we want. Do not mess with us.

R-Truth: Or else you gone get got!

Lauriniatis nods, looking frightened but compliant. The Miz says good. Someone puts the bag over his head again and someone else turns of the lights to end the scene.


And finally something that would be a real deal breaker in the PG-era but would be awesome regardless, and probably put The Miz over permanently, HHH plays Lou with The Miz. Watch this video and just imagine The Miz with HHH in the role of Lou.

Sorry the video quality sucks, best video of this scene I could find on youtube.

Picture this:

HHH is on a rampage like he was back when he fired Miz & R-Truth. He meets The Miz backstage and beats the crap out of him. Miz blades. Miz doesn't even fight back, and Cole points that out in commentary. Some of the heels show up but Miz waves them back and says this is his fight. HHH says The Miz has undermined his authority as COO, he's ambushed him time and again, he's embarrassed him in front of Stephanie, and Vince, and to give him one good reason he shouldn't end his career right here and now.

The Miz: Aw, come'on Trips, I'm just trying to show you I deserve a title shot!

HHH: Title Shot!? Are you stupid!? I'll never allow you to get a title shot! Do you get me!?

HHH beats on Miz some more, and The Miz says he's just not getting it until he's taken a much greater beating by HHH. By now, most of the heels are watching.

The Miz: OK, OK! I get it!

HHH stops.

The Miz: Wait, I lost it.

HHH beats on Miz some more, and Miz just laughs at him, telling him he'd make a great champion. He'd be the most must see champion of all time. Finally he appears to be rendered unconscious. HHH turns to see the rest of the heels looking scared of him. HHH starts to walk off when The Miz tackles him to the ground, and Miz stands over him looking like crap and laughing hysterically.

The Miz: You can't beat me! Don't you get it!? I'll take everything you've got, and still keep coming. I'm the most must-see superstar of all time! Because I'm The Miz! And I'm! AWESOME!

As he says "awesome" he gets his nose practically touching HHH's and HHH finally shoves him off and stands up, completely disgusted, gagging, and says.

HHH: Alright. You can have your title shot.

And he then walks off.


Well I'd certainly mark out for that at least.
John Morrison

Every time I see this guy I ask myself why he isn't a big star. He's entertaining in the ring, can pull off some good spots (which the crowd loves) and he's got the perfect build.

He needs to be taken more seriously....and for that to happen he needs to be more serious. His wrestling attire needs to change and his attitude/personality needs to change as well.

I think a little attitude would be good for the guy. Have him turn full heel and walk out in street clothes, take a chair and go a-wall on Randy Orton and show a viscious side that people wouldn't expect. He needs to make his presence known.

You know when Shawn first became heel after leaving the Rockers, he changed almost everything about himself. He changed the way he looked, he changed his attitude, and people might not remember...but he changed his in-ring style too. He did less high-flying moves and was more grounded. I'm not saying abolish his moveset, but less is more and the moves will have far more meaning when he pulls them off.

John Morrison needs to take notes...because this is a potential big-time star.
The Big Show.

They should have never let him become just another common wrestling. They should have had him as a wrestler who rarely wrestled.. and if he did rarely lost... maybe like once a year. Make his losses count.

The guys is an attraction, and they made him just another guy.

that is why he was better used in WCW. They barely had him wrestle real matchs and he looked more of a unstoppable monster, never taking big bumps. I realised it would be different from him on his first match in the WWF when he faced Austin and was beat on a simple stunner. It did not look realistic and it made him look like a chump.
My own choice is Sting. He should never have returned to his Crow persona. He was Crow Sting then joined the Wolfpac wearing black and red with red face paint, he was smiling and screaming like he was before. Then he took a break and returned in 99 as the brooding Crow and it was a mistake I felt, as it become old very quick. When you still play that character 10 years later it's even worse (in TNA). Right in 99 they should have given him a new character, maybe come to the ring with no face paint at all. Maybe dress all in white.
I'm probably gonna get torn a new one for this but here goes:I would repackage Kofi Kingston into a heel.I can't fucking stand his genericness so it would be interesting to give him an island slimeball gimmick maybe like Carlito but with a more outlaw edge.
How about Rhino... he never really changed from the character he played in ECW. If maybe he changed slightly he could have continued to play a part in TNA.

Rhino could have lost the long hair and the barely there goatee and maybe gone the almost bald look and either a full beard or clean shaven. Change his tights and made him a full blown heel. He would still have name appeal and could possibly be where Bully Ray is right now.

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