How would You Have Booked It?

The Whole F'N Show

Professional Smark
Over the last few decades of wrestling (1990-2010) we've seen some memorable feuds (nWo Vs WCW, Rock Vs Austin, Taker Vs Kane etc.). But we've also seen some feuds which could've been as memorable as the ones mentioned previously, but turned out too lackluster.

So, here's the point of the thread, what feuds do you think could've been great, but didn't quite live up to the hype, they can be ECW, WCW, WWE/F. But how would u have booked these feuds?
The biggest angle I think that needs to be rebooked is the Invasion angle, I think almost everyone will put that because it had the most promise, but it flopped.

I think the best way to go with that would have been make Booker T and DDP the leaders of WCW as opposed to Steve Austin and Kurt Angle. I have no idea why the WWE didn't use The Radicalz to fight for WCW either, or even Chris Jericho turning if need be. WCW was so watered down that it killed the angle
I don't see why they couldn't have gone further with the Ministry of Darkness storyline in Undertaker's feud against McMahon. They managed to turn McMahon face for that, which could have led to him striking some sort of deal with Austin to protect the company from the threat, but Undertaker using heel tactics to secure control of the company by using the kidnapped Stephanie as leverage. Some sort of "winner takes all" match between him and Austin after Wrestlemania. They had Big Show debuting in February, instead of using him as a glorified jobber for Austin, he could have been used as someone under the control of Undertaker whom he'd brought in as muscle to help wage his war against the WWF. I'm sure their wardrobe department could come up with something subtle, yet dark for Big Show to wear that wouldn't come across as comical. Just keep him called The Giant and use him in a silent enforcer type role. Keep Mideon and Viscera in the background just to fill out the numbers so the Ministry looked like a huge, powerful force and give most of the leg work to The Brood, The Giant and The Acolytes with Undertaker waging the biggest battles himself.
Initially I'd have Bearer freaking out during the Mideon ceremony on Raw and becoming somewhat of a weak link, then have him "cost", for example, The Acolytes a match by his lack of interference and create a growing rift between him and The Undertaker until he's thrown out of the group. In fact the gimmick of hanging Bossman could have been used for Bearer instead as a way to throw him out. This would become a theme with The Ministry, where Undertaker punishes the members harshly for even the slightest failure and then begins using them to punish each other because it's dirty work that's beneath him. After the Rock/Austin storyline for Wrestlemania is wrapped up, Undertaker goes all out to take over the WWF with the "winner takes all" match against Austin and then create some sort of "Darkside" PPV (completely themed around The Ministry gimmick) where The Ministry dominates the faces most of the night, with Undertaker going over Austin once again in a cheap finish. Then set up the crucifixtion of Austin so Undertaker can be rid of him for good, wherein Kane appears to ruin the entire thing. Over the next few weeks on Raw a plan between the disillusioned Bearer and McMahon is slowly revealed, until we get a big pay off Hell in a Cell match with Kane going over The Undertaker finally in a really brutal match at the following PPV. Following his crushing defeat, the rest of The Ministry begins to fall apart as some members become disillusioned with Undertaker because of his failure and this weakness allows the faces to begin dismantling The Ministry over the coming weeks, setting up the final PPV in this storyline where The Ministry is now in dire straits and we get the big pay off of the faces completing the destruction of them.
I know what u mean, such a waste of time! The story could've been better than the nWo if done right. I thought when the Higher Power was to be revealed, I thought it was gonna be huge, but it was a complete waste of months!

Any more any1?
I'm gonna take the possible worst storyline in history- The McMahon Death.
We all remember this horrible idea of a storyline. DX does everything to make Vince's life a living hell, they paint "DX" on the WWE Headquarters building, his private jet, his limo, and even pull the axel from his Limo at the end of RAW one night. The whole Vince loves cocks and total humiliation of his character finally got to him. He planned his own death by climing in a Limo and having the limo blow up with him inside. Of course we all know the planned 3 hour memorial on RAW and the storyline was thrown out when the Benoit Tragedy occured. Let's pretend this never happened. :)

Ok we start off by having Vince die in his Limo and everybody is mourning him at the three hour event. Then, we hear Undertakers dong, and the camra appears in a dark hallway, pionting at a light. Vince's music hits and he comes out of the light walking that Vince McMahon walk. Nothing is out of place at all. He is acting normally in the GMs office making matches as usual for the next month or two on RAW. But all his bookings seem a little out of place. Then one RAW, an urn I placed in the middle if the ring. Lights go out, and Vince, Kane, and Undertaker are standing in the ring. Vince is out of it, almost lifeless. We soon learn that Vince has been brought back under the power of the Undertaker and Kane. Setting up a Huge, and I mean HUGE main event match between DX and the Heel Brothers of Destruction.
Sorry, but just checked online and the death storyline happened quite a bit after the DX story. The DX story happened in 2006, and the death angle was in 2007 after DX stopped feudin with the McMahons. But I know what ya mean!

The Death angle could've worked but the timing was wrong with the Benoit death

I've just got one. The Mr McMahon illegitimate son angle. We all know it was Hornswaggle, but it was meant to be Mr Kennedy. Also, remember when Regal was GM and he turned the power off on RAW in the main event, then he got suspended. Where do u think they were going with that?
The Vince's son storyline
I think it could've worked if Mr. Kenndy would've stayed away from the suspinsions and injuries. Rmemeber how Triple H got the son in law treatment in 2000 or 1999 or whatever year it was. Kennedy could've gotten the same treatment. Let's say it did turn out to be him. Have him get pushed to the moon and get tons of chances for the title but always came up short. But after revealing he was indeed the son of Vince, he uses his help to gain the championship from a major face like john cena. Then we could have a take over of RAW with the Chairman and the Champion...Mr. Kennedy....Kennedy.
I agree a DX vs. The Brothers of Destruction Match is one of the ultimate dream matches I don't think we have ever seen. I think it would have been a classic. However I would do it in a different storyline.

I would have Shawn Michaels and Undertaker win the match of the year like they did. Shawn Michaels says he can beat the Undertaker one on one and challenges Undertaker to a rematch. Shawn becomes obsessed with getting the rematch. Triple H tries to talk sense into Shawn Michaels but is unable to. Eventually Triple H comes around and says "if it's important to you it's important to me too" and "I have your back." On Smackdown while the Undertaker is in the ring Triple H's music hits and Triple H is walking down the ramp. Shawn Michaels comes out of the crowd and attacks Undertaker from behind. Then Triple H joins in attacking the Undertaker. The leave Undertaker down and out in the middle of the ring. The following Raw Undertaker comes out to get revenge on DX for attacking him. DX overpowers Undertaker again. But then Kane's music hits and the sides are even. This set's up the WM27 match between DX vs. The Brother's of Destruction.

Just an idea. Definately a missed oppurtunity.
I've just got one. The Mr McMahon illegitimate son angle. We all know it was Hornswaggle, but it was meant to be Mr Kennedy.

I think they could have done more with Hornswaggle. Imagine if Vince took to Hornswaggle and slowly groomed him into a little Mr. McMahon (mini-me). You can just picture Horny in a little suit doing the Vince power walk to the ring. He could have taught him how to talk instead of grunt and babble. Eventually they could have made him the G.M., which could have be hysterical :lmao: if done right. There could have been sibling rivalry between him and Shane or Stephanie. What do you think?
I agree but they had to stop the Minstry of Darkness stuff because people felt it was to Delvish(I think thats the word Im trying to say) they felt It was to over the top and they ended but I do agree

To be honest I think it was more to do with Undertaker himself getting uncomfortable with the angle than anyone else. I'm pretty sure he mentioned it in an interview once, although it was a long time ago that I went trawling through Youtube for his interviews so I can't be 100% sure.
There are a few that stand out to me. Kane removing his mask to me was a huge let down.

The way he did it and snapped and everything was awesome. So was his actual gimmick. But they didn't go anywhere with him. That was the perfect opportunity to put one of the world titles on him. He was unstoppable when he took that mask off. He was evil and was even setting people on fire LOL.

But, IMO... I have to agree with a couple of other posters by saying the biggest let down of all stories and angles, was The WCW/ECW Invasion.

It is a shame that Vince used it to just squash them. They definitely could have used a wider variety of wrestlers from WCW to make the SL great. The way I would have booked it...

I would have had an eventual win somewhere for WCW to take over SmackDown. WCW Friday Night SmackDown or something along those lines.

Flair came in right after the angle was ended. They truly could have gone far with Flair with The Alliance Vs. Vince with WWE. Then Vince even brought NWO in shortly after.

Many guys contracts were expiring from Time Warner.

Imagine the WCW/ECW team with Hogan, Nash, Hall, Jericho, Benoit, RVD, Booker, DDP, Scott Steiner, Goldberg and WWE with The Rock, Austin, Angle, Triple H, Undertaker ETC...


Most of all, simply just could have been done better!!
The Invasion angle, hands down. Magazines would promote yearly "dream matches". People would debate endlessly on who was better than who. NWO versus DX. Austin versus Goldberg. Etc. Heck, there are still some who really never followed wrestling but knew of the "big two".

That said, I would have had the following happen. At Wrestlemania XVII, after Austin beat The Rock (cleanly), he would be doing his usual salute when suddenly, from out of nowhere he would have been speared by Goldberg. The Rock, though having been defeated at Mania, would go to help out Austin, only to suddenly get swung around and nailed with a Bookend by Booker T.

Booker T and Goldberg would continue to pound on Austin and The Rock respectively. Vince McMahon would then run out to the ring only to stop as GOldberg and Booker T turn towards him. Suddenly, Eric Bischoff would tap Vince on the shoulder and when Vince turns around, knock him out with the WCW title, blooding Vince in the process.

Eric would enter the ring, grab Goldberg's arm as well as BOoker T's and hold both of them arms in the air, while at the same time having all four men hold the WCW title in the air as Wrestlemania goes off the air.

At the next Raw, the Nitro theme would play as Eric, Golderberg, and Booker T would come out. They'd say that while Vince may have "killed" WCW, they "killed" Wrestlemania. Eric would go on to say that Vince may have thought he bought WCW, but in actuality, there was a clause that he (Bischoff) had the first chance at WCW as long as he could match Vince's price. Eric would then state he did just that as he was funded by two people who almost helped him put Vince out of business a few years ago.

Flair's music would play as he would storm down to the ring. Flair would remind everyone of his hatred for Eric Bischoff. However, that hatred paled to the hatred he had for Vince for killing WCW (yes, I know in Flair's book he was happy to see WCW go. However, in 2001, it would be reasonable to believe that Flair wanted WCW to live). Flair would go on to note how he gave his funds so that WCW would live on. However, Flair would acknowledge that he couldn't do it alone. There was one other guy that, and Flair would admit he hates to admit it, he needed to help fund WCW. And that would be only for Flair to stop, smile, and shake his head "No", that he isn't going to say.

Vince would come out to confront them. Vince will acknowledge that he has done some dirty things the last few months, but ERic and the WCW went way overboard. Vince will state that a few years ago ERic challenged Vince to a fight. Vince will state that he wants it, he's got it, tonight, in the middle of the ring.

Throughout the night, matches would be interrupted as WCW wrestlers would attack everyone involved in a WWE match aside from one match. During that match, similar to what happened in the early NWO days, we'd see someone run out yelling at the occupants that they'd had to go to the back -there was an attack.

In the back, with baseball bats laid all around, you'd see Austin, Rock, Undertaker, Triple H, as well as mid-card wrestlers all out. Some time would be spent seeing Vince come to check on them, as they are loaded into the hospital. Vince would then stare at the ring, knowing what he has to do, as he goes out for his match.

At the end of the night, Vince would come out to face Eric. They'd go at it, but WCW would quickly interfere, attacking Vince. Suddenly, 'Real American' would play at Hogan would come out to the ring to save Vince, as WCW wrestlers would back off, with ERic yelling that Hogan is a traitor. Vince would slowly get up, and he and Hogan would shake hands, then hold their arms in the air. Vince would then turn around to mock Eric, but as he turns back, Hogan would hit him hard with the chair, blooding Vince again. Hogan would then immediately race towards the ropes and drop the legdrop of doom on Vince, then do it again, and a third time. The rest of WCW would get in the ring, and demolish Vince, similar to Nexus, but with many of the more "elite" stars getting their big moves in. WWE stars would run in to save Vince, only to be stopped by those in WCW, both because WCW has the ring advantage, and also because many of the WWE stars are out.

Hogan would get on the mic and say how he almost killed the WWE. There was just one problem - Hogan showed mercy. And mercy in a business world can make all the difference as it did in this case. However, Hogan learned from that mistake, and he knows THIS time WCW can win, and he is so sure of it that he put some of his own money into the company to fund it. Hogan will then say "Whatca going to do Vince when the WCW runs wild on you!"

WCW wrestlers would then continue to pummel Vince, as well as any other WWE wrestlers around the ring as things go off the air.
Also, remember when Regal was GM and he turned the power off on RAW in the main event, then he got suspended. Where do u think they were going with that?

This "angle" i think was headed in the direction of making Regal WWE Champion, using his unlimited power to manipulate his way to the title. He had already won the 2008 King of the Ring that way, and was trying to show everyone, including the viewers, who was truly in charge. Had it not been for his wellness policy violation, I think he would have arranged a match that stacked the odds so heavily in his favor that he would have won the title. Remember, Regal was gaining a TON of heat at the time as GM, and was settling in nicely as that narcissistic power figure. He wasn't the joke that he is today. I would have made Regal a transitional champion, and either HHH or Batista would have taken the title off of him. It would have worked in the short term too, drawing even more heat upon himself, and to create more sympathy for the screwed over champion at the time(which was Triple H).

I would have booked a no-dq match where Regal ordered certain superstars to interfere on his behalf, or face the consequences, with anyone interfering against him being suspended. Regal wins the title on Raw, and declares as GM, he's voided the 30 day defense clause mandatory for a champion. So Regal seemingly would have limitless power, but Vince would return the next week, telling Regal he cant be both GM and champion. So Regal leaves his GM post, with major heat as a champion. Regal wouldnt be a long term answer as champion, but would work transitonally to draw heat, and to build sympathy for the screwed over babyface challenger who would win the title back from Regal at the next ppv.
one of my biggest disappointments was ddp vs taker feud- ive always thought if at the first encounter ddp lays out taker with the diamond cutter and vince has another star on his roster but of course ddp was wcw through and through so he must be squashed and made look far inferior to anyone on the wwf/e roster but there was a lot of potential there at first.
Ministry of Darkness storyline

This was a let down but the thing was that Vince had to be in on almost everything at the time. Especially, with his feud with Steve Austin. It only made some sense but could've gone better if Vince wasn't the high power at the end of the storyling. I've even made a thread about this stable already.! What could you do?!! The thing is that the Ministry had a feud going with Corporation mainly. Even though Austin was more of the focus point in a way. Why wasn't the Rock going after the Undertaker or even Triple H or Big Show?! Now they are big huge house names but back in 99 they were known but not as well as today. You got to wonder why Austin, again? Most of the Ministry matches were against each other or Brood or Public Enemy, Kane, Mankind, Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart, Ken Shamrock, Test, and Big Bossman.

I might be missing something why the Rock wasn't shown much in this feud but what if he was and also Big Show, Kane and Mankind joined the Undertaker after the Brood got kicked out. Now that would have been more fun to see how they all would get along. We all know that Austin was a loner and fighter. So, was Ken but Ken always got they short end of the stick more then Austin did when he went into batter by him self. Back then Ken was crazy and great in the ring. If you asked me but thinking about it made him look like a jobber just like Test and Bossman.

If I had to change the Ministry members around even though I think they all did pretty well and did their job at the time. At the end of the day and if the stable would've last longer then it did I would have like these members in the stable before it was all over with.

WWE/F Heavyweight Title: Undertaker or Kane or Big Show
WWE/F Intercontinental Title: Kane or Big Show or Mankind
WWE/F Tag Tag Team Title: Acolytes or Mideon & Viscera or Kane & Big Show or Mankind or Undertaker
WWE/F Hardcore Title: Kane or Big Show or Mankind
WWE/F European Title: Kane or Big Show or Mankind

Ministry of Darkness
Paul Bearer
The Undertaker
Mideon kept as jobber
Viscera kept as jobber
Edge replaced by Kane
Christian replaced by Big Show
Gangrel replaced by Mankind

Now, at the end of the 90's their was a lot of going on but I think with these members I think the Ministry would've been a force to be wreckin* with. That means that Austin would had to find an ally or some short or maybe have teamed up with the Corporation a few times to make things even. If this would've last longer then it did as least to the end of the year or already beginning into 2000.

WWE/F Heavyweight/Intercontinental Division:
Undertaker/Kane/Big Show vs
Steve Austin
Triple H
Ken Shamrock
Owen Hart
Chris Jericho
Kurt Angle

Tag Team Division:
Acolytes or Mideon & Viscera or Kane & Big Show or Mankind or Undertaker vs
Public Enemy
New Age Outlaws
Owen Hart & Jeff Jarrett
Holly Cousins
Kurrgan & Golga
Edge & Christian
D-Lo Brown & Mark Henry & Godfather
Too Cool
Dudley Boyz
Hardy Boyz

WWE/F European/Hardcore Division:
Kane/Big Show/Mankind vs
Shane McMahon
Big Bossman*
Val Venis
Owen Hart
Jeff Jarrett

Of course if any of this stuff did change then we might've mixed out of some stuff that happen after Ministry and Corporation * joined forces. Still I think some of my ideas would've been a lot better with two heels feuding which I think the WWE rarely did or had done in the past go at it. Every now and then they relied on a Face/Tweener (Austin) to help out. In either way the Ministry could've and should've dominate and destory the Corporation and making the WWE/F to come up with a stable or wrestlers to compete only if the Ministry at the time had all the titles which would be cool if they did. I can already picture that back then and really wonder who or what team would take them down. It's in the past and WWE/F did miss this up completely.

OOC: Sorry for repeating anything more then once.!
Kane removing his mask storyline

At the end of the day I think as fans we wanted this to happen. As soon as it did and time when on I think some of us fans and even the writers realize that was a mistake. Let's face it Kane was better off with this Mask on and without speaking. You got to wonder how WWE would treat Kane right now if we was allow to speak or use some kind of voice box. Considering they barely use managers anymore. How would Kane be used? Now even if we did allow him to speak after all the masked should've stayed. It's almost like what WCW did with the luchadors that had masked on. I can remember three wrestlers that lost there masked while being in WCW. Juventud Guerrera, Psychosis, and Rey Mysterio. If you ask me all three wrestlers went on and became bigger stars then what they already were. To me I think that.! Of course everyone knows Rey by now even with or without he mask. For me Kane losing the mask was HUGE mistake. It's been eight years with no mask vs five to six years with the mask on. Which way was greater then the other? I believe with the mask on Kane was a better man and character as whole. I know Abyss is a rip off from Kane/Mankind. I always enjoyed Abyss when he wasn't so talk a tive. When his feud started with Sting and James Mitchell was let go there was nothing else to do but make him starting talking. Which isn't a bad thing but I think it's a let down though. I wish TNA didn't do that to Abyss but I guess times moves on and you go to change the character up a bit though. I just hope Abyss doesn't lose his mask anytime soon then that would be the end of his carreer. At one point thought the WWE was going to put the mask back on but no. I think they dropped the ball on that. That's my thought on Kane losing his mask and to bad too.! I've enjoyed Kane but more with the mask on!!

Diamond Dallas Page vs Undertaker storyline

I think we all assume that this was going to be huge but of course a big let down. Let's face it the Undertaker character was bigger then the DDP character. Undertaker is the WWE guy vs DDP is the WCW guy feuding in the WWE ring.?! What do you think was going to happen here?! We know that Vince would mess this up and I think even the Undertaked had some harsh words about this feud before or about DDP. The bad thing to me was the whole thing about bring Undertaker wife Sara in the middle of all this and now look at it. Undertaker and Sara divorced but married a WWE diva; DDP and Kimberly have been separated for while because of things that happen in WCW. It happens but some thing need to leave let a lone from business and personal life. There are tons of examples marraige not working well in the 80's, 90's, and even 00's. Except for a few that are still together. Back to the storyline/feud!!

This could've been great especially when Kane was brought into the feud. Then DDP had to settle for Kanyon as a partner which isn't a bad thing but his character in the WWE was just to annoying and no one really cared. I loved his character as Mortis and his style of wrestling but once he was in the WWE. I couldn't stand him at all. Which is what you supposed to make people do when you are a heel but I have to change the channel or fast forward with him. It would be nice if they had brought in Bam Bam Bigelow along with Chris Kanyon. The feud and the mathces might be pretty good besides being a squash and quick matches when it was just DDP and Kanyon. Also the whole stalker angles wasn't that great to watch or even cared about. It's the WWE bringing in WCW wrestlers. Heck the feud didn't really help anyone out except to continue the WCW Invasion angle. I would've like to seen more matches or something besides a few matches and then story was dropped on bought into the big main event 3 vs 3, 4 vs 4, and 5 vs 5 main event match like on Raw, Smackdown, Invasion, and Survivor Series. They only had a few matches so all together this storyline was waste of time. Which is a shame though.
Filthy Animals/2 Xtreme = Xtreme Animals storyline

I have to admit that I was a huge fans of the Filthy Animals even looking back I didn't understand at the time when they were acting so stupid. I thought it was cool that they were a DX rip off in a way being a Face/Tweener/Heel stable. I wished they would've had left Disqo out of it but I guess they needed some kind of comedy in the group. I can't stand him though! I wish WCW would've done more with this group besides feuding with Misfits in Action, Natural Born Thrillers, and The Revolution. Which wasn't all bad feuds or anything but it was just typical one on one or a few tag team matches. Without any titles on the line besides the Tag Team Titles. At this point you had two great talented wrestlers that can work well in the ring and good on the mic, Konnan and Eddie Guerrero. I would had them as the leader which Konnan was but at least going for the United States Title considering none of them would be in the Main Title picture Hogan being around. Then you had of course all small guys but they can work with the big guys just as well as anyone can. Which is why they were in the tag team title picture but also could brougt in the Crusierweight title more then what they did besided facing one another.

WCW World Heavyweight Title:
WCW United States Heavyweight Title: Konnan and Eddie Guerrero
WCW World Tag Team Titles: Filthy Animals
WCW World Television Title: Konnan/Rey Mysterio/Eddie Guerrero/Juventud Guerrera/Billy Kidman
WCW World Cruiserweight Title: Rey Mysterio/Eddie Guerrero/Juventud Guerrera/Billy Kidman
WCW Hardcore Title:
WCW World Cruiserweight Tag Team Titles: Filthy Animals or Dare Devils

WCW World Heavyweight Division:
Great Muta
Chris Benoit

WCW United States Heavyweight Division:
Konnan and Eddie Guerrero vs
Lance Storm
General Rection=Hugh Morrus
Great Muta
Shane Douglas
Chris Benoit

WCW World Tag Team Division:
Filthy Animals vs
Misfits in Action
Natural Born Thrillers
Perfect Event
The Revolution
Dark Carnival/Dead Pool
Insane Clown Posse
Team Canada

WCW World Television Division:
Konnan/Rey Mysterio/Eddie Guerrero/Juventud Guerrera/Billy Kidman vs
Lance Storm
Mike Awesome
Perry Saturn
Dean Malenko
KISS Demon
Mike Sanders
Sgt AWOL=The Wall
Major Stash=Van Hammer

WCW World Cruiserweight Division:
Rey Mysterio/Juventud Guerrera/Billy Kidman vs
Corp Cajun=Lash Laroux
Dean Malenko
Mike Sanders
Lieutenant Loco=Chavo Guerrero
Elix Skipper

WCW Hardcore Division:
Perry Saturn
Mike Awesome
KISS Demon
Johnny The Bull
Sgt AWOL=The Wall
Major Stash=Van Hammer

WCW World Cruiserweight Tag Team Division:
Filthy Animals or Dare Devils vs
Misfits in Action (Corp Cajun=Lash Laroux and Lieutenant Loco=Chavo Guerrero)
The Matrix (Kid Romeo and Elix Skipper)

Konnan- I've been a fan just like I am with Rey but he has problems like Juvi which sucks so bad though. I wish he grows up though especially in TNA. I think he made a good leader though.
Eddie Guerrero: Eddie had a rough time in the WCW, which I hate because he was so dang talented. I enjoyed his work as well in the group but which he would've stayed but he ended up in WWE beginning of 00's.
Rey Mysterio- I don't have to say anything here.! He's my favorite wrestler.!
Juventud Guerrera: I enjoyed his work in this stable until he went crazy about being better the Rock.!
Billy Kidman- Something happen and he left but came back but I wish he never left the group at all. It's not like he did anything else except for the feud with Vampiro was good. The New Blood was a waste of time though.
Tygress: Not sure why she was in the group but I liked it when she was with Rey and Juvi though.
Torrie Wilson- She was in because of Kidman which was fine.

The ladies had something to fight about besides being a manager but lets face it they were better off on the outside instead of inside the ring. To bad Tygress/Torrie Wilson was in the group at the same time because it would be interesting how they would do against Major Gunns and Asya.

As a whole WCW should have done more but lets face it the company didn't even know what was going during this time anyways. I believe if you go back and watch any matches with the Filthy Animals in it 9 out of 10 the matches were great.

Moving on into my next thing about this group which takes place after WCW was brought and during the Invasion in a way.

When I saw Kidman come into the WWE. I was happy and only hoped that Rey would follow but instead he stayed home which was a good idea. Then I thought about Konnan but nope because he has issue with Vince from years ago which is stupid, Juvi nope for some odd reason he hit the indy or something. Of course there was Torrie trying to get a contract and then her storyline with Vince, Lita/Trish, and Hardy as teaming up with Stacy. Which I thought that was fine and cool at the same time. I keep wondering what would happen if they put Kidman/Torrie together. For some odd reason it took like 2 years or so to see them togethre or somethin. I figure with Helms and Kidman in the WWE and Torrie feuding with 2 Xtreme (Hardys and Lita). Why not bring in Moore or even Evan K to go against the Hardyz but instead it was Lance Storm and Hurricane Helms*?!! Why WWE why?! I got used to that but I wish Helms would've stayed Helms. I also would love to see Kidman having partner to feud with the Hardy as well. The only time that happen when Kidman was facing Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore? So many great matches could've happen but WWE decided to wait or change people/character around before we see these matches. Then finally Rey Mysterio showed up and I was like alright finally maybe we can see Hardyz and Lita vs Dare Devils (Kidman and Rey) and Torrie. Nope never happen? WWE High Flyers vs WCW High Flyers Dare Devils or 3 Count Once again WWE messed this feud or dream matches to happen.

Since I'm a huge fan of both stables. I've always wanted and hope they would joined forces together. Called them selves Xtreme Animals. The members would be Konnan, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero*, Juventud Guerrera, Billy Kidman, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Tygress*, Lita, and Torrie Wilson.

I would be ok if Eddie or Tygress didn't join in the group even though Eddie could help establish this stable even more or better.

WWE/WCW World Heavyweight Title: Eddie Guerrero

WWE/F Intercontinental/WCW United States Heavyweight Title: Konnan or Matt Hardy

WWE/WCW World Tag Team Titles: Hardy Boyz or Dare Devils

WWE/F European/WCW World Television Title: Matt Hardy or Juventud Guerrera

WWE Lightheavyweight/WCW World Cruiserweight Title: Rey Mysterio or Juventud Guerrera or Billy Kidman or Jeff Hardy

WWE/WCW Hardcore Title: Jeff Hardy

WCW World Cruiserweight Tag Team Titles: Hardy Boyz or Dare Devils

WWE Women's Title: Lita

If this stable could ever happen in the past I think the fans wouold love this group. I can already see the possibilities of feuds going down. I can always do it wrestling video games and TEW since it won't happen in WWE or TNA anytime soon. There is still some dream matches that hasn't happen yet.! :(

Davey Boy v Bret

This feud could have revolutionised the WWF in the mid 1990s if done right... I mentioned it in another post, but heres how I would have done it. I am taking license in that Davey Boy's roid suspension was sorted and he was not fired and I would not have brought Hogan back in 1993.

Sept 1992 - IC Champion Davey Boy Smith destroys Ric Flair for the World Title in Saskatoon. The IC title is vacated (won in a tourney by Tatanka) and Bret Hart claims he is is the immediate #1 contender... this is disputed by the booking commitee who place Razor Ramon into a match at the Royal Rumble... Smith is beaten by Razor by DQ when Bret tries to counter Flair's interference but is caught... the two brothers in law look like brawling but Bret finally eliminates Flair in the Rumble to go to Wrestlemania and face Davey.... Smith avenges the loss by beating Razor on the first RAW broadcast and he and Bret then stare down... there is a definite tension between the two that finally explodes two weeks before Mania, when the two lose to Money Inc. in a Tag Title match after a miscommunication. Bret is the "heel" of this situation, walking out on Davey...

The two go into mania tearing at each other with Owen and the other Harts at ringside... The Harts turn on Davey when he inadvertantly nails Stu and help Bret win the title... Davey takes some time away to sell the "injury" returning to face Owen at Summerslam and teams with The Steiners and Roddy Piper at Survivor Series against Bret, Owen, Keith and Bruce Hart... Davey eliminates Bret after Owen makes a mistake... (Owens turn is similar now to how it turned out) and Bret in a rage beats down on Davey thus making him now a full heel...

At the Royal Rumble, Bret says the only way Davey will get his shot in London (yes, WM10 would have been at Wembley) is to beat 29 other men... Owen remains outside of Bret's control, a wildcard and helps Davey win...

In the weeks leading up to Mania, Owen shows his true colours, as being an agent for Bret against Davey, who is stunned to be going into mania as the underdog rather than the bulldog as Bret names his choice of match... a Ladder Match and with Owen and the Harts in his corner he is outnumbered...

During the match, just when it seems that Davey Boy will fall victim to a Hart family ladder attack, Hulk Hogan's music hits and he makes his return to the WWF, clearing house of the Hart's and allowing Davey Boy to capture the gold... This sets up a Bret v Hogan feud and Davey would feud with Shawn and Diesel... Owen would be the "Black Hart" and become King Of The Ring
I really enjoyed THTRobtaylor's post for how he would of did WWE diffrently with Bret vs Bulldog feud i really enjoyed it.
Re booking of WWF from late 92-93
Since you started late 92 I will start there as well Bret wins the title from Flair in Saskatoon. Ric Flair n Razor Ramon feud with Mr.Perfect n Savage. Perfect n Savage win the feud The Rivalry between Mr. Perfect n Ric Flair begins Razor Ramon n Bret Hart feud begins. The Royal Rumble comes n Bret successfully beats Razor Ramon Mr.Perfect wins the Royal Rumble last elimnating Ric Flair who entered @ number 1 n Yokozuna @ the same time. Mr.Perfect faces Ric Flair on Raw in the loser leaves match and wins. Lex Luger is still Narcissts and continues to taunt and attack Mr.Perfect, Bret Hart defeats Razor Ramon in a rematch and continues to defend the WWF title. Heading into Wrestlemania IX Bret Hart n Mr.Perfect agree to a 60 min iron match at Wrestlemaina.
The wrestlemaina preshow main event Perfect n Hart vs Luger n Ramon. The match ends when Luger hits perfect from behind with the loaded forearm and knocks Perfect out cold. Perfect not seeing what happens blames Bret and they brawl after the match.
Wrestlemania IX Bret vs Mr.Perfect the iron-man match for the title, The match is tied at 3 wins a piece heading into the final minute both Hart n perfect having given their all it has been the best wrestlemania match ever due to all the counters and holds applied and the suprise falls from both men. Lex Luger comes out n knocks the referre out with the forearm before the last pin attempt by perfect the time runs out. Jack Tunney comes out and does a sudden death and orders Luger to go back to the dressing room Bret n Perfect battle for another 7 minutes and perfect wins the match with a suprise roll up. Perfect n Hart embrace and it goes down as the greats wrestlemania match ever. Bret hart goes on to win the KOTR, Mr.Perfect successfully defends the title against Yokozuna. Summerslam comes n Lex Luger continues to challenge Mr.Perfect for the WWF title but Bret Hart is looking for his rematch for the title The King Jerry Lawler attacks the hitman and they face off at summerslam while Luger challenges Perfect. Hart wins and Luger wins by dq. Mr.Perfect n Lex Luger are still rivaling headed into survivor series Lugers team of Yokozuna Ludvig Borga n Bam Bam Bigelow faces Mr.Perfect team of Randy Savage Razor Ramon n Tatanka. the Hart Family faced Jerry Lawler and 3 Doinks. Mr.Perfect N Luger are the sole survivors n Mr.Perfect pins Luger, Bret Hart is the sole surivior and beat all 3 doinks n jerry lawler and is attacked by Owen Hart at the end of the match.
Alliance (WCW/ECW) vs WWE storyline

Lets face WWE had the opportunity to give fans what they all wanted with tons of dream matches and hopes that their favorite WCW stars make it big in the WWE. For some of us I believe we knew what Vince wanted to do to WCW and even ECW. Bury their talents no matter what it takes. Which is what he did, no one can deny that he didn't do that. He just want the fans to invest into the product and then he took it all away from us. It's all true.!! If Vince didn't have so much ego then things would've gone down differently. I get why he did what he did but their was sooo much possibilty and money that he could've made if he just let things happen as they came. I think we all know that there was going to be tons of talents coming and going. Either way they could've let some talents rest or take vacation considering all the talents WWE could get their hands on. From ECW to WCW to OVW/HWA to Indy scene it's unlimited for them.

Then their was a catch about few talents they couldn't get right away but if you asked me that's not a bad idea to wait to get them. Only if Vince saw the Invasion as a long haul type stoyline instead of a short swipe under the rug type of storyline. Also, I believe they rushed the whole ECW group joining WCW. I think we can agree that WCW had enough talents as WWE did at the time except for a few major stars. I would've had let WCW (Eric Bischoff or Vince Russo) vs WWE (Vince McMahon) go at least three or six months first. Yeah, Shane brought the company but some how Eric or Vince found away to get Shane away from the company. This would make Shane mad and back with Vince's side. Moving ahead when ECW join the front which was a great way the did but after a few weeks or month. Same thing happen to Stephanie which makes her go back to daddy Vince. It would be at that point WWE/F (Vince/Shane/Stephanie McMahon) vs WCW/ECW [Alliance] (Eric Bischoff or Vince Russo/Paul Heyman). That would be interesting to see.! Back on track where things were just between two pomotions.

It's WCW vs WWE without the big names you could've easilly move the former WCW talents over to the WCW side. Especially, the ones that been in WCW longer then the WWE. Like Steve Austin 4 yrs, Mick Foley 3 yrs, Farooq 6 yrs*, X-Pac 2 yrs, Big Show 4 yrs, Chris Jericho 3 yrs, William Regal 6 yrs, Chris Benoit 6 yrs, Eddie Guerrero 5 yrs, Dean Malenko 5 yrs, Perry Saturn 3, and Raven 3 yrs. Having all or at least seven of these guys went straight into the WCW side things would have changed big.

Out of the whole WCW roster only 22 wrestlers came during the invasion except 8 of them spent time in the HWA. Which isn't bad considering some were still green but either way some deserve to shine sooner then later. Anyways, I'm not 100% who was available who wasn't but still if my match is correct only 14 wrestlers out of at least 70 talents they could've gotten but instead it was Billy Kidman, Booker T, Brian Adams/Bryan Clark towards the end though, Buff Bagwell, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Kanyon, Chuck Palumbo, Diamond Dallas Page, Hugh Morrus, Lance Storm, Mark Jindrak, Mike Awesome, Sean O'Haire, Shawn Stasiak, and Shane Helms.

Still to this day I have no idea why Helms changed into the Hurricane gimmick besides that appearantly he needed a change but his character in WCW was all good if you asked me. Which leaves Booker T the WCW World and US Champion, Shane Helms cruiserweight champion but soon arrived lost the title right away to Billy Kidman. Which wasn't a bad idea but still noone really knew about either two unless they watched WCW. It was the tag team champion of Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire which to me at the time was a pretty good tag team. I would have liked if Mark Jindrak and Shawn Stasiak joined Palumbo and O'Haire more with Mike Sanders as the mouth piece and gone by Natural Born Thrillers. They would have been a threat in the tag team division then what they shown because of WWE and V McMahon. All the titles are here so they rely on Chris Kanyon, Diamond Dallas Page, and Hugh Morrus to bring WCW into big time which if you asked me not a lot of star power here at all no offense to any of these guys but WCW was doomed by the start. Even the Main Event with Booker T vs Buff Bagwell was soo awful the WWE crowd didn't even no what to do here. Now if Big Show or Chris Jericho or William Regal or Chris Benoit or Eddie Guerrero or even Raven would have done a better job then Buff at this time in the early stages of this feud. I think at this point Vince knew that at this point it time to move on quickly. To me at this point I don't think Booker was the right guy especially going heel at this time as well. It wasn't for me.! I get why they went with him because he was the last champion in WCW but always wonder what would happen if they kept WCW stars heel and faces as the company closed and the same thing with WWE stars that were heels but ended up being faces. If you had WCW Heels vs WWE Heels or Faces and WCW Faces vs WWE Heels or Faces would that make a difference?! Another bad move was when Booker just gave US Title to Kanyon without winning or doing anything before this title was handed it to him.

I don't think that when you Invade someone you demand to put WCW vs WCW on Raw so soon without getting introducing these talents to a whole new different company. Once again if the WWE fans didn't watch WCW except for that last show of Nitro then everyone would be clueless which I believe they were at this time. I think Lance Storm and Mike Awesome should have waited until ECW actually became into the mix of things instead of right a way as a WCW member then later switched to join ECW. I think the impact would've been a lot more if that happen instead. With no strong star power why wasn't at least the WWE didn't attempt to bring in Konnan (bad side of Vince's years ago which again cost Vince money if he just let his ego aside), Juvintud Guerrera (I think when Juvi was trying to be the ROck this hurt him but still might have been funny to see but the Rock didn't come back until August so why not.!!), Vampiro, Rick Steiner, Jeff Jarrett (bad side of Vince's years ago which again cost Vince money if he just let his ego aside)/(no TNA thought if Jeff was in during the invasion), Harris Brothers, Curt Hennig, Bobby Duncum Jr, Kendell Windham, Meng, Barbarian, and Stevie Ray.?!! What happen to these talents?!!

The WWE guys that defected to WCW Christian (this should have never happen trust me if WWE brought in the young and old tag teams from WCW or ECW E & C would be still together), Ivory (theirs no point here), Test (theirs no point here), and Steve Austin (I get this because again no strong power and he was once with WCW but this was a mad move I think. One of the other guys I mention about would've been a better choice.) Again this is WWE and Vince doing stupid things with really no good reason.

Let's move on from six months or show its still WCW vs WWE with maybe better choices from WWE to bring in more or different WCW stars at this point. They were some noise or issues going on and some of the ECW guys were tired of watching WCW and WWE go at it so now ECW join in the feud. It's now WCW vs WWE vs ECW.!! Paul Heyman, Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Tazz, Justin Credible, Rhyno, Lance Storm*, Mike Awesome, and Raven. You got to think that even ECW had more star power then WCW did at that point when they actually did showed up. Which is pretty sad if you asked me.! Say we added a few more talents like Shane Douglas, Bam Bam Bigelow, Chris Candido, Sabu, Stevie Richards, Spike Dudley, Steve Corino, Sandman, 2 Cold Scorpio, Masato Tanaka, Jerry Lynn, Yoshihiro Tajiri, and Super Crazy joined ECW side.

At least by this point you easily split the rosters out to give some vacation or time of with having WCW 20 talents vs WWE 20 talents vs ECW 20 talents should be good while other gets rest and healthy then switch it up a bit. Every titles from ECW to WCW to WWE would be worth watching then what WWE gave us. Picture that you had access to every single wrestler from ECW to WCW to WWE, yeah some may be injury or retired. You could find a way to get them back into the business and plus any indy wrestler at that time was worth to get.

I split them down in division and I could be wrong or some guys may need to switch but you get my point at the end of all of this.!

WCW World Heavyweight Title (1991–2001) vs WWE World Title (1979-present) Division:


Big Show..................Bret Hart
Bill Goldberg.............Hulk Hogan
Chris Jericho.............Kane
Diamond Dallas Page.......Kurt Angle
Kevin Nash................Mick Foley
Lex Luger.................Randy Savage
Ric Flair.................Roddy Piper
Scott Steiner.............Shawn Michaels
Sid Vicious...............Steve Austin
Sting.....................The Rock
..........................Triple H
..........................Ultimate Warrior

WCW United States Title (1991–2001) vs WWE Intercontinental Title (1979-present) vs ECW World Heavyweight Title Division:


Chris Benoit..............Billy Gunn................Lance Storm
Chris Kanyon..............British Bulldog...........Mike Awesome
Eddie Guerrero............Brock Lesnar..............Raven
Great Muta................Edge......................Rhyno
Jeff Jarrett..............Goldust...................Rob Van Dam
Konnan....................Ken Shamrock..............Shane Douglas
Rick Steiner..............Mr. Perfect...............Taz
Scott Hall................Rikishi...................Terry Funk
Vampiro...................Val Venis.................
William Regal.............

WCW World Tag Team Title (1991–2001) vs WWE World Tag Team Title (1971–2010) vs ECW World Tag Team Title Division:

WWE Teams

Acolytes/APA (Bradshaw and Farooq)
Al Snow and Mankind
Big Bossman and Bull Buchanan
Brothers of Destruction (Undertaker and Kane)
D-X (X-Pac and Roaddog)
E and C (Edge and Christian)
Godwinns (Henry O. Godwinn and Phinias I. Godwinn)
Hardy Boyz (Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy)
Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart)
Headbangers (Mosh and Thrasher)
Holly Cousins (Hardcore Holly and Crash Holly)
Kai En Tai (Sho Funaki, Dick Togo, Taka , Mens Teioh, and Kaz Hayashi)
Kane and XPac
K-Kwick and Roaddogg (Roaddog and K-Kwik)
Mega Powers (Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage)
Ministry (Mideon and Viscera)
Nation of Domination (D-Lo Brown and Mark Henry, and Godfather)
New Age Outlaws (Roaddog and Billy Gunn)
Right To Censor (The Godfather and Bull Buchanan)
Rock N Sock Connection (Mankind and The Rock)
Steve Blackman and Ken Shamrock
T and A (Test and Albert)
The Corporation (Ken Shamrock and Big Bossman)
Three Minute Warning (Rosey and Jamal)
Too Cool/Much (Grandmaster Sexay, Scotty 2 Hotty, and Rikishi)
Two Man Power Trip (Triple H and Steve Austin)
World's Greatest Tag Team/Team Angle (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin)
Zoo Crew (Scotty 2 Hotty and Albert)

WCW Teams

Benoit and Jericho (Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho)
Benoit and Malenko (Dean Malenko and Chris Benoit)
Blood Runs Cold (Mortis and Wrath)
Blue Bloods (Steven Regal, Robert Eaton, David Taylor, and Fit Finlay)
Boogie Knights (Disqo and Alex Wright)
Dare Devils (Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman)
Dark Carnival/Dead Pool (Vampiro and Great Muta)
Faces of Fear (Meng and Barbarian)
Filthy Animals (Konnan, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Juventud Guerrera, and Billy Kidman)
Four Horsemen (Chris Benoit and Steve McMichael*)
Four Horsemen (Ric Flair and Arn Anderson)
Glacier and Ernest Miller
Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray)
Harris Brothers (Ron and Don Harris)
Jung Dragons (Kaz Hayashi, Jimmy Yang, and Jamie Noble)
Karagias and Noble (Evan Karagias and Jamie Noble)
KroniK (Brian Adams and Bryan Clarke)
Lex Luger and Giant
Los Guerreros (Eddie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero)
Mamalukes (Big Vito and Johnny the Bull)
Masahiro Chono and Great Muta
Matrix (Kid Romeo and Elix Skipper)
Mexico's Most Wanted (Damien 666 and Halloween)
Misfits In Action (Hugh Morrus and Lash Laroux)
Misfits In Action (Lash Laroux and Chavo Guerrero)
Nasty Boyz (Jerry Sags and Brian Knobbs)
Natural Born Thrillers (Sean O'Haire, Mark Jindrak)
Perfect Event (Shawn Stasiak and Chuck Palumbo)
Radicalz/Revolution (Shane Douglas, Dean Malenko Perry Saturn, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Benoit)
Ravens Flock (Raven and Saturn)
Ric Flair and Roddy Piper
Rock'n'Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson)
Steiner Brothers (Scott Steiner [too bad Scott went all crazy/bulky] and Rick Steiner)
Sting and Giant
Sting and Lex Luger
Tank Abbott and Rick Steiner
Team Canada (Lance Storm, Elix Skipper, and Mike Awesome)
The Enforcers (Arn Anderson and Larry Zbysko)
The Insiders (Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page)
The Outsiders (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Syxx)
The Triad (Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Kanyon, and Bam Bam Bigelow)
Three Count (Evan Karagias, Shannon Moore, and Shane Helms)
Totally Buff (Lex Luger and Buff Bagwell)
West Texas Rednecks (Curt Hennig, Barry Windham, Kendell Windham, and Bobby Duncum Jr.*)

ECW Teams

Bad Breed (Axl Rotten and Ian Rotten)
BadStreet Boys (Joey Matthews and Christian York)
blue World order (Stevie Richards, Blue Meanie, and Nova)
Danny Doring and Roadkill
Diamond and Swinger (Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger)
Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley)
Dreamer and Sandman (Tommy Dreamer and Sandman)
Eliminators (Perry Saturn and John Kronus)
Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido, Tracy Smothers, and Tony Mamaluke)
Gangstas (New Jack and Mustafa Saed)
Head Hunters (Headhunter #1 and Headhunter #2)
Impact Players (Lance Storm and Justin Credible)
Pitbulls (Pitbull #1 and Pitbull #2)
Public Enemy (Johnny Grunge and Rocco Rock)
Raven's Nest (Raven and Stevie Richards)
Spike Dudley and Balls Mahoney
Taz and Spike Dudley
Triple Threat (Shane Douglas, Bam Bam Bigelow, and Chris Candido)
Unholy Alliance (Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri)
Whole F'n Team (Rob Van Dam and Sabu)

Other Teams

Bad Men (Rikishi and Haku/Meng)
Billy and Chuck (Chuck Palumbo and Billy Gunn) [prefer NAO or NBT or Perfect Event]
Bookdust (Booker T and Goldust)
Bill Goldberg and Bret Hart
Harcore Legends (Chainsaw Charlie and Cactus Jack)
Insane Clown Posse (Shaggy 2 Dope and Violent J)
Regal and Storm (Lance Storm and William Regal)
Road Warriors/Legion of Doom (Hawk and Animal)
Shooters (Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit)
T and T (Booker T and Test) [doubt it if Booker stayed face]
Team Madness (Randy Savage and Sid Vicious)
The Monsters (Kane and The Big Show)
Thrill Seekers (Lance Storm & Chris Jericho)
Y2C (Chris Jericho and Christian)
X-Factor (X-Pac, Albert, and Justin Credible)

WCW Television Title (1991–2000) vs WWE European Title (1997–2002) vs ECW World Television Title Division:


Buff Bagwell..............Albert....................2 Cold Scorpio
Disco Inferno.............Batista...................Bam Bam Bigelow
Ernest Miller.............Big Bossman...............Chris Candido
Glacier...................Bull Buchanan.............Jerry Lynn
Greg Valentine............D'Lo Brown................Justin Credible
Hugh Morrus...............Gangrel...................Masato Tanaka
Masahiro Chono............Godfather.................Perry Saturn
Norman Smiley.............John Cena.................Rob Van Dam
..........................Mark Henry................Sandman
..........................Matt Hardy................Steve Corino
..........................Mideon....................Steven Richards
..........................Viscera...................Tommy Dreamer

WCW Cruiserweight Title (1991–1992; 1996–2001) vs WWE Junior/Light Heavyweight Title (1967–1985)/(1981–2001) Division:


AJ Styles................Christian...............Chris Candido
Billy Kidman.............Crash Holly.............Christian York
Chavo Guerrero...........Dick Togo...............Jerry Lynn
Chris Jericho............Essa Rios...............Joey Matthews
Damien 666...............Grandmaster Sexay.......Justin Credible
Dean Malenko.............Jeff Hardy..............Kid Kash
Eddie Guerrero...........K-Kwik..................Little Guido
Elix Skipper.............Matt Hardy..............Rob Van Dam
Evan Karagias............Men's Teioh.............Sabu
Halloween................Scotty 2 Hotty..........Spike Dudley
Jamie Noble..............Sho Funaki..............Super Crazy
Jimmy Yang...............Taka Michinoku..........Tajiri
Jushin Lyger.............X-Pac...................Tony Mamaluke
Juvintud Guerrera........
Kaz Hayashi..............
Kid Romeo................
La Parka.................
Lash Laroux..............
Rey Mysterio.............
Shane Helms..............
Shannon Moore............
Ultimo Dragon............

WCW World Hardcore Title (1999–2001) vs WWE Hardcore Title (1998–2002) vs ECW FTW Heavyweight Title Division:


Big Vito..................Al Snow................Mike Awesome
Crowbar...................Crash Holly............New Jack
Haku/Meng.................Hardcore Holly.........Perry Saturn
The Wall..................Jeff Hardy.............Raven
..........................Roaddog................Rob Van Dam
..........................Steve Blackman.........Sabu
.................................................Steven Richards
.................................................Tommy Dreamer

WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Title (2001) Division:

WWE Team

E and C (Edge and Christian)
Hardy Boyz (Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy)
Kai En Tai (Sho Funaki, Dick Togo, Taka , Mens Teioh, and Kaz Hayashi)
Too Cool/Much (Grandmaster Sexay and Scotty 2 Hotty)
World's Greatest Tag Team/Team Angle (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin)

WCW Team

Boogie Knights (Disqo and Alex Wright)
Dare Devils (Rey Mysterio and Billy Kidman)
Filthy Animals (Rey Mysterio, Juventud Guerrera, and Billy Kidman)
Jung Dragons (Kaz Hayashi, Jimmy Yang, and Jamie Noble)
Karagias and Noble (Evan Karagias and Jamie Noble)
Los Guerreros (Eddie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero)
Matrix (Kid Romeo and Elix Skipper)
Mexico's Most Wanted (Damien 666 and Halloween)
Misfits In Action (Lash Laroux and Chavo Guerrero)
Radicalz/Revolution (Shane Douglas, Dean Malenko Perry Saturn, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Benoit)
Three Count (Evan Karagias, Shannon Moore, and Shane Helms)

ECW Team

BadStreet Boys (Joey Matthews and Christian York)
Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke)
Impact Players (Lance Storm and Justin Credible)
Unholy Alliance (Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri)
Whole F'n Team (Rob Van Dam and Sabu)

Other Team

Thrill Seekers (Lance Storm & Chris Jericho)
X-Factor (X-Pac and Justin Credible)
Y2C (Chris Jericho and Christian)

WCW Women's World/Cruiserweight Title (1996–1997)/(1997) vs WWE Women's World Title (1956–2010) Division:


Molly Holly...............Jacqueline
..........................Luna Vachon
..........................Trish Stratus

Other Titles:

WCW United States Tag Team Title (1991–1992)
WWE United States/International/Intercontinental Tag Team Title (1963–1967)/(1969–1985)/(1991)
WCW World Six-Man Tag Team Title (1991)
WWE Women's Tag Team Title (1983–1989)
WCW International World Heavyweight Title (1993–1994)
WWE World Martial Arts Heavyweight Title (1978–1985)
WWE United States Title (1970–1975)
WWE North American Heavyweight Title (1979–1981)
WWE International Heavyweight Title (1959–1963,1982–1985)
WWE Canadian Title (1985–1986)
WWE Million Dollar Title (1989–1992, 1995–1996)



Bobby Heenan..............Dusty Rhodes...........Beulah
Debra.....................Elizabeth..............Bill Alfonso
Eric Bischoff.............Jimmy Hart.............Chastity
J.J. Dillon...............Paul Bearer............Dawn Marie
Jim Cornette..............Paul Ellering..........Elektra
Kimberly Page.............Ryan Shamrock..........Francine
Kimona/Leia Meow..........Sable..................Jasmine St Claire
Larry Zbyszko.............Shane McMahon..........Lou E. Dangerously
Major Gunns...............Stephanie McMahon......Paul Heyman
Miss Jones................Tammy Sytch/Sunny......Sal E. Graziano
Missy Hyatt...............Ted DiBiase
Paisley/Sharmell Sullivan.Terri
Pamala Paulshock..........The Kat
Stacy Keibler.............Tori
Stephanie Bellars.........Vince McMahon
Steve McMichael...........
Torrie Wilson.............
Tygress/Vanessa Sanchez...
Whisper/Rebecca Curci.....
Vince Russo...............

WWE Stables

Degeneration-X (Shawn Michaels, Triple H, X-Pac, Billy Gunn, Roaddog, and Chyna)
Nation of Domination (Farooq, Savio Vega, D-Lo Brown, Kama Mustafa/Godfather, Mark Henry, and The Rock)
Right To Censor (Steven Richards, The Godfather, Bull Buchanan Val Venis, and Ivory)
Team Angle (Kurt Angle, Charlie Haas, and Shelton Benjamin)
Team RECK (Rhyno, Edge, Christian, and Kurt Angle)
Team Xtreme (Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, and Lita)
The Corporation (Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, The Rock, Ken Shamrock, Big Bossman, Big Show, Triple H, Kane, Test, and

The Ministry (The Undertaker, Farooq, Bradshaw, Mideon, Viscera, Edge, Christian, Gangrel, and Paul Bearer)

WCW Stables

Blood Runs Cold (Mortis, Wrath, Glacier, and Ernest Miller)
Blue Bloods (Steven Regal, Robert Eaton, David Taylor, and Fit Finlay)
Dark Carnival/Dead Pool (Raven, Vampiro, Great Muta, Insane Clown Posse, and KISS Demon)
Dungeon of Doom (Kevin Sullivan, Vader, Shark, Kamala, Hugh Morrus, One Man Gang, Meng, Barbarian, The Giant, Konnan, and Big

Filthy Animals (Konnan, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Juventud Guerrera, and Billy Kidman)
Four Horsemen (Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson*, Chris Benoit, Steve McMichael*, and Dean Malenko)
Jung Dragons (Kaz Hayashi, Jimmy Yang, and Jamie Noble)
Latino World Order (Eddie Guerrero, Juventud Guerrera, Hector Garza, Psychosis, La Parka, Damien 666, and Halloween)
Misfits In Action (Hugh Morrus, Lash Laroux, The Wall, Chavo Guerrero, and Van Hammer)
Natural Born Thrillers (Mike Sanders, Sean O'Haire, Mark Jindrak, Shawn Stasiak, and Chuck Palumbo)
nWo Hollywood/Wolfpac/B&W/2000 (Everyone that was in any of these groups)
Radicalz/Revolution (Shane Douglas, Dean Malenko Perry Saturn, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Benoit)
Ravens Flock (Raven, Saturn, Kidman, Riggs, Lodi, and Sickboy)
Team Canada (Lance Storm, Elix Skipper, and Mike Awesome)
The nWo (Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall)
The Outsiders (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Syxx)
The Triad (Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Kanyon, and Bam Bam Bigelow)
Three Count (Evan Karagias, Shannon Moore, and Shane Helms)
West Texas Rednecks (Curt Hennig, Barry Windham, Kendell Windham, and Bobby Duncum Jr.*)

ECW Stables

blue World order (Stevie Richards, Blue Meanie, Nova)
Suicide Blondes (Chris Candido, Johnny Hotbody and Chris Michaels)
Triple Threat (Shane Douglas, Bam Bam Bigelow, Chris Candido)
Hot Commodity (EZ Money, Jason B, Jason Jett, Steve Skyfire)
Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, and Spike Dudley)
Network (Cyrus, Rhino, Tajiri, Steve Corino, Jack Victory, Lou E. Dangerously)
Dangerous Alliance (Simon Diamond, Johnny Swinger CW Anderson, Bill Wiles, Lou E. Dangerously, Elektra)
Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido, J.T. Smith, Sal E. Graziano, Tommy Rich, Tracy Smothers, Tony Mamaluke)

Other Stables

UnAmericans/Anti Americans (Lance Storm, Christian, Test, and William Regal)
X-Factor (X-Pac, Albert, and Justin Credible)

As you can tell WWE and Vince totally screwed the fans over.!!! It's too bad because I bet realize their was more to it if just waited a little bit longer. Then again some of the storylines and feuds in 2002 wouldn't have happen just yet or who knows maybe it would. It was a lot that WWE could've done but didn't. Between WCW, ECW, and WWE they had plenty of TV shows they could use and the same way with the PPV's. At one point something was going to happen but Vince didn't want anything going on that he didn't create at the beginning. The whole title pictures would've been better if they had the right talents but oh well. What's in the past is in the past but us fans will have way to recreate these ideas one way or another.

Please enjoy what I put together.! Give me any thoughts.?!!


OOC: (edit cause it was too spacey!!)

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