How would you do the Shield's break up?


Getting Noticed By Management
I read on the news post about JR and his thoughts about the Shield members individually, and the top rated comment was something along the lines of them not having to break up by fighting, but instead they decide to go solo, put their fists together one last time, say "believe in the Shield" and that's the last time we see them together as a group (at least for the next 1-2 years or something).

How would I plan this out? Wrestlemania 30, the Shield vs the Wyatts, tornado 6man tag match. The Wyatts come off victorious after a close bout with many spots etc. Next night on Raw, the Shield comes out, and say stuff like "it's been so long since we did this team thing, and maybe it is better if everyone follows their own way. They can elaborate on how they are friends and they won't break that friendship, but it is better if they just go solo from now on." They can do the fist thing, say "believe in the Shield" and then just move along. This can be a potential face turn for all of them, based on the crowd reaction.

That's MY plan for the break up. There doesn't have to be a typical fight/feud between them that leads in a 2 month program etc. Just let them break off peacefully, remain friends, but go solo.

A great idea coming through all of this is this:
Eventually, during October-November, one of them wins a World Championship (even if that's the unified, or one of them). Holds on to it (doesn't matter if he will be a face or a heel) until Wrestlemania. At the Royal Rumble, another Shield guy wins the Rumble match and 1 month later, the third guy wins the Elimination Chamber. Next night on Raw, they announce who they will be facing for the gold, and there you have it. Triple threat match for the World Championship, Ambrose vs Rollins vs Reigns. The team that broke up peacefully and decided to go on their own way now have their tracks meeting together, at the main event of Wrestlemania for the biggest title. Just imagine the atmosphere. I don't know if they will be that big draws by that time, so they could delay it 1 more year (do it in WM32 instead of 31). But this will be a really awesome story.

What do you guys think?
I like this idea a lot. I was thinking something along these lines, except if you wanted to make one of them face (say Roman Reigns, since he's the name being tossed around the most), have them do all of that, then as Reigns is leaving the ring, Ambrose attacks him. Boom, there's your first feud as a face. One that can get you over pretty damn well, and one that I think a lot of people wouldn't mind seeing for a month or two.
I see Reigns double eliminating Ambrose and Rollins in the Rumble, sewing the major break up seeds. I really thing Reigns has the look and ability to be the NEXT MAJOR STAR. Imagine Reigns beating Cena clean down the track for the WWE Championship???
I think we'll start to see them officially unravel at the Rumble. I have a couple separate incidents I would have play out to get the ball rolling.

One, Ambrose will lose the US Title when Reigns tries to interfere. The ref's back is turned as Rollins distracts him. Ambrose holds his opponent's (probably Mysterio) arms behind his back. Reigns goes for a forearm to the head or even tries to hit him in the head with the belt. Mysterio ducks and Ambrose takes the hit, falling forward onto the 2nd rope which sets up the 619. Ambrose berates Reigns and they have a heated argument. Rollins plays the peacemaker and they seem to have made up before heading to the back.

Later in the night, all 3 members of The Shield find themselves in the ring together during the Rumble. They wreak havoc and eliminate 8-10 wrestlers, until there's no one left. Reigns focuses his attention to the aisle while the clock counts down for the next man to come out. He's leaned up against the ropes waiting, and out of nowhere Ambrose takes advantage of Reigns letting his guard down, running at him and throwing him over the top rope. Rollins looks shocked and Reigns asks "What the hell?" Ambrose responds, "Ir's every man for himself." Reigns jumps back in the ring and gets in Ambrose's face. Rollins plays peacemaker again, staying neutral and getting in the middle before any punches are thrown. By then, the next entrant in the Rumble has come out, so Ambrose and Rollins direct their attention to him, while Reigns storms out.

You could have them be challengers in the same Elimination Chamber match also, but I'd rather have it seem like they smoothed things over all the way up til Mania. I'd have them face off against The Wyatt Family at WM30. The Wyatts would win of course and that's when Reigns would officially turn face after Ambrose blames him for the loss and begins slapping him. Reigns snaps and starts throwing haymakers. The only question here is if Rollins fights with both of them to set up a triple threat or if he sides with Ambrose to set up a handicap match. Reigns will be the face in this split, Ambrose is the heel, but I just don't know about Rollins.
I think they should work together in the Rumble and get to a stage where it is only the Shield and the Wyatt's in the ring when there have been 20 superstars in and then have the Shield eliminates all 3 only losing Rollins and then have someone like Bryan win the Rumble. This builds to a 6 man tag elimination chamber between Wyatt's and Shield and have it come down to Reigns vs all 3 Wyatt's then he takes out Rowen and Harper but gets eliminated by Bray. He then goes backstage and Ambrose is yelling at him for losing then Reigns says I eliminated 2 Wyatt's, a lot of people in the Rumble and 4 out of 5 at Survivor Series and you did nothing, they move on. Then they have a 6 man elimination tag rematch on Raw where Ambrose gets eliminated early then Reigns and Rollins eliminate Rowen, Harper eliminates Rollins and Reigns eliminates both Wyatt and Harper. On the next week of Raw Ambrose cuts a promo saying how good The Shield are and says he is the baddest man on the planet and then Reigns says he has had enough Spears him and walks away and then the Shield have a non title triple threat match WM30 which Reigns wins and he starts his push
Personally, I think they split at WM 30 ( or just before) A match with The Wyatt Family is the only thing left for them to do and, as we saw a few weeks ago, it is something a lot of fans want to see.

I'd have The Shield vs The Wyatt family at both Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber with they Wyatt Family winning both. This ensures they are the dominant stable in the WWE and that The Shield are no longer a well-functioning team. There is obvious animosity between the three that leads to a triple threat at WM30 for the US title.

This way, we get the last remaining match that people are desperate to see and a logical ending where the three face of. The Shield still have momentum and could probably last a few more months but the three of them are so talented that it is time to let them get a chance as singles superstars.
I have noticed that a lot of people are saying a triple threat match at mania which will probably be the case, but what if they had a money in the bank at mania considering that those matches were some of the best mania moments in recent years.

Have the 3 members of the shield and the Wyatts as well as 2 other superstars compete in it. Have Reigns win it by taking Ambrose out with a spear and then cash it in the same night after the unification match.

There you go instant new star, break up of the shield and great mania moment all in one night.

But WWE will probably just do the triple threat :rolleyes:
I wouldn't have the Shield "break up" per-se. I'm tired of seeing stables and tag teams break up because one guy got pissed off for the same three reasons a 5 year old would be pissed off at his friends. If they're gonna push Roman Reigns, fine. Elevate him in singles competition, but keep the support of the Shield behind him. These are grown men, and it's okay if individual people are dealing with their own issues or have their own agendas.

I've always seen The Shield as a very tight-knit group, sort of like how the Nexus was first portrayed. I don't really see a reason for them to break up, unless one of them got bought out by someone else (I originally saw them as a modern APA, but more in a hired mercenary way rather than a bodyguard way, but that's a thought for another thread).
I would have them eliminate a lot of people in the royal rumble. Roman should do most of the work here. Then we have Dean Ambrose and roman reigns left alone to battle the last participant. The superstar comes out and all three men battle until Dean throws out Roman and then gets himself eliminated by the last guy.

This would make them at least question there unity, but would actually have them become stronger as they try to prove there strengths in each match. At WM have The Shield .vs. The Wyatt Family, where Roman accidentally spears Dean Ambrose and causes the loss. Dean gets upset and Seth Rollins does his best to keep the peace.

Then the Triple Threat Match, perhaps for a # 1 Con spot or something. Here we could see Roman spear Rollins and Dean rolls up Roman, while holding the tights or something... Really pissing him off. Roman keeps quite until the right moment, and keeps "Accidentally" spearing him in dire situations leading to a one on one match at Summer Slam. Roman would beat Ambrose and would separate the group. Rollins could come to Dean's aid only for Dean to hit his finisher on him in frustration. Now we have Roman on his own and Dean awaiting revenge.
The obvious signs point to jealousy towards Roman Reigns after his dominance at Survivor Series. All three members of The Shield having a spot in next year's Royal Rumble is a forgone conclusion. And I could easily picture a scenario where they turn on one another for a series of eliminations, with Roman Reigns gaining the upper hand by eliminating Rollins and Ambrose.

The final four in the Rumble comes down to CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Roman Reigns, and a returning Sheamus. Rollins, or Ambrose, or Rollins and Ambrose return to return the favor by eliminating Reigns. The next night on Raw, all three men use the "every man for himself, and I wanted to main event Wrestlemania" stuff as a reason for the backstabbing. As a collective unit, The Shield agrees to reunite for the time being.

The Elimination Chamber pay per view rolls around. IF, IF Randy Orton is still WWE Champion (I'm not sold on this title unification bullshit at TLC), I could see Triple H and Stephanie ordering The Shield to protect Randy and the WWE Championship in the Chamber. Of course, all three Shield members say to hell with it, and they choose to go after the WWE Championship for themselves.

During the match, Rollins and Ambrose team up with others to eliminate Reigns (i.e. Umaga, Big Show, and Kane in the past, because everyone feels the sense of urgency for coming together to eliminate the monster/biggest threat). Later on in the match, Rollins and Ambrose turn on each other, setting up the inevitable triple threat at Wrestlemania XXX.

Whichever route you choose to take, I think a triple threat at next year's Mania is inevitable. Of course, Reigns has to win. He's got the look, the momentum, and the guy is a beast in the ring. He's the most logical choice to receive the first strong singles push.

The Shield was wandering in no man's land for a little while before they joined Triple H and Stephanie. Joining team corporate gave the group a refreshing spark, but The Shield is running out of places to go as a team. They already dominated the mid card scene in 2013, so the next logical step would be someone in the group chasing the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship. With the way things are going now, Reigns is the only one, who's remotely close to ready. Although, going by The Shield's motto, individualism is a no-no, so that's another reason why the group has to break up sometime next year.
I'm thinking that they ultimately come unraveled at or around WrestleMania XXX, but tensions between them will be built up long before then. The only indicator of any tensions we've seen was during a brief backstage promo segment in which Ambrose made an off-handed comment about being the only member with a championship, which earned him a couple of silent glares from Rollins & Reigns. Since nothing else has happened to display any tensions since, I'm guessing that WWE decided to push back their break up until sometime in 2014.

I agree with the notion of things starting to come unhinged at the Royal Rumble. What I predict will happen is that Reigns will deliver another dominant, standout performance in the Royal Rumble match by eliminating a whole lot of other guys. Given the "every man for himself" mentality in the Royal Rumble match, it'd make perfect sense if Reigns eliminated Rollins, Ambrose or both, or if Reigns himself gets eliminated by one or both. This builds up the tension, for obvious reasons, as egos wind up getting bruised, someone misunderstands the "every man for himself" aspect as a betrayal of the principles of "justice" and unity that were the foundation for the group, etc. Reigns name is mentioned as someone WWE officials are very high on and want to see elevated in 2014, so that's why I'm expecting them to have Reigns look like a monster in the Royal Rumble match. Kane currently holds the record for the most eliminations in a single Royal Rumble match with 11, so I think they'll give Reigns a similarly dominant or even more dominant performance.
Back to this Topic.

Last Night gave a clear indication that the Shield is going to break up sooner, possibly before Royal Rumble, or maybe as soon as Sunday at TLC.
Ambrose and Reigns seem to be the ones who will get pushes. Where Rollins goes is up for question. He will probably settle down Mid-Card.

Do you guys think they will completely break at TLC or will it drag on until Royal Rumble?(Don't see it going until Wrestlemania unless it is dragged too long)
I'd have a mistake at TLC causing Punk to win, Ambrose eliminating Reigns or visa versa at the Rumble, Shield vs Wyatt's at EC (to see who faces Taker at WM) would be the blow up.

I'd keep Ambrose and Rollins stick together for Mania, beat down Reigns on the RAW after EC. When Reigns shows up a couple of weeks later Ambrose can taunt "who's gonna have your back, you have no more friends in the back" because of The Shield's actions. Reigns "I may not have friends, but I got family..." IF YA SMELLLLLLLLL...
This one's easy, and they're already building it up. Ambrose vs. Reigns, with Reigns as the face. Ambrose is too good as a heel to go the other way. I would start Rollins off on Roman's side but eventually turn on him and stack the deck a little bit for Ambrose, since Reigns has the power advantage over both of them.

I enjoy the Shield but I definitely think they've run their course as a group, and I think that in terms of Ambrose especially, it's getting a bit restrictive.
This one's easy, and they're already building it up. Ambrose vs. Reigns, with Reigns as the face. Ambrose is too good as a heel to go the other way. I would start Rollins off on Roman's side but eventually turn on him and stack the deck a little bit for Ambrose, since Reigns has the power advantage over both of them.

I enjoy the Shield but I definitely think they've run their course as a group, and I think that in terms of Ambrose especially, it's getting a bit restrictive.

I love The Shield as a collective group, Reigns especially, but I agree the window is definitely closing on what is exactly is left for them to do. They did bring it up during when they were presenting one of the Slammy awards, but they haven't really carried the 'justice' shtick for a little while now.

With Reigns and Ambrose obviously set to have a rivalry in the future, Rollins is the one I guess we don't really know what way he'll go, but I can actually see him more as a face with Reigns. They already have time as tag-team partners together, so they have some sort of affinity with each other.
I hope Roman Reigns faces off for the US belt against Ambrose and wins it. Him and Big E can be the superstars to elevate the US and IC belts in the next year or so.The mid card is too talented currently for the US and IC belts to remain irrelevant as they are now.

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