How would YOU book Wyatt vs Ambrose?


Occasional Pre-Show
Bray Wyatt vs Dean Ambrose, on paper this sounded like it had the potential to be a GREAT feud. Two of WWE's building blocks of the future engaging in a war of words. With both men's astounding skills on the mic this feud was destined to be a classic right?! Wrong. I have been thoroughly underwhelmed by this current feud, and I've been trying to wrap my head around as to why I felt this way. It's not because I dislike either wrestler (I think they're both destined for a massive amount of success), ultimately I keep coming back to one HUGE issue: the story. Wyatt and Ambrose put on a GREAT match last night at the TLC ppv, but after all was settled I still came away underwhelmed simply because I can't comprehend why these two men are engaging in a feud. I get it, Wyatt interfered in the Rollins vs Ambrose match (which in my personal opinion needed a clean finish) but what WWE creative has failed to do is inject any PERSONAL reason as to why these men are in a "heated" feud. I think WWE creative has been failing both men in regards to their recent feuds. Ambrose has yet to have a SIGNIFICANT win over anyone, and Wyatt's last two feuds (Jericho and Ambrose) have ultimately been lackluster due to the story.

So, in my opinion I feel that WWE has been misusing their two building blocks of the future and my hope is that this feud is finally over (I doubt it). My question for you guys is: How would YOU personally book Bray Wyatt vs Dean Ambrose?
Well, Wyatt wanted to hurt Ambrose because he destroyed "Sister Abigail's chair" which is a dumb reason but still a reason. Ambrose wanted to hurt Wyatt because he cost him a chance to finally put Rollins down and get his revenge, as well as last week on SmackDown he could have seriously injured him with that chair spot.
I would book it to be over and done with. This feud has been horrible since day one, and I can't stand sitting through another match that looks like a Looney Toons cartoon, between Ambrose's goofy facial expressions and Wyatt's laughably bad mannerisms. Their matches are the kind of crap that would make me embarrassed to admit that I watch WWE, like when I was at Extreme Rules with a first-time fan and they looked at me during Hornswoggle vs. El Torito and said, "You take this crap seriously"? That's exactly what Ambrose vs. Wyatt is like for me.
I'd just move on, another bad feud for Bray. It's not his fault. It's just creative doesn't put the priority in booking his feuds like they do with Cena's, Rollins', etc.

One thing I can say I miss about Bray that I wish they'd incorporate again is to make him wrestle less. It used to be special when Bray wrestled because he'd rarely do it. Now, he's done it so much, there's not much mystique left to his character.

Seeing how they booked Bray a year ago, having Rowan and Harper fight Punk/Bryan and fighting alongside Rowan and Harper at TLC against Bryan. Then, finally facing Bryan at Royal Rumble, it just made Bray special. Now he's just there.

Ambrose, on the other hand, he's fresh. They could have him compete in the Royal Rumble, put on a strong performance, finally get revenge against Rollins or a heel turn i they have to.
I would book it to be over and done with as well. There was no real reason to start this feud in the first place, and I have a feeling it was done because they have no idea what to do with Wyatt.

All during it Ambrose proved he is just as good on the mic as Wyatt is, and just as sneaky as well. But it's been a war of words and a couple of bouts, none of which has really elevated either of them. As a matter of fact they took a lot of momentum away from Ambrose by sticking him in this disaster with Wyatt.

In a world of weird personalities Wyatt is really out there, and I'm of the belief that he is before his time. Like I said they have no clue what he's about and how to handle him. He's been in feuds with some of the top names of the roster and it's done nothing for him. Even though Ambrose hasn't had a decent win since the Shield broke up, he's still crazy over and he's taking the hero's journey Cena never took.

All this bullshit about Bray's fireflies and the cell phones is just that bullshit. People do it because it looks cool not because they are fans of his.
I would book it to be over and done with as well. There was no real reason to start this feud in the first place, and I have a feeling it was done because they have no idea what to do with Wyatt.

All during it Ambrose proved he is just as good on the mic as Wyatt is, and just as sneaky as well. But it's been a war of words and a couple of bouts, none of which has really elevated either of them. As a matter of fact they took a lot of momentum away from Ambrose by sticking him in this disaster with Wyatt.

In a world of weird personalities Wyatt is really out there, and I'm of the belief that he is before his time. Like I said they have no clue what he's about and how to handle him. He's been in feuds with some of the top names of the roster and it's done nothing for him. Even though Ambrose hasn't had a decent win since the Shield broke up, he's still crazy over and he's taking the hero's journey Cena never took.

All this bullshit about Bray's fireflies and the cell phones is just that bullshit. People do it because it looks cool not because they are fans of his.

I agree Wyatt's out there and before his time. WWE clearly doesn't understand how to book a complex character but there trying and they have the right idea working him with main event talent throughout his short career thus far. I believe this Ambrose feud has actually been underrated, the cena feud was great up until Wyatt lost at WrestleMania, the daniel bryan feud was great just short and the Kane feud was amazing up until they had the ring of fire match. The only bad feud in Bray's career so far is against Chris Jericho which based on his performance tonight on Raw I just think Jericho doesn't have it anymore and I'm a huge fan of his.

How did Ambrose prove he's just as good on the mic as Wyatt? If anything this EXPOSED Ambrose because Wyatt was the one who carried the feud on the mic. Wyatt delivered promos every week and did the majority of the talking in the interactions. Ambrose meanwhile was good during certain points but he also did corny santino marella comedy act shit on Raw. Bray was the one doing 70% of the talking in this feud. I don't know what the hell you're talking about with the people holding there phones up. It speaks volumes on how over Bray is. During the TLC match Bray was getting better crowd reactions than Dean with the "lets go wyatt" chants.
It's not been too bad in my opinion. I think it's just that people had really high expectations out of the feud. Not all feuds need to be great. Yes, both guys are great on the microphone but they have similar character traits as well. They're both crazy. The best feuds generally take place between guys who are polar opposites, you can take Austin vs McMahon as an example.

And to be honest, I don't think that either guy has lost overness from this feud. I've heard Vince Russo say that Bray Wyatt is the type of character that's bulletproof. In my opinion, Ambrose is the same. He has the in ring style and the promo skills that make him a threat no matter what his win/ loss record is, much like, say, a Mick Foley.

So, yeah, it's been a simple story about Wyatt trying to get him to the dark side and Ambrose just not being willing to play because he's already a lunatic and doesn't need anyone. The matches have delivered as well.
I agree Wyatt's out there and before his time. WWE clearly doesn't understand how to book a complex character but there trying and they have the right idea working him with main event talent throughout his short career thus far. I believe this Ambrose feud has actually been underrated, the cena feud was great up until Wyatt lost at WrestleMania, the daniel bryan feud was great just short and the Kane feud was amazing up until they had the ring of fire match. The only bad feud in Bray's career so far is against Chris Jericho which based on his performance tonight on Raw I just think Jericho doesn't have it anymore and I'm a huge fan of his.

How did Ambrose prove he's just as good on the mic as Wyatt? If anything this EXPOSED Ambrose because Wyatt was the one who carried the feud on the mic. Wyatt delivered promos every week and did the majority of the talking in the interactions. Ambrose meanwhile was good during certain points but he also did corny santino marella comedy act shit on Raw. Bray was the one doing 70% of the talking in this feud. I don't know what the hell you're talking about with the people holding there phones up. It speaks volumes on how over Bray is. During the TLC match Bray was getting better crowd reactions than Dean with the "lets go wyatt" chants.

Ambrose is one of the only guys on the roster who can go toe to toe with Wyatt on the mic. He never backed down or sounded stupid. Wyatt, I never know what the hell he's talking about, he just drones on and on about "last time I saw her she was sitting in that chair". Saw who, who was sitting in that chair? And why the hell should we care about some broad sitting in a chair? What does that have to do with Dean Ambrose? Ambrose at least on the other hand, nuts as he is, he spoke directly to Wyatt and there was no mistaking what he was saying. There was also no reason for this feud to even happen, they basically have no history together. Well unless you count a few Shield/Wyatt matches, but then you could say, why didn't Wyatt go after Reigns or Rollins?

Oh I'm right bout the cell phones. I take mine out when he comes out and I'm not a fan. Everyone does, and it does look cool. He has one of the best entrances in the WWE right now. Of course he'll have fans chanting for him, every wrestler does.
Not all feuds need to be great. Yes, both guys are great on the microphone but they have similar character traits as well. They're both crazy.

Which is enough, especially when both performers are known for that trait; it's not as if Creative turned one of them crazy just long enough to engage in this feud.

Watching them at TLC, I forgot what started their program in the first place. Yeah, one interfered in the other's match, but that's not exactly something new in pro wrestling. Plus, although fans cry out for something different, let's face it: there are only so many reasons you can get two people to start a war with each other.

Beyond that, it's collective craziness that carries Wyatt vs. Ambrose. I was surprised and pleased there was a definitive ending at TLC....and Bray supporters who claim he loses every important match must be happy.

As for Ambrose? No harm done, he's still gonna be crazy next time we see him. Will he ever adopt a "sane" personality in his career? Probably....after all, if they can make Erick Rowan a genius, they can turn Dean Ambrose into a guy who's ready for discharge from the nuthouse.

However long this feud is to continue, I'd book them the same way; two psychopaths looking to destroy the other.

Works for me.

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