How would YOU book this year of WWE?


Pre-Show Stalwart
The things I would change/do will mostly revolve around Brock Lesnar. Personally I think Brock Lesnar has had all the right matches thus far. The only real problem has been with outcomes, namely his match with John Cena.

I think the build up to the John Cena match and the match it self were near perfect. The difference should have been Lesnar kicking out of the AA, hitting the F-5 (on the steps perhaps?) and winning the match.

HHH was then a good pick for his next opponent. I wouldn't have brought back HBK the way they did though just to build up brock more, he wouldn't need it if he didn't lose to Cena. I would have him break Stephanies arm! Make it really personal, just showing what a sick/vicious human being Lesnar is. The next week Lesnar cuts a promo, HHH runs down in a frenzy and jumps in the ring and they start fighting, HHH gets the upper hand but then Lesnar starts fighting back... knocks HHH out of the ring. Lesnar starts screaming and posing and what not, HHH pulls out the sledge hammer, lesnar doesn't see it and starts going over to HHH to pull him back in, HHH goes to hit him in the head with the sledge hammer but misses, HHH gets back in the ring and then hits Lesnar in the stomache with the sledge hammer, Lesnar rolls out and the show closes.

The match would go mostly the same just needed some more weapon use and a bit more agression from both men. The finish would remain the same except for Brock no selling the pedigree like it never happened. Maybe HHH hits the pedigree but is too tired to pin..then when he finally goes to turn lesnar over he locks in the kimura.

At Royal Rumble Lesnar then fights The Undertaker and wins. Basically Lesnar wants to destory everyone in the WWE just because he can. Brock Lesnar breaks Undertakers arm to end the match.

The next night Lesnar cuts a promo about how he's destroyed everyone, asks if there's anybody else who wants a piece of him? Kane comes out, says a few words, they set up a match in the ME of Raw. Lesnar defeats Kane, possibly breaks him arm.

The next week lesnar is giving a similiar speech, brags about how "The brothers of destruction were the ones who were destroyed" starts saying how he's proved his point and there's nothing left for him to do. He's demolished the WWE and proven how fake all their little wrestlers are when put against a legit ass kicker, lesnar states he's the toughest bastard to ever step foot in any ring, be it square, oval, circular or an octagon. Just as lesnar is about to say he's done the glass breaks and out comes Stone Cold.

This sets up a match of SCSA vs Lesnar at WM, which would headline the event. I wont get into a week by week but the actual match would be a no DQ match, I think it would be great if towards the end Brock locks on the kimura and Austin refuses to quit. Brock breaks him arm, Austin is screaming but still refuses to quit and shortly after goes on to win the match.

The next night could be Stone Cold appreciation night. Vince could give a speech about how they never really saw eye to eye but he really came through against Brock. Basically it'd be like the send off guys like HBK and Ric Flair got that Austin never really got to have. Show could close with a stunner on Vince and a beer bash with the roster.

Now there's still guys like The Rock, Cena and CM Punk and I'm going to try to do much quicker since this is getting long.

-At Hell in the Cell Cena fights CM punk in a HIAC match and wins the belt.
-The Rock wins the belt from Cena at the Royal Rumble.
-Cena goes on a thing about how he needs to prove something to him self after coming up short so many times over the last year, he challenges The Undertaker at WM. Undertaker defeats Cena and this leads to Cena finally turning heel (This should help with ratings some with so many big names likely leaving after WM)
-The Rock goes on to fight CM punk at WM.

So you have

Summerslam: HHH vs Lesnar

Night of Champions: Who cares.

Hell in a cell: CM Punk vs Cena in a HIAC match.

Survivor series: Who cares...actually, could possibly have Stone Cold return here and maybe do something with SCSA/The Rock vs CM Punk/Cena. Idk, just a last minute thought to perhams give Austin a warm up match.

TLC: Who cares.

Royal Rumble: Undertaker VS Lesnar
Cena vs The Rock

Elimination Chamber: The Rock defends the championship in the EC match.

Wrestlemania: Austin vs Lesnar
The Rock vs CM Punk
Undertaker vs Cena.

If that wouldn't be the best selling WM of all time I don't know what would be.
So how do you like my ideas? How would you do things different?
I'm not sure if Brock is actually done with WWE or not so how I book this would be assuming he has a few dates left on his WWE contract.

Cena should keep losing to CM Punk, but it should always be controversial in some fashion. Then Punk drops the title to the Rock at Royal Rumble. Cena in the meantime would win the Royal Rumble granting him a match at Wrestlemania against The Rock. I would have Punk lose the Rock in his only title defense before Mania, with Cena being involved in some sort.

After Punk loses I see him demanding respect still and grasping at any way to earn respect. Then it hits Punk, if he beats the Undertaker at Wrestlemania he will be the greatest of all time. End the undefeated streak and he will earn everyones respect, and he calls out the Taker.

Eventually while this is going on I see HHH vs Lesner 2 being set up for Mania. HHH will return and I think it will be a gimmick match, with HHH maybe even challenging Brock to a UFC type match, or at least in an Octagon. So here is a short list of how i see the PPV's going.

Night of Champions - Cena vs. Punk - Punk retains via controversy

Survivor Series - Ziggler cashes in money in the bank and defeats Sheamus. HHH comes back and says Brock can't be done. He tells Brock he will fight him in his type of match, and if HHH loses he will give Brock his shares of the WWE or something. Some kind of gimmick that no man could pass up.

Royal Rumble - Punk vs Rock - Rock winning clean with a hard fought match.
Cena wins Rumble
Ziggler retains against Sheamus

Elimination Chamber - Rock retains, and Y2J returns after Ziggler retains. Y2J isn't supposed to be gone from WWE forever, unless of course his Rock and roll career does so well he flat out quits. Next night on Raw Punk is demanding respect, and calls out taker knowing it's the only way to earn respect is to beat him at mania.

Wreslemania - Cena vs Rock 2 - Cena wins clean
Punk vs Undertaker - Undertaker Wins
Brock vs HHH 2 - HHH wins, brock most likely quietly exits WWE
Ziggler vs Y2J - Y2J wins belt

This would allow the new year to start with Punk and Cena once agian, as Cena would have never defeated Punk since his title reign, and even though Punk lost to taker at Mania, I dont think anyone sees that as holding someone back, Taker is unbeatable. I could also see Austin somehow getting involved. With him having surgery to fix his knee it makes it seem like he wants to return in some fashion. He's been tweeting a lot about wrestlers and rumors which also makes me wonder. What do you think?
Wreslemania - Cena vs Rock 2 - Cena wins clean
Punk vs Undertaker - Undertaker Wins
Brock vs HHH 2 - HHH wins, brock most likely quietly exits WWE
Ziggler vs Y2J - Y2J wins belt

This would allow the new year to start with Punk and Cena once agian, as Cena would have never defeated Punk since his title reign, and even though Punk lost to taker at Mania, I dont think anyone sees that as holding someone back, Taker is unbeatable. I could also see Austin somehow getting involved. With him having surgery to fix his knee it makes it seem like he wants to return in some fashion. He's been tweeting a lot about wrestlers and rumors which also makes me wonder. What do you think?

Some well thought out ideas here, but I have to disagree with most of them. I don't feel like Cena needs to over The Rock. I think it would do a lot more for CM Punk to go over The Rock.
(Honestly, I don't want to see either of them go over but that's just my bias.)

HHH vs Lesnar worked for building up lesnar some but to do it again would just fall semi flat I feel. Lesnars match needs to mean something more, the stipulation you added is a nice touch but I think it would still lack a certain amount of emotional investment.

CM Punk vs Undertaker isn't convincing I feel. I don't think anyone would actually believe CM Punk would win. Cena vs Undertaker I think is the best way to go.

If they can get Austin to come back for a match at WM it would be the biggest WM ever I feel. I just don't see a realistic opponent for him besides Lesnar, I know many will say CM Punk but meh. Nobody wants to see Austin and The Rock both job in the same night during come backs. That's why I say Austin vs Lesnar. HUGE match that never happened and Austin can go over and everyone is happy. You'll know he's going to go over but you'll be so excited for him vs Lesnar plus it being Austins return you wont give a shit. CM Punk can go over The Rock and Cenas loss to Undertaker is what leads to his heel turn. (Cena can attack Undertaker after he loses, AA through the announce table etc. Helps write off taker as well.)

Maybe I'm harping on a Austin return too much, but I just feel that Austin would return for the match if WWE built it up right and managed not to fuck possibly epic stuff up like they have a habbit of doing.

If you can't get Austin to come in I'd have to with Lesnar vs Undertaker. The match it self would likely be 5 star but it'd still feel a little by the numbers because you KNOW taker will win.

What about a CM Punk vs Cena vs The Rock triple threat match?
My booking for the rest of the year is going ro focus mainly on CM Punk:

First, I would have Punk come out on Raw next Monday and announce he has a new decision for number 1 contender. He picks Jerry Lawler because since Lawler won't say he is the best in the world he will show him that he is by beating him at N.O.C. Aj comes out and denies Punks new decision, she then announces her decision is to stick with Punks first choice, John Cena. Punk confronts Aj in the back and tells her he isick and tired of her screwing him over and he is going to find a way to get removed as Genereal Manager of Raw. Over the next few weeks leading up to N.O.C. Punk recruits Daniel Bryan to help him get rid of Aj. Punk drops the belt to Cena at N.O.C. because of a distraction by Aj who is intervening on Daniel Bryan trying to interfere in the match for Punk. The next night on Raw Punk demands a rematch for that night, however Aj says he will get his match at Hell in a Cell. This sends Punk into a rage in the back punching and throwing things saying he is going to make Aj pay. Daniel Bryan calms Punk down and says they will get rid of her soon enough. Punk again loses to Cena at HIAC. On Raw he is in the ring complaining how he has tike and time again he has been disrespected by Aj and he wants another shot at Cena. Aj comea out and tells Punk no. Punk gets in Aj's face and starts to yell and threaten her, Daniel Bryan is trying to calm him down and pull him back, but punk keeps on going at Aj. Daniel Bryan again tries to intervene and this time is pushed by Punk and when Punk turns back to hit Aj he is grabbed by Bryan, who then starts beating down Punk.

This now restarts one of the best feuds(IMO) of the year by flipping Bryan from heel to face with punk now playing the Heel. The fued with Bryan and Punk can span the next 2 PPV with them both winning 1 of the 2 matches. At the Royal Rumble Punk enters number 1 and Bryan number 2. Have it come down to the 2 of them at the end and they both go over and hit the floor at the same time. That leads to a submission match at Elimination Chamber with the winner being declared #1 contender for the WWE title at Wrestlemania. Punk wins the match and goes to Wrestlemania where he goes over The Rock to become WWE champion.

Other bookings:
Sheamus vs. Orton vs. Del Rio( sheamus wins)
Ziggler cashes in and wins

John Cena vs. Wade Barrett(Cena wins)
Brock Lesnar vs. Undertaker(Brock wins)
Ziggler vs. Sheamus( ziggler wins)

Rock vs. Cena (Rock wins)
Ziggler vs. Orton(ziggler wins)
Triple H returns and attacks and elimates Lesnar from the rumble


WWE title chamber(Rock retains)
WHC title chamber(Wade Barrett win)

Lesnar vs. Triple H (triple h wins)
Cena vs. Undertaker. (Taker wins)
WHC Barrett vs. Ziggler vs. Sheamus (Barrett wins)
Daniel Bryan vs. Orton (Bryan wins)
I could break this down Pay-Per-View by Pay-Per-View but I've started a new Book This series and have been spending my free time writing up my shows. I'm a little burnt out on detailed booking... but I'll give you my WrestleMania headliners, and explain them at least.

WWE Championship
CM Punk (C) vs The Rock vs John Cena

"Fight to the Finish"
The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar

Triple H vs Shawn Michaels

World Heavyweight Championship
Wade Barrett (C) vs Ryback

Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan

Dolph Ziggler vs Mick Foley

--Recent rumors of Foley being a potential Hall of Famer this year make sense. He deserves it, plus it'd be nice to have a headliner who wasn't a recent superstar who just retired. Not to mention there's no better place for him to get into the HOF than New York. In this world over here, Ziggler hasn't cashed in his MITB yet. So we're still legitimizing him. Foley appears on RAW when he's announced for HOF, Ziggler berates him for being an out of shape shmuck stunt man.. the polar opposite of Ziggler himself. Easy set up, wont steal the show or anything.. but Foley never disappoints.

--I'll keep demanding a real Orton/Bryan feud until it happens. The story of the 3rd Gen star handed everything and the 10 year indy vet turned superstar writes itself.

--I hate Wade Barrett. Fuckin HATE! But I give him the World Title upon his return so when Ryback wins the Royal Rumble, he has a heel to dethrone at WrestleMania. Plus I'd love everyone to see Wades's not as great as they think he is. My plan for Ziggler's MITB is for him to cash in on Ryback and steal the World Title sometime down the line after this. Or maybe even.. at WrestleMania.

--I don't see Triple H vs Brock Lesnar II in the cards.. but I do see Triple H, with all is COO powers, attempting to end Brock once and for all. Lesnar will return again for whatever reason, and he and The Game reignite their feud however you wanna imagine. Brock terrorizes, says he'll never leave and has decided to destroy WWE. Triple H won't have it, and gives Brock an opponent that he himself couldn't conquer no matter how many times he tried. The Undertaker. If Lesnar wins, he ends the streak. When the Deadman wins, Brock leaves WWE for good.

--Just because there won't be a Triple H vs Brock Lesnar II.. doesn't mean The Game won't find his way onto WrestleMania. Now.. I've NEVER been the guy to speculate HBK's return. I know he's done, and am fine with him being done. But, in a perfect world.. I could see the Showstopper returning for ONE more match, if that match were to be Triple H's LAST match. HBK doubting The Game at SummerSlam could play into it. Let the slightest bit of friction build up to a Mania match. Though it won't be billed as The Game's final match... it'd be understood and hinted at in the build. The feud woudn't be personal, but sure there would be pride and ego's on the line. And honestly, after watching the 4 year Taker vs HBK, then Taker vs HHH storyline play out from WM 25-WM 28... I see no better way for that long angle, and The Game's career, to end.

--CM Punk never loses the WWE Championship. He conquers Cena again at Night of Champions, and retains to finish off the year. That brings us to the Royal Rumble. Can The Rock end CM Punk's unprecedented reign? Words are exchanged on RAW's building up to the PPV, and it's mentioned a time or two that Cena couldn't get the job done against The Rock, and that he couldn't get the job done and take the title off Punk.. but both Rocky and Punk promise to do what Cena couldn't do to each other (Punk beat Rock, Rock take Punk's title). We finally come to the Pay-Per-View, but Cena interfere's after a lengthy match, dropping The Rock with an AA and ending the match in DQ. He then does the same to Punk, and the Pay-Per-View ends with Cena marching back up the ramp, his rivals down in the ring. This isn't a heel turn, we've entered a time where the FANS truly CHOOSE who they like. John Cena isn't heel. The Rock isn't heel. CM Punk isn't heel. But they all have their LOYAL and proud fanbases. They are all 3 doing what they feel necessary to accomplish their goals, despite if it's what a typical babyface should do. The Rock returns the favor, and makes an unannounced appearance at Elimination Chamber, costing Cena a match against Punk for the title. A triple threat match is set for WrestleMania. CM Punk has just surpassed 500 days as WWE Champion, John Cena has been without gold for 18 months, and The Rock looks to stand tall over this generation again, and fulfill his promise to become champ. Unpredictable main event for WrestleMania XXIX.

Left over names such as Rey Mysterio, Kane, Sheamus, Cody Rhodes, Mark Henry, Christian, Big Show, Zack Ryder, The Miz, Alberto Del Rio, Tensai, etc. fill out the under card and solidfy this as a WrestleMania for the ages.

Well.. that's all I got.
*A couple of notes.
I am a big fan of top stars holding lower belts makes belts more prestige. This happened in all the recent eras except this one for some reason.
I don’t want to see Brock back ever.
I am going to push the tag division.
I also don’t care for Rey too much anymore I think he would be better in the tag division to help bring up the prestige of the belts and value of the superstars
I don’t care about the divas division until we get to see better wrestling from them.
I also do not want to see The Rock vs CM Punk at Mania
I would end Rybaks streak and the squash matches and also change Clay up little.
I would also take away Bragging Rights cause we have Survivor Series I would also bring back KOTR.
**Matches are listed from last to first**
WHC- Sheamus vs Bryan -Winner: Sheamus-(Alberto is made because he is not in it. He makes a run in and destroys Sheamus and win by DQ.)
WHC- Sheamus vs Ziggler Winner: Sheamus (after the beat down with Alberto, Ziggler cashes in the case but Swagger comes down and causes Ziggler to lose)
WWE- CM Punk vs John Cena Winner: Cena, but Punk remains Champ (Show makes a run-in)
TagTeam T/K(True and Kofi) vs Reality of Rock (Miz and Slater) Winner: RoR
Int.- Cody Rhodes vs Tyson Kidd –Winner” Kidd
US.- Antonio Cesaro vs Santino -Winner: Antonio (feud ends)

Hell In The Cell
WHC- Sheamus vs Alberto vs Bryan -Winner: Alberto (Ricardo helps cause there is no door cause of earlier)
WWE- CM Punk vs John Cena -Winner: Punk (Show rips door off and helps Punk. After match they are destroying Cena but Wade Barrett makes a return and the save and lays out Show and Punk)
TagTeam- Reality of Rock (Miz and Slater) vs PTP and T/K -Winner: RoR
Int.- Tyson Kidd vs Cody –Winner” Kidd
US.- Antonio Cesaro vs Christian -Winner: Antonio
#1’s Contenders for the WHC the following day or Tuesday
Ziggler vs. Swagger –Winner: Swagger (the following day Ziggler cost Swagger the win)

SURVIVOR SERIES- I would bring back the traditional tag matches winners don’t matter.
Team Barrett –Barrett, Kofi, Truth, Kane, and (Henry makes his return) vs
Team Punk –Punk, Miz, Slater, Albert, and Show

Team Sheamus- Sheamus, Swagger, Clay, SinCara, Santino vs.
Team Alberto- Alberto, Ziggler, Sandow, Cody, Cesaro

Team SmackDown- Orton, Ray, Christian, Kidd, Mahal vs.
Team Raw- Cena, D. Bryan, Ryder, Bourne, Drew McIntyre (make return raw GM signs him)

WWE- Punk vs Rock –Winner: Punk (Show runs-in helps Punk win)
WHC- Alberto vs D. Bryan –Winner: D. Bryan
Royal Rumble Winner: The Rock

WWE- Punk, Cena, Show, Alberto, Kane, Barrett –Winner: Barrett
WHC- Bryan, Alberto, Ziggler, Swagger, Sheamus, Orton –Winner: Swagger
US.- Cesaro vs Drew McIntyre –Winner: Drew
Int.- Kidd vs. Christian vs Bourne vs. Cody –Winner: Cody
TagTeam- SinCara and Mysterio vs. Reality of Rock –Winner: RoR

WWE- Wade Barrett vs The Rock Winner: D/M (I would like to see this then Punk and Rock to many reasons to explain)
WHC-Swagger vs D. Bryan vs Ziggler Winner: Bryan and Swagger (D.B applies the yesLock and Swagger applies the ankle lock on Ziggler, Ziggler taps no clear cut winner)Swag-Retains belt
Streak Match- Cena vs. Undertaker. Winner: Cena (if Taker is done wrestling, if not then Taker)
US.- Drew McIntyre vs Orton –Winner: D/M
HHH vs Punk –Winner: D/M (it never happened, story would go Punk is upset he isn’t in the title pic nor on the card and HHH had enough)
Tag Team- **Ladder Match***Sin-Mysterio vs RoR(Miz/Slater) vs T/K (Truth/Kofi) –Winner: Sin-Mysterio
Int- Cody vs. Kidd vs. Christian vs Bourne –Winner: Christian
Rybak vs Kane –Winner: Kane (Rybak keeps saying “feed me some more” Kane comes out ends the streak, will we see 2 streaks end tonight)

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