How would you book the veterans?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
WWE often gets criticized for relying on the old guard too much. Whether you liked Reigns winning the Rumble or not, I think everyone can agree that having Kane and Big Show be the 'final villains' (Rusev got Santino'ed, he doesn't count) was incredibly stupid. So how would you personally book these guys? What kind of storylines would you give them? Would you have them be face or heel? How would you use them to generate interest instead of remaining over-saturated?

Try to avoid "Fire them", as I think that's both dumb and mean spirited. I consider guys like Kane, Big Show and Henry to be the real veterans. Orton and Cena don't quite fit my definition, but if they fit yours, then go ahead and use them.

Personally, I'd have Kane gain a few credible wins before stepping aside and become a corporate figure. Sometimes he can be a benevolent version, other times a heel version. I think he is a good talker and was impressed with how well he handled 'Citizen Kane' at first- before he started acting much like normal Kane in a suit. But I wouldn't have him wrestle as much. Instead, I would have him get in the ring a few times a year. Make his matches matter. Triple H is an example of how this is done well.

I'd reveal that Big Show has some form of bi-polar, simply to create consistency whenever he goes from 'super nice guy' to 'incredibly jack-ass'. While many disagree with me, I think Big Show is still good enough to warrant his position. I don't want to see him in the main event, but I do think he should win most of his matches so that when he is defeated, it means something.

Mark Henry should be a heel, but I'd also start keeping him away from matches. Personally, I'd like to see him act as a bodyguard like JJ Security- albeit less goofy. He can get physical and dangerous without being relied upon too much. Much like Kane, when he wrestlers, it should matter.

Chris Jericho needs to be placed against enemies who can banter with him. His interactions with Rollins, Triple H and even with the Miz (and I don't think they even exchanged dialogue) were more entertaining than anything he did with Bray. Otherwise, I'm fine with him being glorified talent enhancement.

Rob Van Dam...I have no idea. I was a big mark of his back when I watched during the attitude era, but when I got back into wrestling, I found him to be kind of boring...which is strange, as he was more-or-less doing the same thing. My issue with RVD is he seems too laid back and friendly. I know that is his gimmick, but I think wrestlers need to be edgier. I'm not sure if he ever attempted this during his career when I wasn't watching or how successful it was. One of the problems with his last run is he had no storylines, so his matches all felt like padding.

The Undertaker should lose to Bray and...well, I'd personally say he should retire, but Taker knows his body more than I do. If he thinks he can continue, then he should stick to his current schedule.
The writers have really ruined what should've been a great WrestleMania season. The veterans and the upstarts have both been handled poorly.

Royal Rumble
Seth Rollins should've left with the WWE Title by pinning John Cena this way it keeps Lesnar looking strong.
Daniel Bryan should've won the Royal Rumble

WrestleMania Card (What should've been put together....)
Seth Rollins (C) vs. Daniel Bryan
Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker (Taker avenges his only loss and retires)
Sting vs. HHH
Roman Reigns vs. Rusev (US Title, Cena winning this mid-card title makes no sense at all).
John Cena & Hulk Hogan vs. Big Show & Kane (gimmick match that the crowd would love).
Ziggler vs. Jericho vs. Barrett vs. Ambrose (I-C Title Fatal 4 way)
Uso's vs. Ascenion w/Paul Heyman (Tag Titles)
Bella Twins vs. Lita/Trish (new divas vs. old divas)
Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt (great feud that could last for awhile

NXT Title Match
Andre Battle Royal
The WWE definitely needs these guys around but Show and Kane have really been irritating as of late. I'm a huge Kane fan but he is starting to piss me off. The matches are average and they are involved too much. I mean, why hasn't Reigns destroyed The Big Show yet? Perhaps they are saving it but it's The fucking Big Show. Reigns can beat him and attack him and anything else and it will be impressive.

Essentially, some of these guys are getting booked a little strong. Sure they need to win (or look threatening) to remain relevant but it is overkill. The only thing I would change about Big Show and Kane is have them on TV less often. They are good for Rollins and whatnot but I don't need to see them both wrestle on one show. No-one does.

Jericho is fine as it is. Return; fun promos; good matches; help some younger talents out; leave. I'm not sure what will happen when Henry returns but he will probably be losing more often that not.

Use The Big Show when it's right to use him. Like for Rusev. With Reigns, however, it's been long. It's been tedious and the quality hasn't been great at all. Indeed, it hasn't helped Reigns at all. Sure the WWE have few options but something with a little more purpose would have been beneficial. The reality is that Show, Kane and Henry aren't going to put on high-quality matches so the storyline/feud needs to be better.
Jericho should be booked stronger. His last run was a little better, but still not where it should be. He should not be losing to Curtis Axle's and Fandango's. Ever. His last run was better....if he's going to put a young guy over it should be someone like Bray or Rollins. To me, he's a guy who should come back for important things(like his CM Punk feud), not comeback for no real reason. Make it matter.

Kane...I liked where they were going when he was not wrestling and wearing the suits. Stick to that. STOP WRESTLING. Maybe once or twice a year.

Big Show....I don't mind where he is at now, just keep him out of main events. Mid-card heel.

Henry....Make him a bodyguard for somebody.
I'm not surprised Y2J won't comeback unless it means something, they had the guy lose to Fandango at WrestleMania. Y2J can still be booked strong, there is plenty of talent for him to feud with, such as Bad News Barrett, Luke Harper, Dolph Ziggler etc.

Kane, I think we can see he's slowing down, he's probably taking up too much TV time but he can still be used to wrestle part-time while keeping his corporate Kane gimmick.

Big Show, I think Big Show still has a lot to offer, yes his days as World Champ (Contender) are over but he can still put on a decent match and if they just keep him heel instead of going back and forth it'll give him some consistency.

Goldust, his latest run has been good, he's gotten better with age in the ring and he deserves to go out with a match against his brother.

RVD, I've given up on RVD. I'm an RVD fan but I don't see what need there is for him.

Mark Henry, injured, yet again. Time to hand the boots up Mark.
The veterans in WWE are treated like crap. They're made to look like jokes in order for every young guy to look unbeatable. Guys like Big Show, Kane, Mark Henry, and Chris Jericho shouldn't be losing clean to the likes of Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and The Ascension. Veteran talent should be winning the VAST majority of their matches, so that a win over them actually means something.
In a storyline sense, the Big Show/Kane angle in the RR was not stupid at all. It was actually great continuity and actually provided a storyline into the RR which rarely ever happens, let alone on a scale like that.

It was a different way to go about it. The eliminations of Ambrose and Ziggler were perfectly fine. They had to be knocked out completely in order to be eliminated. Reigns is the guy now so him eliminating them made complete sense as well and was part of the story of him conquering larger and (atleast portrayed) more dominant opponents, to make it seem like he had a shot against Lesnar.

Bryan shouldn't have been in the match at all, that was the only stupid thing in that match.

The veterans are doing exactly what they should be doing. Kane, Big Show, Cena, Orton, etc are all being used perfectly. They aren't working on top, because of that it elevates the part of the card they are on, rather than grouping them on top of ruining the perception of the status the younger guys have.

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