How would you book Stings Debut? feuding with who??

Stings 1st WWE Match opponent

  • Undertaker

  • HHH

  • John Cena

  • The Rock

  • Other

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Pre-Show Stalwart
As we all know Sting has appeared recently on the WWE Network and now a DVD has been set to release by WWE in late September this year on Stings history in WCW, I assume along with this will be various other merch/wwe 2k15/Possible HOF induction etc So although we havent had official word as yet this has more than ever given away that he has signed FINALLY with the WWE.

Also the major hint Sting himself gave was when he appeared at wrestlecon and said his new favourite number was 31! Vintage jericho trolling.:lmao:

Assuming he will only wrestle once at WM31 or possibly 2 or 3 at survior series/royal rumble, My question to you would be how would you book his debut? What storyline? And who would he feud with? Taker? HHH? Cena? The Rock? Or a younger less accomplished guy?;)
It would be awesome to have Sting debut at the Royal Rumble next year. Imagine hearing "the crow theme" when he appears and taking out many challengers at the Rumble. Maybe he could throw out a rookie, or have a rookie with potential eliminate him and they could start as feud as a result.
Hall of Fame and use him on the network. Nothing else. No interest in seeing him try to do anything. And I grew up during the height of Sting/Hogan in WCW and Sting was my favorite for years. Way too late now. Can't imagine him in a realistic feud with anyone on the current roster. He has reached Ric Flair "always wear a T-shirt" age and it's just going to be bad. Totally pointless to do at this point, there was more to be gained by just continuing to be the guy who never signed with Vince.
To tell the truth, I wouldn't book him to wrestle at all. 15 years ago you had tons of choices and you could still have him claim he was the last part of WCW that WWF couldn't beat. Now, he is out of time. How does he challenge anyone without coming across as a bitter old man trying to steal the spotlight and why would any of the modern talent decide he is worth their time? At least in TNA there were enough old WCW names for him to fit in and it wasn't that long after WCW closed.

If it was me, I would sign him and make him the face of WCW on the network. They have had issues with Flair that they won't with Sting so it is a good fit. Given it was been over a decade since he last wrestled( at least as far as wwe is concerned), I think it is a smarter choice than trying to think up of an angle or just wasting a match. Do we really gain anything by having him beat Cena or Orton? Or worse, do they need to beat him to get another stamp of approval?
Next year Undertaker retires...outcomes Sting he challenges Taker to a match at WM 31...the end.

I like this idea. Taker comes out the night after Elimination Chamber next year and announces he will never wrestle again. Sting comes out and says there is no way he's letting him retire without seeing who the better man is between the two. He then challenges Undertaker to a retirement match at WM31.
I want him to face a lot of people and become a true WWE star that stays with the company for a long time so I don't want him to face the biggest stars yet. Have him go down the entire roster. You start with a small feud against an average guy like Christian. Then he could face Goldust and create dissention in the Rhodes' brothers. Then Ray Mysterio. Then he challenges announcer Booker T to remind him of WCW. Then someone bigger like Titus and beat him. Then Dolph, Big E, Fandango, Miz, Del Rio. Biggest challenge comes in the person of Jack Swagger but he beats him too. He also faces and keep up with Kingston. Finally at a big event he faces former WCW star Big Show for the memory of the defunct company. He body slam Show out of the ring and Show is counted out. Sting is the winner.

Then you can start building him to face Taker.
I would have him face Daniel Bryan. He comes out all mysterious for a while then attacks Bryan with a bat, picks up the old WCW World Heavyweight championship, and a message is clearly sent. Sting then cuts a promo about being the last of the elite guard from WCW and he is back to reclaim what was stolen years ago.
Sting's been getting in shape since leaving TNA. WrestleZone posted a video today of him working out and he appears to be a decent shape (not sure when the video was filmed). Word is he has been working out like crazy since leaving TNA and is in the best shape he's been in the last 10 years. Obviously, that's not saying a whole lot, but he is 55. Also, Vince loves bodybuilders and must respect what Sting has done, being the age that he is. He's not as big as Vince was at 55, but he's respectable. My only issue is the fact that he is horribly balding. Unless he's going to get plugs, I'm not sure what they can do about it. The makeup covers up the fact that he looks old in the face, and the intense workouts hide that physically, but the baldspot is a bad look. Hopefully they do something about it. Bleaching his hair would certainly mask it a little, but I highly doubt WWE wants Surfer Sting when he debuts. Guess we'll find out in the coming months.
I would have him face Daniel Bryan. He comes out all mysterious for a while then attacks Bryan with a bat, picks up the old WCW World Heavyweight championship, and a message is clearly sent. Sting then cuts a promo about being the last of the elite guard from WCW and he is back to reclaim what was stolen years ago.

How awesome would it be if he did that but to Triple H? Say Triple H somehow wins the WWE World Heavyweight Championship(s) from Daniel Bryan within the next few months. Triple H is out on RAW bragging about beating everyone and maintaining his position on top. Sting comes out from nowhere and lays him out, picks up the big gold belt and drops it back on Triple H and leaves. The next week, Sting talks about how Triple H tried to erase WCW from the history books by defeating the likes of Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Goldberg, Booker T, etc and turning that World Title into a second tier shadow of the WWE Title. Have him challenge Triple H for only the big gold belt and win it. Then have him defend it on Smackdown against younger talents the way that Christian defended the ECW title during it's last run. A good way to establish Sting in WWE and split the titles back up. Eventually, we can get our Sting vs Undertaker match at Wrestlemania 30.
Jesus. He's 54. I'd book him as an ambassador, a hall of fame induction, and maybe, MAYBE, as a Raw face GM that can take a fee bumps from a heel like Lesnar or Orton.
I'm sure it will happen eventually, but does anyone know if Sting is signed to the normal legends deal or is actually a talent contract? meaning a few matches, etc...

I've wondered ever since Warrior's passing and the scrutiny that came with it what the "new" policy for older wrestlers would be.

If he is indeed signed to a talent contract, i think he'd certainly be one of the oldest guys to come in at that age. Taker is 48, and there are lots of folks who say he may be truly older, maybe 50+ but i'm not 100% certain.

Nash was 51 when he worked that program with HHH. And of course i'm forgetting Flair who i believe was in his late 50's when he started wrestling in WWE after WCW was bought. And you've got Jerry the King, but i don't know how hold he is and I think he might have been north of 60 when he had his heart attack after that match.....
I think it would be smart if they did bring in Sting early. If Sting does wrestle Taker next year, I'm sure WWE don't plan on having Sting going over their man but I don't think Sting would wanna lose in his debut match either, so they could give Sting a win or two before he's set to face Taker.

As for who his first opponent could be, Triple H would make the most sense. I don't see The Rock returning any time soon, and I doubt WWE will want their top guy jobbing to The Stinger in his first ever WWE match. I know people didn't like the idea when it was reported by wrestling sites, but I think maybe they should bring him in as a new GM even though we have 3 or 4 authority figures on Raw right now, but they're all heel. Vince could see that Triple H is out of control and not fit to run the show alone, so he makes the announcement in the ring and introduces Sting, they could shake hands - symbolizing that the two have finally come to work together - Triple H and Sting have problems working with each other, so the board decides there can only be one person running the show and they book Sting vs. Triple H in a good ol' Loser Leaves Town match.
Well, I don't know if it's necessary that he wrestles now that The Undertaker match is likely out of question, but I would have him feud with Orton.

Have him debut in the dry spell in the late Spring/early Summer. Have him talk about his days in WCW, and how he's never been in the WWE. Have him hint at challenging Taker and then Orton comes out.

Bring back Legend Killer Orton. Have him give RKO's or punts to the old WCW guard. You can somehow tie in the network to this, I don't really have a reason yet as to why WCW needs to be involved but have Orton take out WCW guys like Booker, DDP, etc. etc., all leading to Sting vs. Orton at Summerslam. With Orton going over at Summerslam and then Sting getting his win back in the 7-on-7 Survivor Series match. Sting would then challenge Taker at the Slammys a la Shawn Michaels a few years ago.
I'd have him debut by saving Daniel Bryan from an evolution beat down.
Have sting vs triple h at payback. Winner gets control of
Operations. Sting vs rock at summerslam. Sting vs masked kane at survivor series. Sting vs hbk at royal rumble.
Sting vs taker mania 31
A few weeks ago, I would have said book him against Taker at Mania next year. But, after this Mania the idea of Taker at 31 isn't as appealing. With that said, allot of good ideas here. But, I would book Sting against one of the bigger up and comers, mostly Bray Wyatt. Why Bray? He is a "cult" leader, something that we all know is opposite to Stings spiritual beliefs. Bray could try and tempt Sting back to his old ways....and we could have a really good month or two of matches and verbal altercations. It wouldn't matter who would win the fued for story line reasons, Bray would come out on top in the end. Sting would best be used, in my opinion, as the guy to help put the younger talent over. Im not suggesting Sting job for everyone, hell no. But he would basically be doing what he was doing in TNA towards the end. Establish the next generation.
The question is what does wwe gain? Obviously seeing Sting wrestle is not a huge draw otherwise TNA would have seen huge results every time he was in a match. As well, your current generation of wwe fans are the ones who have grown up watching Cena. For them, Sting is just a name. I know Bruno is a legend because wwe tells me that but I have never seen him wrestle so he is not a draw for me. Same here for Sting. Older fans will like Sting but other than maybe a short term payoff, what do you get by having him in a match? They can't even use him to put over a rising star as he has been out of the loop for so long, it won't matter. I don't see any positives about him wrestling in wwe, at least not as a "main event". If they wanted to bring him in for some tag matches - say Bryan/Sting vs Orton/Flair - I could see it but even a retirement match would be somewhat meaningless as he never wrestled in wwe. I know why people want to see him but I just feel he is too out of place there. Even Taker was getting old compared to the talent, same with the New Age Outlaws.
The occasional tag match makes perfect sense. As for singles opponents, you could have Orton at Summerslam, Triple H at the Rumble maybe & Rock at Wrestlemania 31. The Taker match is gone methinks.

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