How would WWE have changed if their were no deaths?


Occasional Pre-Show
I want to know how the WWE would have been like if like Owen Hart, Bulldog, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, and everyone else didn't die early?

1. Do you think Owen Hart would have been WWE Champion?
2. Would British Bulldog be teaming with his son?
3. Would Eddie Guerrero have faced Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania?
4. Would Chris Benoit ended Undertakers streak?

I want to know what you all think and let me know what your answers are to these 4 questions.
This is quite interesting...

1. Owen Hart WWE Champion? Yes. If that tragic fall at Over The Edge didn't happen I guarentee that he would of become at least a 5 time WWE (or F at the time) Champion.

2. I don't think so. This is because the British Bulldog has already done enough in the ring and if he was signed to the WWE who would he face? The only reasonable explanation for that is that there was a family fued like the Orton's, the Dibiase's or the Rhodes to face DH Smith and The British Bulldog.

3. Again no. Eddie Guerrero maybe of faced Shawn Michaels at least once but not at Wrestlemania. There is practically no reason why. If you can think of a reasonable storyline for these two then let me know.

4. Would Chris Benoit of ended the legendary streak? I would have to say no. If these two did face each other at a Wrestlemania it would of been a spectacular match. But the reason why I chose no instead of yes is because no matter who Undertaker faces at Wrestlemania, he will always win. He face Shawn Michaels TWICE at Wrestlemania. If you didn't already know, before Wrestlemania 25 HBK beat Taker 4 times and he never lost to Taker until WM 25. If HBK couldn't do it, then let me know, who can?
well theres a long list of people who died before they reached thier 40's but had they all not died early then most of them would have retired early from injury or retired from old age but there is 3 superstars 1 of whom u did not mention that had they not died at such an early age i believe would have became wwe champions and those superstars are owen hart,british bulldog,and brian pillman..yes bulldog was much older than owen and pillman when he died but had he not died early and kept his head on straight then i believe he would have had 1 or 2 runs with the wwe championship...owen hart was so much like his brother bret in the ring as far as technical ability goes and he was also much younger than bret was too and had nothing but time to get better in the ring and had he not have died at such an early age i believe he would have had at least 6 good runs with the wwe championship and then he would have retired from the ring to spend time with his family (after all i read in interviews that owen didnt care too much for the wrestling lifestyle and he only wrestled because it was something he felt his father wanted him to do)...brian pillman was good and i dont think he even broke the surface of how good he was before he died and had he not died at such an early age i believe he would have had a few runs with the wwe far as eddie guerrero goes,yes a match between him and shawn michaels at wrestlemania would have been awesome and would have definitely stolen the show,i mean both of thier styles are really similiar,they both do the ground style but can also do the highflying stuff as well and thats one of those matches that would be hard to call a winner for but lets just says had that match ever happened it would have been the match of the year if not the match of the decade it would have been that good

oh and no chris benoit would have never ended the undertakers streak..i believe undertaker is going to retire undefeated at wrestlemania and that is going to be his legacy
i believe, owen would have been wwe champion but no more than 2 time. the hart family was still being scolded and buried for bret i believe. My facts might not be straight on that one. British Bulldog would be teaming with his son but it wouldnt be permanent. Bulldog wasn't that much of a tag team person to me as he shined as a singles wrestler. Eddie vs Shawn would of definitely happen if Eddie's push would continue after him becoming WWE Champion. How they would book it? I have no idea but at that point they Shawn would be thrown against anyone who can draw and can wrestle. Chris Benoit would not end Taker's streak, it would be less stellar than Shawn match because of the one factor. Benoit could only end matches by Submission with the Crossface. Undertaker has never tapped out...So that leaves the match just an easy win for Taker and I believe it wouldnt draw unless we actually see Benoit make the Undertaker tapped at some prior main event match that counted.
1. Do you think Owen Hart would have been WWE Champion?

With how his character was getting pushed in major storyline I would think so. He was on the same level as a young Rock was so I can't imagine him NOT being a champion.

2. Would British Bulldog be teaming with his son?

I would have loved to have seen this combination. I think a father/son team would be perfect in this family-friendly era in WWE. Would it have happened? By the time Bulldog was a true veteran I'd think DH Smith would be in his prime. It would work realistically if The Dynamite Kid himself managed his son instead of sharing the ring with him.

3. Would Eddie Guerrero have faced Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania?

Statistically I have to think Yes. During the time Eddie was Main Eventing to the point of headlining Wrestlemania Shawn Michaels was taking on challengers he hadn't squared off with. I am talking about HBK-Benoit while Eddie faced Angle. Then a year or two passes HBK-Angle makes waves. It would have been only a matter of time before Shawn Michaels would take on a technical superstar he hadn't faced. That being Latino Heat. It wouldn't even need a complex storyline; Both religious, larger-than-life characters with comical undertones.

The day after Eddie passed WWE scheduled a special show wherein Shawn Michaels took on Eddie's good friend Rey Mysterio. I honestly think WWE was thinking of these two squaring off at the big one.

4. Would Chris Benoit ended Undertakers streak?

I think it would be pretty random for an 18+ year ring veteran to beat the legendary streak. Benoit was established enough as it is; that streak will either end two ways:

1. A young superstar the WWE has pure undevoted faith in will pin him or
2. It will end when Taker retires, leaving him undefeated.
Owen Hart would NOT have been a world heavyweight champion. People have a way of "remembering" people when they die. People remember JFK as being a "great" man. JFK was an average President at best. Owen was a solid character, but he was on the same level as a Matt Hardy or Christian. That is NOT to say the he wouldn't have DESERVED a title run, but simply that he would not have been given a run with it. You also have to take in account that Vince McMahon was PISSED at Bret Hart for going to WCW. Everyone on here should be well aware of Vince McMahon's grudges.

2) I do not think nor even care if the British Bulldog tagged with his son. British Bulldog's kid is not even very talented. If not for his father's name he wouldn't have a job.

3) Eddie Guerro vs HBK at Mania? I could have seen it happening...

4) No one will ever end the Undertaker's streak... Especially not a guy who the WWE never really thought highly of. One world title run (because they "had" to), then Benoit is shipped off to that bastardized ECW. If HBK didn't end it, what makes you think they would have let Benoit?
1. Definitely yes - Owen was championship material
2. No, he would be like what Bret Hart is right now, so he wouldn't really be doing a match unless its like the one that Bret had with Vince at Mania
3. Maybe, that would have been one hell of a match
4. No.... nobody would have done that or would do that.... I guess that was known since before he was 8-0 or so.... he even said it in "This is My Yard" that he'll never lose the streak and would be undefeated at Mania when he retires, and that would be the legacy of the Undertaker.
1. Do you think Owen Hart would have been WWE Champion?

Yes. Two main reasons:

- VERSATILITY: He could adapt his ring style to work a great match with just about anyone; whether it be a high flying spot-fest, a technical clinic or a bloody brawl, Owen could do it, and do it better than most. He was also versatile on the mic; many of his goofy heel promos were laugh-out-loud hilarious, but he could also convincingly play genuinely menacing, bad-ass character (see his far-too-brief face-run as the "Black Hart" in the late 90s) or sell the seriousness of a situation (see his feuds with Bret and Austin). While not as good as Kurt Angle, he was similar in this regard; he could do everything very well, which always puts you in good stead for at least a transitional World title run.

- RELIABILITY: Rarely took time off with injuries. Despite the notorious Austin incident, was generally considered very safe to work with. No history of drug use, "despised" them according to Mick Foley. By all reports a consumate professional and a terrific presence backstage.

2. Would British Bulldog be teaming with his son?

Here's where it gets tricky. The Bulldog died after a lifelong struggle with illicit drugs and painkillers, due to the fact that he was in constant pain. His body was shot, and if he was still alive he'd be retired and a virtual cripple. But if we're pretending none of these guys died, then I suppose we must also pretend pretend they never had any of the ailments that killed them in the first place.

In this case, I don't see why they wouldnt bring Davey back for a few months to work a brief program with his kid in a tag team capacity. Thetruemike couldnt be any further off the mark regarding the Bulldog being "not much of a tag team wrestler"; the British Bulldogs were one of the greatest tag teams of all time, and Davey and Owen deserve alot more credit for carrying the WWF's tag team division in the mid-90s. I'd have marked out for a Smith/Hart-Smith tag team, if booked the right way (i.e. as a serious tag team with a great legacy, and not as a comedy act).

3. Would Eddie Guerrero have faced Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania?

Far too speculative a question. There's just no way whatsoever of actually predicting if this would have happened, theres just too many variables. One thing we can all agree on: if it DID happen, it would have been something pretty special.

4. Would Chris Benoit ended Undertakers streak?

Absolutely no chance.

If the Undertakers streak DOES come to an end (and I'm not saying it will), then
A: It will happen at his very last match at 'Mania: the marketing value of the "Streak" is fantastic, the WWE wont piss it away by breaking the streak before they've gotten all they can out of it.
B: The person who breaks the streat will be someone whom the WWE believes can be a main event-calibre wrestler for the next 15-20 years. Somebody who Vince believes can reach the same level as the Undertaker, and draw money for a long time to come. Benoit was getting on in the years, and while the WWE liked him, they really saw him as more of a useful transitional Champion/fringe main eventer, as opposed to an Undertaker-level, face of the company type.
Owen was a solid character, but he was on the same level as a Matt Hardy or Christian.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion on whether or not Owen would have been champion. With that being said how do you figure he was on the same level as Matt and Christian? He was feuding with Stone Cold, taking control of The Nation Of Domination (previously held by The Rock), and was immensely popular prior to his death. This sounds like something Matt Hardy would have done? Come on I wasn't a fan while Owen was alive but you can't argue he was on the path to Main Eventing.

You also have to take in account that Vince McMahon was PISSED at Bret Hart for going to WCW. Everyone on here should be well aware of Vince McMahon's grudges.

Ever heard of the MSG Incident? Only person to get punished for that was the young Hunter Hearst Helmsley. He turned into one of the most successful competitors in the industry today. You really think Vince would have punished Owen Hart for something Bret Hart did? I realize Vince underutilizes quite a bit of talent but the man isn't petty. In the end it is business.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion on whether or not Owen would have been champion. With that being said how do you figure he was on the same level as Matt and Christian? He was feuding with Stone Cold, taking control of The Nation Of Domination (previously held by The Rock), and was immensely popular prior to his death. This sounds like something Matt Hardy would have done? Come on I wasn't a fan while Owen was alive but you can't argue he was on the path to Main Eventing.

Triple H had nothing to do with Bret Hart. I'm not sure where you are going with that. Triple H was involved with the "Kliq". I do not think you really understand what I am saying. I was a fan of Owen, but do not think he would have achieved main event status by winning the HC. I am a fan of Matt Hardy, and an even bigger fan of Christian. I believe that Christian deserves a run with the WWE title. He has earned it. Much in the same way that Owen Hart earned it and deserved it. The question being posed here is not "did Owen deserve a title run"? The question that was asked was whether or not he WOULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN A RUN. I believe that Owen DID DESERVE a title run. I just do not think he would have ever been given one.

I am not hating on the guy. I just think that most people have a "jaded" view on him because of his tragic death. He was a very solid worker and he entertained me. He is equal to Christian in my eyes.
This is quite interesting...

1. Owen Hart WWE Champion? Yes. If that tragic fall at Over The Edge didn't happen I guarentee that he would of become at least a 5 time WWE (or F at the time) Champion.

2. I don't think so. This is because the British Bulldog has already done enough in the ring and if he was signed to the WWE who would he face? The only reasonable explanation for that is that there was a family fued like the Orton's, the Dibiase's or the Rhodes to face DH Smith and The British Bulldog.

3. Again no. Eddie Guerrero maybe of faced Shawn Michaels at least once but not at Wrestlemania. There is practically no reason why. If you can think of a reasonable storyline for these two then let me know.

4. Would Chris Benoit of ended the legendary streak? I would have to say no. If these two did face each other at a Wrestlemania it would of been a spectacular match. But the reason why I chose no instead of yes is because no matter who Undertaker faces at Wrestlemania, he will always win. He face Shawn Michaels TWICE at Wrestlemania. If you didn't already know, before Wrestlemania 25 HBK beat Taker 4 times and he never lost to Taker until WM 25. If HBK couldn't do it, then let me know, who can?

Owen a 5 time champ? I doubt that. I remember reading several accounts some being his own family members saying that he didn't want to be in the business too much longer. That was part of the reason he was traveling very cheap and saving. I think maybe he would've been a one or two time world champ. As much as we like Owen, he was never a main event draw. The closest he got to that was when he was feuding with Bret. I mean he died doing the Blue Blazer gimmick.

I do think DBS and DHS would've probably tagged at one point or another. Maybe even been the first Father/Son team to win the WWE tag belts (correct me if that has happened already).

I don't think Eddie would've faced HBK at Wrestlemania. In his cruiserweight years, Eddie was fun to watch, but he never really got over with me persona-wise. I didn't care if he lied, cheated or stole his way to the top. Once he changed his wrestling style, I lost interest, and I imagine quite a lot of people felt that too. So he'd never be given a headline match against HBK at wrestlemania. Maybe at the rumble.

I don't know if benoit would've beaten the taker at wrestlemania. I don't really see how letting anyone beat taker at wrestlemania would happen. I do think, if Benoit was still wrestling in top form today, he and Ziggler would've had some legendary bouts.
Triple H had nothing to do with Bret Hart. I'm not sure where you are going with that. Triple H was involved with the "Kliq". I do not think you really understand what I am saying.

You must have the Montreal Screwjob confused with the MSG Incident. You mentioned how Vince supposedly held "grudges" so in passing I brought up HHH. Of course it has nothing to do with the Harts, but everything to do with your comment on how Vince holds grudges. The MSG Incident happened to involve the "Kliq".

I was a fan of Owen, but do not think he would have achieved main event status by winning the HC. I am a fan of Matt Hardy, and an even bigger fan of Christian. I believe that Christian deserves a run with the WWE title. He has earned it. Much in the same way that Owen Hart earned it and deserved it

1. Based on your first sentence here, you're implying Owen would have achieved Main Event status without winning the Championship. How does that work?

2. You mention Matt Hardy and Christian in regards to your thoughts of Owen Hart being a midcarder. This simply is not true-that is my argument. He was in rivalries stretching from almost every important superstar at the time. Hardy and Christian are not known for feuding with the likes of John Cena, Sheamus, Undertaker, or even Rey Mysterio. Owen in his time faced the equivalent at the time.

The question being posed here is not "did Owen deserve a title run"? The question that was asked was whether or not he WOULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN A RUN. I believe that Owen DID DESERVE a title run. I just do not think he would have ever been given one.

Perhaps, perhaps not. We can only guess and that makes opinions go either way without any real basis. But the fact of the matter is Owen Hart WAS facing off against the best at the time and WAS scheduled to being a main event competitor. They wouldn't have given him keys to such vehicles as The Hart Foundation or The Nation Of Domination if they weren't planning on him being a top superstar.

I am not hating on the guy. I just think that most people have a "jaded" view on him because of his tragic death. He was a very solid worker and he entertained me. He is equal to Christian in my eyes.

I understand and it's noted, but this "jaded" view you talk of could also imply someone like Heath Ledger, right? After all, like Owen he was already established in his career and was on the way to the top when he kicked the bucket. See how unusual that sounds?
It saddens me to say this, but if there were none of those deaths in WWE, then there would be a huge, covered up drug problem that would rarely be an issue & probably cause the deaths of others. The only one of those deaths that wasn't drug related was Owens, & I whole heartedly believe that he would have been a champion many times over
1 - Some people say The Game gimmick which was really over was being set up for Owen Hart. I think if Owen had of stuck around long enough then surely he would of won the gold someday. He was a very good performer, and could cut a decent enough promo. I think if Owen hadnt of died, then Bret would of returned to WWE much sooner.

2 - Bulldog was in self destruct mode so probably not fit to wrestle anyway. But I'm pretty sure WWE would of wheeled him out at some point to interact with DHS.

3 - Who knows. I think they were both active performers for like 4/5 years in WWE and didnt really ever cross paths? Maybe thats more of a reason to say yes they might of - a fresh face off and that.

4 - Benoit would never of ended Takers streak. Just like Goldberg, Brock, Cena, Kane, Orton, Triple H, Doink, Honky Tonk Man, Nasty Boys, Max Moon, Duane Gill....wouldn't either.
1. Difficult to say as he doesn't have the champion 'look'. I would say maybe a one-time champion (Kane) or a transitional champion in the era of Austin, Rock and HHH.

2. Why not? WWE loves families in tag teams.

3. Again, why not? If they can put up a hell of a match there is no reason they won't book it for Wrestlemania.

4. Just no.
In his cruiserweight years, Eddie was fun to watch, but he never really got over with me persona-wise. I didn't care if he lied, cheated or stole his way to the top. Once he changed his wrestling style, I lost interest, and I imagine quite a lot of people felt that too.

"Imagine" is the key word here; you are "imagining things". Eddie was very popular as a cruiserweight in WCW, I'll grant you, but he was more popular as a midcarder in the WWF's Heavyweight division, and by the time he captured the title, he was certainly over on a main event level. He was getting monster pops from the crowd, sold merchandise and actually influenced PPV buyrates. He didn't reach the level of say, the Undertaker or Triple H, but had definite main event status and was certainly a big enough star to get a match with HBK at WM.

For every fan who "lost interest" in him after he changed his style, there were 100 who "gained interest".
Perhaps, perhaps not. We can only guess and that makes opinions go either way without any real basis. But the fact of the matter is Owen Hart WAS facing off against the best at the time and WAS scheduled to being a main event competitor. They wouldn't have given him keys to such vehicles as The Hart Foundation or The Nation Of Domination if they weren't planning on him being a top superstar.

To each his own, and I totally respect your opinion... Yeah, Owen had some fueds with SOME of the top stars. Austin hadn't really been established yet as the face of the company. Austin was still on his way up. But whatever dude. The only thing I am trying to point out was that at the time of Owen's death he was playing that "Blue Blazor" gimmick. That hardly sounds like a guy on the same level as HBK, Triple H, Hogan, Austin, etc... That doesn't even really sound the same as being on the level of most of the "supposed" main eventers today. However, Owen was much better than any of these guys like R Truth, Miz, Nexus, etc... By todays WWE standards for "main eventers" maybe Owen would have been a world champion. However, in Owen's era I do not believe that he would have ever won the title. "Blue Blazor"... Really?
I want to know how the WWE would have been like if like Owen Hart, Bulldog, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, and everyone else didn't die early?

1. Do you think Owen Hart would have been WWE Champion?
2. Would British Bulldog be teaming with his son?
3. Would Eddie Guerrero have faced Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania?
4. Would Chris Benoit ended Undertakers streak?

I want to know what you all think and let me know what your answers are to these 4 questions.

Owen Hart. I don't think that Owen Hart would have been World Champion. Weirder things have happened, but I doubt that his direction would have changed that drastically. He was on the way down in terms of his character. Nonetheless, I think he'd have made the Hall of Fame in some form or fashion by now had he died in a different way or perhaps had retired. It also might have made the Bret Hart/WWE tension had less steam to it.

British Bulldog. Bulldog could be teaming with his son, but I don't think him living would have much of a difference on the wrestling landscape. He was never in a position to get that done.

Eddie Guerrero. I don't know about he and Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania, though I'd have loved to see it. Nonetheless, I could still see a bunch of exciting feuds for him with guys like Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, Justin Gabriel, Kaval. (Depending on how long he stuck around.)

Chris Benoit. Potentially, this death had the most effect on WWE. While Guerrero had something to do with a revamped drug testing process, Benoit really sent it into another gear. Not to mention that his death gave WWE some of it's worse publicity in recent years and made WWE check some of it's violence in many ways.

No, he wouldn't have ended The Undertaker's streak. No one will.
No. But he would have been Intercont champ, and more tag team belts. He was a great wrestler but he was not like his brother Bret.

2. Yes. In fact I heard that he was trying to do that with his son in the WWE.
3. I think so, after all both were loved and respected.
4. No. Chris Benoit would have not have ended it. How many people fought him that would be considered legends and failed?
I want to know how the WWE would have been like if like Owen Hart, Bulldog, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, and everyone else didn't die early?

1. Do you think Owen Hart would have been WWE Champion?
2. Would British Bulldog be teaming with his son?
3. Would Eddie Guerrero have faced Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania?
4. Would Chris Benoit ended Undertakers streak?

Nice thread bro...

1. Yes I do think Owen would have won the WWE Championship. He would have been one of the senior guys on the roster and by that time an established household name, who could not only lead a heel stable, but also carry a 4-5 star match with most of the talent he would have faced.

2. Bulldog would be too old and retired by time DH Smith would have entered the WWE. It could have been an awesome idea, father & son tag champs, but I think Davey Boy would have been several years removed from his in-ring days.

3. I don't think Eddie & Shawn would have ever crossed paths at Mania, and it's a shame that this match never happened. Eddie was one of my favorites and his passing hit me really hard, a match with HBK on the grandest stage of them all would have been 5 stars without a doubt. I just couldn't see the 2 meeting though to be honest, I don't think you could write a rivalry for 2 of the WWE's most beloved legends when they have no prior history.

4. Benoit was also one of my favorites but to answer this question, no he wouldn't be the guy to end the streak. Simply because the streak transcends the the sport, it adds to the mystique and the aura of the Undertaker character. The streak will always remain intact and will never be broken, nor will it be duplicated. The Undertaker is the greatest gimmick in all of Pro Wrestling, what started as a somewhat laughable character has become part of the very fabric that professional wrestling has been built on.
However, in Owen's era I do not believe that he would have ever won the title. "Blue Blazor"... Really?

This was Austin once upon a time in the WWE:

Looks kind of like Ted Dibiase, but without the looks, don't he?

This was Kane:

A complete eyesore at best. Compared to The Blue Blazer this looked wacky.

Oh, and Triple H:

A jockie?

Don't forget The Rock:

I imagine Orlando Jordan wanted this gettup.

The point is no matter what, eventually WWE is going to put you in a slightly ******ed gimmick. Whether or not you debut as Vanilla Ice at a Halloween party (John Cena) or you're given probably the most laughed at name "Sexton Hardcastle" (Edge). It's bound to happen. Sadly, Owen Hart died with the infamous "Blue Blazer" gimmick so we will never know what he could've truly became in the wrestling world.

But it wouldn't've stopped there. Worst gimmicks have came and went and they produced the biggest names in wrestling today.

Keep in mind, WWE did something like this once upon a time:

1. Yes I think he definitely would have been given a run with the belt in 2000, even if it was a short one. In a year where WWE was struggling for main event talent with Austin injured they decided to throw Rikishi and a still green Kurt Angle in to the title picture. Are you telling me that if he had still been alive Owen, a veteran who had proven himself as a very solid preformer, wouldn't have been used as opposed to Rikishi or Kurt. It would likely have only been a one or two month transitional reign to mix it up from HHH and Rock holding it but he would have gotten a reign.

2. Maybe, he would have been 47 this year though so it might have been a bit of a stretch but if he decided he could keep going then I would think he would be involved with his son in someway be it as a manager, tag partner or even opponent.

3. Maybe, it certainly would have been a Maina worthy match it would be up to Vince if he wanted it to happen though.

4. No, if people like Hunter and HBK could not end the streak then there is no way that Benoit, a glorified upper mid carder would be booked to overhaul the biggest accomplishment in the history of pro wrestling. It would have been one hell of a match though.
Among the four deaths you have mentioned, I think Eddie's death affected WWE the most. He was the only guy who had the charisma to be a permanent main eventer. But I'll elaborate when I get to your questions.

1. Do you think Owen Hart would have been WWE Champion?

I do not think so. He was a midcarder at the time of his death. He would have been the guy to elevate the up and comers. He might have won a few more midcard championships but I doubt if he would have ever won the WWF Championships. There were simply better alternatives available. A lot of people make a huge deal about the fact that he was going to make " The Game" gimmick his own but in Owen's case I'm guessing that it would have just been a moniker rather than what HHH's gimmick turned out to be. It might have been somewhat like "Gold Standard" Shelton Benjamin.

2. Would British Bulldog be teaming with his son?

I don't think he would have lasted that long to team with his son. He was a shell of his former self in the last stages of his career.

3. Would Eddie Guerrero have faced Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania?

This would have surely happened. Both of them had mentioned in radio interviews that they would have liked working with each other. Eddie also regarded Shawn as his idol in a way. Eddie would have been, in my opinion, a main event staple had he been alive. He could play a good guy as well as a bad guy with equal conviction. Plus he was involved in two main event feuds before he died, so I think thats where he would have stayed for the rest of his career.

4. Would Chris Benoit ended Undertakers streak?

This is Chris Benoit was basically a midcarder for his entire career who was given a championship belt as a reward for contributions for seven months. After he lost the championship he did not main event a single PPV. So to think he would have even challenged Undertaker's streak at Mania is ludricous let alone end it. He would have been somewhere in the midcard winning midcard championships and elevating up and comers. He would not have won a second world title either.
1. Do you think Owen Hart would have been WWE Champion?

Yes I think Owen would have eventually been given a run with the World Title. He was too talented to hold down forever, and I think Vince would have eventually realised this and given Owen a run on top. Owen Hart v Chris Jericho would have been a great feud. The only way I could see this not being the case would be if Vince held a grudge against Owen because of the Montreal Screwjob incident with Bret. Maybe for this reason we would never have seen Owen on top, but I would like to think Vince could have got over this and treated Owen in the way he deserved and give him the title run his talent warranted.

2. Would British Bulldog be teaming with his son?

If Bulldog was still alive and didnt have his severe injuries/painkiller addictions that blighted the later years of his life, I think we would have seen him tagging with Harry at least once. I think a Smith father/son tag team would have been great to see, maybe even for a short run with the tag-titles, as they mean little now anyway. Davey Boy would be a veteran at this point, but it is something I think WWE would have done.

3. Would Eddie Guerrero have faced Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania?

Who knows? Both were major faces, and I think Eddie was too good in his "Lie Cheat & Steal" face role to turn heel. Maybe Michaels could have done the heel role like he did in the feud with Hogan a few years ago. I think a match like this could have worked in a face v face role like Undertaker v HBK did twice. But really, this is a hard one to say

4. Would Chris Benoit ended Undertakers streak?

No, Undertaker would still be in the same position as he is now, undefeated at Wrestlemania. He may have faced Benoit at WM, but he would not have done the job. If Taker ever loses his unbeaten streak, and its a BIG IF, it will be against an all-time great or the hottest newcomer who is being pushed to the moon. Benoit was good, and would still be good if he was alive today, but he was already a veteran at the time of his death, so he would have had little to gain in beating Undertaker at WM. His career was coming towards an end. So, no, Benoit would not have ended the streak

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