How will Skip Sheffield be written out?


Dark Match Winner
On, the WWE is advertising a 5-on-5 tag team match tonight. The wrestlers featured are The Nexus vs. Cena, Jericho, Sheamus, Orton, and Edge. Obviously on the Nexus side there is no Skip Sheffield which brings the number to 5. This leads me to my question...

How will the WWE write Skip Sheffield out of Nexus? He is out an estimated ten months so he won't be around for the implosion of Nexus. Sheffield wasn't there last week due to his injury and seems to be just forgotten about because there was no prior announcement of the injury or kayfabe reasoning (that I've heard.)

Go easy on me...this is my first thread:)
I didnt see 10 months anywhere, I saw 4-6 months. Now Im sure he will be written out but I dont think he needs to be. I dont see why he cant still be a scary on air character that doesnt wrestler. he can stand still and punch people, or he can just be apart of their meetings, but just not wrestle. However I doubt this will happen. Theyll probably either mention this injury or just do what they did with Bryan.
I'm not sure they have to write him out in this case. He was injured in a match. They don't neccassarily have to hide that from us. I'd actually be kind of surprised if they did make up a storyline for him considering they've already had to do it for DBD and DY. I think they'll just mention the injury and move on.
I didnt see 10 months anywhere, I saw 4-6 months.

I apologize. You're right about it being 4-6, I just recently saw a piece on Stephen Strasburg needing Tommy John surgery so I got my injuries mixed up. Keeping Sheffield on TV like you mentioned, I think is a great idea because Sheffield is a powerful force and was arguably the number two guy on Nexus after Bryan's departure.
Yeah I've been thinking about this one aswell, I was thinking perhaps they will write him out of Nexus by claiming he was a weak link but then again I can't see that as he is a power house.

I'm assuming that they will just say that he does have an injury.
I'm thinking if they right him out, maybe they'll have Daniel Bryan jump him or something and take him out. Not really sure what they are going to do, but I agree that he doesn't need to be written out. All they have to say is he broke his ankle in a house show match and will be out around 6 months. Problem solved. The WWE worries to much about writing people out of storylines instead of just saying they got injured during a match.
They have a few different routes they can go with this angle

1 Daniel Bryan approach - have Nexus come out and announce that even though he won his immunity match to stay in Nexus he was a weak link so they kicked him out, possibly leading to a Face Sheffield vs Barrett angle upon his return

NXT2 took him out - Have an angle where he was laid out by Riley, McGuillicutty, Harris, or Kaval to impress Barrett and one (or a few of them) will be introduced into Nexus to get their numbers back up to 7 or 8

Team WWE - After seeing Nexus kick out Young, Team WWE took advantage and are taking out members of Nexus the same way Nexus was stalkin team WWE's members

Never Explained - This seems to be the WWE's way of doing things they'll come out like nothing happened and continue on with five members

On a side note i'm really starting to wonder what the Nexus' bigger picture is. From a logical standpoint even if there are weak links in Nexus I think strength in numbers would be better then kicking members out. The only way i could see this making sense is if they are clearing them out to make room for NXT2 members to be recruited. I would love to see Harris, McGuilicutty, and Riley make their way through the crowd tonight during the five on five elimination match. with only Cena and Barrett left in the match have those three come down and do a similar beatdown like Nexus' debut. Then the rest of Nexus comedown to celebrate in the ring to end the show
Does he really have to be written out? In my opinion the best way of doing it would be to keep him on TV in a manager type role, this way he dosent have to lose any momentum, he can still cut promos, depending on the severity of the injury he could still participate in beatdowns and he could accompany the Nexus to the ring and help them win.
It's really a shame he got hurt. Next to Barrett he is just the best guy on Nexus. These things happen though but it will be interesting to see what happens once he's all healed up and ready to go again. I'd like to see him take on Jackson sometime in the future.
The way I see them writing out Skip is by Nexus opening the show and announcing that he got injured in a match. Barrett will say that Nexus can not have any weak links so Skip is out of Nexus.
The WWE will probably just tell the truth. Sometimes they make something up, but in this case saying he was injured would be the best and easiest way to handle it. They'll make some BS thing like he was injured because he's to weak or something so therefore see ya later Skip.

Maybe with Skip out indefinitely, the WWE will make something up and Nexus will give Darren Young another chance?
I agree with most of the posts here about Barrett just announcing that Skip is injured. On a side note, I think that losing Sheffield is not a real impediment to the NEXUS (although I do wish him the best in recovering) as he did not contribute much to the group except a pretty standard running clothesline finisher. I definitely think that the NEXUS should keep shedding itself of excess weight as the smaller the group becomes, the more of an equal opportunity there will be for members others than Barrett to shine on the mic.
IMO, David Otunga should be next to go as his in-ring skills are pretty prosaic. I definitely think that due to the vast size of the group at one point (8 members), in-ring skills were what made you or broke you from my POV and finishing moves were a big part of the NEXUS because it was basically what each person contributed during their "beatdowns" on RAW. Otunga's Farooq-style spinebuster is a God-awful move, especially because he is not physically imposing enough to make a move of that type look impressive.
Heath Slater should definitely be expelled as he looks too innocent and does not have the persona to be part of a "takeover". As far as I'm concerned he's easily replaceable.
Which leaves Michael Tarver and Justin Gabriel, both who have great looks and great finishers. I say WWE should stop wasting time with wrestlers who are obviously not going to advance in the long run (like they keep doing with so many guys- Khali, Santino, Tatsu, Koslov, Kofi [this may surprise you but I believe WWE has ruined his momentum], etc.) and start zoning in on their top athletes.
This is my first post/reply on this website so my bad that it was so long. But if you're reading this apology you obviously made it through so thanks!
IF he goes out, I could see Team WWE or just Cena maybe taking him out tonight and then he just sort of fades away from the ideas of Nexus and comes back in six months on Smackdown.
Yea i can see him writen out tonite on raw, possibley in the main event..then like mentioned above coming back when hes recovered on smackdown...

Thats probabley what would be best for him, get him away from Nexus and in a couple of years with the right push he could be a title contender..US title or maybe even WWE championship...
Ideally, Skip will be sacrificed for the greater good of the group and that means putting Barrett in a position that implies that he was the man who put Sheffield out. Like what happened with Daniel Bryan, I would urge the WWE to follow that trend and have it heavily implied that Skip Sheffield was showing some remorse for his actions and that Barrett took him out.

Another option is to have one of the lesser known guys take him out over a power struggle. Perhaps it is explained that Sheffield felt that he was the natural leader of the Nexus and challenged Barrett for that role. However, someone like Tarver or Gabriel defended Barrett and took out the threat to the leader of the group.

The third option is to have someone like Daniel Bryan or John Cena be seen as the man who put him out. Right now, both of these guys have huge vendettas against The Nexus and both would make sense if they were put into this role. I would think that Cena would fit the mould better though as Sheffield has been built into a domineering powerhouse over the last few months and I would find it hard to believe that Daniel Bryan has enough in the locker, in regards to power, to take him out. Cena could just put it down to him taking the Nexus members out one by one and no one would think any more of it.

The last option is to simply explain that he was injured and will return. However, that is horribly unimaginative and I doubt the WWE would pass up a chance to get someone over in Sheffield’s stead just to be honest. I think option 3 sounds the most likely at this stage.
In my opinion, Skip should either stay around with the Nexus in a non-wrestling role, or let his injury be announced on tv. Alot of times the WWE does not like to tell the fans that a wrestler was injured at alive event or even on telivision. They feel as if they must come up with some idea that will fit into the storyline. Does the WWE think it makes the wrestlers look weak if their injury is announced? I don't know.
Probably the same way they did with Daniel Bryan, but the thing is you look at Skip, you think beast, he isn't one to go soft all of a sudden..It might come down to Skip was beaten down by John Cena's team or something never going to know..what if they don't mention him?

It's obvious he won't be there when Nexus break, so this could very well be the start of the end for Nexus...
The logical thing to do would be to use this to make Barrett seem more dominant. Have him be the one to take out Skip claiming that Skip was such a powerhouse and decided to come after his spot. Barrett once again shows why he is the leader and deserves the title opportunity in the 6-pack challenge at NOC.

However I'm almost certain Cena will just come out and say Skip got ran over by a car while chasing down mice.
If they do write him out, which I doubt since they had mentioned the injury tonight, they should have him feel remorse for the way the kicked out Darren Young, maybe say Darren Young may have lost, but at least he didn't win in some cheap fashion, and he was in control for the majority of the match, that Barrett tapped to Cena the night before, and that Darren Young was one of them. But that is all if they do write him out, which again, appears unlikely.
This injury sucks for Nexus. I was kinda of liking the next coming of JBL. A big, mean Texan with a nasty clothesline. Now I guess Otunga will be the powerhouse of the group. Booooo. He cant even get a reaction from the crowd with his weak Spinebuster. If it doesnt have the force or illusion of Faarooq's Spinebuster. Then it just looks soft and ineffective.
skip was 1 of the best in nexus
wade barret and skip ruled the nexus
with the injury they might create a new members get kicked out or hurt badley leading up to night of champions so wade barrett fights alone :offtopic:

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