How to write Swagger off TV

Flash H

Dark Match Jobber
How will WWE write Swagger off? He obviously won't be winning the World Title at Extreme Rules, but how will they make him disappear with him having to go to court? At this point I'm actually wondering if they even will write him off or if he'll just disappear.

There are several ways I can think of.

1. Have Del Rio "break his arm". Del Rio applies a Cross Armbreaker that puts Swagger on the shelf for good.

2. Here's what I wish would happen. Ziggler retains the WHC at Extreme Rules and he feuds with a new opponent. Swagger and Del Rio continue their America feud for one last match. Payback: Swagger vs. Del Rio in a "Loser Leaves America" Submission Match. Del Rio obviously goes over, sending Swagger packing.

Regarding #2, I'd love to see it, but WWE doesn't owe Swagger anything at this point.

What do y'all think?
Zeb comes out with the police and some document proving Swaggar wasn't born in america , stupid but ironic
I think if Swagger hasn't been punished for the marijuana arrest yet, it's not happening. As detestable as drug use is, it seems he has a pass here. Blame it on the changing liberal ideas about marijuana I suppose?
The most simple way would be to just remove Swagger from all live shows.. They can always run the video promos with no real excuse for their absence. Continue their ranting and propaganda, perhaps hint at big things to come etc. Let's face it, nobody would actually miss their presence at events if they continued their gimic via videos.

Then in a month or so have him reappear out of nowhere with a bang.

I'd like to see them turn in to a real nut job group.. Zeb the brains, Swagger the "Idol", then I'd like to see a whole bunch of developmental talent as voicless pawns to follow them both around unconditionally.
The most simple way would be to just remove Swagger from all live shows.. They can always run the video promos with no real excuse for their absence. Continue their ranting and propaganda, perhaps hint at big things to come etc. Let's face it, nobody would actually miss their presence at events if they continued their gimic via videos.

Then in a month or so have him reappear out of nowhere with a bang.

I'd like to see them turn in to a real nut job group.. Zeb the brains, Swagger the "Idol", then I'd like to see a whole bunch of developmental talent as voiceless pawns to follow them both around unconditionally.

I like the idea alot. Swagger has a new mouthpiece in Zeb and an awesome theme. Capitalize on it.
As detestable as drug use is, it seems he has a pass here. Blame it on the changing liberal ideas about marijuana I suppose?

Or, blame it on the notion that WWE has always come down hard on employees who run afoul of the law.....except when they choose not to.

I'm thinking of Alex Riley, who was arrested for DUI at the same time he was in the midst of a high-profile program with The Miz. They wanted to finish the thing, so it somehow became possible to disregard the arrest, which flies in the face of the company's stated policies.

Same with Swagger; he's received a big-ass push and has a program running with Zeb that has led to matches for the world title. If the company was going to suspend Swagger pending resolution of his legal troubles, they would have done it already. Instead, they've ignored the allegations since much time and money has been invested in their program.

If Swagger's butt is jammed in jail for 30 days, I would think Zeb Coulter can keep the chair warm by himself until Jack gets sprung. The company doesn't have to abandon the program; they can continue to let Zeb mouth off about what's going to happen when his True American buddy gets back. They could even assign Zeb to another wrestler until Jack gets back and stomps the guy out of the picture......bringing it all back to the Jack & Zeb show again.

For some reason, the company seems to love Jack Swagger. I can't see why; to me, he's the same boring mid-carder whom WWE sent to Never-Never Land a while back. The promised repackaging of Jack has amounted to adding a person to the mix; more of an adjustment to the concept than to the wrestler.

But whether we like Jack or not, he's apparently important enough to the company that they'll keep his name in the forefront, even if he's off the road for a spell.

Go, Sooners.
Jack Swagger can hardly get a catchphrase out without making it sound like shit. I'm not referring to his lisp, that would be petty. I just think his promo skills are dog shit. Clearly that's why Zeb's there, but you think Swagger could make his "WE THE PEOPLE" crap sound alright.

It is important to note that while they let Alex Riley finish up his feud, he's been doing absolutely nothing except jobbing in developmental ever since. Good riddance I say, the guy was terrible. Also nothing rubs me the wrong way more than a prep boy from Fairfax claiming "Washington DC" as his hometown. Pffft...

Back on topic, I hope Swagger might get knocked down there again never to return. If it hasn't happened yet I'm not sure it will, but I can hope. I know JR has a hard-on for the guy but I don't get it. I liked a couple of his early matches with Finlay in ECW but that's all I can sa.
Personally, I think the perfect idea for Swagger after his current program involving the WHC is up would be to simply go after the United States Championship.

It could be a feud that MIGHT elevate Kofi as it fits perfectly in contrast to Swagger's character. Coulter & Swagger are a couple of xenophobes with a strong anti-immigrant stance. This past Monday, a man from Ghana, West Africa won the United States Championship. Swagger feuding with a black man over the title, given his character's view points, would almost certainly generate some degree of racial tension even though the angle has been about the "invasion" of immigrants, legal or otherwise, rather than race.

As for the whole issue of Swagger's DUI, rumor has it that Swagger was, at one point, penned to win the World Heavyweight Championship from Del Rio. While Swagger wasn't suspended or fired, his career has suffered a significant setback if those rumors are true. In the past, WWE would have simply ended Swagger's program right then and there. At the same time though, when they've done that, they've sometimes had wrestlers right in the midst of interesting and/or big money feuds. Swagger's character, with Coulter as his mouthpiece, has been genuinely interesting and has caused a good amount of controversy. In short, Swagger has garnered genuine mainstream media press for his character's stance, which has translated into money. I doubt Swagger will be WHC anytime within the next year or so, which, in my opinion, gives WWE all the more reason to have him feud in the near future with Kofi Kingston over the US title.
I'm trying to figure out why we still need Jack Swagger around in the first place. To me, he's been as useful as Drew McIntyre has been so far in his WWE career. Hell, I fully forgot Swagger was even on the roster when he took his last hiatus.

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