How To Write Cena Off TV?


King Of The Ring
Anybody who peruses this site (and I assume you do if you're on the threads) has heard that John Cena's going to be taking time off following HIAC. So far, there has been no hint as to who may take the title from John or if WWE is even going to make him give up the strap. The latter option may be more likely than some may think.

This begs the question of how exactly John Cena is going to be written off television for 2 months. Possibilities are really endless when you think about it... A shocking open challenge loss could send John home demoralized, his next opponent could take him out inside the Cell, WWE could shoot straight and have him just say he's leaving while vacating the belt, he could work a retirement angle, hell he could even turn... ok maybe not. The point is, WWE can really do something huge in this angle if they don't screw it up. To see Cena defend the title at HIAC, than come out the next night to vacate the belt would do nothing, and would personally be a major let-down for me.

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing something demoralize Cena so much to the point where he just walks out without an explanation. What could demoralize him so much, I have no clue, but it would obviously have to be something big.

1. How do you think WWE writes Cena off TV?
2. How do you want to see Cena written off TV?
Reigns should take him out. I think that would set up a pretty interesting feud. I wouldn't go with the demoralizing thing (Even though many of his detractors would love that) because it goes against his "Never give up" philosophy. And what would it take to demoralize Cena anyway? The man once lost a match to Kevin Federline. If Cena's "year from hell" didn't break him. I don't see what could happen between now and Hell in a Cell that would cause it.
Roman looses to bray at HIAC in the first match then gets passed off and then wants to make a major impact then goes after the top star and takes out cena after causing him his title to who ever he face and boom we got a solid Match made for mania
I don't know if they'll do it but I really like the idea of New Day destroying Cena! I mean imagine that, the commercials for Raw were acting like New Day was going to do something wild and crazy and they really didn't, so imagine if they absolutely demolish Cena!

Here's how I'd book it: Cena sends out the open challenge the Raw after HiaC and it gets accepted by Xavier Woods. Now I know we haven't seen him much in ring so it might be a stretch but that's been the whole concept behind this open challenge. Let Xavier fight hard but ultimately be about done. Cena hits an AA and right has he's about to get the pinfall Kofi pulls him out of the ring. It's not a DQ unless he hits Cena and I mean it's Cena so he'll probably swat Kingston away. Have the referee check to make sure Kofi is okay and Cena goes in the ring just to be attacked by Big E, Woods grabs the trombone and smashes Cena with it. Big E rolls out with the trombone and Woods hits his finishing move(whatever that is I'm not sure) and pins Cena. Then while they're celebrating have them beat the ever loving crap out of Cena. I think that'd be the way to do it, which would give us a good feud heading into Mania where Cena can win back his US belt to tie Flair on that record but it'd also help make New Day seem more serious, just my thoughts
They will probably just have him announce that he is taking a break. He will say he loves this and that and put over the roster but needs to do something else for a couple of months. He will take the title with him during that time.

What they should do is have him win at HiaC to Ziggler, Woods, Rusev etc. Have UT lose the main event to Brock in a brutal match up. Make it look like UT is giving his curtain call by him acting all emotional and beaten. Bring out the whole roster lead by Cena to salute Taker with a round of applause. When Taker gets up to the top of the ramp have him grab Cena and choke slam him or tombstone him on the stage.

The fans will go ballistic. The hype will be huge. Everyone will take from that moment that Cena will fight Taker at Mania and start booking their travel plans.

Announce on Raw that Cena is out of action for a couple of months. Taker can disappear as well as he always does. Or put Taker on Raw issuing a challenge to Cena saying that his applause was disrespectful and he should know better to assume that UT is done blah, blah, blah.

Now to me anything else is a letdown. I hope I've let you down as well.
I don't see a grand segment of him announcing he's leaving, I just see him not showing up. It's a lose/lose situation either way. He's leaving and everybody knows it.
I'm all for having him killed off, because other than that like an annoying fly he will keep coming back.
They will probably just have him announce that he is taking a break. He will say he loves this and that and put over the roster but needs to do something else for a couple of months. He will take the title with him during that time.

What they should do is have him win at HiaC to Ziggler, Woods, Rusev etc. Have UT lose the main event to Brock in a brutal match up. Make it look like UT is giving his curtain call by him acting all emotional and beaten. Bring out the whole roster lead by Cena to salute Taker with a round of applause. When Taker gets up to the top of the ramp have him grab Cena and choke slam him or tombstone him on the stage.

I don't like the idea of people saluting The Undertaker after Brock Lesnar beats him. I get that The Undertaker is a 25 year veteran in WWE, but still. I don't like the thought of it and the idea. If it were to someone else, I would be okay with it. Just not when Lesnar beats him. And as far as writing John Cena off, they should use Dolph or New Day to write him off, because one, Dolph needs a heel turn, and two, New Day is already heel and seeing them feud with Cena would be just great, and no Crocker, Cena isn't gonna "bury" them.
It would be grand if he left in a creative fashion. Like a big Ziegler attack or some face turning heel to put Cena on the -shelf- so to speak. But what I can predict happening is, Cena...on some random RAW post HIAC, addressing the fans for 10 minutes and giving a speech about taking a break after working 14 years straight.

* What should happen as well....when the speech is over.*

Roman Reigns nails Cena with a huge spear through the barricade when the camera is up close to Cena's face. Roman came from under the ring. Paramedics take away Cena and Roman cuts his first heel promo.
I don't like the idea of people saluting The Undertaker after Brock Lesnar beats him. I get that The Undertaker is a 25 year veteran in WWE, but still. I don't like the thought of it and the idea. If it were to someone else, I would be okay with it. Just not when Lesnar beats him.

Here's the problem Crocker, not everyone (or anyone I know) is as Lesnar obsessed as you. Lesnar winning this match is a forgone conclusion for the most part. Him winning is anything but exciting. The fact that he will probably just disappear unitl Royal Rumble makes him winning not very interesting. WWE needs to do something else that will get people to tune in to Raw on Monday. The HiaC card does not have a hwt title match interesting enough to get people to come back for more once it is over.

They are going to have to do something huge to maintain their shitty ratings for Raw the last two months without Cena. Your love of Lesnar and him not getting all the attention you want for him to get may have to suffer.
I would have Prince Pretty Tyler Breeze answer his open challenge at HIAC and beat Cena CLEAN. and post match beat Cena down with his selfie stick until not even the camera can see him.
John semen should vacate the title as Matt Hardy did with TNA title and have a tournament and have Randy Orton back in the main event picture before his feud match with Seth Rollins started and ended so quickly! Have Randy Orton take the US title and go further with it cause he deserves it
I'm happy Cena is leaving. One of the worst parts of the show in my opinion. I'd say write him off in an honest way. just have him come out, give someone a shot at the U.S. title, have them win then he can shake their hand tell them "Good job, defend this title with pride and honor, I'll be leaving for a while but if you still have this strap when I get back, don't forget about me, because I'll be gunning for you" Give the guy a hug and wave the crowd goodbye.
Has it been confirmed that he's going to be taking time off? I'm not even sure he is.

If Cena is indeed out, they should have someone take him out. There's a few potential candidates.

Kevin Owens - Great choice but they just feuded 3 months ago

Dean Ambrose - After their interaction on Raw, I'm convinced he should feud with Randy Orton after HIAC.

Dolph Ziggler - They would be WAY too tempted to include Nikki Bella, so no.

So my pick is...

Cesaro! He would be a wild card, but the storyline is simple. He answers the U.S. Open Challenge, claiming he's been held back by Cena and is a much better wrestler than him. He then beats Cena clean in a competitive back-and-forth match including multiple finisher kickouts. After the match, Cesaro refuses a handshake. The next week, Cena comes down to the ring and requests a rematch to prove he's still the "man", all while putting over Cesaro and his wrestling ability. Cesaro comes down to the ring and violently assaults Cena. He puts him through the announce table, drives him through the barricade, and injures his leg with a steel chair. Cena is carried out on a stretcher, and Cesaro (now fully established as a heel) brags about taking out the "man". Over the next couple of weeks/months (ever how long Cena's out), Cesaro holds an U.S. Open Challenge each week and takes on numerous main event level competitors (Ambrose, Reigns, Ziggler, etc.). He beats them all clean and boasts about becoming the man. Finally, Cena returns to answer the U.S. Open Challenge on a mission to beat Cesaro and prove he's still the man. Cesaro controversially wins the first match, but Cena wins clean in the second match. Finally, Cesaro wins the third and final match clean, establishing himself as a main event heel.
They will probably just have him announce that he is taking a break. He will say he loves this and that and put over the roster but needs to do something else for a couple of months. He will take the title with him during that time.

What they should do is have him win at HiaC to Ziggler, Woods, Rusev etc. Have UT lose the main event to Brock in a brutal match up. Make it look like UT is giving his curtain call by him acting all emotional and beaten. Bring out the whole roster lead by Cena to salute Taker with a round of applause. When Taker gets up to the top of the ramp have him grab Cena and choke slam him or tombstone him on the stage.

The fans will go ballistic. The hype will be huge. Everyone will take from that moment that Cena will fight Taker at Mania and start booking their travel plans.

Announce on Raw that Cena is out of action for a couple of months. Taker can disappear as well as he always does. Or put Taker on Raw issuing a challenge to Cena saying that his applause was disrespectful and he should know better to assume that UT is done blah, blah, blah.

Now to me anything else is a letdown. I hope I've let you down as well.

It's out of the box and out of the box might be what WWE needs. Raw is getting crushed in the ratings, Vince is in panic mode and he's probably blaming everyone but himself. Many people wanna see Taker vs. Cena at WrestleMania and this, while probably not all that likely to happen as it's too far outside the box for Vince, would certainly be a way of generating that sort of buzz. The United States Championship could always be declared vacant, it gets Cena out of the title picture because, at some point, we all know that Cena will be World Champion for the 16th time. It gives Cena a marquee program for WrestleMania in a match against someone he hasn't faced since his early days with the company, keeps him out of the World Championship picture longer, etc.
I would probably love The New Day taking the title away from Cena. It would be more rational as the New Day has been patronising about laying out Cena! It could be interesting to see The New Day members retains the Tag title and Win the US title and held them both in FreeBird Rule. Certainly it will get them a lot of heat and they could captivate the moment. And the ideal way to write Cena off TV after the ambush by 3 blokes!!


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