How To Speak Stokeish

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

'Ah do' - Hello

'Ay up Duck' - Hello there

'Ow at?' - How are you?

'At Owe rate/orate?' - Are you alright?

'Me owd' - My friend

'Mar mate' - My mate

Now try this conversation with your study partner

'Ah do, ow at, at owe rate?'

'Ar, arm orate me owd, at thay?'


'Ast thee got thee Oatckes?' - Have you got any Oatcakes? The reply could either be, 'Way anner,' or 'Way've got 'em!'

'Whut dust want?' - What do you want?

'Dust want a paynt?' - Would you like a drink?

'Whay're at gooin'?' - Where are you going?

A question often asked on the streets of Stoke is, 'At gooin' dine Stoke termirrer?' To which the reply of late has been, 'Ar onner. Stoke dunner come say may when arm bad!'


'Dunner' - Don't

'Wunner' - Won't

'Conner' - Can't

'Summat' - Something

'Wom' - Home

'Woss' - Not good

'Dunner werrit' - Stop moaning

'Blart' - To cry

'Rate' - Opposite to wrong

'Snappin' - What you put in your lunchbox

'Mate' - What you put in your snappin'

'Clemmed' - In need of summat eat

'Bost' or 'Brock' - Not working

'Foe bits' - For something to break

'Issle,' / 'Whattle' - As in, 'Get me some vests issle/whattle fit me' Choice depends on you education.

Skoo' - Where you get your education

'Ommer' - For knocking nails in with

'Gyp' - Pain, as in, 'Me back is givin' me gyp'

'Chonnuck' - Turnip

'I'll be jiggered' - Astonishment

'Rates Pies' - A local delicacy

'Late' - Not dark

'PMT' - The bus service for The Potteries

'Mar lady' - The wife

'Youth' - Any male in Stoke

'Young youth' - Male child

Having learnt all these words and phrases, you should now be ready to visit

The Potteries.

'Ar'll say thee layter'​
Meh, Stokeish is no match for Brummie. People don't have a fucking clue what we're saying sometimes. It's bostin'
Am I broken because I don't speak any slang? I mean, some people claim shit like "closet" is slang, but it really isn't.
I speak the Queen's English Sam. But it's handy to know local slang so you can undertand when drunk people are trying to mock you.
Girl on the bus asked if I wanted to be shanked in the head. It sounded like fun, so I told her yes. I later found out shank means stab. Where have I been?
you forgot...

luke = look
buke = book

I work with a stoke lad, Jake has his language spot on haha. He even sends group emails to colleagues starting off with "Ayup"

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