How to save characters?


Championship Contender
This is not a general talk but what this will be is how you would repackage/build up some of the characters/wrestlers who have fallen down the card or have been unsuccessful. The list can be added to but here I some who I think are worth talking about

Los Matadores
Adam Rose
Curtis Axel
Alicia Fox

Not all are worth saving but these are a few names of guys and girls who have some level of talent and if repackaged right could play a good role on the card. You don't have to talk about all but pick atleast one and give your suggestion. My suggestions are:

Los Matadores - Drop the masks and go back to being Primo and Epico Colon and build characters around the legacy of the family and not some stupid bullfighting gimmick

Axel - Axelmania was there shot but they blew it, I would like to see him continue as he is entertaining but start picking up wins

Ascension - Take them seriously, let them be the monster heels of the tag division running through everyone and not getting buried by the announcers.

Rowan - Needs Wyatt just as badly as Wyatt needs followers. Repackage him with his initial package as a silent follower within Wyatt's cult

Stardust - Repackage him as Cody Rhodes, he was good before the paint and should not have changed, he needs to get back to where he was because he can get over with his talent and be a big feature in the midcard title battles

Emma - She needed the turn Naomi got but without it I think her rebuild should come in NXT and try to use a good run on NXT to boost her main roster opportunities like Kidd did

Alicia Fox - Her crazy stuff was awesome and she should go back to doing that again
This is not a general talk but what this will be is how you would repackage/build up some of the characters/wrestlers who have fallen down the card or have been unsuccessful. The list can be added to but here I some who I think are worth talking about

Los Matadores
Adam Rose
Curtis Axel
Alicia Fox

Not all are worth saving but these are a few names of guys and girls who have some level of talent and if repackaged right could play a good role on the card. You don't have to talk about all but pick atleast one and give your suggestion. My suggestions are:

Los Matadores - Drop the masks and go back to being Primo and Epico Colon and build characters around the legacy of the family and not some stupid bullfighting gimmick

Axel - Axelmania was there shot but they blew it, I would like to see him continue as he is entertaining but start picking up wins

Ascension - Take them seriously, let them be the monster heels of the tag division running through everyone and not getting buried by the announcers.

Rowan - Needs Wyatt just as badly as Wyatt needs followers. Repackage him with his initial package as a silent follower within Wyatt's cult

Stardust - Repackage him as Cody Rhodes, he was good before the paint and should not have changed, he needs to get back to where he was because he can get over with his talent and be a big feature in the midcard title battles

Emma - She needed the turn Naomi got but without it I think her rebuild should come in NXT and try to use a good run on NXT to boost her main roster opportunities like Kidd did

Alicia Fox - Her crazy stuff was awesome and she should go back to doing that again


That right there, is how people are going to save their careers IF WWE has any desire to do anything with them. If they need a mouthpiece, he's the man. I mean yeah, he hasn't had much of a chance to represent people besides Brock. the Punk thing ended up turning into a Punk-Heyman feud, Axel flopped, Ryback flopped, Cesaro flopped, and so on.

Think about it. Paul Heyman really could be very beneficial to superstars that need their career to go somewhere again and if WWE wants to utilize that talent
Not everyone can be a Stone Cole or Savage, you also need some Tito Ortiz, once you get your midcard jobbers over than you'll be wanting to get the people that job out to them next, there is only enough room for so many stars.
Think about it. Paul Heyman really could be very beneficial to superstars that need their career to go somewhere again and if WWE wants to utilize that talent

I firmly believe that Heyman only works when the person he's representing is bigger than he is, like a Brock Lesnar is. Cesaro, Axle and Ryback all paled in comparison to Heyman and that's why they flopped. Fans wanted to see and hear him more than they wanted to see the others.

Punk was the exception as he was almost as good on the mic as Heyman, and he was a bigger name.

This is not a general talk but what this will be is how you would repackage/build up some of the characters/wrestlers who have fallen down the card or have been unsuccessful. The list can be added to but here I some who I think are worth talking about

Los Matadores
Adam Rose
Curtis Axel
Alicia Fox

Like others have said, not everyone on the roster can be a star. They all can't be upper mid card or main eventers. With the roster as multi tiered as it is, you have to be able to fill it out at all levels, and that's what these guys and others do. There is really no shame in that, a lot of wrestler's who can't make the cut would love to have even the opportunity.

The only notable exception on the list is the Ascension. I have no idea what happened to them. When they debuted both JBL and Booker T mocked them on the first night, and it didn't get any better. Add that to the gimmick change and you have a disaster waiting to happen. They were great in NXT I thought they would make a splash on the main roster. Instead they have done a belly flop, and it wasn't pretty.

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