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How to make big title matches a bigger draw


Championship Contender
It's simple, use what boxing does. Say for example, it's Batista vs Cena again. It's a huge match put simply, two of the biggest names in wrestling going at it for the title. Their first meeting was rushed to hell, and ruined the hype for it completly. So if they're fighting again, at SummerSlam, maybe they should try hyping it more. It's a big match, no doubt. Therefore, let's hype it like a boxing match. Say the match is set in stone 2 months before SummerSlam, and they start hyping it. They hold press confrences in different countries, hype video's, past & current superstar predictions ect. Make it more of the main focus of the match. What do you guys feel about it?
I agree. The hype should last longer than less than a month, but that’s not the way Pro Wrestling / Sports Entertainment works today. That scenario can only work in boxing, for the simple fact that they do not produce a PPV once a month.

Let’s take Wrestlemania XXV for instance. In this particular example, the WWE had about 7 weeks of hype for it. If you recall, it kind of got stale after the first month. It was almost as if it actually killed some of the momentum it had, the momentum of the PPV itself being Mania. In this case, the length of time is what kind of killed it. March was not a good month for the WWE this year.

The only way, I believe this could possibly work today in the WWE, and only the WWE, is to alternate the WWE Title Matches and the World Title Matches to every other PPV, except, of course, for the Big 4. Doing things this way, gives the top two titles an extra month of “hype” time, and makes the WWE / World Title Matches a tad more special. This also gives the other titles a free spot on a PPV card. The length of a Top Title match on a PPVcould be the length of two mid card matches, or something to that effect.
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I agree that a longer build up would lead to more meaningful/memorable matches, and better ppvs. I think there were a lot of people disappointed that this didn't happen leading into Wrestlemania. Honestly, I think one of the best examples of a good, drawn out build up was Hogan/Sting in 97. While the match wasn't officially set in stone for more than a month and a half or so, the build up that one day the two would meet was hyped for almost a year and a half.

My biggest concern with storylines the way they are now, is finding a way to put 2 big names, like a Batista or Cena, in a ppv preceding their set match, without killing the hype....

does that make sense?

Anyway, things do seem so rushed now, a slower build up would be great!
The only way, I believe this could possibly work today in the WWE, and only the WWE, is to alternate the WWE Title Matches and the World Title Matches to every other PPV, except, of course, for the Big 4. Doing things this way, gives the top two titles an extra month of “hype” time, and makes the WWE / World Title Matches a tad more special. This also gives the other titles a free spot on a PPV card. The length of a Top Title match on a PPVcould be the length of two mid card matches, or something to that effect.

This idea is quality. This is what it was basically like when RAW & SD! had seperate PPV's except for the big 4. It would mean that title matches wern't rushed, and there would be much bigger anticipation towards the matches. It gives the big title matches time to develop, while also meaning the audience can invest into the storyline.
The boxing concept couldn't work. There are PPVs for wrestling every month...and to be honest, it seems like the PPVs come too quick.

I like the idea of a title defense every other PPV to make room for longer buildup. There needs to be quality buildup for the match.

Its funny because I was just watching some old stuff from Stone Cold and The Rock from before Wrestlemania X-7, and the buildup for that match was magnificent.

Storylines get stale quick nowadays due to the Superstars being put in stupid and meaningless segments in addition to them wrestling each other 9000 times on TV before the PPV. Why would you pay to see a match that was already on TV? That kills buildup a lot.
i dont think anyone would want to see a batista cena match a lot to be honest but it would work for matches that havent happened in the past like orton edge have never fought for the top title, john morrison vs shawn michaels could be high profile as well with morrison claiming to be better then hbk ever was
Hell no, never. Its an adorable dream, but there is NO fucking way. Why? becuase wrestling fans have the attention span of knats these days. If a feud happens, even with some of the BEST superstars (Cena, Edge, Taker, Jericho, HBK) people start crying out and complaining about how "boring and stale" things are getting. People are only going to accept stare downs and pres conferances so many times.

When they do contract signings on RAW? you have pretty much 100% of the people in the LD flipping the fuck out about how boring it is, and how its a waste of time. You want to do 2 months worth of this? Not a chance.
Trying to hype a wrestling match the same way as a boxing match just won't work. There are execptions, yes, but generally it ends up looking really stupid. Wrestling is entertainment, and trying to promote it as anything else is just plain dumb.

2 months of press confrences and stare downs and contract signings would make very boring television. Not to mention that after two months or more of hyping a title match, the match itself then has to live up to it. Wrestling isn't boxing. You go to a boxing match to watch a contest between two fighters. If the fight ends 10 seconds into the first round, people are angry that they didn't get the good fight promised, but its the nature of the sport. A match like Cena vs Batista just couldn't live up to the hype. The SS 08 match was good, the best I've seen them both in a long time, but it was Edge and Undertaker who stole the show in the HIAC which was a match that certainly lived up to all the hype.

Only very few matches could be promoted this way. For example, HBK vs Sting or The Rock vs John Cena might be able to live up to a long period of hype, but I can't see many others being able to.
There are a number of Ways!!

N.B. Not all mentioned are in same company, and some may be retired!!

1. Batista Vs Cena. My money was on Batista last time,and It turned out in many peoples favour. Now this was pushed to the hilt, and was built pretty well, and had a really good turn out, so mabye another for a re-,match, would draw pretty well.

2. Hulk Hogan Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin - Probably the biggest draws in wrestling, both guys were at the forefront of their era's, Golden Era for Hulk and Attitude Era for Austin. And put it this way, were among the best Promo guys on their era, witht eh exception for Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair with Hogan and The Rock in Austins Era.

3. The Undertaker Vs Sting - Loads of people for years have been on about this. I would Pay to see it, and a lot of people would, and, would possibly, out draw Hulk Hogan Vs Steve Austin, althouhg it would be a tough draw. What a match this would be.
They should sell PPV's just like UFC does.

Lets say: Summerslam 2009, could be called:

Summerslam XXII

You don't have to make it a title match, just hype it a few months earlier, that's what UFC does, they hype matches for 3 or 4 PPVs in advance, that makes you interested in see them competing against each other.

They don't need to use every topdog in the company at all PPVs, one PPV you could have Triple H, Undertaker or HBK and on the other Cena, Batista, Edge, Jericho, etc...
Hell no, never. Its an adorable dream, but there is NO fucking way. Why? becuase wrestling fans have the attention span of knats these days. If a feud happens, even with some of the BEST superstars (Cena, Edge, Taker, Jericho, HBK) people start crying out and complaining about how "boring and stale" things are getting. People are only going to accept stare downs and pres conferances so many times.

When they do contract signings on RAW? you have pretty much 100% of the people in the LD flipping the fuck out about how boring it is, and how its a waste of time. You want to do 2 months worth of this? Not a chance.

The press confrences wouldn't be the only way to hype up the match, run with the normal storyline on television & so on. However, the press confrences would be run outside of either RAW, SD! or ECW. They would be seperate events, and they could go to all the big countries before finishing it the night before where the PPV is taking place. It could garner more interest from the local press, and it doesn't HAVE to be shown on TV. Perhaps make them a WWE.com special?
I like this idea a lot actually and would work perfectly for competitors on different brands as they can be kept apart enough and built up on their own shows. You could almost have a "featured" match every couple of months mixing in main eventers and the best mid carders.

Right now would be perfect with Undertaker, HBK and HHH out. You can promote one of them to return at summerslam about 2 months before v say Randy Orton, Edge or Chris Jericho. And by keeping them off tv you can drag out there comeback for a few weeks. Each week people will tune in to see when/if they are coming back. And each no show will eventually build the suspense til the eventual comeback of said superstar. And with the skills of say Edge and Jericho in particular they could almost build the match on their own and if they went on a long undefeated annoying streak with cheap wins etc the audience will be wanting them to get beaten so badly. (Remember when HHH first had the wwe title how annoying he was and couldn't wait til he got beaten and to a lesser extent Kurt Angle like when he won the 6 man HIAC)

Ok went slightly on a tangent but I like the idea of a match been set up a couple of months in advance.

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