How to debut Seth Rollins?


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Hey, this is my first thread. As you can see from my name I am a big fan of FCW and all young youth wrestlers. My favourite young wrestler is Seth Rollins. Seth Rollins is actually Tyler Black from ROH. He signed with the WWE and is still stuck in FCW when he deserves to be pushed instead of people like Reks and Swagger. He is extremely talented and I am puzzled why he has not debuted yet.

I feel in 2011 Seth Rollins will debut in the WWE. I ahve a few theroies.

Theory 1

Promo packages similar to Sin Cara

Theory 2

Suprise attacks somebody such as Kofi Kingston and debuts as a heel

Theory 3

Wins NXT 6... Will be so pissed off if that happens

Theory 4

Suprise entrant in the MITB matchin the MITB PPV

How do you guys think he will debut?

Will he be a heel or face?

Is Seth rollins a good enough name?

Thank you!
Seth Rollins/Tyler Black means nothing to the casual wrestling fan, similarly to Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson. That isn't bashing either of them; they are both phenomenal, but unless you keep up-to-date with stuff outside the WWE and TNA, you would never have heard of either of them. Only if you take an interest in the indies would it mean anything. The only reason Sin Cara isn't on NXT is because he is HUGE in Mexico, and the WWE see him as a natural successor to Rey Mysterio. Again, not bashing him, he is great, but thats the main reason there has been so much hype made by the WWE.

It'll be on NXT for sure that we see him. Only if we (and he) are very, VERY lucky, will he get called up to the main roster without going through NXT.

Remember, the WWE will only hype someone up like that if they have a name that's worth something. Sin Cara used to be Mistico, and to the hispanic wrestling market, Mistico carries a LOT of weight. Seth Rollins isn't worth anything. Yet.
I agree I think its a case along hte lines of CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. They were huge stars if you watched/followed the indies, to a majority of the WWE fans.. they mean nothing.

WWE isn't about to bring him in say and let him go over HHH or Cena on his debut, he has to make himself like Punk and Bryan did, and I expect that means B show punishment (i.e. ECW for Punk, NXT for Bryan). He needs to learn to work the WWE way.

Nothing against him but he isn't a star where it matters, will he be? I think so he is good but there is no guarantee of that.

Sin Cara is a differente deal because they need the mexican audience and that is much bigger than the indy one.
I wish WWE didn't hate tag team wrestling because he is the perfect example of a guy that could come in as a tag with another new guy and be really successful right of the bat. Then after a couple years they could transition him into a cocky Shawn Michaels style heel and make him turn on his partner.

It doesn't make sense to me. Why don't they realize the number of a good stars they have gotten from tag teams.
Tyler is already stated to be apart of the next NXT. And I say its about time. He has star written all over him, I was expecting him to be a part of either the last 2 NXT's, or as a member of Punks Nexus.

But No

Its like their afraid to introduce characters before Mania, or at least two mania at once, since they are amping up Mistico so much
Tyler is already stated to be apart of the next NXT. And I say its about time. He has star written all over him, I was expecting him to be a part of either the last 2 NXT's, or as a member of Punks Nexus.

But No

Its like their afraid to introduce characters before Mania, or at least two mania at once, since they are amping up Mistico so much

They look at WrestleMania as their version of a season finale for the most part. They almost never introduce new character between Royal Rumble and WrestleMania.

I liked NXT at first but I almost feel as if it is a cop out for the writing crew. Its almost like they can't figure out new ways to introduce talent so they put them on this show to see who the fans will be into.
Thank you to everyone who responded to the thread. I have read reports that he will debut in NXT. I personally think that is rubbish!

I think after Fatal 4-Way PPV and the first night on Smackdown. Kofi vs Barrett or any Heel for the IC Title. Out of nowhere comes this guy in a mask and costs Kofi. Kofi calls him out but he does not appear. He once again attacks Kofi backstage. Then at the MITB PPV he cosys Kofi once again. The following night the masked man reveals himself and it is Seth Rollins. They starts a fued and the fued fifnishes at SummerSlam. Then Seth fueds for the IC Title, is part of Team Smackdown for Bragging Rights, is part of a team for Survior Series.

Is that better than NXT? I think so. What do you think??
If, and only if, NXT gets another t.v. spot then I would be fine with Rollins winning it. I heard that Vince is trying to get NXT back on TV. If given the right pro and TV time it could be good.

If not I think video packages would be best. For those of you saying video packages wont work because he is not as "big" as Sin Cara, think about Truth, Del Rio, Kizarni, all of whom were hyped by video packages.

I can definitely see him debuting against Edge after a few months of hype.
what is the point of him wearing a mask if when he takes it off no one is going to know who the fuck he is anyway?

NXT is the best way to bring in characters because it gives them time to establish themselves and get the fans to have some sort of emotional connection to them. Danielson wouldn't have been very effective and would have never gotten over without NXT.
umm i actually do think that he'll be debuting as the winner of nxt 6 which i'd much rather see him debut another way, not sure how tho, but i also like one of your theories having him beat kofi kingston for the ic championship definitely as a heel. But if he wins nxt possibly have kofi kingston as his pro and they chase after the corre and the tag team titles for a couple of months and after continously failing seth finally snaps and brutally attacks kofi kingston and challenges him for the ic championship(if he's champion at the time). No im not a big fan of his name and i'd much rather see him using his roh name tyler black.
Tyler is already stated to be apart of the next NXT. And I say its about time. He has star written all over him.

You know, I understand people get kind of hyperbolic around here, but have you actually heard this guy cut a promo? He's awful on the stick. Just because you can do a phoenix splash doesn't mean you are a "star" in waiting.

Seriously, I had to LOL at the guy who claimed he should be pushed ahead of Swagger. Swagger is a legitimate badass with size, a good look, and at least average mic skills at this point. Beyond that, he's one of the best mat wrestlers on the roster; recall the fantastic matches he had with Cena and Taker on TV last year. TB/SR is a great worker, but his size makes him very hard to take seriously, which is the problem with most indie workers.

As far as for how they should debut the guy, it'll have to be in a group setting. He's too small to get a reaction any other way, especially as a heel. I forsee him getting stuck in a Justin Gabriel type role where he can get some big spots in and hide his weak promo skills.
You know, I understand people get kind of hyperbolic around here, but have you actually heard this guy cut a promo? He's awful on the stick. Just because you can do a phoenix splash doesn't mean you are a "star" in waiting.

Randy Orton and Sheamus are both boring as living shit on the mic. Tell me otherwise. On another note, you haven't seen a single match from Seth Rollins if you think the extent of his abilities is just a pheonix splash.

Seriously, I had to LOL at the guy who claimed he should be pushed ahead of Swagger. Swagger is a legitimate badass with size, a good look, and at least average mic skills at this point. Beyond that, he's one of the best mat wrestlers on the roster; recall the fantastic matches he had with Cena and Taker on TV last year. TB/SR is a great worker, but his size makes him very hard to take seriously, which is the problem with most indie workers.

Swagger isn't even good on the mic at all, his size is... meh (Dude looks kinda fat), and his wrestling ability is just... average. He has no redeeming qualities and sucks ass as a heel. He gets no heat because nobody cares about him. Rollins is about the size of CM Punk, and Punk is one of the biggest heels in the WWE right now.

As far as for how they should debut the guy, it'll have to be in a group setting. He's too small to get a reaction any other way, especially as a heel. I forsee him getting stuck in a Justin Gabriel type role where he can get some big spots in and hide his weak promo skills.

He could just... debut as a face. Or a heel. Doesn't really matter. Since he's going to come through NXT, which is supposedly going to be actually serious about finding new WWE superstars, if they match him up with the right pro he'll do just fine. He might not get instantly over, but he can work his way up.
what is the point of him wearing a mask if when he takes it off no one is going to know who the fuck he is anyway?

NXT is the best way to bring in characters because it gives them time to establish themselves and get the fans to have some sort of emotional connection to them. Danielson wouldn't have been very effective and would have never gotten over without NXT.

Umm by having a Mask it is an element of suprise? Nobody knows who he is? Then boom he debuts and without people knowing who he is! Big suprise my friend!
I would say have him attack Orton and team up with CM punk but we all know Orton would bury him when its all over with. I hope he debuts as a heel though and not a face.

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