How to bring the Big Show back to WWE TV

CM Steel

A REAL American
The Big Show is currently taking a break off the road sitting at home healing up from nagging injuries. But when the Big Show comes back from his break how should the WWE bring him back bigger and meaner than ever? Well for those who don't know or remember, the Big Show is indeed a "Paul Heyman guy". For over ten years now Paul Heyman has been a supporter of the world's largest athlete behind the scenes as well as on WWE TV.

Now that Paul Heyman is currently working in the WWE once again as a manager. He has Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, and now "Curtis Axel" in his camp. So why not add the Big Show to his camp as an original Paul Heyman guy? Have the Big Show go after the WWE world heavyweight championship once again. Have CM Punk go after the WWE championship. And Curtis Axel go after either the WWE IC or U.S. championship. With Brock Lesnar being the enforcer of the group. Brock Lesnar has nothing to prove by being a world champion in the WWE anymore.

So this is a good way to bring the Big Show back to WW TV. What do you think?
I actually think this is a good idea. I'm not the biggest Big Show fan, just because I think he takes up a younger talents spot like Wade Barrett, Cesaro, etc. But I'm also smart enough to realize he isn't going anywhere anytime soon. It's not like he needs a mouthpiece but his character has been stale for the past couple of months, so change can do him good. And ever since the Shield was teased to be in cahoots with Heyman, I've been really wanting a "Paul Heyman stable." Would be awesome IMO.
It's not a bad idea, but I have a hard time seeing it actually happen. I think the most likely scenario is him coming back and attacking Sheamus. I could be completely wrong, just he didn't feud with him it just kinda stopped. I actually like the current way they are using him, just some big dude who won't take shit from anybody. Be it heel or face, and that's how he should be. Henry was the same way, I just feel that Show was better on the mic and made it that much better
I kinda like the idea but, at the same time, it has drawbacks. Though I guess that can be said of just about anything.

When it comes to Big Show, he's someone that can be hit or miss with me. I think Show does very well when he's in the kind of situation we've seen him in, overall, for the past 1.5 years. Show has been consistently booked and portrayed by WWE as a threat to any wrestler on the roster, even to the likes of John Cena. In the past, WWE has portrayed Show as a heel in which he's more of a bumbling lummox rather than an intimidating monster, at least most of the time. As a babyface, Show just never really clicked with me, especially when he was doing goofy stuff like imitating Hulk Hogan or dancing with Pee Wee Herman.

As far as having Show come back as a "Paul Heyman Guy", I don't really think Show needs it. Big Show is someone that's been an established star for more than a decade & a half with multiple title runs in the main event, mid-card and tag team scenes. Having Show as a "Paul Heyman Guy" wouldn't feel fresh to me at all. I'd prefer "Paul Heyman Guys", if WWE decides to expand Heyman's role further into something more akin to a stable, to be younger & fresh talent. On the main roster, I think wrestlers like Wade Barrett or Antonio Cesaro could truly benefit from being a "Paul Heyman Guy". Barrett's got all the ability to be a top tier player and I think Cesaro could be too if he worked on his mic skills or had a mouthpiece like Heyman. The jury is still out, at least with me, on Curtis Axel and I'm thinking that MIGHT be the plan. After all, they've generated a good deal of buzz about Axel without giving him a couple of victories over top guys like Triple H & Cena, but not anything approaching rock solid wins. As a result, people are still buzzing, talking and speculating about what will ultimately happen with Axel. If the plan is to give him a genuinely strong push, then WWE can milk this for a while longer.

As for what to do with Big Show, I'm not really sure at this time. There's a lot of younger talent in WWE and on their way up to the main roster that, frankly, I'd much rather see in the World Heavyweight Championship picture than Big Show. I wouldn't mind seeing him put into a tweener role and go after the US title for the ultimate purpose of putting over Dean Ambrose. After all, Show is a huge guy with a ton of title reigns in WWE, so Ambrose going over him in a program over the US title would only add onto his credibility. I could also see Show back in the IC title picture but I think that's going to be comprised of Barrett, Miz & Fandango for the time being, with Fandango ultimately capturing the title. A feud between Show & Fandango...I dunno, maybe. It's something that could definitely be hit or miss and more silly than anything else. If Fandango wins the IC title, I ultimately see him resuming his feud with Chris Jericho. I would suggest teaming Show with Mark Henry but Henry is taking time off and is apparently in a lot of hot water with WWE because of it. When he teamed with Henry a while back against Orton & Sheamus, Michael Cole used the term "Big Rules" while talking about their dominance. Personally, I think that'd be a great name for the two super heavyweight powerhouses.

So yeah, for me, I'd rather see Show in a program with Ambrose or form a strong team with someone to go after Rollins & Reigns eventually. After all, Big Show is someone that's been taken out by The Shield on several occasions, so that's all the explanation needed as to why he'd be put into a singles or tag team program against them. I don't think anything can be done with Show that's going to feel especially fresh. He's been around for such a long time for one thing and, as I alluded to earlier, there are younger & more exciting wrestlers on the roster that people are simply more interested in. At least in a mid-card or tag title feud, Show could be useful in putting over the young champion or champions.
I have an idea, align the whole roster with Heyman and have them taken on the balding gene. We get it, Heyman's great. Let's let him do what he continues to do and not start putting every guy not named Cena with him (edit: nevermind I'm sure this idea has come up in one the turn Cena heel threads).

Big Show is fine on his own. I like him as a loner and his own "ironclad" man. It makes him seem like that much more of a destroyer. I don't know how much longer Show wants to do this but what he's done lately has been fine. He's putting on some competitive matches, and occassionally making other guys look good while not ruining his own integrity by being that soft headed giant character I remember.
I think in the next few years we will The Big Show retire from Professional Wrestling. I think he has had his day and he realizes that. You can tell that he is having a go with whats left in his tank. I actually think he's been in every storyline he can of been, I think it is to hard to write something new and for it to look fresh for Show because he's been there and done everything. That's why he seems stale and boring. He's had some great feuds. No Way out vs JBL has to be one of my Favorite matches of all time. He's been a great servant for the company but I think they can not really do anything with him until his Wrestlemania retirement match.

If i had to book that id have him versus Taker in a all or nothing Retirement match with Takers streak on the line and maybe Give Big Show a championship on the line so there is a extra incentive. Have it building up from January and get a good feud brewing. Then at Mania have it A Cell and who ever loses, Walks from the company all together. Have Taker pin Show for the 123 then Show has to retire, letting him leave and also keeping Takers streak in tact. Then use the same old excuse that he has broke something and has therefore got to vacat the Championship, Leaving his next Wrestlemania match with whomever takes the Title. :worship:

And they say the WWE Writers are good..... Oh wait. No-One says that :lmao:
Throw him back in a tag team and let him feud with the shield. Cody Rhodes is just kind of wandering around the roster. Let Sandow drop Cody like the dead weight he is, and pair up Rhodes and Show. IMO the tag division is where both of them belong.
I like your idea but I would like to see him back in the chase for the World Heavyweight Championship, his rivalry last year with Sheamus for the title were some of his best matches and I think he deserves one last run with the title.
I would actually do the opposite. Have Heyman promote that he's bringing Show back. When he returns he turns on Heyman and set up a program with Axel for SummerSlam with Axel getting a win over the Show at a major PPV. Show should be used to put over the future. As far as the next guy Heyman manages it should be a returning heel Kofi Kingston. Use Kofi's real life close friendship with Punk as how he got recruited.
Throw him back in a tag team and let him feud with the shield. Cody Rhodes is just kind of wandering around the roster. Let Sandow drop Cody like the dead weight he is, and pair up Rhodes and Show. IMO the tag division is where both of them belong.

I think it's the other way around, Rhodes is carrying Sandow. Rhodes is a better athlete and has a more natural character, Sandow always seems very forced on the mic to me.

That being said, while I think Cody Rhodes and The Big Show could make a very good team, personally I feel Big Show is too big a star to be carrying a young guy through a tag team again. Big Show has a few years left in him, and I think he should go out on top, feuding with other top guys at the top of the roster. I really want to see Big Show headline one more WrestleMania before he retires.
When show is concerned i say let him come back and be his usual dominant self. I always hated it when the WWE portrayed him as a fuckin sideshow i found that insulting as i did when they did it with Mark Henry. Show has the ability to be a threat to anyone and why should the WWE stop that from happening? When Heyman is concerned sure Show is absolutely fine on his own but why the fuck not?

I say allign him with Heyman. Sure Show doesnt need him he has been fine on his own for well over a decade but more is better they say. I wanna see Show have one more run with the WWE title before he rides off into the sunset as the greatest big man to ever step foot in a wrestling ring.
Show should come back as the exact same guy he left as. The man is legitimately a giant, that honestly could run through most of the roster without breaking a sweat. That's the way he should be presented in WWE, whether it be as a face or a heel, the character should stay the same.

Coming back as a Heyman guy would make sense, considering their history, but I don't think that's the way it should go. Show doesn't need Heyman to speak for him, and association with Heyman would not make him any more intimidating than he already is.

Whatever they decide to do with him, I'm sure he will make the most of it.
Bringing Big Show back as a heel bringing him back as a Paul Heyman guy as a Paul Heyman client with Big Show being accompanied to the ring by Paul Heyman would only help Big Show's career be resurrected as soon as he does eventually return but the question is when will Show be back by?
While team Hell No look set to go there sepatete ways sooner or later and with Mark Henry due to return. I kind of like the idea of teaming Henry and Show together and having them go after the tag team titles. Teamed togther they would make a imposing looking team and would help fill the void left by team hell no.
Putting Big Show in a tag team with Mark Henry is actually a great idea, they could be like how Earthquake and Tugboat were back in the day as a dominant tag team of big men, the World's Strongest Man with the World's Largest Athlete, that is quite a formidable team who could compete with the likes of The Shield and other teams in the tag team division no problem
I think that Big Show should get into a rivalry with Orton, just for Randy to get revenge on the attack from Wrestlemania 29. I don't really know where they could go with him after that.
Either Show get's one more push in the main event scene or he helps put over a few of the younger guys. I don't see him being in the WHC picture because I see ADR and Dolph filling that spot for a while, so it depends on the timing on Show's return. But with Jericho likely going back on tour with his band, there's a spot for someone to put over the younger guys. If he comes back a face he could do a bit for Ryback or Sandow, with Ryback seemingly out of the WWE title picture he needs something to do and Sandow would be a nice feud with Show if booked correctly.

The other option is the Paul Heyman guy thing and with Punk not associating with Heyman any more there's a place that can be filled. Being put with Heyman will always be good as it's Heyman, but there may be a few people who could use it more than Show.
I say he's gotta put Ryback over at Summerslam. Ryback needs another convincing win against an established star and who better than the Big Show. Plus it would be an awesome SS moment to see Ryback lift Big Show for the shell shock.
Bringing Big Show back as a heel and what better way for Show to make his presence felt than to do it at SummerSlam by showing up unexpectedly showing up during the match of Cena/Bryan when the ref is knocked out cue Big Show coming out making his return and when Show comes back instead of knocking out Cena with a KO Punch he knocks out Daniel Bryan and when Cena tries to attack Show Cena gets a KO Punch too for his trouble with Big Show walking out
Well first off, on screen, CM Punk is no longer a part of Heyman's camp. But I do like the idea of bringing back Show as a "Heyman Guy".

Personally I don't see any benefit to Big Show returning until around Survivor Series. I'd bringing him back in the weeks leading up as part of a 5 man team made up of "Heyman Guys". I think ever since Heyman has been back many people have wanted to see a stable of Paul Heyman Guys take on some sort of babyface team & I think this years Survivor Series could be perfect.
Big Show coming back as a "Paul Heyman Guy" is actually genius with Big Show becoming one of Paul Heyman's "clients" Show can then feud with Punk with Show doing Heyman's bidding by going after CM Punk because think about this, for Survivor Series you have Team Heyman vs Team Punk and on Heyman's team you have Lesnar, Axel, 2 other heels and then Big Show being revealed as the final member of that team only for Show to reveal himself as a Paul Heyman Guy right after the match is over, the heat Show would get would be tremendous
Just have Show pop up out of nowhere. If I remember correctly, that's how he came back the last time. He showed up out of nowhere after a hiatus and KO'd Brodus (and I think someone else) with a WMD. Maybe you hype Show's return with some video packages here and there, but nothing too major. Show is still a valuable commodity in WWE, but he doesn't have the type of star power that'll pop a big rating, or send the fans into a frenzy, when his music hits. He's reliable, has credibility as a seasoned veteran and former world champion, and he can still be used to put younger guys over.
They need to have Big Show end Daniel Bryan's career for good. Break his back with a chokeslam on the stage so I never have to see that dirty hippy on my TV again. Either that or breaking Dolph Ziggler's neck the hardway with a punch to the jaw.

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