How should Sting appear in WWE?


Getting Noticed By Management
I'm thinking Undertaker beats whoever he winds up facing at Mania (Probably Brock), after the match he takes a microphone and says he's beat everyone there is to beat and that he's retiring because there's no more real challengers to come after the streak. He puts the mic down and takes off his wrestling boots to leave them in the ring and Sting's music hits he comes out doesnt say a word and they put thr Wrestlemania 31 logo on the big screen Taker looks at him for a second, nods in agreement and picks his boots up and walks up the ramp.

I think it undersells Sting. He is just being fed to Undertaker, but we don't need to scream it out that obviously. I think Sting should début in his own segment, perhaps after the main event of Mania. I just hate matches a year in the making, you can't use that much time between landmarks effectively.

Which creates a problem. Taker should face Lesnar this year. It's such a convincing contender and I have absolute faith Taker could still work the match and look like he legitimately won. But if he does face Taker, that means no Sting match this year. If Sting doesn't get his match this year, we either have to wait until January of next year or go by your idea. However, if he faces Sting this year, what does Lesnar do this year and will their match be lined up so perfectly as now? I think Taker's last match will be next year so he would have to lose to Lesnar or face someone else, which would be a waste as Lesnar's contract is only up until 2015.

The only other alternative is to have Sting not face Taker. But that is the match people want to see, even if so many don't understand why. So Lesnar or Sting for WM 30. If Lesnar, what does Sting do? If Sting, what does Lesnar do?
Hows about...

Undertakers match does good, he wins. Doesn't matter who he fights. Shield comes out, "I though we finished you off, old man?". They make their way though, we have a little stand off and the cool in and out they do. The beatdown begins, some kicking etc, taker trying to fight back and doing a bad job. Lights out (descends would be better, but face it this is a damn stadium, he'd be descending for an hour) sting in the ring, (paint him however, but I think crow is the sting they want). Baseball bat from beneath the jacket, pow pow pow. Shield skedaddle home. Taker slowly rises, sting won't look at him, taker gets closer, and BLAM. Bat to the head. Stings crazy.

Not sure how you build from there. But two good guys on the mic and a year, they can make it happen. Stings old though man, he's really old.
Yeah..,Sting is old, which is why the Undertaker/Sting Mania match must happen this year.

Lesnar can face Batista
Actually, I personally want to see Lesnar vs Batista at some point. I think it would be hard to sell after a feud with ADR though. As for Sting, I'd have him abduct Taker.
I'd have him come out at the end of 'Taker's WM match, whoever it's against.

The lights go out, the Crow entrance music starts, a lightning bolt hits the ring and Sting is stood facing 'Taker.
I personally don't understand why WWE has any interest whatsoever in Sting anymore. The man is 54 and simply can't wrestle. The moment he could've had with Taker has passed by in my opinion. A match between them would be flat out awful. If he can prove me wrong, so be it. I'd have to see it to believe it, though. And no, Sting should not play a GM role either. We've already seen that in TNA. So other than having him as WCW's "last man standing", what's the point?

Taker's opponent should be Brock Lesnar, no ifs, ands or buts about it. The one and only exception would be if Lesnar were in the title match, where I'd love to see him be. The way he's been booked should lead to only a match versus Taker or the belt being put around his waist, but with his limited appearances, I'm guessing he doesn't win the title. But that's the only way I could accept a lesser match for Taker with Sting.
Actually, I personally want to see Lesnar vs Batista at some point. I think it would be hard to sell after a feud with ADR though. As for Sting, I'd have him abduct Taker.

I'd actually like to se Batista/Lesnar too, and I think we'll see it within the next year at some point, probably at a "lesser" PPV in an effort to drive buyrates.
How old are you?

When did you start watching?

Not being a jerk, but this will tell me what I need to know.

I'm 32. I've watched WWE since about 1985 and started watching WCW regularly about 10 years later. I understand Sting is still a big star, but like I said, what can they do with him? In the ring, his skills have diminished terribly. He can still talk, sure. But also, like I said, I do not want to see him in any type of GM role. It's been done already. For aesthetic purposes, a Sting/Taker staredown would be epic. No denying that, especially if Sting were to revert back to his "Crow" gimmick that was very dark and mysterious, right on Taker's level. When it comes time to actually wrestle though, it would get ugly very quick.
At the HOF. I don't have much interest in seeing him in WWE at this point otherwise and I bet most of the fans will feel the same way after 2 weeks of seeing him on TV.
My preference would still be to see Sting versus Undertaker at WM30. If Sting can finalize a contract in the very near future there is still plenty of time to build up to that match. Start airing vignettes in late February or early March, teasing an Undertaker return until lo and behold it is a Sting debut as well. He isn't seen in person until the night of WM30.

A second choice would be to see him face CM Punk. Punk will be physically and mentally rested by then, and who better to culminate this worked walk out against but Sting?
I think the biggest concern is the actual match between the both of them. But I think they can pull it through on star power and the novelty of Sting being in WWE alone. A matt classic it won't be, but a spectacle is still very possible. Hogan and Sting at Bound For Glory was well received, and Hogan was using Sting as a zimmer frame for most of the match.

Sting and Taker would be a nice distraction from the other ten guys on the cards trying to get a four star match. A spectacle.
Sting is not someone who deserves to wrestle Undertaker at Wrestlemania. He's too old and it would be a dud match. Plus he's never even been in WWE. more people than you would think don't know who Sting is, when they hear sting they think of the musician.

Sting hasn't done anything significant for 15 years.

I seriously don't know what they're going to do with Sting, maybe he could lose to Triple H or something. Or he could team with DB and take on Orton and HHH
Dropping from the rafters (I know they might be hesitant to do that obviously, but then again WCW never had any problems) on random people until he and Taker cross paths in the buildup for WM31.

Please don't make him a generic GM. That would make it Steve Borden not Sting. And it would be even dumber if he walked around making six man tags in face paint.

Just make him a badass who drops down on people, do a Sting career doc to familiarize the audience and leave it at that. His time has passed. If you put him over people, it serves no purpose. If you job him out to everyone, a win over him won't mean shit.

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