How should Dean Ambrose make his WWE debut?

Attitude Era Junkie

Wrestling fanatic 4 life
Everytime a new promising talent comes along and gets their first match it is either a squash match or just a decent or fairly impressive 5 minute match to introduce him to the wrestling fans. Since Dean has already had a couple of long great matches against Punk and Rollins and seems to be one of those guys that can work a great 20 to 30 minute match, why not have him make a big impression on the fans right away?

Have him interrupt a guy like Punk or whatever great face wrestler is available at the moment during a promo or have him cut a promo and call out someone. For his first official match on Raw (it should be on Raw) have him in a great 20 plus minute match to show that he is the real deal. How often has this happened in wrestling history? We all know it's possible to have a long PPV-like match on Raw since HBK and Cena did it years ago. If Dean Ambrose is the real deal and will have a bright future then I say give him a classic match to start his career and show the rest of the fans who don't know him what Dean Ambrose is all about.

Right away he can get fans to care about him if this happens. What do you think? I'm trying to think outside the box here.
One idea could be that Dean can get a US title shot upon arrival, and his first match would equal a squash win for him over Santino. That would be impactful, and enough hype packages of the man dubbed as "WWE's secret weapon" would make the debut title shot reasonable. It would also play into his "best in the universe" personality that he becomes a champion as soon as he steps foot in a WWE ring.

This would not only give the US title at least SOME meaning again, but it could also lead to a bunch of mid-card Superstars getting pissed off at how early of an opportunity he's getting, all lining up and eventual failing one by one as they all test Dean to see how good he really is.

That's what I'd do with him, but the great thing about Dean is that you can go about his debut in so many different ways. You could even debut him by having him jump Cena out of nowhere one night. Have him go after the top guy immediately just because that's what his gimmick demands of him. Just attack Cena from behind after one of his matches, like a true heel, while throwing his shoulder into the turnbuckle and the ring steps. You know, just to rough Cena up and give the fans the impression that Dean's a loose canon. He'd eventually lose out in the end, but he would immediately become a force to be reckoned with because of it.

I'd mention bringing Punk vs. Ambrose to WWE TV early, but there's still plenty of story left between Punk and Bryan.

Hope you like one of my ideas. :)
Ambrose may be good but he is NOT credible in the WWE as of yet. He could very well move up the ladder real fast but at the moment have him come almost in the way Cena came in. I remember Cena beating Undertaker on one of his early early matches on Smackdown. Ambrose needs to be a threat to many mid-carders on go on a huge win streak. I'd have him go after Santino for the US title after he has made himself credible. Better yet, have him go after both mid card titles and unify them like WWE had plans to unify those titles.
Well i'm not a total bitchface asshole like some here and I can respect your ideas but I still think they should debut him in a great 20 minute match to show that he is the REAL DEAL and go after the IC title maybe. I wouldn't want him to quickly go after the WHC or WWE title just yet. He's not a big guy with a unique look so he needs to make an impression in a different having a classic match right off the bat.

It never happens, why not do it? Why the hell not. I have thought for years that Smackdown and Raw should have more PPV-like matches once in a while.
I agree he needs to make himself credible quick if he is "WWEs greatest weapon" but don't insert him into the mid card title picture just yet. As I said, he needs to be a threat to all Mid card talent and go after each one of them on SD and Raw. I really do not want to see him in a feud until he is fed every credible mid carder and he is holding at least one of the mid card titles. After his pre wrestlemania stint with Foley I would really like to see him do a storyline to go after both titles to unify them.

To be WWEs secret weapon, he has got to be over with the fans. He hasn't got that yet.
it be great for dean ambrose to cut a paul heyman style promo on santino how he needs to show the wwe audience real wrestling then he wrestles santino in a title match for 5 minutes and wins the u.s. belt
then just build him up from there
I've been hearing about him for months now, and i still don't know who is is.(WWE's problem) I've seen his match against punk in FCW it was good but ultimately its not enough to see all the hype that surrounds this guy.

But if he is as good as everyone says he is i got a few ideas that would be unique for him.
1) As someone mentioned above have him take out cena first night.
2) Have his first match be against some be a squash match right before the main even, he wins and refuses to leave the ring cause hes there to prove hes the "best in the universe", were back from commercial break and a mid-card face comes out that gets a big reaction but can be taken seriously. He ask him to leave the ring so the fans can get there main event. Ambrose just responsed with "i'll wrestle you for it" and he picks up the victory, still refusing to leave the ring, Cena or punk comes out and says enough of the shenanigans and ask him to leave he just response with "i'll wrestle you for it" they have a pretty good back and forth match, ambrose hits his finisher on them and it looks like he is going to win but they kick out, he snaps and just gets DQed with a steal chair, whoever the face was comes back out and he hits them, mimimum 3 bodys laid out in the ring with him just setting in the chair in the corner as raw goes off air.
He could wrestle Punk in a 20 minute classic and lose then get be in the mid-card scene where he would have credit as a legit threat to the IC title because of his match or he could have a great match against (insert name here) and go for a IC title run before being a main event level wrestler.

EITHER WAY I want to see him make a big impact right away. Not squash matches or anything else. Just a great quality match.
This is the WWE your talking about. A PPV quality match isnt how you make an impact in a PG environment. Sure it would entertain the IWC but thats not the point. What I think they should do is debut him as a heel, which judging from recent dark match promos, is the direction they are going. Have him say hes the best in the universe, and have the man who says hes the best in the world, CM Punk come out to shut him up. They jaw back and forth on the mic, and Ambrose keeps interfering in Punk matches. They finally lock up at a PPV. I would do this when Punk doesnt have the title so that Ambrose doesnt have to win it so fast, but he can go over.
I don't agree. We have seen this same crap over and over. My idea probally isn't originaly but it's something you never see anymore in the WWE. Put him in a GREAT match to start his career to give him credibility. Bring back those PPV-like matches on Raw and Smackdown instead of having either shit to decent matches on those shows and ONLY saving the best for the PPV's.

Dean Ambrose needs a really strong debut to make him look like the real deal.

Ok my apologies for not quoting people tonight. I
ve had a few drinks and keep forgetting. It's not a big deal anyway.
Dean Ambrose..huh, I think I've heard of this guy before. Maybe I'm confusing him with someone.

No, seriously though, I am a huge fan of his and however he debuts is good for me because regardless, I just want him on my television. With that being said, if I had to choose a way for him to debut, I would take a look at a few different approaches.

One idea would be for him to jump the barricade and attack [insert first rival here] during RAW. On the next weeks addition, [first rival] comes out with a mic and demands justice for the attack and wants Ambrose to meet him in the ring. After Ambrose no-shows on the call out and the rival is walking back up the ramp, Ambrose blindsides them with a chair. The next week Ambrose starts off the show and cuts a killer promo that will set the tone of his career. A promo that we will look back on and will make the average fan really find out what they're dealing. May sound cliche but to me it could work, but I'm also not a member of the WWE creative staff and never will be for that matter.

On the other, and my preference on how to start his career, ironically enough, while ending another. Who's would it drumroll neccessary because I'm obviously referring to Mr. William Regal. The two work together soo well on FCW. This is a golden story line. The psychological battle between the two: Ambrose's irrational desire for Regal's attention; Regal's impeccable ability to ignore everything Ambrose does or says, Regal's foreshadowing of his career ending at the hand of Ambrose; Ambrose's desire to "take over the world" and desire to fight Regal because wrestling is "all he has left." The two have worked together so tremendously on FCW, why not nationalize it. It's money and could be Regal's swan song.

I've been hearing about him for months now, and i still don't know who is is.(WWE's problem) I've seen his match against punk in FCW it was good but ultimately its not enough to see all the hype that surrounds this guy.

I was in your position a few months ago. I went and watched damn near every promo and match youtube has to offer and now I consider him my favorite WWE talent. I recommend this promo from when he was still Moxley.

See, my idea was totally different, I would have him come in and interrupt the guys that ryback is facing, he could say something like they are making a joke out of the indy scene, and if ryback faces him, he will end his pathetic undefeated streak, I mean he could even call him a poor mans goldberg, I see alot of possibilities with this.

I would have ambrose interrupt ryback for weeks until he finally faces him in a match at summerslam and ends his undefeated streak, he is going to continue to brag about his victory and stopping ryback, and foleys music will hit to challenge him to a hardcore match, I know I wouldn't like to see that due to the limitations, but it would be a good way to get him over.

I think when he does debut they are going to mention his past with foley on twitter, I honestly don't think anything will come of it, but if it does it would definitely be entertaining.
I say he comes out on RAW 1000 and challenges Undertaker. He loses, but like Cena in his "ruthless aggression" debut match with Angle, it establishes him as a major future player from the get-go.
I agree with your idea and also had the same idea myself. If they didn't want him working with Punk my next pick would be Christian. It wouldn't have to be for the title but that's just another face who i think could put on a great long match. Then maybe start a feud where he goes after the title? I think that would pretty good. WWE rarely ever let's a superstar debut in an impactful way. So i'm assuming the CM Punk feud would be out of question. Christian would be the next best thing though. And after Cody Rhodes, Christian will need someone to feud with too.
I was thinking alot about this earlier today, I think they should have Ambrose debut during the WWE Title MITB match, not as an entered participant but as a guy who interferes during the match and beats the hell out of everyone with (insert weapon choice here) i mean really goes to town and beats them up bad then climbs a ladder and cuts a long enough promo complaining about the fact that he wasnt in the match but goes on to say he does not need the match to be mr money in the bank and leaves with the briefcase. Before people knock the idea we need to realise wwe defies logic and does not explain stuff occasionally. Ambrose could then either cash in that night or IMO carry the case till summerslam going through the roster beating guys that actually matter in the upper mid card section cutting kick ass promos on every1 from Cena to Ziggler to Cm Punk after Punk defends successfully have him destroy Punk after the match and become the new WWE champ then have him work a program with Punk for 2-3 months before eventually losing it to either Punk or Cena.
Let me know what you think of that idea.
He could also have aj lee turn on Punk during this feud which would most likely screw punk in a title match vs ambrose.
Iv seen his matches and promos this guy is gonna be absolutley brilliant.
One idea i had was to have his feud with william regal come onto WWETV. They work brilliantly together. They've done it and polished that feud in FCW, so use it already. For gods sake it could actually make the US title relevant again.

Have regal come out and say, this man is a ridiculous excuse for a champion, for gods sake the US title isnt even defended anymore. Have him get a shot on RAW and lose, but then have him win it at MitB. Hey, regal can still go and if santino can be US champ... regal definately has the credentials.

Then the night after.... regal has a match against whoever, ryder, ziggler, kofi it doesnt matter. Regal gets the win, the lights go out. All you hear is Dean's voice as he threatens to take over the WWE starting by eradicating this old timer and taking the title.

Have ambrose appear on the titantron during/after regal's matches. Distractions, threats, ambrose can dish it out on the mic so let him go.

Set the match for summerslam.

Ambrose debuts with a bang. Have him win the title DIRTY, setting up a fall feud that give regal the send off he deserves and ambrose the feud that could set up a wonderful career.

Thats how id do it anyway :)
What is wrestlezones obsession with this guy? I swear WWE trolls these forums to hype up there new upcoming terrible wrestlers.

Seriously, you guys go on non stop praising this guy when he hasnt even appeared on RAW yet. No one knows who this loser is.

Your the same guys who kept on hyping tyler reks, curt hawkins and all those other NXT/FCW losers so i have no hope at all for this dean ambrose guy.

WWE will end up doing the same thing they always do. Dean will debut and beat a bunch of other no names for a bunch of weeks, decide they have no storyline for him and have him on superstars for a couple years before letting him go.
I like the idea of him going against Santino for the US title. Santino is way over with the crowds so Ambrose could have some immediate heat on him. How about this, since a lot of the crowds won't know who Ambrose is, why not have him holding up a Santino sign and him inviting him into the ring like he did with the girl only to be attacked by Ambrose. Next week they have a match and Ambrose takes the title right away. Santino can hit all his crowd favorite spots, the crowd will think Santino is going to win when he goes for the Cobra, only to have Ambrose counter, hit his finisher and win it. Give the crowd a little shock and surprise and immediately see Ambrose as a serious threat. Who needs a long build, let us not forget that Carlito took the US title off of Cena in his very first match. Not saying Carlito went on to do amazing things, but he had a pretty good run early on in terms of heat and screen time.
What is wrestlezones obsession with this guy? I swear WWE trolls these forums to hype up there new upcoming terrible wrestlers.

Seriously, you guys go on non stop praising this guy when he hasnt even appeared on RAW yet. No one knows who this loser is.

Your the same guys who kept on hyping tyler reks, curt hawkins and all those other NXT/FCW losers so i have no hope at all for this dean ambrose guy.

WWE will end up doing the same thing they always do. Dean will debut and beat a bunch of other no names for a bunch of weeks, decide they have no storyline for him and have him on superstars for a couple years before letting him go.

Sorry, your opinion of him is not what's up for discussion here. The question was, how should Ambrose debut. And if your belief of how he should debut is that he should come out and squash some wrestlers, give him no storyline, and then release 24 months later is how you believe one of the best over all talents WWE has should be treated, then you must not want to ever have an enjoyable WWE experience.
I was in your position a few months ago. I went and watched damn near every promo and match youtube has to offer and now I consider him my favorite WWE talent. I recommend this promo from when he was still Moxley.


I did enjoy the promo, and I enjoyed the one they were working toward with Foley, then i thought to myself, hey maybe this angle can still be done just with another superstar, now i'll agree that nobody on the roster had an impact on wrestling like foley did with the hardcore style, but there are a few that have had a impact on wrestling in a different way.

1)Christen, nobody has been in won more ladder matches in his career, with his tag team partner edge. He could come out and cut a promo against him say hes the reason edge is in the HoF and not on the active roster he was to busy carrying the team and it cost him his career and what he loved.

2)Chris Jericho, We all know Y2J has the ability to cut a classic promo on any night they want to cut him loose, was the first ever undesputed champion and fortunately the creator of the money in the bank ladder match, so at money in the bank Y2J is about to grab the case, out from the crowd jumps Ambrose costing him the match, the next night we get answers, he blames Jericho for the state of wrestling, says he ruined the old fashion way of people climbing up the ranks earning there number one contender spot and having to win a wrestling match not attack the champion after they've already been in one.

Another alternative after seeing that promo from earlier that i think draws on his sort of "crazy" persona.

3)Randy Orton, He's prove that he will put people over so why not put over dean ambrose. I can't really see a way to set this up besides he attacks randy during a match, but the fued is ambrose trying to draw the "legend killer" randy orton out or so his heel side, That randy orton is putting on a show and he knows there is a deeper side of him that wants out, first promo he calls randy out and ends with him on his own will on all fours screaming for orton to punt him in the head. If we wanted to it would be a good way to turn randy heel eventually have a face in the same position and ambrose comes out screaming kick him kick him and he does and they walk into the back together.
What is wrestlezones obsession with this guy? I swear WWE trolls these forums to hype up there new upcoming terrible wrestlers.

Seriously, you guys go on non stop praising this guy when he hasnt even appeared on RAW yet. No one knows who this loser is.

Your the same guys who kept on hyping tyler reks, curt hawkins and all those other NXT/FCW losers so i have no hope at all for this dean ambrose guy.

WWE will end up doing the same thing they always do. Dean will debut and beat a bunch of other no names for a bunch of weeks, decide they have no storyline for him and have him on superstars for a couple years before letting him go.

You're probably right. Now we just have to tell CM Punk, William Regal, Jim Ross, Triple H, John Laurinaitis, Mick Foley, and Vince McMahon that they're wrong too.

CM Punk calling Dean WWE's secret weapon was probably just hyperbole too taking free time out of his day to not only pick him out of a whole talented FCW roster to wrestle, but to let all 1,000,000 of his Twitter followers know about him afterwards.

I love sarcasm...
Ok so a lot of us fans are getting our underwear in a twist over Dean Ambrose, his intensity and dark demeanour gives him a personality not seen for years.

Good in ring, good on the stick, with gimmick to boot. Now we've been reading up on a possible fued with Mick Foley which for me would be awesome but it doesn't seem to be coming of fruition.

So thinking of a new way of him debuting, not the usual squashes or the random poor one on one only to be forgotten about, we'd hope for a debut that's a little bit more refreshing.

So here's my idea. Now it could maybe do with a few tweeks but roughly it goes like this.

The Raw or SD! before the MITB. SD! still have one spot to fill, the guest GM wants to leave a little gift for us, an associate of his has been waiting in the shadows and the GM think it would be a great idea to give us something extra to look forward to in the WHC MITB match.

Now this is where it could differ. The GM says here's a little teaser and on the Titantron comes a vignette for Ambrose, it doesn't show his face but it gives his name away so the people unbeknowing of him have intrigue and the people who know his past, marking out.

Or he could be introduced and come out cutting a promo but that be his first kind of debut and but i prefer the former idea.

So he's the last guy out coming to the ring could get the crowd hot.
The thing with putting Ambrose into this match is the intrigue could this guy in his first match win the briefcase? for me i wouldn't, i'd have him come in and look really bloody good. It makes him look strong say he comes close to winning the match but someone say for instance a Kofi Kingston (I think he's Raw but meh who cares) pulls him down last second. This is a great way to start a fued with a guy Kofi who is well liked by the fans, now this is a decent first fued it gives Kofi some spotlight ultimately Ambrose would come out looking great in the fued, not harming Kofi and gaining Ambrose some good heat for taking out a fan favourite. Maybe a Mysterio would fit better in place of Kofi, but Ambrose has to go over.

Anyway questions are: Do you like this way of booking? Could it work? What would you tweek about it?
I love Ambrose. I remember watching he's 30 minute iron man match against Seth Rollins and just thinking wow this guy can go. I already knew Seth Rollins could wrestle but ambrose was new to me. great gimmick great talker great wrestler, sounds good to me.

I would have him debut at MitB in the Punk vs Bryan match. Have Punk and Bryan put on a great match like they did at over the limit give them 20 minutes at least. AJ is at ringside being impartial and just watching. Then out of nowhere Ambrose comes out of the crowd with a chair and takes out both Punk and Bryan with several chair shots. He then sits in the chair in the corner and starts rocking back and forth. AJ gets in the ring to check on punk but then turns around to see ambrose still rocking in the chair she first looks scared but that soon changes into the AJ crazy smile and ambrose stands up and they kiss in the middle of the ring raise each other hands up over punk and Bryan to end money in the bank
I saw this idea on another board and thought it would be pretty awesome.

A random jobber is standing in the ring. He gets on the mic, talks, says some weird stuff. He's not quite right. He's mentally unstable or on drugs or something.

Ryback's music hits, and it seems that we're about to have another squash match.

Ryback charges at the jobber and misses. The jobber beats the holy hell out of Ryback in a psychotic rage. The referee has to declare a no contest as Ryback has been laid out in a crumpled heap. The jobber leaves continuing to talk and laugh to himself.

We are formally introduced to Dean Ambrose the following week.
I saw this idea on another board and thought it would be pretty awesome.

A random jobber is standing in the ring. He gets on the mic, talks, says some weird stuff. He's not quite right. He's mentally unstable or on drugs or something.

Ryback's music hits, and it seems that we're about to have another squash match.

Ryback charges at the jobber and misses. The jobber beats the holy hell out of Ryback in a psychotic rage. The referee has to declare a no contest as Ryback has been laid out in a crumpled heap. The jobber leaves continuing to talk and laugh to himself.

We are formally introduced to Dean Ambrose the following week.

This isn't a bad idea from a fan's perspective, but of course, Vince McMahon would NEVER let that happen considering he's trying portray Ryback as superman.

My gut feeling is Ambrose will be involved with Heyman. Heyman is probably going to cut a promo talking about wrestlers who are angry at the company (Lesnar, Show, Punk). But there are also others filled with angst about not getting a shot on the main roster when there are clowns like Heath Slater making a fool of himself and Brodus Clay dancing around. Then calls out Ambrose and Rollins followed by Lesnar, Show, Punk. I'd even like Swagger to get a little more edge and rebel against WWE for lack of commitment to him. I'd also love to see Orton come back and act angry at WWE for being suspended).

I think Ambrose will start out beating a couple WWE loyalists like Kofi, Ryder, Christian getting easy heat for beating/mocking these baby faces while working with the other guys until he eventually escalates into a bigger storyline involving this group.

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