How should CM Punk cash in MITB?


Pre-Show Stalwart
There's been a lot of talk of him cashing it in at Backlash and giving Smackdown back a World title, but how would you book it?

I really don't want to see the boring sneak attack when someone is down type thing that we normally get, I think this should be the first year that the winner cashes it in and then loses, but it should be done in a way that still elevates Punk.

I would have Cena beat Edge in the LMS match at Backlash, then after the match, he's exhausted and struggling to get to his feet...then Punk's music hits, the announcers would be going nuts calling him a coward for taking advantage of a weakened Cena...but he simply helps Cena up and challenges him to a match at Judgment Day in his hometown of Chicago, becoming only the 2nd time the winner has cashed it in in a honorable babyface way since RVD did it.

Like RVD v Cena, the Chicago crowd will probably boo Cena out the building, I'd have a real competitive match which hopefully makes Punk look strong, but somehow Cena gets the win, maybe slipping out of the GTS and quickly rolling him up for the pin, then Punk snaps and beats the shit out of him for ruining his perfect moment, he can bitch about how he was supposed to win the title in his hometown etc, leading to a feud with Cena where he would eventually win the title and give SD back a World title.

I'm not a big fan of Punk, but I think he needs to turn heel for his upcoming push to really work, people seem to be losing interest in him as a babyface.
I'm sick of everyone saying he's going to cash in after the LMS match or cash in for a match at Judgement Day. Just because it's in his home town doesn't mean he needs to win it there. It's still wayyy too early.
Yes, WWE fucked up his last title reign, but that's cause they didn't know what to do, he wasn't meant to win it.
I think we're all pretty sure that if Hardy had won it last year, Punk still would've won it this year. So they should build him up properly this year. They did it for Edge and RVD. They were doing it so much for Kennedy that they thought he'd be ready to headline Wrestlemania a year later!

So what should happen is he should finish his feud with Kane over a gimmick match for the MitB at Chicago. He should then move into a feud with Jericho. We've what they can do, we've seen the Raw matches. If they had a good 15 minutes, we could have a match to steal the show. He should go over Jericho once or twice. If Jericho does his job and is able to bring Punk to the next level, both in the ring and on the mic, then and only then will Punk be ready to cash in.
Punk vs whatver heel champion at No mercy (or Whatever is the October PPV) is what it should be. No surprise cash-in, a real, good, hard-fought match with Punk coming out on top. Don't mess this up WWE, it's probably Punk's last chance before the WWE universe gets sick of him for good.
I think he should wait a long time before cashing in money in the bank. It was kinda predictle when RVD cashed in, althrough that went on to be one of the best matches in recent memory, u still know at ECE ONS it was goin down. ANyway back on track i think they should do with Punk what they did with Edge but in a kind of n cowadly way, and stop him cutting promos as Mr.Money in the Bank and hen everyone will foreget about it. Then one nite. WHAM!out of nowere he cashes it in and is the new world champ.

A bit out there a know, but could happen:blink:
Judgement Day is in Chicago - it would be perfect. If the crowd is anything like the one at WM22, it should be a very interesting night.

The only problem is that it would mean another short title-reign for Edge. Maybe Cena retains and loses to Punk in 3-weeks.
Punk should hold on to the briefcase for a good while and build up credibliltiy because he is NOT ready for another world title reign yet.

If Orton wins the title at Backlash or sometime soon, I'd have him go on a good long reign with Legacy dominating things. Then towards the end of year or early next year, a much more credible Punk can cash it in on Orton and beat him. Since Orton was the reason Punk lost his first world title, it'd make alot of sense for Punk to go after him.
I still believe that CM Punk is going to cash in the MITB only to lose the match. Since he is the first person to win the match twice, I think he's going to be the first person to cash in and lose. As for how he should cash it in, I think he should announce when he is going to do it and then build up the match in the time between the announcement and the actual match. This way he could get some promo time and try to establish himself as a credible threat to the belt.
I don't see Punk cashing in the "Money in the Bank" for a while. Why not postpone the event until the fall or later. The earliest I would have Punk cash in would be Summerslam!

I see Jericho possibly winning the World Title in the not-so-distant future. Jericho-Taker match will be either at Summerslam or Wrestlemania. I hope WWE holds off on the match until WM. If the match were to take place at Summerslam, the World Title may be involved. If the match takes place at WM, I don't think it will be for the title.

With that being said, if Jericho is champ in the summer, WWE might have Punk cash in at Summerslam. The match could also be a multi-man match.

As you see, there are all sorts of scenarios here.
If Punk doesn't cash in at Judgment Day then Edge HAS to win on Sunday. I sincerely doubt they'd drag Cena/Edge out for another PPV since they seem to be billing this as the "last" Cena/Edge match for quite some time. If Cena retains who else from SD! would step up and challenge him? Heck, why would anyone on SD! even deserve a title shot at a belt that's on RAW?

As much as I'd love to see Edge finally get a massive, decisive win over Cena I don't think it'll happen. Mind you, even if it does happen Punk could still cash in at Judgment Day since Edge seems to love having three week long World/WWE title reigns. >_<

I wouldn't even consider the excuse of Judgment Day being in Chicago as a good enough reason for why Punk might cash in if it wasn't for the fact that RAW has both main titles right now. A title change has to happen by Judgment Day at the latest. Besides, this being the plan is the logical answer to the question everyone had after 'Mania which was, "I love Punk but... why the hell did he win MitB again?!"

The only other possible answer is because they want someone to be the first guy ever to cash in and lose. That answer just makes me sad. :(
I think Punk should cash it in at Backlash after Cena goes over on Edge. Last year after the WWE draft CM Punk shocked the world by becoming the champion for Raw and defending the title like the ultimate underdog that he was. I say why not do the same thing all over again, but have it happen on Smackdown this time instead? I mean Smackdown needs a champion, why can't that champion be CM Punk?
Think theres another post on this already I may be wrong though.

Im thinking have Punk mysteriosly taken out at backlash in a mystery attack backstage. Then somehow Trip retains his belt in the main event. After the match Legacy manage to take out Shane & Batista (yep no heel turn for either) then focus on Trip. A huge beatdown follows complete with sledgehammer shot. Orton then reveals he took out Punk and he has now gotten possesion of the m.i.t.b. Vicky Guerrero has authorised an immediate cash in. With Trip beaten Orton hits the rko 1 2 3 new champion.

Therefore setting up Orton as the top heel and champion

In the aftermath Punk challenges Orton but Orton continuosly dodges him. Whilst Orton wraps up the Trip feud Punk can feud with Rhodes and Diabiase eventually earning his chance at a title shot in Chicargo. Then we can have Punk v Orton 1 on 1 for the wwe championship.
First off, I agree that Punk would benefit from a heel turn as he has shown (Back in ROH) that he can be a very good and credible heel when he wants to be. To complete the heel turn this is what I would do:

This sunday at backlash, have one of the champs retain their gold (I would go with HHH). After the defense Legacy (Orton being pissed he's not champ) jumps HHH and gives him a brutal beatdown, to the point where HHH is taken out on a stretcher (That's how the show ends).

Next night on RAW make an announcement that from the beating HHH sustained at Backlash he is unable to make it to RAW that night. CM Punk comes down and cashes in his money in the bank and since HHH can't make his title defense, it is an automatic forfeit and CM Punk becomes champ without having to fight for it, it gets handed to him LITERALLY, this will bring punk his first real heat for the turn (if he get's blasted for how he won it last year, what do you expect to be the reaction this time around, he will be hated). From there Punk does everything possible to keep the title (Walking out in the middle of title matches, disqualifications, cheating, regular heel shit). You can also help Punk get heat with promo's by saying stuff like he has been the champ for over a year because he never lost the belt in the first place (Like Backlund back in '94) and all he did was take back what was rightfully his in the first place.

If Punk stayed face I would do it the exact same way except with Orton winning at backlash and getting attacked right after (who would blame the McMahons and HHH anyways, especially if Orton picks up a cheap victory like hitting Shane with Knucks and getting the quick pin). Punk wins the title the same way the next night, he gets his revenge on Orton, and it sets up a new fresh feud for both wrestlers.
for the past 3yrs the mitb winners have cashed it in less then 6 months. he should hold of untill royal rumble. cash it in loose the match then be a suprise entrant in the royal rumble match
Am I the only person who thinks CM Punk is the most over rated no talent in the history of the biz? I would rather watch Doink the Clown.

doink was loads better at least he was entertaining with dink, punk is overated. i really hope he looses cos he is useless. HHH all the way he is the king of kings :la:
I think that this is the most likely situation given the facts we have.

JR's Blog said something along the lines of they want as little if ANY inter-promotional matches on RAW, Smackdown and ECW, meaning the Draft comes into full effect after Backlash.

With that being said, it looks like WWE is building to another year of building the brands substantially by themselves, without using star power from the others.
In order for that to happen. Smackdown needs a World Championship.

The way I see it is that If Punk cashed in on Orton after he won this Sunday, yes it would be predictable but it could mean that we get some other huge shocker during the PPV to steer away from Punk's cashing in predicatbility.
Orton's character is to begrudging not to act on the situation of Punk cashing in. Punk is on Smackdown, Orton on RAW. JR says they want the brands as seperate as possible. Punk cashing in on Orton makes another interpromotional issue.
The other option is that Orton DOESN'T react in a big way against Punk for his cashing in, and he will cost Punk the title at a later date. Perhaps near Wrestlemania time leading to a match between them, or Summerslam. A match for Interpromotional Superiority.

The logical idea is Edge wins at Backlash, Punk cashes in on Edge that night. But I don't think that if we see Edge win, there is any point because Smackdown will regain its World title. Punk will save it and cash in later on in the year.
If he cashed in on Cena, I think he would need to have a heel turn, which wouldn't be all bad of course because we know he does it well. But I think that Punk and Cena are two big babyfaces for this situation.

I think that Punk needs a few fresh feuds on Smackdown to establish him on the brand first. Before he becomes the instant champion.

The other idea I thought about was on his first night on RAW, he became the Champion. Taking Edge out. I say, why not repeat that. Friday after Backlash will be Punk's first night as a offical Smackdown superstar, Edge comes out to do a promo. Cena's music hits, a brawl ensues. Cena destroys Edge. Then tells him "Now its over." Punks music, Cena is in the ring still. Punk hits the GTS. Pins him, Cena pushes down on Punk's body like to keep Edge in, and then raises Punks arm after.

I honestly don't want to be right, the MITB is one of the biggest surprises in WWE today, it's a real gift of an arching storyline, anything can be done with it really, suspense, matches, jealousy storylines, cautious champions, it's a multi-faceted thing.

One thing which would be good is if there was a #1 Contender's match won by Punk, which he proceeded to lose, only to cash it in a couple of minutes later and win, the only drawback is if Punk enters a title match without MITB being cashed, it's too obvious, and as I said, it HAS to be surprising.

Punk is one of my favorite guys in WWE - in fact all cashiers of money in the bank are well within my most endeared Superstars (Kennedy is shit, it's all good that Edge kicked his ass though), so I always like seeing them in possession of it, safe in the knowledge the World Title should be going to them. I would however like to see a few defences of it, I think that keeps it in the spotlight and builds suspense rather than it feel like a bit of a sideshow. I was one of the few cheering Punk on in the MiTB, he deserves this crack at the whip, and although I'd like it to be like that almost magical night at One Night Stand 2006, I think that defeats the point of what any smart person would do with the MiTB, fans want to be shocked, we want to be on the edge of our seats and just cashing it in because they're in a superstars hometown is a piss-poor excuse, we don't need an electric crowd for that night if they'll be dud for the rest of the reign. Have Punk go on a bit of a winning streak, slowly beating progressively bigger wrestlers, have him give good showings against the top tier superstars, make him defend it against some really tough opponents and have it culminate in Punk creating another shocking WWE moment, it's honestly pointless throwing him in at the Judgement Day deep end just so 1 arena of fans go home happy that their State's wrestler won the title, as much as I love Punk the reaction will be "Here we go again, transition", the MiTB has in many ways maketh the Multiple Time Champion Edge, there is no reason why Punk can't become the case's 2nd Top-Level WWE Superstar Creation.
I'm not sure how CM Punk should cash it in. My guess is that they could build him up as a guy who becomes more confident in his abilities where he just announces he's challenging the champion for the title at the next PPV and allows a buildup. I think a straight-edge gimmick wouldn't go sneaking for the title again.

Given how much Vince McMahon loves swerving the internet community, i'd guess that despite the logic for CM Punk to take the title after the Last Man Standing Match at Backlash (his opponent is weakest), there's no chance Vince will do it. Plus,'s Backlash website says he's facing Kane at Backlash. Who in their right mind would face Kane and then try to win a title?
Think theres another post on this already I may be wrong though.

Im thinking have Punk mysteriosly taken out at backlash in a mystery attack backstage. Then somehow Trip retains his belt in the main event. After the match Legacy manage to take out Shane & Batista (yep no heel turn for either) then focus on Trip. A huge beatdown follows complete with sledgehammer shot. Orton then reveals he took out Punk and he has now gotten possesion of the m.i.t.b. Vicky Guerrero has authorised an immediate cash in. With Trip beaten Orton hits the rko 1 2 3 new champion.

Therefore setting up Orton as the top heel and champion

In the aftermath Punk challenges Orton but Orton continuosly dodges him. Whilst Orton wraps up the Trip feud Punk can feud with Rhodes and Diabiase eventually earning his chance at a title shot in Chicargo. Then we can have Punk v Orton 1 on 1 for the wwe championship.

I'm sorry, but that's just silly.

As corrupt as Vickie is, the MitB is treated like a title. It can be won or lost in a match. It can't just be given to someone. You don't beat someone down and then just get to keep their title without beating them in an actual match. Even Vickie couldn't just give Edge the World title after she stripped it from 'Taker.

Your idea is needlessly complicated. Orton/Punk have history as it is. It's completely pointless to just repeat the angle from Unforgiven.
I think Punk should cash it in at Backlash after Cena goes over on Edge. Last year after the WWE draft CM Punk shocked the world by becoming the champion for Raw and defending the title like the ultimate underdog that he was. I say why not do the same thing all over again, but have it happen on Smackdown this time instead? I mean Smackdown needs a champion, why can't that champion be CM Punk?

That champion can and should be Punk. But he should wait until Judgment Day and annouce the match ahead of time. Punk is supposed to be a face. As awesome as his title win last year was, it didn't go over extremely well with casual fans because it was such a sneek attack.

I pray that Punk just waits three more weeks be it against Edge or Cena. It will benefit him soooooo much in the long run.
Personally if Punk cashed it on Cena as a heel turn the fans would keep him face.
I think his music will hit at the end of the LMS match and he will announce he will challenge the winner (Cena) at Judgment Day
That champion can and should be Punk. But he should wait until Judgment Day and annouce the match ahead of time. Punk is supposed to be a face. As awesome as his title win last year was, it didn't go over extremely well with casual fans because it was such a sneek attack.

I pray that Punk just waits three more weeks be it against Edge or Cena. It will benefit him soooooo much in the long run.
You see I actually liked the way they did it last year. The reason it worked last year was, because Punk wasn't considered to be championship material at the time. He was the ultimate underdog. Even after he won the title, people still didn't think he was championship material, because of the way he won it, but he defied the odds week in and week out by successfully defending the title against some top stars. That's what made it work.

Right now he's in the exact same situation only on a different brand. I say they should make history repeat itself and give Punk the title reign. I've heard some good suggestions on here, but some bad ones as well. I especially don't like the ideas of the WWE trying to hype him up into the main event status and than have him fight for the title later on in the year. I think what the fans lately are becoming sick and tired of is being told who to like and who not to like. Were sick of guys being shoved down our throats and being force fed their faces. I think Punk should get the win and have a very similar title reign to the one he had on Raw last year.
I just thought. What if Kane manages to persuade Punk to put the MITB on the line for Sunday? Then Kane cashes in at the end of the night against John Cena and brings Smackdown the world title? Just an idea, it's unlikely but I don't really see any other point in this feud?
Survivor Series would be a good time for Punk to cash it in, but in the middle of a match that's already happening have him interrupt and become the 3rd man after the other two have knocked one another out, and have him miss the pin and have to actually finish the match, so he could come off as a heel or face.

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